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The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science

1890 - 2024

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Volume 682, issue 1, 2019

Transmission of Work Attitudes and Values: Comparisons, Consequences, and Implications pp. 8-24 Downloads
Gerbert Kraaykamp, Zeynep Cemalcilar and Jale Tosun
Research on Work Values in a Changing Economic and Social Context pp. 26-42 Downloads
Duncan Gallie
Work Values in the United States: Age, Period, and Generational Differences pp. 43-59 Downloads
Arne L. Kalleberg and Peter V. Marsden
Extrinsic and Intrinsic Work Values: Findings on Equivalence in Different Cultural Contexts pp. 60-83 Downloads
Maurice Gesthuizen, Daniel Kovarek and Carolin Rapp
Intergenerational Transmission of Work Values in Czech Republic, Spain, and Turkey: Parent-Child Similarity and the Moderating Role of Parenting Behaviors pp. 86-105 Downloads
Nebi Sümer, Daniela Pauknerová, Mihaela Vancea and Elif Manuoğlu
The Transmission of Work Centrality within the Family in a Cross-Regional Perspective pp. 106-124 Downloads
Bernhard Kittel, Fabian Kalleitner and Panos Tsakloglou
Gendered Intergenerational Transmission of Work Values? A Country Comparison pp. 125-138 Downloads
Zeynep Cemalcilar, Carsten Jensen and Jale Tosun
How Intergenerational Mobility Shapes Attitudes toward Work and Welfare pp. 139-154 Downloads
Bettina Schuck and Jennifer Shore
Work Values and the Value of Work: Different Implications for Young Adults’ Self-Employment in Europe pp. 156-171 Downloads
Martin Lukeš, Manuel Feldmann and Federico Vegetti
The Effect of Unemployment and Low-Quality Work Conditions on Work Values: Exploring the Experiences of Young Europeans pp. 172-185 Downloads
Emily Rainsford, William A. Maloney and Sebastian Adrian Popa
Work Values and Political Participation: A Cross-National Analysis pp. 186-203 Downloads
Mark Visser, Maurice Gesthuizen and Gerbert Kraaykamp
I Want to Be a Billionaire: How Do Extrinsic and Intrinsic Values Influence Youngsters’ Well-Being? pp. 204-219 Downloads
Anja Van Den Broeck, Bert Schreurs, Karin Proost, Arne Vanderstukken and Maarten Vansteenkiste
Work Values in Politics: The European Union Debt Crisis as a Case Study pp. 222-233 Downloads
Anna Diamantopoulou and Kyriakos Pierrakakis
The Value Added of Studying Work Attitudes and Values: Some Lessons to Learn pp. 234-245 Downloads
Jale Tosun, Gerbert Kraaykamp and Zeynep Cemalcilar

Volume 681, issue 1, 2019

Transformations through Polarizations and Global Threats to Democracy pp. 8-22 Downloads
Murat Somer and Jennifer McCoy
From Illiberal Democracy to Military Authoritarianism: Intra-Elite Struggle and Mass-Based Conflict in Deeply Polarized Thailand pp. 24-40 Downloads
Prajak Kongkirati
Turkey: The Slippery Slope from Reformist to Revolutionary Polarization and Democratic Breakdown pp. 42-61 Downloads
Murat Somer
Polarization, Participatory Democracy, and Democratic Erosion in Venezuela’s Twenty-First Century Socialism pp. 62-77 Downloads
María Pilar García-Guadilla and Ana Mallen
The Political Nature of Ideological Polarization: The Case of Hungary pp. 78-96 Downloads
Federico Vegetti
Poland: A Case of Top-Down Polarization pp. 97-119 Downloads
Hubert Tworzecki
Polarization Without Poles: Machiavellian Conflicts and the Philippines’ Lost Decade of Democracy, 2000–2010 pp. 122-136 Downloads
Aries A. Arugay and Dan Slater
United States: Racial Resentment, Negative Partisanship, and Polarization in Trump’s America pp. 137-156 Downloads
Alan Abramowitz and Jennifer McCoy
Dynamics of Polarization in the Greek Case pp. 157-172 Downloads
Ioannis Andreadis and Yannis Stavrakakis
Party System Institutionalization and Pernicious Polarization in Bangladesh pp. 173-192 Downloads
Tahmina Rahman
Polarization in South Africa: Toward Democratic Deepening or Democratic Decay? pp. 194-208 Downloads
Roger Southall
Elite Conflict, Compromise, and Enduring Authoritarianism: Polarization in Zimbabwe, 1980–2008 pp. 209-226 Downloads
Adrienne LeBas and Ngonidzashe Munemo
Reflections: Can American Democracy Still Be Saved? pp. 228-233 Downloads
Nancy Bermeo
Toward a Theory of Pernicious Polarization and How It Harms Democracies: Comparative Evidence and Possible Remedies pp. 234-271 Downloads
Jennifer McCoy and Murat Somer
Corrigendum pp. 272-273 Downloads

Volume 680, issue 1, 2018

Preface pp. 7-8 Downloads
Karen Pence
Fifty Years of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics: Past, Present, and Future pp. 9-28 Downloads
David S. Johnson, Katherine A. McGonagle, Vicki A. Freedman and Narayan Sastry
The PSID in Research and Policy pp. 29-47 Downloads
Timothy M. Smeeding
The PSID and Income Volatility: Its Record of Seminal Research and Some New Findings pp. 48-81 Downloads
Robert Moffitt and Sisi Zhang
Parental Income and Children’s Life Course: Lessons from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics pp. 82-96 Downloads
Greg J. Duncan, Ariel Kalil and Kathleen M. Ziol-Guest
Contributions of Research Based on the PSID Child Development Supplement pp. 97-131 Downloads
Sandra L. Hofferth, David S. Bickham, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Pamela E. Davis-Kean and Wei-Jun Jean Yeung
Addressing Racial Health Disparities: Looking Back to Point the Way Forward pp. 132-171 Downloads
Rucker C. Johnson
Migration, Mobility, and Neighborhood Attainment: Using the PSID to Understand the Processes of Racial Stratification pp. 172-192 Downloads
Christine Leibbrand and Kyle Crowder
Uses of Panel Study of Income Dynamics Data in Research on Aging pp. 193-212 Downloads
Douglas A. Wolf
Intergenerational Mobility in the United States: What We Have Learned from the PSID pp. 213-234 Downloads
Bhashkar Mazumder
The Effects of Union Dissolution on the Economic Resources of Men and Women: A Comparative Analysis of Germany and the United States, 1985–2013 pp. 235-258 Downloads
Gulgun Bayaz-Ozturk, Richard Burkhauser, Kenneth Couch and Richard Hauser
Lifetime Disadvantages after Childhood Adversity: Health Problems Limiting Work and Shorter Life pp. 259-277 Downloads
James N. Laditka and Sarah B. Laditka

Volume 679, issue 1, 2018

Regulating Crime: The New Criminology of Crime Control pp. 8-18 Downloads
Joshua D. Freilich and Graeme R. Newman
Regulating Crime: The Birth of the Idea, Its Nurture, and the Implications for Contemporary Criminology pp. 20-35 Downloads
Ronald V. Clarke
The Expanding Boundaries of Crime Control: Governing Security through Regulation pp. 36-54 Downloads
Anna Gurinskaya and Mahesh k. Nalla
Privatizing Crime Control pp. 55-71 Downloads
Nick Tilley
Governing-through-Harm and Public Goods Policing pp. 72-85 Downloads
Julie Berg and Clifford Shearing
Effective Policing through Regulatory Control pp. 86-104 Downloads
Michael S. Scott
Regulation for High-Crime Places: Theory, Evidence, and Principles pp. 106-120 Downloads
John E. Eck
IUU Fishing and Seafood Fraud: Using Crime Script Analysis to Inform Intervention pp. 121-139 Downloads
Gohar A. Petrossian and Frank S. Pezzella
Regulating Cybercrime through Law Enforcement and Industry Mechanisms pp. 140-157 Downloads
Thomas J. Holt
Regulating Organized Crime pp. 158-177 Downloads
Lars Korsell
Situational Crime Prevention and the Ecological Regulation of Green Crime: A Review and Discussion pp. 178-196 Downloads
Michael J. Lynch, Paul B. Stretesky and Michael A. Long
Policy Levels for Situational Crime Prevention pp. 198-201 Downloads
Marcus Felson
Applying Regulatory Measures to Address Crime Problems: An AGILE Approach to Enhancing Public Safety pp. 202-215 Downloads
Nancy G. La Vigne
Erratum pp. 216-218 Downloads
Page updated 2025-03-31