The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 207, issue 1, 1940
- Foreword pp. xi-xi

- W. Brooke Graves
- Politics and Administration in Intergovernmental Relations pp. 1-6

- G. Homer Durham
- State Legislation Facilitative of Federal Action pp. 7-13

- V.O. Key
- The Future of Federal Grants-in-Aid pp. 14-26

- Joseph P. Harris
- Intergovernmental Taxation Today pp. 27-37

- David Fellman
- Federal-State Personnel Relations pp. 38-43

- George C.S. Benson
- Municipalities and the Federal Government pp. 44-53

- Raymond S. Short
- Trade Barriers Between States pp. 54-61

- F. Eugene Melder
- Tax Competition Between States pp. 62-69

- James W. Martin
- The Supreme Court and Interstate Barriers pp. 70-78

- Robert H. Jackson
- Uniform Legislation in the United States pp. 79-92

- Rodney L. Mott
- Interstate Compacts and Administrative Co-operation pp. 93-102

- Garland C. Routt
- Work of the Commissions on Interstate Co-operation pp. 103-110

- Hubert R. Gallagher
- Federal Use of Administrative Areas pp. 111-115

- James W. Fesler
- Voluntary Regionalism in the Control of Water Resources pp. 116-123

- David W. Robinson
- Interregional Relations pp. 124-129

- Elwyn A. Mauck
- Relation of Federal Regional Authorities to State and Local Units pp. 130-137

- N/a
- Political Regionalism and Administrative Regionalism pp. 138-143

- Donald Davidson
- State Centralization in the South pp. 144-150

- Paul W. Wager
- Fiscal Aspects of State-Local Relations pp. 151-160

- George W. Spicer
- Politics of Integration in Metropolitan Areas pp. 161-167

- Victor Jones
- County Consolidation pp. 168-175

- J.B. Shannon
- Municipal Government and Special-Purpose Authorities pp. 176-184

- William T.R. Fox and Annette Baker Fox
- America's Tax Dollar—A Key Problem in Governmental Reconstruction pp. 185-193

- Albert Lepawsky
- Deficiencies in State and Local Government Data pp. 194-202

- Edward R. Gray
- Readjusting Governmental Areas and Functions pp. 203-209

- W. Brooke Graves
- A Bibliography of Intergovernmental Relations in the United States pp. 210-218

- Dorothy Campbell Culver
- Book Department pp. 219-263

- N/a
Volume 206, issue 1, 1939
- Foreword pp. xiii-xv

- Arthur G. Coons
- The Changing Economic Functions of Government pp. 1-5

- Ernest L. Bogart
- The Rise of Government Control pp. 6-11

- Walter W. Jennings
- The Place of Government in Modern Economic Society pp. 12-16

- Everett Dean Martin
- The Functions of Government in the Literature of Economics pp. 17-22

- Arthur G. Coons
- Government as a Producer pp. 23-34

- Paul Studenski
- The Framework for the Use of Capital pp. 35-41

- William W. Hewett
- The Framework for the Use of Labor pp. 42-46

- William S. Hopkins
- Government as a Source of Economic Information pp. 47-55

- Lowell J. Chawner
- Government Support of Economic Interests Abroad pp. 56-61

- Ernest Minor Patterson
- American Tariff Policy in a Changing World pp. 62-67

- P.T. Ellsworth
- Protecting Investors in Securities pp. 68-74

- Theodore W. Glocker
- Protection of the Consumer pp. 75-80

- Leland J. Gordon
- Government's Responsibility for Economic Security pp. 81-85

- Abraham Epstein
- Government Regulation of Industry pp. 86-91

- Dudley F. Pegrum
- Regulation of Public Utilities pp. 92-99

- James K. Hall
- Government Management of Currency and Credit pp. 100-105

- John Parke Young
- Fiscal Policy as a Factor in Stability pp. 106-113

- R.A. Gordon
- Government Control of Prices pp. 114-120

- Richard B. Heflebower
- Social Control of Production pp. 121-125

- David Cushman Coyle
- The Role of Government in Economic Planning pp. 126-132

- Raymond T. Bye
- Regional Development and Governmental Policy pp. 133-141

- Howard W. Odum
- Conservation of Natural Resources pp. 142-146

- Robert H. Randall
- Conservation of Public Health pp. 147-154

- Paul A. Dodd
- Can Government Be Efficient in Business? pp. 155-160

- John McDiarmid
- The Development of Public Corporations in Economic Enterprise pp. 161-170

- Arthur G. Coons
- MERRIAM, CHARLES E. The New Democ racy and the New Despotism. Pp. viii, 278. New York: Whittlesey House, Mc Graw-Hill Book Co., 1939. $3.00 pp. 171-171

- Phillips Bradley
- LLOYD, CHRISTOPHER. Democracy and Its Rivals. Pp. vii, 226. New York: Long mans, Green & Co., 1938. $2.00 pp. 171-172

- W.Y. Elliott
- SWABEY, MARIE COLLINS. Theory of the Democratic State. Pp. 234. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1939 pp. 172-173

- Arthur Rosenberg
- SMITH, T. V. The Democratic Way of Life. Rev. Ed. Pp. xxxiii, 290. Chi cago: University of Chicago Press, 1939. $2.50 pp. 172-172

- Benjamin Lippincott
- CURTIS, LIONEL. World Order (Civitas Dei). Pp. lxviii, 985. New York: Ox ford University Press, 1939. $3.50 pp. 173-174

- Roy V. Peel
- COHN, GEORG. Neo-Neutrality. Pp. x, 388. New York: Columbia University Press, 1939. $3.75 pp. 174-174

- Frank M. Russell
- RAUSCHNING, HERMANN. The Revolution of Nihilism. Pp. xvii, 300. New York: Alliance Book Corporation, 1939. $3.00 pp. 174-175

- Joseph S. Roucek
- WRIGHT, FERGUS CHALMERS. Population and Peace. Pp. xvi, 373. New York: Columbia University Press, 1939. $2.00 pp. 175-176

- Ernest Minor Patterson
- INTERNATIONAL STUDIES CONFERENCE. Peaceful Change. Pp. 685. Paris: In ternational Institute of Intellectual Co operation, 1938. $4.00 pp. 176-176

- Ernest Minor Patterson
- HERLITZ, NILS. Sweden: A Modern De mocracy on Ancient Foundations. Pp. xiii, 127. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1939. $2.00 pp. 176-177

- N/a
- FLORINSKY, MICHAEL T. Toward an Un derstanding of the U. S. S. R. Pp. viii, 245. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1939. $2.50 pp. 177-178

- E.C. Helmreich
- ANGELL, NORMAN. The Defense of the Empire. Pp. 245. New York: D. Ap pleton-Century Co., 1937. $2.00 pp. 178-178

- W.Y. Elliott
- ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AF FAIRS. Political and Strategic Interests of the United Kingdom: An Outline. Pp. xvi, 304. New York: Oxford University Press, 1939. $3.00 pp. 178-179

- T. Walter Wallbank
- Constitutions of All Countries, The, Vol. I: The British Empire. Pp. vii, 678. New York: The British Library of Informa tion, 1938. $2.90 pp. 179-180

- W.Y. Elliott
- COLE, G. D. H., and RAYMOND POSTGATE. The British Common People 1746-1938. Pp. x, 588, xxxiii. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1939. $4.00 pp. 180-181

- S.Morley Scott
- SUAREZ, GEORGES. Briand. Vol. I, 1862- 1904, pp. xi, 468; Vol. II, 1904-1914, pp. iii, 515; Vol. III, 1914-1916, pp. ii, 499. Paris: Librairie Plon, 1938, 1939. Francs 40 each pp. 181-182

- Hans Kohn
- HELMREICH, ERNST CHRISTIAN. The Di plomacy of the Balkan Wars, 1912-1913. Pp. xiv, 523. Cambridge, Mass.: Har vard University Press, 1938. $5.00 pp. 181-181

- Robert C. Binkley
- TONG, HOLLINGTON K. Chiang Kai-shek. Vol. I, pp. xxvii, 322; Vol. II, pp. xl, 323-682. Shanghai: The China Publish ing Co., 1938. $6.00 pp. 182-183

- Maurice T. Price
- SLOANE, WILLIAM MILLIGAN. The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Vol. I: pp. xxii, 467; Vol. II: pp. x, 527. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1939. $7.50 pp. 183-184

- Sidney B. Fay
- MERIAM, LEWIS, and LAURENCE F. SCHMECKEBIER. Reorganization of the National Government—What Does It pp. 184-185

- W. Brooke Graves
- MAGYARY, ZOLTÃ N. The Industrial State. Pp. xi, 203. New York: Thomas Nel son & Sons, 1938. $2.00 pp. 184-184

- Harvey Pinney
- BINGHAM, ALFRED M. Man's Estate. Pp. 480. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1939. $3.00 pp. 185-186

- Broadus Mitchell
- WRIGHT, CARL MAJOR. Economic Adapta tion to a Changing World Market. Pp. 305. Copenhagen: Einar Munksgaard, 1939. Paper, 8/6 sh.; bound, 10/6 sh pp. 186-187

- Ernest Minor Patterson
- BLISS, CHARLES A. The Structure of Man ufacturing Production. Pp. xvii, 231. New York: National Bureau of Eco nomic Research, 1939. $2.50 pp. 187-188

- Glenn E. McLaughlin
- NEIFELD, M. R. Personal Finance Comes of Age. Pp. ix, 324. New York: Harper & Bros., 1939. $3.50 pp. 188-189

- Harold L. Reed
- SNIDER, JOSEPH L. Credit Unions in Mas sachusetts. Pp. 142. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1939. $2.50 pp. 188-188

- Rolf Nugent
- GORDON, LELAND J. Economics for Con sumers. Pp. x, 638. New York: Ameri can Book Co., 1939. $3.00 pp. 189-190

- Margaret G. Reid
- THORP, WILLARD L. (Ed.). Economic Problems in a Changing World. Pp. xviii, 820. New York: Farrar & Rine hart. Inc., 1939. $3.75 pp. 190-191

- Fritz Karl Mann
- THOMPSON, CHARLES MANFRED, and FRED MITCHELL JONES. Economic Develop ment of the United States. Pp. xiii, 794. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1939. $3.50 pp. 191-192

- Leland J. Gordon
- KEMP, H. R. (Ed.). Canadian Marketing Problems. Pp. viii, 152. Chicago: Uni versity of Chicago Press, 1939. $2.50 pp. 192-192

- Howard T. Hovde
- BRITNELL, G. E. The Wheat Economy. Pp. xvii, 259. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1939. $2.50 pp. 192-193

- Roland S. Vaile
- BERNAL, J. D. The Social Function of Sci ence. Pp. xvi, 482. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1939. $3.50 pp. 193-194

- C. Richard Soderberg
- SCHUHL, PIERRE-MAXIME. Machinisme et philosophie. Pp. 109. Paris: Librairie Felix Alcan, 1938. 12 frs pp. 193-193

- Howard Becker
- NOGARO, BERTRAND. La méthode de l'éco nomie politique. Pp. vi, 275. Paris: Librairie Générale de Droit et de Juris prudence, 1939 pp. 194-195

- Frank H. Knight
- MAYERS, LEWIS. Introduction to the Law of Business Corporations. Pp. 213. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1939. $1.00. KIMBALL, MILO. Principles of Corporate Finance. Pp. ix, 306. New York: Long mans, Green and Co., 1939. $1.00. GROSSMAN, LEROY WHITNEY. Investment Principles and Practice. Pp. x, 266. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1939. $1.00 pp. 195-196

- Henry E. Hoagland
- PEARCE, CHARLES ALBERT. NRA Trade Practice Programs. Pp. ix, 225. New York: Columbia University Press, 1939. $2.75 pp. 197-198

- Howard M. Teaf
- SPENGLER, EDWIN H., and JACOB KLEIN. Introduction to Business. 2nd Ed. Pp. xvi, 786. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1939. $4.00 pp. 197-197

- Cleon O. Swayzee
- GILMAN, STEPHEN. Accounting Concepts of Profit. Pp. xv, 635. New York: Ronald Press Co., 1939. $5.00 pp. 198-199

- Charles Reitell
- CAYTON, HORACE R., and GEORGE S. MITCHELL. Black Workers and the New Unions. Pp. xviii, 473. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1939. $4.00 pp. 199-201

- J. Raymond Walsh
- SELLS, DOROTHY. British Wages Boards. Pp. xv, 389. Washington: The Brook ings Institution, 1939. $3.00 pp. 201-202

- E. Wihght Bakke
- BEVERIDGE, SIR WILLIAM, et al. Prices and Wages in England from the Twelfth to the Nineteenth Century, Vol. I: Price Tables: Mercantile Era. Pp. lx, 756. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1939. $12.00 pp. 202-203

- Arthur R. Upgren
- TARBELL, IDA M. All in the Day's Work. Pp. 412. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1939. $3.50 pp. 203-204

- Clifton R. Hall
- SCHELL, ERWIN HASKELL, and FRANK FOSTER GILMORE. Manual for Exec utives and Foremen. Pp. ix, 185. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1939. $2.00 pp. 203-203

- C. Canby Balderston
- McFERRIN, JOHN BERRY. Caldwell and Company—A Southern Financial Em pire. Pp. x, 284. Chapel Hill: Univer sity of North Carolina Press, 1939. $3.50 pp. 204-205

- Charles P. White
- MURAD, ANATOL. The Paradox of a Metal Standard. Pp. xii, 212. Washington: Graphic Arts Press, Inc., 1939. $2.50 pp. 205-206

- John S.M. Allely
- LEAVENS, DICKSON H. Silver Money. Pp. xix, 439. Bloomington: Principia Press, Inc., 1939. $4.00 pp. 205-205

- Charles R. Whittlesey
- HENDERSON, W. O. The Zollverein. Pp. xvi, 375. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1939. $4.50 pp. 206-207

- E.A.J. Johnson
- EINZIG, PAUL. Economic Problems of the Next War. Pp. x, 146. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1939. $2.50 pp. 207-208

- Fritz Karl Mann
- EINZIG, PAUL. World Finance 1938-1939. Pp. xiv, 307. New York: The Macmil lan Co., 1939. $3.00 pp. 208-209

- Denzel C. Cline
- HOWE, GEORGE FREDERICK. A General History of the United States since 1865. Pp. xxvii, 654. New York: Prentice- Hall, Inc., 1939. $3.50 pp. 209-210

- Roger W. Shugg
- SHOTWELL, JAMES T. The History of His tory. Vol. I, pp. xii, 407. New York: Columbia University Press, 1939. $3.75 pp. 209-209

- Charles Edson
- DAVIDSON, DONALD. The Attack on Levi athan. Pp. x, 368. Chapel Hill: Uni versity of North Carolina Press, 1938. $3.00 pp. 210-211

- Charles S. Ascher
- BARNES, HARRY ELMER. Society in Transi tion. Pp. xviii, 999, xvii. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1939. $3.75 pp. 211-212

- Bessie Bloom Wessel
- ODUM, HOWARD W. American Social Prob lems: An Introduction to the Study of the People and Their Dilemmas. Pp. vii, 549. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1939. $3.00 pp. 212-213

- W.Wallace Weaver
- WRIGHT, VERNE, and MANUEL C. ELMER. General Sociology. Pp. xii, 655. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1939. $3.75 pp. 213-213

- Clifford Kirkpatrick
- LEIGHTON, GEORGE R. Five Cities: The Story of Their Youth and Old Age. Pp. x, 370. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1939. $3.50 pp. 214-214

- Clinton Rogers Woodruff
- FORD, JAMES. Social Deviation. Pp. xix, 602. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1939. $3.50 pp. 214-215

- Walter C. Reckless
- MORGAN, WINONA L. The Family Meets the Depression. Pp. x, 126. Minneapo lis: University of Minnesota Press, 1939. $2.00 pp. 215-216

- Willard Waller
- SNYDER, LOUIS L. Race: A History of Modern Ethnic Theories. Pp. x, 342. New York: Alliance Book Corporation, 1939. $3.00 pp. 216-217

- Frank H. Hankins
- DUBOIS, W. E. BURGHARDT. Black Folk Then and Now. Pp. x, 401. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1939. $3.50 pp. 217-218

- E.B. Reuter
- GOLDMAN, SOLOMON. Crisis and Decision. Pp. xiii, 206. New York: Harper & Bros., 1939. $2.00 pp. 217-217

- Hornell Hart
- PENCE, OWEN E. The Y. M. C. A. and Social Need. Pp. xiv, 360. New York: Association Press, 1939. $2.75 pp. 218-219

- Thomas F. Neblett
- WILSON, J. G., and M. J. PESCOR. Prob lems in Prison Psychiatry. Pp. 275. Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1939. $3.00 pp. 219-219

- A.Warren Stearns
- Letter To the Editor pp. 219-220

- Karl Walter
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