The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 621, issue 1, 2009
- Moynihan Redux: Legacies and Lessons pp. 6-27

- Douglas S. Massey and Robert J. Sampson
- Pat Moynihan Thinks about Families pp. 28-33

- James Q. Wilson
- The Moynihan Report and Research on the Black Community pp. 34-46

- William Julius Wilson
- The Labor Market and Young Black Men: Updating Moynihan's Perspective pp. 47-69

- Harry Holzer
- Bayesian Bigot? Statistical Discrimination, Stereotypes, and Employer Decision Making pp. 70-93

- Devah Pager and Diana Karafin
- If Moynihan Had Only Known: Race, Class, and Family Change in the Late Twentieth Century pp. 94-110

- Frank F. Furstenberg
- Fragile Families and the Reproduction of Poverty pp. 111-131

- Sara McLanahan
- Romantic Unions in an Era of Uncertainty: A Post-Moynihan Perspective on African American Women and Marriage pp. 132-148

- Linda M. Burton and M. Belinda Tucker
- Claiming Fatherhood: Race and the Dynamics of Paternal Involvement among Unmarried Men pp. 149-177

- Kathryn Edin, Laura Tach and Ronald Mincy
- Welfare Reform in the Mid-2000s: How African American and Hispanic Families in Three Cities Are Faring pp. 178-201

- Andrew Cherlin, Bianca Frogner, David Ribar and Robert Moffitt
- The New U.S. Immigrants: How Do They Affect Our Understanding of the African American Experience? pp. 202-220

- Frank D. Bean, Cynthia Feliciano, Jennifer Lee and Jennifer Van Hook
- The Black Family and Mass Incarceration pp. 221-242

- Bruce Western and Christopher Wildeman
- Race in the American Mind: From the Moynihan Report to the Obama Candidacy pp. 243-259

- Lawrence D. Bobo and Camille Z. Charles
- Racial Stratification and the Durable Tangle of Neighborhood Inequality pp. 260-280

- Robert J. Sampson
- Moynihan Was Right: Now What? pp. 281-314

- Ron Haskins
- Quick Read Synopsis pp. 315-326

- N/a
Volume 620, issue 1, 2008
- Introduction pp. 7-9

- Alejandro Portes and Patricia Fernández-Kelly
- No Margin for Error: Educational and Occupational Achievement among Disadvantaged Children of Immigrants pp. 12-36

- Alejandro Portes and Patricia Fernández-Kelly
- Success Attained, Deterred, and Denied: Divergent Pathways to Social Mobility in Los Angeles's New Second Generation pp. 37-61

- Min Zhou, Jennifer Lee, Jody Agius Vallejo, Rosaura Tafoya-Estrada and Yang Sao Xiong
- The Role of School in the Upward Mobility of Disadvantaged Immigrants' Children pp. 62-89

- Lingxin Hao and Suet-Ling Pong
- Disparities in the Educational Success of Immigrants: An Assessment of the Immigrant Effect for Asians and Latinos pp. 90-114

- Angel L. Harris, Kenneth M. Jamison and Monica H. Trujillo
- The Back Pocket Map: Social Class and Cultural Capital as Transferable Assets in the Advancement of Second-Generation Immigrants pp. 116-137

- Patricia Fernández-Kelly
- Ethnic Communities and School Performance among the New Second Generation in the United States: Testing the Theory of Segmented Assimilation pp. 138-160

- Clemens Kroneberg
- Fit to Miss, but Matched to Hatch: Success Factors among the Second Generation's Disadvantaged in South Florida pp. 161-176

- Lisa Konczal and William Haller
- Educational Hopes, Documented Dreams: Guatemalan and Salvadoran Immigrants' Legality and Educational Prospects pp. 177-193

- Cecilia MenjÃvar
- The Coming of the Second Generation: Immigration and Ethnic Mobility in Southern California pp. 196-236

- Rubén G. Rumbaut
- “Here's Your Diploma, Mom!†Family Obligation and Multiple Pathways to Success pp. 237-252

- Tekla Nicholas, Alex Stepick and Carol Dutton Stepick
- Becoming American, Becoming Minority, Getting Ahead: The Role of Racial and Ethnic Status in the Upward Mobility of the Children of Immigrants pp. 253-269

- Philip Kasinitz
- Horatio Alger Lives in Brooklyn: Extrafamily Support, Intrafamily Dynamics, and Socially Neutral Operating Identities in Exceptional Mobility among Children of Mexican Immigrants pp. 270-290

- Robert Courtney Smith
- Norms, Values, and Solidarity: A Durkheimian Perspective on Escaping from the Inner City pp. 292-294

- Steven ElÃas Alvarado
- No Margin for Error and Its Implications for Future Research pp. 295-298

- G. Cristina Mora
- We Are the People Who Love Us and the Stories We Tell Ourselves pp. 299-301

- Alejandro Rivas
- Book Review Essay: New Faces in New Places: The Changing Geography of American Immigration pp. 304-306

- Peggy Levitt
- Book Review Essay: Inheriting the City: The Children of Immigrants Come of Age pp. 307-310

- Charles Hirschman
- Exceptional Outcomes: Achievement in Education and Employment among Children of Immigrants pp. 312-324

- N/a
Volume 619, issue 1, 2008
- Introduction: The Diversity of Culture pp. 6-14

- Amy Binder, Mary Blair-Loy, John Evans, Kwai Ng and Michael Schudson
- Culture and Organization Theory pp. 15-40

- Calvin Morrill
- Culture and Inequality: Identity, Ideology, and Difference in “Postascriptive Society†pp. 41-58

- Maria Charles
- Culture and Race/Ethnicity: Bolder, Deeper, and Broader pp. 59-77

- John D. Skrentny
- Culture and Movements pp. 78-96

- Francesca Polletta
- Culture and Education pp. 97-113

- Mitchell L. Stevens
- Culture and Markets: How Economic Sociology Conceptualizes Culture pp. 114-129

- Peter Levin
- Culture and Microsociology: The Anthill and the Veldt pp. 130-148

- Gary Alan Fine and Corey D. Fields
- Culture and Law: Beyond a Paradigm of Cause and Effect pp. 149-164

- Abigail C. Saguy and Forrest Stuart
- Culture and Science/Technology: Rethinking Knowledge, Power, Materiality, and Nature pp. 165-182

- Steven Epstein
- Culture and the Sociology of Sexuality: It's Only Natural? pp. 183-205

- Dawne Moon
- Culture and Popular Culture: A Case for Sociology pp. 206-222

- Laura Grindstaff
- Culture and the Arts: From Art Worlds to Arts-in-Action pp. 223-237

- Sophia Krzys Acord and Tia DeNora
- Quick Read Synopsis pp. 238-257

- N/a
Volume 618, issue 1, 2008
- Introduction: Terrorism: The First Portfolio for the Next President pp. 6-12

- Richard A. Clarke and Emilian Papadopoulos
- Al Qaeda, the Organization: A Five-Year Forecast pp. 14-30

- Peter Bergen
- Pakistan and Terror: The Eye of the Storm pp. 31-45

- Bruce Riedel
- Using the Mistakes of al Qaeda's Franchises to Undermine Its Strategies pp. 46-54

- Brian Fishman
- Iraq's Long-Term Impact on Jihadist Terrorism pp. 55-68

- Daniel L. Byman and Kenneth M. Pollack
- Briefing for the New President: The Terrorist Threat in Indonesia and Southeast Asia pp. 69-78

- Sidney Jones
- From Profiles to Pathways and Roots to Routes: Perspectives from Psychology on Radicalization into Terrorism pp. 80-94

- John Horgan
- “Homegrown†Terrorists: Theory and Cases in the War on Terror's Newest Front pp. 95-109

- Evan F. Kohlmann
- Countering Terrorist Finance: A Work, Mostly in Progress pp. 112-132

- Jonathan M. Winer
- The Incisive Fight: Recommendations for Improving Counterterrorism Intelligence pp. 133-147

- Eric Rosenbach
- Restoring Moral Authority: Ending Torture, Secret Detention, and the Prison at Guantanamo Bay pp. 148-159

- Tom Malinowski
- Mutually Assured Support: A Security Doctrine for Terrorist Nuclear Weapon Threats pp. 160-167

- Baruch Fischhoff, Scott Atran and Marc Sageman
- The Conundrum of Iran: Strengthening Moderates without Acquiescing to Belligerence pp. 168-179

- John Brennan
- A Counterradicalization Strategy for a New U.S. Administration pp. 182-196

- Karin von Hippel
- The Resurgent and Persistent Threat of al Qaeda pp. 197-211

- Reid Sawyer and Michael Foster
- To Win the “War on Terror,†We Must First Win the “War of Ideasâ€: Here's How pp. 212-222

- Hady Amr and P. W. Singer
- A Strategy for Fighting International Islamist Terrorists pp. 223-231

- Marc Sageman
- Defeating the Attempted Global Jihadist Insurgency: Forty Steps for the Next President to Pursue against al Qaeda, Like-Minded Groups, Unhelpful State Actors, and Radicalized Sympathizers pp. 232-247

- Peter Bergen and Laurence Footer
- Quick Read Synopsis pp. 250-277

- N/a
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