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The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science

1890 - 2024

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Volume 703, issue 1, 2022

The Social and Community Consequences of the Opioid Epidemic pp. 7-14 Downloads
Rajeev Darolia and Colleen Heflin
The Opioid Crisis, Health, Healthcare, and Crime: A Review of Quasi-Experimental Economic Studies pp. 15-49 Downloads
Johanna Catherine Maclean, Justine Mallatt, Christopher Ruhm and Kosali Simon
Demographic and Geographic Variation in Fatal Drug Overdoses in the United States, 1999–2020 pp. 50-78 Downloads
Shannon M. Monnat
Effects of Opioid Treatment Programs on Child Well-Being pp. 79-105 Downloads
Lindsey Rose Bullinger, Vivian Wang and Kenneth A. Feder
The Effects of Opioid Use during Pregnancy on Infant Health and Well-Being pp. 106-138 Downloads
Jessica Pac, Christine Durrance, Lawrence Berger and Deborah B. Ehrenthal
The Opioid Crisis and Child Maltreatment Across Counties and Time in the United States, 2007–2017 pp. 139-161 Downloads
Alexander Chapman
The Opioid Epidemic and Children’s Living Arrangements in the United States, 2000–2018 pp. 162-187 Downloads
Mónica L. Caudillo, Andrés Villarreal and Philip N. Cohen
The Opioid Crisis and Educational Performance pp. 188-233 Downloads
Rajeev Darolia, Sam Owens and John Tyler
Has the Opioid Crisis Affected Student Learning? A National Analysis of Growth Rates pp. 234-261 Downloads
Jessica Drescher, Lily Steyer, Carrie Townley-Flores and Keith Humphreys
Food Insecurity and the Opioid Crisis pp. 262-284 Downloads
Colleen Heflin and Xiaohan Sun
Do Federal Grants for Medication-Assisted Opioid Treatment Reduce Homelessness? pp. 285-302 Downloads
Andrew Sullivan and Changwe Park
Loss of Life and Labor Productivity: The Canadian Opioid Crisis pp. 303-323 Downloads
Alexander Cheung, Joseph Marchand and Patricia Mark
Fiscal Impacts of the Opioid Crisis on State and Local Governments pp. 324-349 Downloads
Robert Bifulco and Iuliia Shybalkina

Volume 702, issue 1, 2022

Single-Parent Families and Public Policy in High-Income Countries: Introduction to the Volume pp. 8-18 Downloads
Janet C. Gornick, Laurie C. Maldonado and Amanda Sheely
Ethno-Racial Variation in Single Motherhood Prevalences and Penalties for Child Poverty in the United States, 1995–2018 pp. 20-36 Downloads
Regina S. Baker
Cross-National Variation in the Relationship between Welfare Generosity and Single Mother Employment pp. 37-54 Downloads
Thomas Biegert, David Brady and Lena Hipp
Income Support Policies for Single Parents in Europe and the United States: What Works Best? pp. 55-76 Downloads
Elise Aerts, Ive Marx and Zachary Parolin
Nonresident Fathers and the Economic Precarity of Their Children pp. 78-96 Downloads
Lenna Nepomnyaschy, Margaret Thomas, Alex Haralampoudis and Huiying Jin
Child Support Policy across High-Income Countries: Similar Problems, Different Approaches pp. 97-111 Downloads
Mia Hakovirta, Laura Cuesta, Mari Haapanen and Daniel R. Meyer
Single Parents Competing in a Dual-Earner Society: Social Policy to Level the Playing Field pp. 114-128 Downloads
Rense Nieuwenhuis
Making Parental Leave Policies Work for Single Mothers: Lessons from Europe pp. 129-148 Downloads
Alzbeta Bartova, Adeline Otto and Wim Van Lancker
Immigration Policies and the Risks of Single Parenthood for Migrant Women pp. 149-162 Downloads
Isabel Shutes
Single Mothers’ Income in Twelve Rich Countries: Differences in Disadvantage across the Distribution pp. 164-187 Downloads
Susan Harkness
The Wealth (Disadvantage) of Single-Parent Households pp. 188-204 Downloads
Salvatore Morelli, Brian Nolan, Juan Palomino and Philippe Van Kerm
Economic Precarity among Single Parents in the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic pp. 206-223 Downloads
Zachary Parolin and Emma K. Lee
Single Parents in High-Income Countries: What the United States Can Learn from Others pp. 226-235 Downloads
Isabel V. Sawhill
Effective Policies for Single-Parent Families and Prospects for Policy Reforms in the United States: Concluding Reflections pp. 236-251 Downloads
Janet C. Gornick, Laurie C. Maldonado and Amanda Sheely

Volume 701, issue 1, 2022

From Supervision to Opportunity: Reimagining Probation and Parole pp. 8-25 Downloads
David J. Harding, Bruce Western and Jasmin A. Sandelson
Barred: Labor Market Dynamics and Human Capital Development among People on Probation and Parole pp. 28-45 Downloads
Bryan L. Sykes, Meghan Ballard, Daniela Kaiser, Vicente Celestino Mata, J. Amanda Sharry and Justin Sola
Why Do People under Community Supervision Work and Earn So Little? And What Can Policy Do to Increase Their Employment and Earnings? pp. 46-60 Downloads
Harry Holzer
Community Supervision and Employment pp. 61-75 Downloads
Jesse Capece
Prison, College, and the Labor Market: A Critical Analysis by Formerly Incarcerated and Justice-Impacted Students pp. 78-97 Downloads
Khoi Quach, Michael Cerda-Jara, Raven Deverux and Johnny Smith
Job-Related Programs for People on Supervision: Reframing the Problem pp. 98-113 Downloads
Shawn Bushway
From Prison to Entrepreneurship: Can Entrepreneurship be a Reentry Strategy for Justice-Impacted Individuals? pp. 114-133 Downloads
Kylie Jiwon Hwang
How Tax Credits Can Support Formerly Incarcerated Individuals and Their Families pp. 134-150 Downloads
Natalie Smith
Community Supervision, Housing Insecurity, and Homelessness pp. 152-171 Downloads
Dallas Augustine and Margot Kushel
The Health and Health Needs of People under Community Supervision pp. 172-190 Downloads
Laura C. Hawks, Nadine Horton and Emily A. Wang
The Promise and Challenge of Local Initiatives That Support Reentry and Reintegration pp. 191-203 Downloads
Johnna Christian
Paying a Debt to Society: Expunging Criminal Records as a Pathway to Increased Employment pp. 206-208 Downloads
Hakim Nathaniel Crampton
Moving from Awareness to Urgent Action: A Call for Relevant Data and a Human-Centered Reentry Approach pp. 209-212 Downloads
Teresa Y. Hodge

Volume 700, issue 1, 2022

Threats to Science: Politicization, Misinformation, and Inequalities pp. 8-24 Downloads
James N. Druckman
When Science Becomes Embroiled in Conflict: Recognizing the Public’s Need for Debate while Combating Conspiracies and Misinformation pp. 26-40 Downloads
Stephan Lewandowsky, Konstantinos Armaos, Hendrik Bruns, Philipp Schmid, Dawn Liu Holford, Ulrike Hahn, Ahmed Al-Rawi, Sunita Sah and John Cook
Americans’ Attitudes toward the Affordable Care Act: What Role Do Beliefs Play? pp. 41-54 Downloads
Gabriel Miao Li, Josh Pasek, Jon A. Krosnick, Tobias H. Stark, Jennifer Agiesta, Gaurav Sood, Trevor Tompson and Wendy Gross
A Partisan Pandemic: How COVID-19 Was Primed for Polarization pp. 55-72 Downloads
Austin Hegland, Annie Li Zhang, Brianna Zichettella and Josh Pasek
Changing Americans’ Attitudes about Immigration: Using Moral Framing to Bolster Factual Arguments pp. 73-85 Downloads
Jan G. Voelkel, Mashail Malik, Chrystal Redekopp and Robb Willer
Moral Convictions and Threats to Science pp. 86-96 Downloads
Robin Bayes
Defining and Measuring Scientific Misinformation pp. 98-111 Downloads
Brian G. Southwell, J. Scott Babwah Brennen, Ryan Paquin, Vanessa Boudewyns and Jing Zeng
The “Infodemic†Infodemic: Toward a More Nuanced Understanding of Truth-Claims and the Need for (Not) Combatting Misinformation pp. 112-123 Downloads
Nicole M. Krause, Isabelle Freiling and Dietram A. Scheufele
Reducing Health Misinformation in Science: A Call to Arms pp. 124-135 Downloads
Briony Swire-Thompson and David Lazer
Psychological Inoculation against Misinformation: Current Evidence and Future Directions pp. 136-151 Downloads
Cecilie S. Traberg, Jon Roozenbeek and Sander van der Linden
Nudging Social Media toward Accuracy pp. 152-164 Downloads
Gordon Pennycook and David G. Rand
Waking from Paralysis: Revitalizing Conceptions of Climate Knowledge and Justice for More Effective Climate Action pp. 166-182 Downloads
Kimberly R. Marion Suiseeya, Margaret G. O’connell, Edith Leoso, Marvin Shingwe Biness Neme Defoe, Alexandra Anderson, Megan Bang, Pete Beckman, Anne-Marie Boyer, Jennifer Dunn, Jonathan Gilbert, Josiah Hester, Daniel E. Horton, Dylan Bizhikiins Jennings, Philomena Kebec, Nancy C. Loeb, Patricia Loew, William M. Miller, Katie Moffitt, Aaron I. Packman, Michael Waasegiizhig Price, Beth Redbird, Jennie Rogers, Rajesh Sankaran, James Schwoch, Pamala Silas, Weston Twardowski and Nyree Zerega
Is Citizen Science a Remedy for Inequality? pp. 183-194 Downloads
Bruce V. Lewenstein
Inequality and Misperceptions of Group Concerns Threaten the Integrity and Societal Impact of Science pp. 195-207 Downloads
Jonathon P. Schuldt, Adam R. Pearson, Neil A. Lewis, Ashley Jardina and Peter K. Enns
Measuring What Matters: Data Absenteeism, Science Communication, and the Perpetuation of Inequities pp. 208-219 Downloads
K. Viswanath, Rachel Faulkenberry McCloud, Edmund W. J. Lee and Mesfin A. Bekalu
Studying Science Inequities: How to Use Surveys to Study Diverse Populations pp. 220-233 Downloads
Robin Bayes, James N. Druckman and Alauna C. Safarpour
Page updated 2025-03-31