The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 73, issue 1, 1917
- Foreword pp. vii-vii

- Clyde L. King
- The Simplification of the Machinery of Justice With a View To Its Greater Efficiency pp. 1-103

- Henry W. Jessup J.D.
- Some Observations Upon the Report of the Committee of the Phi Delta Phi With Special Reference To the Typical Judiciary Article for a Constitution pp. 104-131

- Charles A. Boston
- The Layman's Demand for Improved Judicial Machinery1 pp. 132-169

- William L. Ransom
- The Working of the New Jersey Short Practice Act pp. 170-177

- Martin Conboy
- Progress of the Proposal To Substitute Rules of Court for Common Law Practice pp. 178-188

- Thomas W. Shelton
- An Efficient County Court System pp. 189-195

- Herbert Harley
- A Justice Factory pp. 196-204

- Frederick D. Wells
- Administration of Business and Discipline By the Courts pp. 205-210

- Julius Henry Cohen
- The Organization of the Courts pp. 211-218

- George W. Alger
- Looking Forward in the Law pp. 219-229

- Andrew Younger Wood
- Book Department pp. 230-246

- N/a
Volume 72, issue 1, 1917
- Foreword pp. vii-vii

- L.S. Rowe
- The World Conflict in Its Relation to American Democracy pp. 1-10

- Walter Lippmann
- The Significance of Our Mission in This War pp. 10-13

- Miles M. Dawson
- The United States and the War pp. 13-19

- Samuel T. Dutton
- Planning the Future America pp. 19-23

- Henry A. Wise Wood
- Growth of Industrial Democracy pp. 23-27

- Arthur E. Holder
- The War in Its Relation to Democracy and World Order pp. 28-31

- Emily Greene Balch
- Peace without Force pp. 31-40

- S.N. Patten
- Pax Americana pp. 40-48

- George W. Kirchwey
- The International Right America Must Champion pp. 49-57

- Roland G. Usher
- Neutral Rights Upon the Seas pp. 58-65

- Frederic R. Coudert
- Freedom of the Seas1 pp. 65-75

- Chandler P. Anderson
- Elements of a Just and Durable Peace pp. 76-83

- Philip Marshall Brown
- The Bases of a Just and Enduring Peace pp. 83-88

- Franklin H. Giddings
- On What Principles Is the Society of States To Be Founded? pp. 89-92

- Henri La Fontaine
- Disarmament and International Courts Prerequisites to a Durable Peace pp. 92-100

- James L. Slayden
- The Monroe Doctrine and the American Policy of Isolation in Relation to a Just and Durable Peace pp. 100-109

- John H. Latané
- Two Events That Presage a Durable Peace pp. 110-113

- Oscar S. Straus
- A Basis for a Durable Peace Between Germany and England pp. 113-117

- William C. Bullitt
- The Disposition of Constantinople pp. 118-123

- Talcott Williams
- Japan, America and Durable Peace pp. 124-128

- Toyokichi Iyenaga
- Foundations for a Durable Peace Between the United States and Japan pp. 129-131

- Hans Von Kaltenborn
- Nationality and Freedom of Commerce Prerequisites to a Durable Peace pp. 131-136

- Stephen P. Duggan
- The Economic Factors in an Enduring Peace pp. 136-139

- E.E. Pratt
- International Freedom of the Press Essen Tial To a Durable Peace pp. 139-141

- David Lawrence
- Sovereignty and Race as Affected by a League of Nations pp. 142-146

- Theodore Marburg
- The Interests and Rights of Nationality pp. 147-153

- C.E. McGuire
- A Message From Syria pp. 153-154

- Layyah A. Barakat
- The Bohemian Question pp. 155-160

- Charles Pergler
- The Rights of the Jews as a Nation pp. 160-164

- J.L. Magnes
- The Rights of Small Nations in America pp. 165-171

- Oswald Garrison Villard
- The Rights of Small American Nations pp. 172-176

- Henry R. Mussey
- War to Stop War pp. 178-185

- John Sharp Williams
- A League to Enforce Peace pp. 185-199

- Walter L. Fisher
- Our Compulsory Arbitration Treaties Should Be Amended pp. 200-207

- George W. Wickersham
- A Yearning for World Peace pp. 208-216

- James M. Beck
- Moral Influences in a Durable Peace pp. 216-219

- Don C. Seitz
- Equipment for the Post Bellum Period pp. 219-221

- Charles H. Sherrill
- Democratic Organization of the Coming Peace Conference pp. 222-226

- Edward A. Filene
- The Business Man's Library pp. 227-227

- John Bauer
- GILMAN, STEPHEN. Principles of Accounting. Pp. xii, 415. Price, $3.00. Chicago: La Salle University, 1916 pp. 228-228

- N/a
- Banking, Investments and Corporation Finance pp. 228-229

- Eugene E. Agger
- LYON, HASTINGS. Corporation Finance. Pp. vii, 316. Price, $2.00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1916 pp. 229-230

- W.H.S. Stevens
- PAINE, WILLIS S. Paine's Analysis of the Federal Reserve Act and Cognate Statutes. Pp. xiv, 416. Price, $5.00. New York: The Bankers' Publishing Company, 1917 pp. 230-231

- N/a
- STETSON, FRANCIS L.; BYRNE, JAMES; CRAVATH, PAUL D.; WICKERSHAM, GEORGE W.; MONTAGUE, GILBERT H.; COLEMAN, GEORGE S.; GUTHRIE, WILLIAM D. Some Legal Phases of Corporate Financing, Reorganization and Regulation. Pp. ix, 389. Price, $2.75. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1917 pp. 231-231

- John J. Sullivan
- Foreign Trade and Commercial Geography pp. 232-233

- W.E. Warrington
- LAUCK, W. JETT and SYDENSTRICKER, EDGAR. Conditions of Labor in American Industries. Pp. xi, 403. Price, $1.75. New York: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1917 pp. 234-235

- James T. Young
- Labor Legislation pp. 234-234

- N/a
- REELY, MARY KATHERINE (Compiled by). Selected Articles on Minimum Wage. Pp. xxvi, 202. Price, $1.25. White Plains, N. Y.: The H. W. Wilson Company. 1917. MISCELLANEOUS HURLEY, EDWARD N. Awakening of Business. Pp. xvi, 240. Price, $2.00. New York: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1916 pp. 236-236

- N/a
- Economics pp. 237-237

- N/a
- McPHERSON, LOGAN G. How the World Makes Its Living. Pp. vii, 435. Price, $2.00. New York: The Century Company, 1916. O'HARA, FRANK. Introduction to Economics. Pp. vii, 259. Price, $1.00. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916 pp. 237-238

- Willford I. King
- MONTGOMERY, ROBERT H. 1917 Income Tax Procedure. Pp. x, 461. Price, $2.50. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1917 pp. 238-239

- Roy G. Blakey
- RYAN, JOHN A. Distributive Justice: The Right and Wrong of Our Present Dis tribution of Wealth. Pp. xviii, 442. Price, $1.50. New York: The Macmil lan Company, 1916. KLEENE, G. A. Profit and Wages: A Study in the Distribution of Income. Pp. iv, 171. Price, $1.25. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916 pp. 239-240

- Walton H. Hamilton
- SCHEFTEL, YETTA. The Taxation of Land Value. Pp. xv, 489. Price, $2.00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1916 pp. 240-240

- N/a
- Political Science pp. 240-241

- James W. Garner
- JONES, CHESTER LLOYD. Caribbean Interests of the United States. Pp. viii, 379. Price, $2.50. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1916 pp. 241-241

- N/a
- TREITSCHKE, HEINRICH VON. Politics (translated by Blanche Dugdale and Torben de Bille). (2 vols.) Pp. 1, 1049. Price, $7.00. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916 pp. 242-242

- Clyde L. King
- WEYL, WALTER E. American World Policies. Pp. 307. Price, $2.25. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1917 pp. 242-243

- Philip Marshall Brown
- Sociology pp. 243-244

- Maurice Parmelee
- STEINER, EDWARD A. Nationalizing America. Pp. 240. Price, $1.15. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1916 pp. 244-244

- N/a
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