The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 33, issue 3, 1909
- Forestry on Private Lands pp. 3-12

- Gifford Pinchot
- Public Regulation of Private Forests pp. 13-25

- Henry Solon Graves
- Can the States Regulate Private Forests? pp. 26-33

- F.C. Zacharie
- Water as a Resource pp. 37-50

- W.J. McGee
- Water Power in the United States pp. 51-81

- M.O. Leighton
- The Scope of State and Federal Legislation Concerning the Use of Waters pp. 82-98

- Charles Edward Wright
- The Necessity for State or Federal Regulation of Water Power Development pp. 99-112

- Charles Whiting Baker
- Federal Control of Water Power in Switzerland pp. 113-117

- Treadwell Cleveland
- Classification of the Public Lands pp. 121-126

- George W. Woodruff
- A Summary of Our Most Important Land Laws pp. 127-135

- Knute Nelson
- Indian Lands: Their Administration With Reference to Present and Future Use pp. 136-146

- Francis E. Leupp
- The Conservation and Preservation of Soil Fertility pp. 147-162

- Cyril G. Hopkins
- Farm Tenure in the United States pp. 163-173

- Henry Gannett
- What May Be Accomplished by Reclamation pp. 174-179

- Frederick H. Newell
- The Legal Problems of Reclamation of Lands By Means of Irrigation pp. 180-192

- Morris Bien
- Our Mineral Resources pp. 195-201

- George Otis Smith
- Production and Waste of Mineral Resources and Their Bearing On Conservation pp. 202-214

- J.A. Holmes
- Preservation of the Phosphates and the Conservation of the Soil pp. 215-226

- Charles Richard Van Hise
- Book Department pp. 227-241

- N/a
- Reviews: Blair, Emma H., and Robertson, James A. (Editors), The Philippine Islands, I493-I898. 55 volumes, averaging over 320 pages each. Price, $4.00 each. Cleveland: The Arthur H. Clarke Company, I903-I908 pp. 241-243

- James A. Leroy
- Reviews: Butterfield, K. L. Chapters in Rural Progress. Pp. ix, 25I. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, I908 pp. 244-244

- Isabel Dangaix Allen
- Reviews: Cambridge Modern History. Volume V. The Age of Louis XIV. Pp. xxxii, 97I. Price, $4.00. New York: Macmillan Company, I908 pp. 244-246

- W.E. Lingelbach
- Reviews: Gray, B. Kirkman. Philanthropy and the State. Pp. x, 339. Price, 7s., 6d. London: P. S. King & Son, I908 pp. 246-247

- Carl Kelsey
- Reviews: Gulick, L. H., and Ayres, L. P. Medical Inspection of Schools. Pp. x, 276. Price, $I.00. New York: Charities Publication Committee, I908 pp. 247-248

- James S. Hiatt
- Reviews: Haney, Lewis H. A Congressional History of Railways in The United States. Vol. I. Pp. 274. Madison, Wis.: Democrat Printing Co., I908 pp. 248-249

- Grover G. Huebner
- Reviews: Hirth, F. The Ancient History of China to the end of the Chóu Dynasty. Pp. xiii, 383. Price, $2.50. New York: Columbia University Press, I908 pp. 249-251

- R.F. Scholz
- Reviews: Huntington, Ellsworth. The Pulse of Asia. Pp. xix, 4I5. Price, $3.50. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Co pp. 251-252

- J. Russell Smith
- Reviews: Meade, E. S. The Story of Gold. Pp. xv, 206. Price, 75 cents. New York: D. Appleton & Co., I908 pp. 253-253

- Walter S. Tower
- Reviews: Osborn, Herbert. Economic Zoology. Pp. xv, 490. New York: Macmillan Company, I908 pp. 253-254

- Walter S. Tower
- Reviews: Ross, E. A. Social Psychology. Pp. xvi, 372. Price, $I.50. New York: Macmillan Company, I908 pp. 254-255

- Henry R. Mussey
- Reviews: Royce, Josiah. Race Questions and other American Problems. Pp. 287. Price, $I.25. New York: Macmillan Company, I908 pp. 255-256

- Geo B. Mangold
Volume 33, issue 2_suppl, 1909
- Conserving Childhood pp. 1-14

- Andrew S. Draper
- (I.)—Duty of a Rich Nation to Take Care of Her Children pp. 15-19

- Isaac N. Seligman
- (II.)—Duty of a Rich Nation to Take Care of Her Children pp. 20-22

- Charles R. Henderson
- The Federal Children's Bureau. A Symposium pp. 23-48

- Lillian D. Wald
- Some Unsettled Questions About Child Labor pp. 49-62

- Owen R. Lovejoy
- The Child and the Law pp. 63-72

- A.J. McKelway
- Child Labor in the Textile Industries and Canneries of New England pp. 73-78

- Everett W. Lord
- Child Labor in the Ohio Valley States pp. 79-85

- E.N. Clopper
- Practical Restrictions on Child Labor in Textile Industries; Higher Educational and Physical Qualifications pp. 86-99

- Howell Cheney
- Scholarships for Working Children pp. 100-103

- Florence Kelley
- Some Effects of Improper Posture in Factory Labor pp. 104-110

- Albert H. Freiberg
- Child Labor and the Juvenile Court pp. 111-115

- James A. Britton
- Overworked Children on the Farm and in the School pp. 116-121

- Woods Hutchinson
- Handicaps in Later Years From Child Labor pp. 122-130

- William E. Harmon
- Accidents To Working Children pp. 131-143

- Edwin W. De Leon
- Uniform Systems of Child Labor Statistics pp. 144-152

- John Williams
- The Present Situation in Illinois pp. 153-161

- Edgar T. Davies
- The Forward Step in Louisiana pp. 162-165

- Jean M. Gordon
- The Difficulties of Child-Labor Legislation in a Southern State pp. 166-171

- James R. McDowell
- Kentucky Child Labor Association pp. 172-181

- Lafon Allen
- Maine Child Labor Committee pp. 181-181

- Ella Jordan Mason
- Massachusetts Child Labor Committee pp. 182-182

- Richard K. Conant
- Inter-Church Child Labor Committee of Grand Rapids, Michigan pp. 182-183

- H. Gaylord Holt
- Minnesota Child Labor Committee pp. 183-185

- Meta Jackson Barnard
- Nebraska Child Labor Committee pp. 186-187

- John J. Ryder
- New York Child Labor Committee pp. 187-189

- George A. Hall
- North Dakota Child Labor Committee pp. 189-190

- Elizabeth Abbott
- Ohio Child Labor Committee pp. 190-191

- Albert H. Freiberg
- Warren (Ohio) Child Labor League pp. 191-191

- Phebe T. Sutliff
- The Pennsylvania Child Labor Association pp. 191-192

- Fred S. Hall
- Allegheny County (Pa.) Child Labor Association pp. 192-192

- Alida Lattimore
- The Rhode Island Joint Committee On Child Labor pp. 192-193

- Carl Barus
- Citizens' Child Labor Committee, Washington, D. C pp. 193-194

- Henry J. Harris
- Wisconsin Child Labor Committee pp. 195-196

- Edward W. Frost
- Reports From the Southern States pp. 196-198

- A.J. McKelway
- Annual Report of the General Secretary of the National Child Labor Committee pp. 199-206

- Owen R. Lovejoy
- The Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference on Child Labor Under the Auspices of the National Child Labor Committee pp. 207-244

- N/a
Volume 33, issue 2, 1909
- Employment Bureau for the People of New York City pp. 1-14

- Edward T. Devine
- The Future of Labor pp. 15-21

- Andrew Carnegie
- Employees' Benefit Association of the International Harvester Company pp. 22-33

- C.W. Price
- Pennsylvania Railroad Pension Departments: Systems East and West of Pittsburgh and Erie, Pa. Status To and Including the Year 1907 pp. 34-40

- M. Riebenack
- The Logic of Social Insurance pp. 41-53

- Charles Richmond Henderson
- Condition of Labor in Southern Cotton Mills pp. 54-62

- Lewis W. Parker
- Recent Massachusetts Labor Legislation pp. 63-76

- F. Spencer Baldwin
- Pay of Labor in New England Cotton Mills pp. 77-82

- John Golden
- Labor in the Steel Industry—The Human Side of Large Outputs pp. 83-91

- John A. Fitch
- Labor Conditions in the Mines of the Pittsburgh District pp. 92-101

- William M. Leiserson
- Work of Women in the Mercantile Houses of Pittsburgh pp. 102-113

- Elizabeth Beardsley Butler
- The Negro Mine Laborer: Central Appalachian Coal Field pp. 114-128

- George T. Surface
- Seasonal Occupation in the Building Trades-Causes and Effects pp. 129-137

- Luke Grant
- The Supply of Farm Labor pp. 138-148

- George K. Holmes
- The Influence of Immigration on Agricultural Development pp. 149-155

- John Lee Coulter
- The Italian as an Agricultural Laborer pp. 156-166

- Alberto Pecorini
- Negro Labor and the Boll Weevil pp. 167-174

- Alfred H. Stone
- The Jewish Immigrant as an Industrial Worker pp. 175-182

- Charles S. Bernheimer
- Labor and Wages in France pp. 183-195

- E. Levasseur
- The Problem of Unemployment in the United Kingdom; With a Remedy By Organization and Training pp. 196-215

- Sidney Webb
- Present State of Labor Legislation in Australia and New Zealand pp. 216-223

- Victor S. Clark
- Book Department pp. 225-257

- N/a
Volume 33, issue 1, 1909
- Relation of Industrial Education To National Progress pp. 1-12

- Booker T. Washington
- The Work of the National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education pp. 13-22

- Carroll D. Wright
- Vocational Training and Trade Teaching in the Public Schools pp. 23-32

- James Parton Haney
- Elementary Trade Teaching pp. 33-41

- Charles H. Morse
- The Secondary Industrial School of Columbus, Georgia pp. 42-49

- Carleton B. Gibson
- Partial Time Trade Schools pp. 50-55

- Herman Schneider
- Public Evening Schools of Trades pp. 56-67

- Charles F. Warner
- The Short Course Trade School pp. 68-77

- J. Ernest G. Yalden
- The Milwaukee School of Trades pp. 78-84

- Charles F. Perry
- The Philadelphia Trades School pp. 85-88

- William C. Ash
- The Manila Trade School pp. 89-96

- J.J. Eaton
- Technical Education At the Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn pp. 97-104

- Fred W. Atkinson
- The Work of the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art pp. 105-110

- Leslie W. Miller
- The Berean School of Philadelphia and the Industrial Efficiency of the Negro pp. 111-118

- Matthew Anderson
- The Industrial Training of Women pp. 119-126

- Florence M. Marshall
- The Relative Value and Cost of Various Trades in a Girls' Trade School pp. 127-140

- Mary Schenck Woolman
- The Apprenticeship System of the General Electric Company At West Lynn, Massachusetts pp. 141-150

- Magnus W. Alexander
- The John Wanamaker Commercial Institute— A Store School pp. 151-154

- John Wanamaker
- Trade Teaching in the Boot and Shoe Industry pp. 155-162

- Arthur D. Dean
- The Apprentice System on the New York Central Lines pp. 163-174

- C.W. Cross
- Apprenticeship System at the Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia pp. 175-177

- N.W. Sample
- Trade Teaching Under the Auspices of the Typographical Union pp. 178-184

- W.B. Prescott
- The Position of Labor Unions Regarding Industrial Education pp. 185-187

- John Golden
- Book Department pp. 189-206

- N/a
- Signed Reviews: Bentley, H. C. Corporate Finance and Accounting. Pp. xx, 525. Price, $4.00. New York: The Ronald Press, I908 pp. 206-207

- W.K. Hardt
- Signed Reviews: Bierly, W. R. Police Power. Pp. xxviii, 338. Price, $3.50. Philadelphia: Rees Welsh & Co pp. 207-208

- Ward W. Pierson
- Signed Reviews: Cook, F. A. To the Top of the Continent. Pp. xxi, 321. Price, $2.50. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., I908 pp. 208-209

- Walter S. Tower
- Signed Reviews: Curtin, J. The Mongols. Pp. xxiv, 426. Price, $3.00. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., I908 pp. 209-210

- Walter S. Tower
- Signed Reviews: Ireland, Alleyne. The Province of Burma. Two volumes. Pp. xxxvii, I023. Price, $25.00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co pp. 210-211

- Chester Lloyd Jones
- Signed Reviews: Lavisse, Ernest. Histoire de France depuis les Origines jusqu' à la Révolu tion. Tome Septième, II., Louis XIV: La Réligion, Les Lettres et les Arts, La Guerre. (I643-I685.) Pp. 4I5. Paris: Hachette et Cie pp. 211-212

- Wm E. Lingelbach
- Signed Reviews: Miller, Kelly. Race Adjustment. Pp. 306. Price, $2.00. Washington: The Neale Publishing Company, I908 pp. 212-213

- Carl Kelsey
- Signed Reviews: Montgomery, H. E. Vital American Problems. Pp. v, 384. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, I908 pp. 213-214

- Carl Kelsey
- Signed Reviews: Parmalee, Maurice. The Principles of Anthropology and Sociology in Their Relations to Criminal Procedure. Pp. 410. Price, $I.25. New York: The Macmillan Company, I908 pp. 215-216

- Carl Kelsey
- Signed Reviews: Shillington, V. M., and Chapman, A. B. W. The Commercial Relations of England and Portugal. Pp. xxxii, 344. Price, $2.00. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., I908 pp. 216-217

- A.C. Howland
- Signed Reviews: Stone, A. H. Studies in the American Race Problem. Pp. xxii, 555. Price, $2.00. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., I908 pp. 217-218

- Carl Kelsey
- Signed Reviews: Tardieu, Andr6. France and the Alliances. Pp. x, 3I4. Price, $I.50. New York: Macmillan Co., I908 pp. 218-219

- Chester Lloyd Jones
- Signed Reviews: Thompson, J. A. Heredity. Pp. xvi, 605. Price, $3.50. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, I908 pp. 219-220

- Carl Kelsey
- Signed Reviews: Walling, W. E. Russia's Message. Pp. xviii, 467. Price, $3.00. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., I908 pp. 220-222

- N.I. Stone
- Signed Reviews: Ward, R. DeC. Climate: Considered Especially in Relation to Man. Pp. xvi, 372. Price, $2.00. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, I908 pp. 222-223

- Walter S. Tower
- Signed Reviews: Wright, H. M. A Handbook of the Philippines. Pp. xvii, 431. Price, $1.40. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co pp. 223-224

- J. Russell Smith
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