The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 107, issue 1, 1923
- Editor's Preface pp. i-i

- W.P.M. Kennedy
- The Growth of Population in Canada pp. 1-6

- R.H. Coats
- The French Canadians in the Province of Quebec pp. 7-12

- G.E. Marquis
- The French Canadians Outside of Quebec pp. 13-24

- Senator N.A. Belcourt
- Emigration of Canadians to the United States pp. 25-34

- G.E. Jackson
- The Immigrant Settler pp. 35-43

- P.H. Bryce
- The Canadianization of the Immigrant Settler pp. 45-49

- J.H. Haslam
- Oriental Immigration pp. 50-55

- T.H. Boggs
- Canada's Immigration Policy pp. 56-62

- Robert J.C. Stead
- The Aboriginal Races pp. 63-66

- Duncan C. Scott
- Agriculture in Eastern Canada pp. 67-73

- W.C. Hopper
- Western Agricultural Resources pp. 74-81

- Norman P. Lambert
- Agricultural Research in Canada Its Origin and Development pp. 82-87

- E.S. Hopkins
- The Fisheries of Canada pp. 88-94

- Edward E. Prince
- The Forests and Forest Industries of Canada pp. 95-101

- C.D. Howe
- The Mineral Resources of Canada pp. 102-109

- Balmer Neilly
- Water Powers of Canada pp. 110-114

- Staff of Dominion Water Power Branch
- Industrial Research in Canada pp. 115-119

- Frank D. Adams
- Primary and Secondary Education in Canada pp. 120-125

- S.A. Cudmore
- Higher Education pp. 126-130

- G.S. Brett
- The Canadian National Railways pp. 131-135

- D.A. MacGibbon
- Canadian Banking pp. 136-148

- Edmund Walker
- Comparative Prices in Canada and the United States pp. 149-154

- H. Michell
- The Foreign Trade of Canada pp. 155-169

- Victor Ross
- The Flow of Capital—Canada pp. 170-182

- Harvey E. Fisk
- Canada's Outstanding Imports pp. 183-186

- S.H. Logan
- Marketing Wheat pp. 187-192

- James Stewart
- The Canadian Tariff pp. 193-197

- J.A. Stevenson
- The British Preference pp. 198-203

- John Lewis
- Canada's Budgetary System pp. 204-208

- B.J. Roberts
- The War Finance of Canada1 pp. 209-215

- Thomas White
- Dominion and Provincial Taxation in Canada pp. 216-220

- H.R. Kemp
- Municipal Taxation in Canada pp. 221-226

- Horace L. Brittain
- Canada's Rural Problem pp. 227-237

- W.C. Good
- Agricultural Coöperation in the Canadian West pp. 238-247

- C.R. Fay
- The Agrarian Movement pp. 248-253

- M.H. Staples
- Protection of Workers in Industry pp. 254-266

- Marion Findlay
- The Returned Soldier pp. 267-272

- H.S. Beland
- Divorce in Canada pp. 275-281

- Justice A. Rives Hall
- The Labour Movement in Canada pp. 282-285

- R.H. Coats
- Unemployment and Organization of the Labour Market pp. 286-293

- Bryce M. Stewart
- Arbitration and Conciliation in Canada pp. 294-298

- R.M. Maciver
- Political Developments within the Labour Movement in Canada pp. 299-302

- J.S. Woodsworth
- Select Bibliography of Social and Economic Conditions in Canada pp. 303-307

- W.P.M. Kennedy
- Ross, EDWARD ALSWORTH. The Social Trend. Pp. 235. Price, $1.75. New York: The Century Company pp. 308-309

- James H.S. Bossard
- Manchuria—Land of Opportunities. Pp. 113. New York—South Manchuria Railway, 1922. Compiled and Published by Thomas F. Logan, Inc., New York pp. 308-308

- Alfred G. White
- CASSEL, GUSTAV. Money and Foreign Ex change After 1914. Pp. 287. Price, $2.25. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1922 pp. 309-309

- N/a
- CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM J. American Rail roads, Government Control and Reconstruc tion Policies. Pp. 409. Price, $3.00. Chicago: A. W. Shaw Company pp. 309-311

- T.W. Van Metre
- VANDERBLUE, HOMER BEWS, and BURGESS, KENNETH FARWELL. Railroads, Rates, Service, Management. Pp. 488. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1923 pp. 311-312

- N/a
- FISHER, IRVING. The Making of Index Numbers. A Study of Their Varieties, Tests and Reliability. Pp. xxxi, 526. Price, $7.50. New York: Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1922 pp. 312-313

- Bruce D. Mudgett
- FISHER, ARNE. The Mathematical Theory of Probabilities and Its Application to Frequency Curves and Statistical Methods. Pp. xxix, 289. New York: Macmillan, 1922 pp. 312-312

- N/a
- MITCHELL, MACAULEY, KING & KNAULTB. Income in the United States, Its Amount and Distribution, 1909-1919, Volume II, Detailed Report. Pp. xiv, 440. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1922 pp. 313-314

- Bruce D. Mudgett
- HILL, CHARLES E., PH.D., Professor of Political Science, George Washington University. Leading American Treaties. Pp. 399. New York: Macmillan Com pany, 1922 pp. 314-314

- N/a
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