The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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Volume 341, issue 1, 1962
- Foreword pp. viii-viii

- J.K. Zawodny
- Unconventional Warfare: One Military View pp. 1-7

- William P. Yarborough
- Guerrilla and Sabotage: Organization, Operations, Motivations, Escalation pp. 8-18

- J.K. Zawodny
- Antiguerrilla Operations pp. 19-29

- Charles T.R. Bohannan
- International Law and Its Protection for Participants in Unconventional Warfare pp. 30-41

- Morris Greenspan
- Cuba: A Case Study of a Successful Attempt to Seize Political Power by the Application of Unconventional Warfare pp. 42-52

- Merle Kling
- Unconventional Warfare: Strategy and Tactics in Internal Political Strife pp. 53-64

- Klaus Knorr
- Patterns of Subversion by Violence pp. 65-73

- Russell Rhyne
- Unconventional Warfare: American and Soviet Approaches pp. 74-81

- Slavko N. Bjelajac
- Are Americans and Their Cultural Values Adaptable to the Concept and Techniques of Unconventional Warfare? pp. 82-92

- Robin M. Williams
- Unconventional Warfare as a Concern of American Foreign Policy pp. 93-101

- Charles Burton Marshall
- Appendix pp. 102-107

- N/a
- Report of the Board of Directors to the Members of The American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year 1961 pp. 108-112

- James C. Charlesworth, Stephen B. Sweeney, Norman D. Palmer, M. Albert Linton, Lewis M. Stevens, Thorsten Sellin, Raymond T. Bowman, Joseph H. Willits, James P. Warburg, Howard C. Petersen, Roy F. Nichols and Loren C. Eiseley
- MORTON A. KAPLAN and NICHOLAS DEB. KATZENBACH. The Political Founda tions of International Law. Pp. xi, 372. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1961. $6.95 pp. 113-114

- Martin B. Travis
- ADOLF GRABOWSKY. Raum, Staat und Geschichte: Grundlegung der Geopolitik. Pp. 263. Berlin: Carl Heymanns Ver lag, 1960. No price pp. 114-115

- Robert Strausz-Hupé
- HEDLEY BULL. The Control of the Arms Race: Disarmament and Arms Control in the Missile Age. (Studies in Inter national Security, II.) Pp. 215. New York: Frederick A. Praeger for the Institute for Strategic Studies, 1961. $3.95 pp. 115-116

- Bernard Brodie
- ANNE ARMSTRONG. Unconditional Sur render: The Impact of the Casablanca Policy Upon World War II. Pp. xiv, 304. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1961. $6.50 pp. 116-116

- Alfred J. Hotz
- ANTHONY SOKOL. Sea Power in the Nuclear Age. Pp. vii, 268. Washing ton, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1961. $6.00 pp. 116-117

- Leland P. Lovette
- WILLIAM R. WILLOUGHBY. The St. Law rence Waterway: A Study in Politics and Diplomacy. Pp. xiv, 381. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1961. $6.00 pp. 117-118

- Maurice W. Armstrong
- WILLIAM BENTON. The Voice of Latin America. Pp. xix, 204. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1961. $3.95 pp. 118-119

- Donald Marquand Dozer
- J. LLOYD MECHAM. The United Stdtes and Inter-American Security, 1889-1960 Pp. xii, 514. Austin: University of Texas Press for the Institute of Latin- American Studies, University of Texas, 1961. $7.50 pp. 119-120

- J. Fred Rippy
- HARLAN CLEVELAND, GERARD J. MANGONE, and JOHN CLARKE ADAMS. The Over seas Americans. Pp. xv, 316. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1960. $5.95 pp. 120-121

- Clarence E. Thurber
- STANLEY G. PAYNE. Falange: A History of Spanish Fascism. (Stanford Studies in History, Economics, and Political Science, XXII.) Pp. ix, 316. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1961. $6.00 pp. 121-122

- Arthur P. Whitaker
- RICHARD A. WEBSTER. The Cross and the Fasces: Christian Democracy and Fas cism in Italy. Pp. xiii, 229. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1960. $5.00 pp. 122-122

- William Ebenstein
- DONALD G. BISHOP. The Administration of British Foreign Relations. Pp. xvi, 410. Syracuse, N. Y.: Syracuse Uni versity Press, 1961. $7.00 pp. 122-123

- Charles Jeffries
- A. J. P. TAYLOR. The Origins of the Second World War. Pp. x, 296. New York: Atheneum Publishers, 1962. $4.50 pp. 123-125

- Harry Elmer Barnes
- RAUL HILBERG. The Destruction of the European Jews. Pp. x, 788. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1961. $17.50 pp. 125-126

- H.G. Reissner
- W. S. WOYTINSKY. Stormy Passage: A Personal History Through Two Russian Revolutions to Democracy and Freedom, 1905-1960. Pp. xxii, 550. New York: Vanguard Press, 1961. $10.00 pp. 126-126

- Alexander Dallin
- MARTIN MALIA. Alexander Herzen and the Birth of Russian Socialism, 1812- 1855. (Russian Research Center Studies, 39.) Pp. ix, 486. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1961. $10.00 pp. 126-127

- Jesse D. Clarkson
- EDWARD TABORSKY. Communism in Czechoslovakia, 1948-1960. Pp. xii, 628. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1961. $12.50 pp. 127-128

- Josef Korbel
- PAUL KECSKEMETI. The Unexpected Rev olution: Social Forces in the Hungarian Uprising. Pp. vi, 178. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1961. $4.75 pp. 128-129

- E.C. Helmreich
- LAWRENCE HENRY GIPSON. The British Empire Before the Revolution, Vol. X: The Triumphant Empire: Thunder- Clouds Gather in the West, 1763-1766. Pp. lxxv, 414, lii. New York: Alfred F. Knopf, 1961. $8.50 pp. 129-130

- Vernon J. Puryear
- Letters and Documents of Napoleon, Vol. I: The Rise to Power. Selected and translated by John Eldred Howard. Pp. xxxiv, 540. New York: Oxford Uni versity Press, 1961. $8.80 pp. 130-131

- Robert F. Byrnes
- The Political Testament of Cardinal Richelieu: The Significant Chapters and Supporting Selections. Translated by Henry Bertram Hill. Pp. xx, 128. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1961. $3.75 pp. 131-132

- Joseph F. Costanzo
- F. G. EMMISON. Tudor Secretary: Sir William Petre at Court and at Home. Pp. xx, 364. Cambridge, Mass.: Har vard University Press, 1961. $8.50 pp. 132-133

- Mildred Campbell
- The New Cambridge Modern History, Vol. V: The Ascendancy of France, 1648- 1688. Edited by F. L. Carsten. Pp. xxiv, 630. New York: Cambridge Uni versity Press. 1961. $8.50 pp. 132-132

- C.V. Wedgwood
- DOUGLASS ADAIR and JOHN A. SCHUTZ (Eds.). Peter Oliver's Origin and Prog ress of the American Rebellion: A Tory View. Pp. xxi, 173. San Marino, Calif.: Huntingdon Library, 1961. $5.00 pp. 133-134

- Curtis P. Nettels
- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 3: January 1, 1745 Through June 30, 1750. Edited by Leonard W. Labaree and Whitfield J. Bell, Jr. Pp. xxv, 513. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1961. $10.00 pp. 134-135

- William E. Lingelbach
- THOMAS JEFFERSON. The Papers oj Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 16: 30 November 1789 to 4 July 1790. Edited by Julian P. Boyd, with Alfred L. Bush, Assistant Editor, and Lucius Wilmerding, Jr., Consulting Editor. Pp. xliii, 675. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1961. $12.50 pp. 135-136

- Leslie Lipson
- STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS. The Letters of Stephen A. Douglas. Edited by Robert W. Johannson. Pp. xxxi, 558. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1961. $10.00 pp. 136-137

- Rembert W. Patrick
- NORMAN A. GRAEBNER (Ed.). Politics and the Crisis of 1860. Pp. xii, 156. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1961. $3.00 pp. 137-138

- Carrol H. Quenzel
- WILLIAM M. LAMERS. The Edge of Glory: A Biography of General William S. Rosecrans, U. S. A. Pp. x, 499. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1961. $6.95 pp. 138-138

- E.M. Coulter
- WILLIAM BARNES and JOHN HEATH MOR GAN. The Foreign Service of the United States: Origins, Development, and Func tions. Pp. xiii, 430. Washington, D. C.: Historical Office, Bureau of Public Af fairs, Department of State, 1961. $3.50 pp. 138-139

- Warren F. Ilchman
- NORMAN A. GRAEBNER (Ed.). An Uncertain Tradition: American Secretaries of State in the Twentieth Century. Pp. ix, 341. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Com pany, 1961. $6.95 pp. 139-140

- Charles W. Shull
- ERNEST R. MAY. Imperial Democracy: The Emergence of America as a Great Power. Pp. vii, 318. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1961. $6.75 pp. 140-141

- Jeannette P. Nichols
- DEAN ALBERTSON. Roosevelt's Farmer: Claude R. Wickard in the New Deal. Pp. ix, 424. New York: Columbia Uni versity Press, 1961. $6.00 pp. 141-141

- James J. Flynn
- PAUL T. DAVID (Ed.). The Presidential Election and Transition, 1960-1961. (The Brookings Lectures and Additional Papers.) Pp. ix, 353. Washington, D. C.: Brookings Institution, 1961. $3.75 pp. 141-142

- Cortez A.M. Ewing
- CLAUDE A. Buss. The Arc of Crisis. Pp. 479. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & Company, 1961. $5.95 pp. 142-143

- Russell H. Fifield
- LEA E. WILLIAMS. Overseas Chinese Na tionalism: The Genesis of the Pan- Chinese Movement in Indonesia, 1900- 1916. Pp. xiv, 235. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1960. $4.50 pp. 143-144

- Guy J. Pauker
- Records of the Grand Historian of China, Vol. I: Early Years of the Han Dynasty, 209 to 141 B. C.; Vol. II: The Age of Emperor Wu, 140 to Circa 100 B. C. Translated from the Shih chi of Ssu-ma Ch'ien by Burton Watson. (Records of Civilization: Sources and Studies, No. LXV.) Pp. xi, 563; viii, 563. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. $10.00; $10.00 pp. 144-145

- Allan B. Cole
- C. K. YANG. Religion in Chinese Society: A Study of Contemporary Functions of Religion and Some of Their Historical Factors. Pp. viii, 473. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1961. $9.50 pp. 145-146

- Werner Levi
- RAYMOND F. BETTS. Assimilation and As sociation in French Colonial Theory, 1890-1914. Pp. ix, 224. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. $5.00 pp. 146-147

- Philip Mason
- D. V. COWEN. The Foundations of Free dom, With Special Reference to South ern Africa. Pp. 258. New York: Ox ford University Press, 1961. $7.00 pp. 146-146

- Arthur Keppel-Jones
- MORTIMER J. ADLER. The Idea of Free dom, Vol. II: A Dialectical Examination of the Controversies About Freedom. Pp. x, 754. Garden City, N. Y.: Double day & Company, 1961. $7.50 pp. 147-148

- Horace M. Kallen
- EDMOND CAHN. The Predicament of Democratic Man. Pp. 194. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1961. $3.95 pp. 148-149

- Eugene P. Chase
- GLENN ABERNATHY. The Right of As sembly and Association. Pp. vi, 262. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1961. $6.25 pp. 149-150

- Franklin L. Burdette
- PAUL F. SCHMIDT. Religious Knowledge. Pp. ix, 147. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1961. $4.00 pp. 150-151

- A. Campbell Garnett
- IRVING LOUIS HOROWITZ. Radicalism and the Revolt against Reason: The Social Theories of Georges Sorel, With a Trans lation of His Essay on the Decomposi tion of Marxism. Pp. viii, 264. New York: Humanities Press, 1961. $6.00 pp. 151-152

- Kurt H. Wolff
- ALFRED E. KUENZLI (Ed.). Reconstruc tion in Religion: A Symposium. Pp. xvi, 253. Boston: Beacon Press, 1961. $3.95 pp. 151-151

- Leonard D. Cain
- HELMUT SCHOECK and JAMES W. WIGGINS (Eds.). Relativism and the Study of Man. Pp. x, 259. Princeton, N. J.: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1961. $6.50 pp. 152-153

- John P. Gillin
- JUSTUS BUCHLER. The Concept of Method. Pp. viii, 180. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. $4.00 pp. 153-154

- Roy G. Francis
- WILLIAM J. NEWMAN. The Futilitarian Society. Pp. 412. New York: George Braziller, 1961. $6.00 pp. 154-155

- Ralph H. Gabriel
- OLIVER C. CARMICHAEL. Graduate Educa tion: A Critique and a Program. Pp. ix, 213. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1961. $4.50 pp. 155-156

- Roy F. Nichols
- DEAN RUSK. The Role of the Foundation in American Life. Pp. xi, 65. Clare mont, California: Claremont University College, 1961. $2.75 pp. 156-158

- George S. Counts
- THEODORE BRAMELD. Education for the Emerging Age: Newer Ends and Stronger Means. Pp. viii, 244. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1961. $5.00 pp. 158-158

- Frederick E. Ellis
- PER JACOBSSON. The Market Economy in the World of Today. (Jayne Lectures for 1961.) Pp. x, 77. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1961. $1.50 pp. 158-160

- Arthur Leon Horniker
- SUMNER H. SLICHTER. Economic Growth in the United States: Its History, Prob lems, and Prospects. Edited by John T. Dunlop. Pp. xi, 196. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1961. $5.00 pp. 160-161

- Raymond W. Goldsmith
- JAMES W. KUHN. Bargaining in Grievance Settlement: The Power of Industrial Work Groups. Pp. xii, 206. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. $4.50 pp. 161-162

- Mark Perlman
- KURT B. MAYER and SIDNEY GOLDSTEIN. The First Two Years: Problems of Small Firm Growth and Survival. (Small Business Research Series, No. 2.) Pp. x, 233. Washington, D. C.: United States Government Printing Office for the Small Business Administration, 1961. $1.00 pp. 161-161

- Arnold C. Cooper
- H. C. GANGULI. Industrial Productivity and Motivation: A Psychological Anal ysis. Pp. xi, 92. Bombay: Asia Publish ing House (Distributed by Taplinger Publishing Company, New York), 1961. $2.25 pp. 162-163

- Ronald Gross
- WOLFGANG KÖLLMANN. Sozialgeschichte der Stadt Barmen im 19. Jahrhundert. Pp. xvi, 315. Tübingen, Germany: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1960. DM 29.00 pp. 163-164

- Bert F. Hoselitz
- GIDEON SJOBERG. The Preindustrial City: Past and Present. Pp. xii, 352. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1960. $6.75 pp. 164-165

- S.N. Eisenstadt
- ROSCOE C. MARTIN, FRANK J. MUNGER, and OTHERS. Decisions in Syracuse. (Metro politan Action Studies, No. 1.) Pp. xvi, 368. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1961. $6.95 pp. 165-166

- Winston W. Crouch
- JEAN GOTTMANN. Megalopolis: The Ur banized Northeastern Seaboard of the United States. Pp. xi, 810. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1961. $10.00 pp. 166-167

- William L.C. Wheaton
- S. D. CLARK (Ed.). Urbanism and the Changing Canadian Society. Pp. vii, 150. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1961. $3.50 pp. 167-168

- H.F. Angus
- VICTOR A. THOMPSON. Modern Organiza tion. Pp. viii, 197, xi. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1961. $3.75 pp. 168-169

- Charles P. Loomis
- JAMES AVERY JOYCE. Capital Punishment: A World View. Pp. 288. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1961. $5.00 pp. 169-170

- Hugo Adam Bedau
- ROBERT C. O'HARA. Media for the Mil lions: The Process of Mass Communica tion. Pp. xviii, 421. New York: Random House, 1961. $4.25 pp. 170-171

- Patrick D. Hazard
- ELLIOTT M. RUDWICK. W. E. B. DuBois: A Study in Minority Group Leadership. Pp. 382. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1961. $6.00 pp. 171-172

- Benjamin Quarles
- DAVID YAUKEY. Fertility Differences in a Modernizing Country: A Survey of Lebanese Couples. Pp. xviii, 204. Prince ton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1961. $4.00 pp. 172-173

- Lincoln Armstrong
- NATHAN L. WHETTEN. Guatemala: The Land and the People. (Caribbean Series, 4.) Pp. xvi, 399. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1961. $6.00 pp. 173-173

- J. Lloyd Mecham
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