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The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science

1890 - 2024

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Volume 144, issue 1_suppl, 1929

Acknowledgments pp. v-v Downloads
Chapter I pp. 1-3 Downloads
Chapter II pp. 3-33 Downloads
Chapter III pp. 33-52 Downloads
Chapter IV pp. 52-65 Downloads
Chapter V pp. 65-78 Downloads
Chapter VI pp. 78-89 Downloads

Volume 144, issue 1, 1929

Difficulties Involved in Reaching a Final Solution of the Reparations Problem pp. 1-5 Downloads
Harold G. Moulton
Danger Signals in the Present International Financial Situation pp. 6-10 Downloads
Louis T. McFadden
Some Basic Facts in Our International Relations pp. 11-13 Downloads
William C. Redfield
A Practical View of Reparations pp. 14-17 Downloads
Garrard Winston
Relation of Reparations to Allied Indebtedness to the United States pp. 18-20 Downloads
Walter Lichtenstein
The Present and Future of Anglo-American Relations pp. 21-28 Downloads
Charles P. Howland
The New Conception of War pp. 29-31 Downloads
Stephen P. Duggan
The American Inferiority Complex pp. 32-34 Downloads
Arthur Bullard
The Use of Military Power and Anglo-American Relations pp. 35-36 Downloads
Nelson P. Mead
Some Recent Developments Making for Better Anglo-American Relations pp. 37-38 Downloads
William E. Lingelbach
Anglo-American Relations pp. 39-39 Downloads
Philip Kerr
Making the Peace Pact Effective pp. 40-50 Downloads
Arthur Capper
How the Kellogg Peace Pact Can Be Made Effective pp. 51-54 Downloads
Edith Nourse Rogers
Equality of Belligerents and the Embargo Resolutions pp. 55-58 Downloads
Joseph P. Chamberlain
The Kellogg Pact—The Question of Sanction pp. 59-62 Downloads
William Starr Myers
The Economic Loss from the High Tariff of Sugar pp. 63-69 Downloads
Don Orestes Ferrara
A Tariff Formula Just to all Interests and Nations pp. 70-72 Downloads
David I. Walsh
The Tariff of Today pp. 73-75 Downloads
Henry W. Watson
International Problems of the Tariff pp. 76-79 Downloads
Harry T. Collings
Tariff Policy of the United States as Affecting Our Relations with Canada pp. 80-84 Downloads
Walter Wallace McLaren
The Protection of Foreign Lives and Property in Disturbed Areas pp. 85-96 Downloads
Raymond Leslie Buell
Intervention in Central America pp. 97-101 Downloads
H.W. Dodds
Conceptions and Misconceptions Regarding Intervention pp. 102-104 Downloads
John Foster Dulles
International Law and International Policy pp. 105-111 Downloads
Henry Kittredge Norton
Intervention in Latin America pp. 112-113 Downloads
R.A. McGowan
Intervention a Problem of International Guardianship pp. 114-117 Downloads
John B. Whitton
The Preventive Protection of Americans Abroad pp. 118-120 Downloads
Clyde Eagleton
The Protection of Citizens Abroad by Armed Force pp. 121-127 Downloads
Edwin M. Borchard
American Marines in China pp. 128-134 Downloads
Smedley D. Butler
Chinese-American Relations pp. 135-136 Downloads
Chao-Chu Wu
Arbitration of Differences at Conferences on Reduction and Limitation of Armaments pp. 137-139 Downloads
Thomas P. Magbudbr
Armaments and Peace pp. 140-142 Downloads
Norman Thomas
Our Financial and Economic Policies and Armament pp. 143-145 Downloads
Willmott Lewis
President Hoover's Opportunity pp. 146-147 Downloads
James G. McDonald
Public Opinion and Disarmament pp. 148-150 Downloads
Marcel Knecht
GRUENING, ERNEST. Mexico and its Heritage. Pp. 728. Price, $6.00. New York and London: Century Company, 1928 pp. 151-151 Downloads
L.S. Rowe
CASSEL, GREGORY, KUCZYNSKI and NORTON. Fareign Investments. Lectures on the Harris Foundation, 1928. Price, $3.00. University of Chicago, 1928 pp. 151-152 Downloads
Harry T. Collings
ROBINSON, DANIEL, SOMMER. An Anthology of Recent Philosophy. Pp. xi, 674. Price, $4.00. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1929 pp. 152-152 Downloads
Isaac Husik
SELLERY, GEORGE C., and KREY, A. C. Medieval Foundations of Western Civilization. Pp. xii, 633. Price, $3.50. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1929 pp. 152-153 Downloads
Oliver W. Elsbree
GEMMILL, PAUL F. Present Day Labor Relations—A Critical Examination of Methods of Collective Negotiation Between Employers and Employees. Pp. ix, 312. Price, $3.00. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1929 pp. 153-154 Downloads
Henry Seager
MEARS, ELIOT GRINNELL. Resident Orientals on the American Pacific Coast. Their Legal and Economic Status. Pp. xvi, 545. Price, $3.00. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1928 pp. 154-154 Downloads
Thorsten Sellin
HILLER, E. T. The Strike, a Study in Collective Action. Pp. xvi, 304. Price, $2.50. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1928 pp. 155-155 Downloads
Howard P. Becker
HALLOBAN, MATTHEW F. The Romance of the Merit System. Pp. vii, 314. Price, $3.00. Hyattsville, Md. Printed for the author. 1928 pp. 155-156 Downloads
Clinton Rogers Woodruff
TREAT, PAYSON J. The Far East. Pp. xi, 549. Price. $4.00. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1928 pp. 156-156 Downloads
W. Leon Godshall
CLANK, CHARLES L., and EUBANK, EARLE EDWARD. Lockstep and Corridor. Thirty-five years of prison life. Pp. xiv, 177. Cincinnati: The University of Cincinnati Press, 1927 pp. 157-158 Downloads
Thorsten Sellin
LITTLE, ARTHUR D., CH.D. The Handwriting on the Wall: A Chemist's Interpretation. Pp. viii, 287. Price, $2.50. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1928 pp. 157-157 Downloads
H.S. Van Klooster
MACKAYE, BENTON. The New Exploration. Pp. x, 235. Price, $3.00. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1928 pp. 158-158 Downloads
Martin L. Faust
HOUSE, FLOYD N. The Range of Social Theory: A Survey of the Development, Literature, Tendencies and Fundamental Problems of the Social Sciences. Pp. x, 587. Price, $3.60. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1929 pp. 158-159 Downloads
Howard Becker
LEE, VIRGIL P., and HUNT, ROBERT L. Readings in Cotton Marketing. Pp. 459 (mimeographed). Ann Arbor: Edwards Bros., 1928 pp. 159-160 Downloads
Wright Hoffman
JORDAN, RIVERDA H. Extra-Classroom Activities. Pp. ix, 302. Price, $2.50. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1928 pp. 159-159 Downloads
F.B. Igler
CLARK, VICTOR S. History of Manufactures in the United States, 1607-1860. A three-volume work. Volume 1. McGraw-Hill, 1929. Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington pp. 160-160 Downloads
Fayette S. Warner
DIMNET, ERNEST. The Art of Thinking. Pp. xii, 216. Price, $2.50. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1928 pp. 161-161 Downloads
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