The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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Volume 282, issue 1, 1952
- Foreword pp. vii-viii

- Norman D. Palmer
- What Is the National Interest of the United States? pp. 1-7

- Hans J. Morgenthau
- Foundations of Current American Foreign Policy pp. 8-11

- John Sparkman
- Are Our Present Foreign Policies Promoting Our National Interests ? pp. 12-18

- John M. Vorys
- Strength of the Atlantic Community pp. 19-30

- W.R. Herod
- An International Materials Policy pp. 31-35

- Manly Fleischmann
- Can Germany Contain Russia Safely? pp. 36-40

- Joseph C. Harsch
- France Today pp. 41-44

- Maurice Ferro
- Europe in a Western Community pp. 45-52

- Paul-Henri Spaak
- Tensions in the Middle East pp. 53-59

- N. Saifpour Fatemi
- Problems of Adjustment in the Middle East pp. 60-63

- Adam Watson
- Report from the Middle East pp. 64-68

- Ray Brock
- Pakistani Principles and Policies pp. 69-71

- S.M. Burke
- National Interests and World Peace pp. 72-76

- Norman Thomas
- In Defense of International Law and Morality pp. 77-83

- A.H. Feller
- National Interest and National Responsibility pp. 84-90

- C.B. Marshall
- The Bases of Peace pp. 91-96

- Ales Bebler
- The Inter-American System Today pp. 97-103

- Alberto Lleras
- Liberia: An American Responsibility pp. 104-107

- Dihdwo Twe
- Nationalism and the Asian Awakening pp. 108-113

- B.R. Sen
- NATO and Pacific Security pp. 114-118

- Percy C. Spender
- International Relations and World Government pp. 119-120

- Dewitt C. Poole
- LANGER, WILLIAM L., and S. EVERETT GLEASON. The Challenge to Isolation, 1937-1940. Pp. xv, 794. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. $7.50 pp. 120-121

- Martin B. Travis
- STERNBERG, FRITZ. Capitalism and Social ism on Trial. Pp. 603. New York: The John Day Company, 1952. $7.00 pp. 121-121

- Emil Lengyel
- VAN ALSTYNE, RICHARD W. American Crisis Diplomacy: The Quest for Collec tive Security, 1918-1952. Pp. xiii, 165. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1952. $3.50 pp. 121-122

- William B. Ziff
- DENNETT, RAYMOND, and ROBERT K. TUR NER (Eds.). Documents on American Foreign Relations. Vol. XII: January 1-December 31, 1950. Pp. xxvi, 702. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1952. $6.00 pp. 122-123

- Oliver Benson
- ALLEN, JAMES S. Atomic Imperialism: The State, Monopoly, and the Bomb. Pp. 288. New York: International Pub lishers, 1952. $3.25 pp. 123-124

- John M. Mccullough
- VINACKE, HAROLD M. The United States and the Far East, 1945-1951. Pp. vii, 144. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford Univer sitv Press, 1952. $3.00 pp. 124-124

- Harold R. Isaacs
- FISHEL, WESLEY R. The End of Extra territoriality in China. Pp. xv, 318. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1952. $4.50 pp. 124-125

- Franz Michael
- TREFOUSSE, H. L. Germany and Ameri can Neutrality, 1939-1941. Pp. iii, 247. New York: Bookman Associates. $3.75 pp. 125-126

- Eli E. Nobleman
- American Government, History, Law, and Political Theory pp. 126-127

- James P. Warburg
- TAYLOR, ALLAN (Ed. and interpreter). What Eisenhower Thinks. Pp. 186. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Com pany, 1952. $2.75 pp. 127-128

- Murray S. Stedman
- BIDDLE, FRANCIS. The Fear of Freedom. Pp. ix, 263. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, 1952. $3.50 pp. 127-127

- Francis J. Brown
- HOOVER, HERBERT. The Memoirs of Her bert Hoover. Vol. II: The Cabinet and the Presidency, 1920-1933. Pp. xiii, 405. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1952. $5.00 pp. 128-129

- Wilfred E. Binkley
- HARASZTI, ZOLTÃ N. John Adams & the Prophets of Progress. Pp. xi, 362. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1952. $5.00 pp. 129-131

- Thomas S. Barclay
- HELLER, FRANCIS H. Introduction to American Constitutional Law: A Selec tion of Cases and Materials. Pp. x, 691. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. $5.00 pp. 131-132

- David Fellman
- TURNER, JULIUS. Party and Constitu ency: Pressures on Congress. In "The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science," Series LXIX, Number 1. Pp. 190, xv. Balti more: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1951. $2.50 pp. 132-133

- David B. Truman
- MACDOUGALL, CURTIS D. Understanding Public Opinion: A Guide for News papermen and Newspaper Readers. Pp. xii, 698. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1952. $5.00 pp. 133-133

- Richard Hooker
- CARPENTER, WILLIAM SEAL. The Unfin ished Business of Civil Service Reform. Pp. 128. Princeton: Princeton Univer sity Press, 1952. $3.00 pp. 133-134

- O. Glenn Stahl
- ALLEN, FLORENCE ELLINWOOD. The Treaty as an Instrument of Legislation. Pp. xxi, 114. New York: The Macmillan Com pany, 1952. $1.75 pp. 134-135

- Quincy Wright
- CRAVEN, WESLEY FRANK, and JAMES LEA CATE (Eds.). The Army Air Forces in World War II. Vol. III: "Europe— Argument to V-E Day, January 1944 to May 1945. Pp. xxxix, 948. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (for the Air Historical Group, USAF), 1951. $8.50 pp. 135-137

- Arthur P. Watts
- BEAN, WALTON. Boss Ruef's San Fran cisco: The Story of the Union Labor Party, Big Business, and the Graft Prosecution. Pp. xii, 345. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1952. $5.00 pp. 137-138

- Winston W. Crouch
- MOWRY, GEORGE E. The California Pro gressives. Pp. xi, 349. Berkeley: Uni versity of California Press, 1952. $6.00 pp. 138-139

- Murray Seasongood
- BOLLES, BLAIR. How To Get Rich in Washington: Rich Man's Division of the Welfare State. Pp. x, 309. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1952. $3.75 pp. 138-138

- John Buttrick
- LENS, SIDNEY. The Counterfeit Revolu tion. Pp. 272. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1952. $3.50 pp. 140-140

- George Denicke
- FONER, PHILIP S. (Ed.). The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass. Vol. III: The Civil War, 1861-1865. Pp. 448. New York: International Pub lishers, 1952. $4.50 pp. 140-141

- Leonard Price Stavisky
- TATUM, ELBERT LEE. The Changed Po litical Thought of the Negro, 1915-1940. Pp. 205. New York: Exposition Press, 1952. $3.00 pp. 141-142

- J. Erroll Miller
- KNAUFF, ELLEN RAPHAEL. The Ellen Knauff Story. Introduction by Arthur Garfield Hays. Pp. xix, 242, 21. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1952. $3.50 pp. 142-143

- Patrick Murphy Malin
- Economics and Industry pp. 143-145

- David McCord Wright
- LINDHOLM, RICHARD W. Taxation of the Trucking Industry. Pp. xv, 141. Co lumbus: Bureau of Business Research, College of Commerce and Administra tion, Ohio State University, 1951. No price pp. 145-146

- D. Philip Locklin
- LINCOLN, JAMES F. Incentive Manage ment: A New Approach to Human Re lationships in Industry and Business. Pp. 280. Cleveland, Ohio: The Lincoln Electric Co., 1951. $1.00 pp. 145-145

- John Newton Thurber
- CHILDS, MARQUIS. The Farmer Takes A Hand: The Electric Power Revolution in Rural America. Introduction by Senator George D. Aiken. Pp. 256. New York: Doubleday & Company, 1952. $3.50 pp. 146-147

- Marvin Henry Morse
- ROSE, ARNOLD M. Union Solidarity: The Internal Cohesion of a Labor Union. Pp. xx, 209. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1952. $3.00 pp. 147-148

- Bernard Karsh
- DAVEY, HAROLD W. Contemporary Collec tive Bargaining. Pp. xi, 532. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1951. $5.50 pp. 148-148

- Robert C. Sorensen
- GALENSON, WALTER (Ed.). Comparative Labor Movements. Pp. xiv, 599. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1952. $6.50 pp. 148-149

- Melvin J. Segal
- BRADY, ROBERT A. The Citizen's Stake in Price Control. Pp. 161. Paterson, N. J.: Littlefield, Adams & Co., 1952. $1.50 pp. 149-149

- J.P. Watson
- CASSELMAN, PAUL HUBERT. The Coopera tive Movement and Some of Its Prob lems. Pp. xiii, 178. New York: Philo sophical Library, 1952. $3.00 pp. 149-150

- Leland J. Gordon
- NEWMAN, PHILIP CHARLES. The Devel opment of Economic Thought. Pp. xiv, 456. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1952. $5.00 pp. 150-151

- Edmund Whittaker
- Sociology and Education pp. 151-152

- Charles S. Ascher
- REINHARDT, JAMES M., PAUL MEADOWS, and JOHN M. GILLETTE. Social Prob lems and Social Policy. Pp. ix, 590. New York: American Book Company, 1952. $4.50 pp. 152-153

- Joseph Mayer
- HERBERTSON, DOROTHY. The Life of Frédéric Le Play. Edited by VICTOR BRANFORD and ALEXANDER FARQUAHAR- SON. Pp. 120. Ledbury, Herefordshire: Le Play House Press, 1951. 12s. 6d pp. 153-154

- Jessie Bernard
- LOEWY, HERTA. The Retarded Child. Pp. 160. New York: Philosophical Library, 1951. $3.75 pp. 154-154

- E.L. Johnstone
- POLLAK, OTTO, and collaborators. Social Science and Psychotherapy for Children. Pp. 242. New York: Russell Sage Foun dation, 1952. $4.00 pp. 155-156

- J. McV. Hunt
- SLOTKIN, J. S. Personality Development. Pp. x, 401. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1952. $4.50 pp. 156-157

- Manford Kuhn
- GLUECK, SHELDON, and ELEANOR GLUECK. Delinquents in the Making: Paths to Prevention. Pp. viii, 214. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. $3.00 pp. 157-158

- Douglas H. Macneil
- Community Services for Older People: The Chicago Plan. Prepared by the Community Project for the Aged of the Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chi cago, Project Director Elizabeth Breckin ridge; with a foreword by Ernest W Burgess. A Wiebold Foundation Proj ect. Pp. xv, 240. Chicago: Wilcox & Follett Company, 1952. $3.00 pp. 158-159

- Hertha Kraus
- CARR, LOWELL JUILLIARD, and JAMES ED- SON STERMER. Willow Run: A Study of Industrialization and Cultural Inade quacy. Pp. xxii, 406. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. $5.00 pp. 159-160

- L. Guy Brown
- STEIN, CLARENCE S. Toward New Towns for America. Introduction by LEWIS MUMFORD. Pp. 245. Chicago: Public Administration Service, 1951. $5.00 pp. 160-160

- Robert B. Mitchell
- WINSLOW, C.-E. A. The Cost of Sickness and the Price of Health. Pp. 106. Geneva: World Health Organization (Monograph Series No. 7), 1951. $1.50 pp. 160-161

- Franz Goldmann
- EARLE, CLIFFORD J. How to Help an Al coholic. Fifth publication of The West minster Pastoral Aid Books. Pp. 96. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1952. $1.50 pp. 161-162

- Selden D. Bacon
- TAX, SOL, and members of the Viking Fund Seminar on Middle American Ethnology. Heritage of Conquest: The Ethnology of Middle America. Pp. 312. Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press, 1952. $5.00 pp. 162-163

- Edward H. Spicer
- FENLASON, ANNE F. Essentials in Inter viewing: For the Interviewer Offering Professional Services. Pp. xiii, 352. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. $4.00 pp. 163-164

- Ralph Carr Fletcher
- BOWER, WILLIAM CLAYTON. Moral and Spiritual Values in Education. Pp. xv, 214. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1952. $3.50 pp. 164-164

- Galen Jones
- MONROE, WALTER S. Teaching-Learning Theory and Teacher Education, 1890- 1950. Pp. vii, 426. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1952. $6.50 pp. 164-165

- Francis J. Brown
- Philosophy and Religion pp. 165-166

- Oliver L. Reiser
- WILLIAMS, GARDNER. Humanistic Ethics. Pp. xii, 223. New York: Philosophical Library, 1951. $3.75 pp. 166-166

- Helmut Kuhn
- WILLIAMS, DAVID RHYS. World Religions and the Hope for Peace. Pp. xiv, 221. Boston: Beacon Press, 1951. $2.75 pp. 166-168

- Ephraim Mschoff
- O'NEILL, JAMES M. Catholicism and American Freedom. Pp. xii, 287. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. $3.50 pp. 168-168

- Arthur Garfield Hays
- KAGAN, HENRY ENOCH. Changing the At titude of Christian Toward Jew: A Psy chological Approach Through Religion. Pp. xvi, 155. New York: Columbia University Press, 1952. $2.75 pp. 168-169

- Everett R. Clinchy
- Commonwealth of Nations pp. 169-170

- E.A. Beller
- FINBERG, H. P. R. Tavistock Abbey: A Study in the Social and Economic History of Devon. Pp. xi, 320. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1952. $5.00 pp. 170-171

- Albert Hyma
- FORBES, DUNCAN. The Liberal Anglican Idea of History. Pp. x, 208. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1952. $4.00 pp. 170-170

- Preston Slosson
- DE JOUVENEL, BERTRAND. The Ethics of Redistribution. Pp. ix, 91. London and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1952. $1.75 pp. 171-172

- Henry William Spiegel
- GRENFELL, RUSSELL. Main Fleet to Singa pore. Pp. 238. New York: The Mac millan Company, 1952. $3.75 pp. 172-172

- Leland P. Lovette
- Slavic Countries pp. 172-173

- F. Dvornik
- NYARADI, NICHOLAS. My Ringside Seat In Moscow. Pp. 320. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1952. $3.75 pp. 173-174

- A.O. Sarkissian
- JASNY, NAUM. Soviet Prices of Producers' Goods. Pp. vii, 180. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1952. $2.00 pp. 174-175

- Karl Scholz
- ULAM, ADAM B. Titoism and the Comin form. Pp. ix, 243. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1952. $4.00 pp. 175-175

- Joseph S. Roucek
- KAZEMZADEH, FIRUZ. The Struggle for Transcaucasia (1917-1921). With an introduction by Michael Karpovich. Pp. xv, 356, map. New York: Philosophical Library, 1951. $5.75 pp. 175-176

- Harry N. Howard
- TENENBAUM, JOSEPH. Underground: The Story of a People. Pp. ix, 532. New York: Philosophical Library, 1952. $4.50 pp. 176-177

- Israel Cohen
- Western Continental Europe pp. 177-178

- Stefan T. Possony
- MASON, HENRY L. The Purge of Dutch Quislings: Emergency Justice in the Netherlands. Pp. xii, 199. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1952. No price pp. 178-179

- Adriaan J. Barnouw
- GATHORNE-HARDY, G. M., A. G. SPENCER, AGNES H. HICKS, and G. TURVILLE- PETRE. The Scandinavian States and Finland: A Political and Economic Sur vey. Pp. viii, 312. New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1952. $4.00 pp. 179-181

- Ake Sandler
- MAYER, KURT B. The Population of Switzerland. Pp. xiv, 336. New York: Columbia University Press, 1952. $5.00 pp. 179-179

- M.C. Elmer
- KOCH, HAL. Grundtvig. Translated from the Danish with Introduction and Notes by Llewellyn Jones. Pp. xx, 231. Yel low Springs, Ohio: The Antioch Press, 1952. $3.50 pp. 181-182

- Waldemar Westergaard
- Others pp. 182-182

- Robert S. Platt
- INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. Voca tional Training in Latin America. Pp. iv, 320. Geneva: ILO (distributed in the U. S. by ILO Washington Branch), 1951. $2.00 pp. 183-184

- Robert J. Alexander
- TOWNSEND, WILLIAM CAMERON. Lazaro Cdrdetws, Mexican Democrat. Pp. xiv, 379. Ann Arbor, Mich.: George Wahr Publishing Company, 1952. $4.00 pp. 184-185

- J. Lloyd Mecham
- PENDLE, GEORGE. Uruguay—South Ameri ca's First Welfare State. Pp. viii, 100. New York: Royal Institute of Interna tional Affairs, 1952. $2.50 pp. 185-186

- William L. Mitchell
- INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUC TION AND DEVELOPMENT. Report on Cuba. Findings and Recommendations of an Economic and Technical Mission organized by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development in col laboration with the Government of Cuba in 1950, Francis Adams Truslow, Chief of Mission. Pp. xxiv, 1052. Washing ton, 1951. $7.50 pp. 185-185

- C. Addison Hickman
- WALES, NYM. Red Dust: Autobiographies of Chinese Communists, as told to Nym Wales. With an introduction by Robert Carver North. Pp. xiv, 238. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1952. $5.00 pp. 186-187

- H. Arthur Steiner
- LEHRMAN, HAL. Israel: The Beginning and Tomorrow. Pp. v, 358. New York: William Sloane Associates, 1952. $3.75 pp. 187-188

- Solomon Grayzel
- FREEMAN, KATHLEEN. God, Man and State: Greek Concepts. Pp. vii, 240. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1952. $3.25 pp. 188-188

- Charles Edward Smith
- STAVRIANOS, L. S. Greece: American Di lemma and Opportunity. Pp. ix, 246. Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1952. $3.25 pp. 188-189

- William Yale
- Letters To the Editor pp. 189-192

- N/a
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