The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 156, issue 1, 1931
- Foreword pp. i-i

- Ernest Minor Patterson
- Economic Germany and the United States Today pp. 1-8

- James W. Angell
- International Aspect of the German Situation pp. 9-14

- Theodor Plaut
- Economic Trends in Germany and in the United States pp. 15-17

- Magnus W. Alexander
- The United States Immigration Policy pp. 18-27

- Constantine Panunzio
- Is Our Immigration Policy Satisfactory? pp. 28-40

- Roy L. Garis
- Immigration—A Domestic or an International Problem? pp. 41-49

- Harold Fields
- A Naturalized Citizen's View of Immigration pp. 50-53

- A. Th Polyzoides
- The Menace of Communism pp. 54-61

- Hamilton Fish
- Capitalism and Communism pp. 62-75

- Jerome Davis
- An American Policy Toward Russia pp. 76-83

- George Soule
- How Tariffs Affect Prosperity pp. 84-92

- George Paish
- A Tariff Policy for the Future pp. 93-100

- H. Parker Willis
- The Most-Favored-Nation Clause: A Menace to World Peace 1 pp. 101-106

- Henri Hauser
- A Defense of the Most-Favored-Nation Clause 1 pp. 107-109

- A. Mertens
- Our Future Relations with Haiti pp. 110-115

- Alonzo Potter Burgess Holly
- Relations with Our Latin American Neighbors pp. 116-125

- Walter C. Thurston
- Changes in Our Latin American Policy pp. 126-132

- Raymond Leslie Buell
- Importance of Our Relations with Latin America pp. 133-135

- Harry T. Collings
- Coöperation Abroad through Organization at Home pp. 136-140

- Witt Clinton Poole
- World Coöperation through Business pp. 141-146

- Huston Thompson
- Our Attitude Toward the League of Nations pp. 147-181

- Manley O. Hudson
Volume 155, issue 2, 1931
- Foreword pp. i-i

- W.L. Pollard
- History of Zoning pp. 1-14

- Gordon Whitnall
- Outline of the Law of Zoning in the United States pp. 15-33

- W.L. Pollard
- Zoning for Humanitarian Institutions pp. 34-39

- Edward M. Bassett
- Zoning Laws and Their Relation to Taxation pp. 40-42

- Frederic A. Delano
- Legal Considerations in the Planning of Airports pp. 43-46

- Frank B. Williams
- County Zoning under the California Planning Act pp. 47-59

- Hugh R. Pomeroy
- Analysis of Zoning Ordinances pp. 60-68

- W.L. Pollard
- Zoning Survey and Procedure pp. 69-73

- Earl O. Mills
- Standardization of Zoning Symbols pp. 74-82

- A.E. Williamson
- Zoning by Design pp. 83-94

- Charles H. Diggs
- State Zoning pp. 95-100

- C.B. Whitnall
- Business Zoning pp. 101-104

- Harland Bartholomew
- Open Spaces for Residential Buildings pp. 105-107

- Robert Whitten
- Mechanics of Zoning Adjustments pp. 108-122

- C.J.S. Williamson
- Regulating Land Uses in the County pp. 123-136

- L. Deming Tilton
- Zoning, Taxation, and Assessments pp. 137-144

- Donald M. Baker
- Zoning and the Home pp. 145-153

- Carol Aronovici
- The Effect of Zoning on the Investment in Public Works pp. 154-158

- W.W. Horner
- Architectural Control in Relation to Zoning pp. 159-165

- Charles H. Cheney
- Controlling the Load on Land through Zoning pp. 166-171

- Ernest P. Goodrich
- Economic Effects of Zoning pp. 172-177

- George Leroy Schmutz
- The City Plan and What It Is pp. 178-189

- John M. Gries
- Aesthetics of Zoning pp. 190-193

- Russell Vannest Black
- Progress in the Science of Zoning pp. 194-201

- Jacob L. Crane
- A Danger Spot in the Zoning Movement pp. 202-206

- William B. Munro
- A Realtor's Viewpoint on Zoning, Present and Future pp. 207-212

- Harry H. Culver
- Selected References on Zoning in the United States pp. 213-227

- Katherine McNamara
Volume 155, issue 1, 1931
- Foreword pp. i-i

- S.S. Huebner
- The Insurance Service of Commodity Exchanges pp. 1-6

- S.S. Huebner
- The Hedging of Grain1 pp. 7-22

- G. Wright Hoffman
- Hedging in the Cotton Market pp. 23-38

- W. Hustace Hubbard
- Governmental Regulation of Exchanges pp. 39-55

- G. Wright Hoffman
- The Case for the Agricultural Marketing Act pp. 56-64

- Joseph S. Davis
- Opposing the Agricultural Marketing Act pp. 65-73

- C.D. Sturtevant
- Arbitraging in Grain pp. 74-78

- Siebel C. Harris
- Relationship of Cash and Future Prices pp. 79-90

- W.H.S. Stevens
- Factors Affecting Prices on Organized Commodity Markets1 pp. 91-99

- G. Wright Hoffman
- Commodity Exchange Clearing Systems pp. 100-109

- H.J. Loman
- The New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange pp. 110-118

- E.M. Brunn
- The Rubber Exchange of New York pp. 119-126

- John L. Julian
- The Metal Exchange pp. 127-132

- Ivan Reitler
- Chicago Mercantile Exchange pp. 133-135

- Lloyd S. Tenny
- Provisions Market of the Chicago Board of Trade pp. 136-139

- Fred H. Clutton
- New York Cocoa Exchange pp. 140-145

- Eugene A. Canalizo
- National Raw Silk Exchange, Inc pp. 146-150

- Alfred H. Korndorfer
- Trading in Hide Futures pp. 151-157

- E.L. McKendrew
- The New York Burlap and Jute Exchange pp. 158-160

- James E. Boyle
- Exchanges at the Live Stock Markets pp. 161-166

- Charles A. Wilson
- Cottonseed Oil Exchanges pp. 167-172

- James E. Boyle
- Memphis Merchants Exchange Clearing Association pp. 173-175

- James E. Boyle
- Possibilities of Organized Markets in Various Commodities1 pp. 176-195

- C.A. Kulp
- Commodity Exchanges in England pp. 196-207

- R.B. Forrester
- Commodity Exchanges in Germany pp. 208-217

- Hans Hirschstein
- Commodity Exchanges in France1 pp. 218-222

- A. De Lavergne
- Commodity Exchanges in Japan pp. 223-233

- Zensaku Sano and Sentaro Iura
- Commercial Bourses in Italy pp. 234-237

- Vincenzo Porri
- EMMET, BORIS. Department Stores. Pp. xxiii, 214. California: Stanford Uni versity Press, 1930. $4.00 pp. 241-243

- Leverett S. Lyon
- METCALF, HENRY C. Business Leader ship. Pp. vi, 357. New York: Isaac Pitman & Sons, 1931. $3.00 pp. 243-243

- Percy S. Brown
- HESS, HERBERT W. Advertising: Its Eco nomics, Philosophy and Technique. Pp.v, 516. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1931. $5.00 pp. 243-244

- Harold H. Kynett
- DAS, RAJANI KANTA. The Industrial Effi ciency of India. Pp. xii, 212. London: P. S. King and Son, Ltd., 1930. 8s 6d pp. 244-244

- George B. Cressey
- VOSKUIL, WALTER H. Minerals in Modern Industry. Pp. ix, 350. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1930. $3.75 pp. 244-245

- W.R. Crane
- Oil Conservation and Fuel Oil Supply. Pp. xiv, 165. New York: National Indus trial Conference Board, Inc., 1930. $2.50 pp. 245-245

- George Ward Stocking
- SUNLEY, WILLIAM T., and PINKERTON, PAUL W. Corporation Accounting. Pp. xv, 570. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1931. $5.00 pp. 245-246

- J. Lockwood
- CURTIS, ROY EMERSON. The Trusts and Economic Control. Pp. x, 525. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1931. $4.00 pp. 246-247

- John G. Hervey
- CARROLL, MOLLIE RAY. Unemployment Insurance in Germany. (Second edition, revised.) Pp. xii, 140. Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution, 1930. $3.50 pp. 247-247

- C.A. Kulp
- ADAMIC, LOUIS. Dynamite. Pp. x, 452. New York: The Viking Press, 1931. $3.50 pp. 248-249

- Benjamin Stolberg
- STEWART, BRYCE M. Unemployment Bene fits in the United States. Pp. xviii, 727. New York: Industrial Relations Counse lors, Inc., 1930 pp. 248-248

- Otto T. Mallery
- MILLER, S., and FLETCHER, J. F. The Church and Industry. Pp. xiii, 273. New York: Longmans, Green and Com pany, 1930. $2.50 pp. 249-249

- Clifford Kirkpatrick
- LAWRENCE, JOSEPH STAGG. Banking Con centration in the United States. Pp. xv, 318. New York: Bankers Publishing Company, 1930. $5.00 pp. 249-250

- H. Parker Willis
- GRAHAM, FRANK D. Exchange, Prices and Production in Hyper-Inflation: Ger many, 1920-1923. Pp. xix, 362. Prince ton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1930. $3.50 pp. 250-251

- H. Parker Willis
- GOROVTSEFF, A. Les Révolutions. Pp. xvi, 222. Paris: Librairie Felix Alcan, 1930. 15 francs pp. 251-251

- Jerome Davis
- TOYNBEE, ARNOLD J. (Assisted by BOUL- TER, V. M.). Survey of International Affairs, 1929. Pp. xii, 545. London: Oxford University Press, 1930. $7.00 pp. 251-252

- H.K. Norton
- SIEBERT, BENNO VON (Ed.). The Diplo matic Correspondence of Count Bencken dorff. Vols. I, II, III. Pp. 416, 564, and 335. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Company, 1928. 30 marks pp. 252-252

- Harry T. Collings
- PHILBY, H. ST. J. B. Arabia. Pp. xix, 387. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1930. $5.00 pp. 253-254

- Halford L. Hoskins
- MAURAIN, JEAN. La Politique Ecclésias tique du Second Empire de 1852 à 1869. Pp. 990. Vol. I, 130 frs. Le Saint-Siège et la France de Décembre 1851 à Avril 1853. Pp. 257. Vol. II, 35 frs. Paris: Librairie Felix Alcan, 1930 pp. 253-253

- William E. Lingelbach
- PEEL, ROY V., and DONNELLY, THOMAS C. The 1928 Campaign: An Analysis. Pp. xii, 129. New York: New York Univer sity Book Store, 1931. $1.25 pp. 254-254

- Harold F. Gosnell
- WALKER, MABEL L. Municipal Expendi tures. Pp. ix, 198. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1930. $2.25 pp. 254-255

- H.R. Enslow
- TRAIN, ARTHUR. Puritan's Progress. Pp. x, 477. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1931. $3.50 pp. 255-256

- J.P. Shalloo
- METZENBAUM, JAMES. The Law of Zoning. Pp. xiv, 569. New York: Baker, Voorhis & Company, 1930 pp. 255-255

- Clinton Rogers Woodruff
- KATZ, DANIEL, and ALLPORT, FLOYD HENRY. Students' Attitudes: A Report of the Syracuse University Reaction Study. Pp. xxviii, 408. Syracuse, New York: The Craftsman Press, Inc., 1931 pp. 256-257

- Stuart A. Rice
- RICE, STUART A. (Ed.). Methods in Social Science. Pp. xiii, 822. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1931. $4.50 pp. 256-256

- Samuel W. Fernberger
- KROEBER, A. L., and WATERMAN, T. T. Source Book in Anthropology. Pp. viii, 571. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1931 pp. 257-257

- Margaret Mead
- WALLIS, WILSON D. Culture and Progress. Pp. xii, 503. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1930. $5.00 pp. 257-258

- Margaret Mead
- SOROKIN, PITIRIM A., ZIMMERMAN, CARLE C., and GALPIN, CHARLES J. (Eds.). A Systematic Source Book in Rural Sociology. Vol. I. Pp. xx, 645. Min neapolis: The University of Minnesota Press, 1930 pp. 258-258

- Dwight Sanderson
- Ross, EDWARD ALSWORTH. Principles of Sociology. Pp. ix, 592. New York: The Century Company, 1930. $4.00. Tests and Challenges in Sociology (for use with Principles of Sociology—revised edition). Pp. vi, 102. New York: The Century Company, 1931. $1.00 pp. 258-259

- Howard Becker
- HALL, FRED S. (Ed.), and ELLIS, MABEL B. (Assist. Ed.). Social Work Year Book— 1929. Pp. 600. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1930. $4.00 pp. 259-260

- Carl Kelsey
- COYLE, GRACE LONGWELL. Social Process in Organized Groups. Pp. xiv, 245. New York: Richard R. Smith, Inc., 1930. $2.00 pp. 259-259

- Harold S. Jacoby
- POUND, ROSCOE. Criminal Justice in America. Pp. xiv, 226. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1930. $2.00 pp. 260-261

- James J. Robinson
- MOLEY, RAYMOND. Our Criminal Courts. Pp. xxiii, 271. New York: Minton, Balch & Company, 1930. $3.50 pp. 260-260

- Clinton Rogers Woodruff
- THURSTON, HENRY W. The Dependent Child. Pp. xvii, 337. New York: Col umbia University Press, 1930. $3.00 pp. 261-261

- James H.S. Bossard
- KUCZYNSKI, ROBERT R. Birth Registration and Birth Statistics in Canada. Pp. xii, 219. Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution, 1930. $3.00 pp. 262-262

- Earl D. Myers
- TYDINGS, MILLARD E. Before and After Prohibition. Pp. ix, 131. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1930. $2.00. In this little book much use is made of statistics. The author attempts to show that drunkenness, drunken driving, deaths pp. 262-264

- George E. Simpson
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