The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 136, issue 1, 1928
- Social and Economic Problems of the Law pp. 1-9

- Roscoe Pound
- The Work of the American Law Institute pp. 10-14

- Herbert F. Goodrich
- Changes in the Law of the Family, Persons and Property pp. 15-25

- J.P. Chamberlain
- The Development of Substantive Law on Social as Distinguished from Purely Governmental Lines pp. 26-30

- Marvin B. Rosenberry
- The Effort to Harmonize Laws in the United States— Uniform Laws in General pp. 31-36

- William M. Hargest
- Newer Developments and Tendencies in International Law pp. 37-47

- Jacob H. Goetz
- Some Reflections on Solving Social Problems by Law pp. 48-53

- Theodore A. Johnson
- Conciliation—A Cure for the Law's Delay pp. 54-59

- Edgar J. Lauer
- Conciliation and Legal Aid an Opportunity for Pioneering pp. 60-65

- Reginald Heber Smith
- Workmen's Compensation Administration in Massachusetts pp. 66-74

- Robert E. Grandfield
- Progress in Trial by Jury pp. 75-81

- A.G. Burr
- The Rule Making Power of the Courts pp. 82-86

- Josiah Marvel
- Administering Justice in Cities pp. 87-94

- Herbert Harley
- Greater Efficacy of the Trial of Civil Cases pp. 95-101

- Thomas W. Shelton
- The Courts of Equity During the Past Few Years pp. 102-104

- Andrew A. Bruce
- The Development of the Family Court pp. 105-111

- Honorable L.B. Day
- General Progress in Criminal Procedure pp. 112-118

- Justin Miller
- Notes on the Defender in Criminal Cases pp. 119-128

- John S. Bradway
- Insanity and the Law pp. 129-135

- D.J. McCarthy and Leroy M.A. Maeder
- The Extension of Probation in Criminal Courts pp. 136-141

- Charles L. Chute
- Executive Clemency pp. 142-145

- Edward G. Griffin
- Public Defender in the Police Courts pp. 146-151

- Ernest R. Orfila
- Training for the Bar pp. 152-156

- Alfred Z. Reed
- Bar Associations in the United States pp. 157-162

- William D. Guthrie
- Practical Experience in Controlling Members of the Bar Control of the Bar pp. 163-167

- Raynor M. Gardiner
- Legislative Reference Work: A Summary pp. 168-171

- J.H. Leek
- Legal Aid Organizations " Lobbyists for the Poor" pp. 172-176

- Otto G. Wismer
- SELEKMAN, BEN M. Postponing Strikes. A study of the Industrial Disputes Investigations Act of Canada. Pp. 405. New York: Department of Industrial Studies, Russell Sage Foundation, 1927 pp. 177-177

- James T. Young
- HILL, HOWARD C. Roosevelt and the Caribbean. Pp. xii, 233. Price, $2.50. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1927 pp. 178-178

- Harry T. Collings
- LANGELUTTIG, ALBERT, PH.D. The Department of Justice of the United States. Institute for Government Research: Studies in Adminstration. Pp. 318. The Johns Hopkins Press, 1927 pp. 178-179

- Martin L. Faust
- BEDFORD, SCOTT E. W. Readings in Urban Sociology. Pp. xxxiv, 903. Price, $5.00. Appleton, 1927 pp. 179-179

- Hugh Carter
- Ruhrbesetzung und Weltwirtschaft; in Schriften des Weltwirtschafts—Institut der Handels—Hochschule, Leipzig, Vol. 3. Edited by DR. ERNST SCHULTZE. Pp. 256. Leipzig, Germany: G. A. Gloecner, 1927 pp. 179-180

- Karl Scholz
- BIMBA, ANTHONY. History of the American Working Class. Pp. viii, 360. International Publishers Co., Inc pp. 180-181

- Frank T. Carlton
- HEWETT, WILLIAM WALLACE. Rudiments of Economics. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1927. Pp. x, 247. Price, $1.75 pp. 180-180

- E.E. Agger
- DAVENPORT, EUGENE. The Farm. Pp. xviii, 462. Price, $3.50. New York: The Macmillan Company pp. 181-181

- Clyde L. King
Volume 135, issue 1, 1928
- Basic Factors in Flood Frequency in the Lower Mississippi River pp. 1-6

- Lewis F. Thomas
- The Geography of the Mississippi Valley pp. 7-14

- Frank E. Williams
- The Improvement of Our Mid-West Waterways pp. 15-24

- Hon. Herbert Hoover
- The Report of the Committee on Mississippi Flood Control Appointed by the United States Chamber of Commerce pp. 25-34

- Frederic A. Delano
- The Plan for Flood Control of the Mississippi River in Its Alluvial Valley pp. 35-44

- Edgar Jadwin
- What Forests Can Do for the Mississippi River pp. 45-49

- E.A. Sherman
- A Policy for the Mississippi pp. 50-56

- Arthur E. Morgan
- Some Essential Principles of Water Conservation pp. 57-59

- Hon. Gifford Pinchot
- The St. Lawrence Waterway Project pp. 60-67

- Fayette S. Warner
- A Synopsis of the Hoover Report on the St. Lawrence Shipway pp. 68-71

- Fayette S. Warner
- Engineering Aspects of the St. Lawrence Waterway pp. 72-84

- G.B. Pillsbury
- What the St. Lawrence Waterway Means to the United States pp. 85-90

- W.L. Harding
- The Economic and National Significance of Connecting the Great Lakes with the Sea by the St. Lawrence Route pp. 91-96

- Hon I.L. Lenroot
- The Salient Geographic Factors of the Colorado River and Basin pp. 97-107

- Henry F. James
- Legal Problems in Colorado River Development pp. 108-114

- Reuel L. Olson
- Engineering and Economic Features of the Boulder Dam pp. 115-122

- E.F. Scattergood
- Problems of the Colorado River pp. 123-126

- Arthur P. Davis
- What the Boulder Dam Project Means to California and to the Nation pp. 127-132

- Clyde L. Seavey
- My Objections to the Boulder Dam Project pp. 133-140

- Hon E.O. Leatherwood
- The Company Point of View Regarding Boulder Dam pp. 141-142

- C. Wellington Koiner
- Federal Water Rights in the Colorado River pp. 143-149

- Ottamar Hamele
- The Boulder Canyon Project pp. 150-156

- Hon. Hiram W. Johnson
- Muscle Shoals, Nitrogen and Farm Fertilizers pp. 157-165

- R.O.E. Davis
- Nitrogen at Muscle Shoals pp. 166-171

- Chester H. Gray
- The Public Service of Muscle Shoals pp. 172-176

- Harris T. Baldwin
- LATANÉ, JOHN H. A History of American Foreign Policy. Pp. xiv, 725. Price, $4.00. Garden City: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1927 pp. 177-177

- C.G. Fenwick
- SAENZ, MOISES and PRIESTLEY, HERBERT I. Some Mexican Problems. Pp. ix, 174. Price, $2.00. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1926 pp. 177-178

- Harry T. Collings
- TARDIEU, ANDRÉ. France and America: Some Experiences in Cooperation. Pp. viii, 312. Price, $3.00. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company pp. 178-179

- Douglas L. Hunt
- RIPLEY, WILLIAM Z. Main Street and Wall Street. Pp. v, 359. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1927 pp. 178-178

- Karl Scholz
- SAIT, EDWARD M. American Parties and Elections. Pp. vii, 608. New York and London: The Century Company, 1927 pp. 179-179

- Clyde L. King
- KILBORNE, RUSSEL DONALD. Principles of Money and Banking. Pp. vii, 559. Price, $4.00. Chicago: A. W. Shaw Co., 1927 pp. 179-180

- S. Howard Patterson and W. Carlton Harris
- GARIS, ROY L. Immigration Restriction. Pp. xv, 376. Price, $4.00. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1927 pp. 180-181

- Donald Young
- YOUNG, ALLYN A. Industrial Combinations and Public Policy. Pp. 331. Price, $2.50. New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1927 pp. 181-182

- W.C. Plummer
- MCCOMBS, CARL E. City Health Administration. Pp. 524. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1927 pp. 181-181

- Martin L. Faust
- BECKER, CARL. Our Great Experiment in Democracy. Price, $3.00. Pp. ix, 332. New York and London: Harper and Brothers pp. 182-183

- Clyde L. King
- WELD, W. E., and TOSTLEBE, A. S. A Case Book for Economics. Pp. xiii, 508. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1927. VANDERBLUE, H. B. Economic Principles: A Case Book. Pp. xvii, 670. Chicago: A. W. Shaw Company, 1927 pp. 182-182

- S. Howard Patterson
- PATTERSON, EDWIN WILHITE. The Insurance Commissioner in the United States: A Study in Administrative Law and Practice. Pp. xviii, 589. Price, $6.00. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1927 pp. 183-184

- I.L. Pollock
- CLEVELAND, FREDERICK A. American Citizenship as Distinguished from Alien Status. Pp. 464. Price, $4.00. New York: The Ronald Press, 1927 pp. 183-183

- J. Tanger
- BEELEY, ARTHUR LAWTON. The Bail System in Chicago. Pp. 189. Price, $2.00. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1927 pp. 184-184

- Edwin O. Lewis
- Chapter I pp. 189-199

- N/a
- Chapter II pp. 199-209

- N/a
- Chapter III pp. 209-221

- N/a
- Chapter IV pp. 221-234

- N/a
- Chapter V pp. 234-246

- N/a
- Chapter VI pp. 246-250

- N/a
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