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Volume 201, issue 1, 1939

Foreword pp. i-i Downloads
G. Llyod Wilson
Techniques of Public Control—An Appraisal of Methods pp. 1-16 Downloads
Robert M. Cooper
Sources and Costs of Capital Required to Finance Public Ownership pp. 17-29 Downloads
Watrous H. Irons
Rates in the Electric Industry Under Municipal Ownership pp. 30-42 Downloads
Herbert B. Dorau
Government Ownership and Operation of the Electric Industry pp. 43-49 Downloads
R.H. Montgomery
Public Ownership of Public Utilities in the United States pp. 50-57 Downloads
John Bauer
Electricity: The People's Business pp. 58-63 Downloads
David E. Lilienthal
Write-Ups: Do They Affect Rates? pp. 64-72 Downloads
John T. Madden
Functions of the Federal Power Commission pp. 73-81 Downloads
Clyde L. Seavey
Rural Electrification in the United States pp. 82-88 Downloads
John M. Carmody
Public and Private Ownership of Water Supply Utilities pp. 89-95 Downloads
Roland B. Eutsler
Public Versus Private Ownership and Operation of the Communication Utilities pp. 96-104 Downloads
James M. Herring
Defects of State Regulation of Public Utilities in the United States pp. 105-110 Downloads
William E. Mosher
The Case for Private Ownership and Operation of Street Railways pp. 111-117 Downloads
Thomas Fitzgerald and C.D. Palmer
The London Passenger Transport Board—A Public Transportation Trust pp. 118-123 Downloads
G. Llyod Wildon
Problems of the Railroads pp. 124-128 Downloads
John J. Pelley
The Case for Private Enterprise in Railroads in the United States pp. 129-136 Downloads
Lewis C. Sorrell
Government Ownership and Operation of Railroads pp. 137-145 Downloads
R.H. Montgomery
Transportation—The Hybrid pp. 146-151 Downloads
Raynard F. Bohman
Railroad Regulation by the Interstate Commerce Commission pp. 152-164 Downloads
Vvalter M.W. Splawn
Government Regulation of Railroads in the United States pp. 165-174 Downloads
Emory R. Johnson
Appraisal of Government Ownership and Operation of Railways in Canada pp. 175-184 Downloads
W.T. Jackman
State Control of Transport Services and Rates in Great Britain pp. 185-202 Downloads
Clyde B. Aitchison
Recent Developments in the Regulation of Railways in Great Britain pp. 203-210 Downloads
C.E.R. Sherrington
Public and Private Operation of Railways in France pp. 211-216 Downloads
Herbert E. Dougall
Nationalization of the French Railways pp. 217-226 Downloads
Georges Harcavi
United States Maritime Commission's Regulatory Jurisdiction pp. 227-232 Downloads
J.H. Eisenhart
Extent and Possibilities of Highway Regulation pp. 233-242 Downloads
Dawes E. Brisbine and George M. Adams
Federal Regulation of Air Transportation pp. 243-247 Downloads
Edward J. Noble
McDIARMID, JOHN. Government Corporations and Federal Funds. Pp. xx, 244. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1938. $2.50 pp. 248-250 Downloads
H.R. Enslow
GORDON, LINCOLN. The Public Corpora tion in Great Britain. Pp. ix, 351. New York: Oxford University Press, 1938. $3.50 pp. 248-248 Downloads
Oliver Peter Field
HODGE, CLARENCE LEWIS. The Tennessee Valley Authority: A National Experiment in Regionalism. Pp. xii, 272. Washington: American University Press, 1938 pp. 250-250 Downloads
Hugh Carter
ODUM, HOWARD W., AND HARRY ESTILL MOORE. American Regionalism. Pp. x, 693. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1938. $3.80 pp. 250-251 Downloads
Charles S. Ascher
DAUGHERTY, CARROLL R., et al. The Economics of the Iron and Steel Industry. Vol. I, pp. xxxiii, 578; Vol. II, pp. xx, 579-1188. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1937. $12.00 pp. 251-253 Downloads
Ralph C. Epstein
LEWIS, CLEONA. America's Stake in International Investments. Pp. xvi, 710. Washington: Brookings Institution, 1938. $4.00 pp. 253-254 Downloads
J.H. Landman
RIDGEWAY, GEORGE L. Merchants of Peace. Pp. xiii, 419. New York: Columbia University Press, 1938. $3.75 pp. 254-255 Downloads
Belle Zeller
YOUNG, JOHN PARKE. International Trade and Finance. Pp. xviii, 526. New York: Ronald Press, 1938. $4.00 pp. 254-254 Downloads
Grayson Kirk
TAX POLICY LEAGUE, INC. Tax Relations Among Governmental Units, 1938. Pp. vi, 226. New York, 1938. $2.75 pp. 255-256 Downloads
H.R. Enslow
BITTERMANN, HENRY J. State and Federal Grants-In-Aid. Pp. x, 550. Chicago: Mentzer, Bush & Co., 1938. $4.00 pp. 256-257 Downloads
Paul Studenski
BALDWIN, ROGER N., AND CLARENCE B. RANDALL. Civil Liberties and Industrial Conflict. Pp. 137. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1938. $1.50 pp. 257-258 Downloads
William M. Leiserson
P E P (POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC PLANNING). Report on the British Press. Pp. 333. London, 1938. 16s. 6d pp. 258-259 Downloads
Richard H. Heindel
BLACK, JOHN D., AND BRUCE D. MUDGETT. Research in Agricultural Index Numbers —Scope and Method. Pp. viii, 152. New York: Social Science Research Council, 1938. 75¢ pp. 259-260 Downloads
Karl Brandt
MARGET, ARTHUR W. The Theory of Prices. Vol. I. Pp. xxv, 624. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1938. $6.00 pp. 260-261 Downloads
Hans Neisser
MUNRO, HUGH. Principles of Monetary-Industrial Stability. Pp. xiii, 130. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, 1938. 5/- pp. 261-262 Downloads
C.R. Whittlesey
MANES, ALFRED. Insurance: Facts and Problems. Pp. xii, 182. New York: Harper and Bros., 1938. $2.00 pp. 262-263 Downloads
C.A. Kulp
JOSEPHSON, MATTHEW. The Politicos. Pp. ix, 760. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1938. $4.50 pp. 263-264 Downloads
Alphonse B. Miller
LIGT, BART. DE. The Conquest of Violence. Pp. xi, 306. New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., 1938. $2.00 pp. 264-265 Downloads
Phillips Bradley
MICHEL, PAUL-HENRI. La question de l'adriatique 1914-1918. Pp. lxxxiv, 297. Paris: Alfred Costes, 1938. 60 Fr pp. 265-265 Downloads
William E. Lingelbach
GOOCH, G. P., AND HAROLD TEMPERLEY (Eds.). British Documents on the Origins of the War, 1898-1914. Vol. X, Part II, "The Last Years of Peace." Pp. lv, 921. London: His Majesty's Stationery Office. New York: The British pp. 265-266 Downloads
Edward Mead Earle
TANSILL, CHARLES C. America Goes to War. Pp. x, 731. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1938. $5.00 pp. 266-267 Downloads
Lester Burrell Shippee
ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. International Sanctions. Pp. x, 247. New York: Oxford University Press, 1938. $5.00 pp. 267-268 Downloads
Phillips Bradley
British Yearbook of International Law, 1937. Pp. vi, 282. New York: Oxford University Press, 1937. $5.50 pp. 268-268 Downloads
Phillips Bradley
KEITH, ARTHUR BERRIEDALE. The Dominions as Sovereign States. Pp. xlv, 769. New York: Macmillan Co., 1938. $6.25 pp. 269-270 Downloads
W.P.M. Kennedy
KEITH, ARTHUR BERRIEDALE. The King, the Constitution, the Empire, and Foreign Affairs. Pp. xi, 194. New York: Oxford University Press, 1938. $3.00 pp. 269-269 Downloads
Phillips Bradley
JENNINGS, W. IVOR, AND C. M. YOUNG. Constitutional Laws of the British Empire. Pp. 391. New York: Oxford University Press, 1937. $6.00 pp. 270-270 Downloads
Phillips Bradley
CLAPHAM, J. H. Economic History of Modern Britain, Vol. III. Pp. xiv, 577. New York: Macmillan Co., 1938. $7.00 pp. 270-271 Downloads
E.A. Johnson
PIERSON, GEORGE WILSON. Tocqueville and Beaumont in America. Pp. xv, 852. New York: Oxford University Press, 1938. $7.50 pp. 271-272 Downloads
Phillips Bradley
WARDELL, MORRIS L. A Political History of the Cherokee Nation. Pp. viii, 383. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1938. $3.50 pp. 272-273 Downloads
W.H. Gilbert
RUSSELL, BERTRAND, et al. Dare We Look Ahead? Pp. 190. New York: Macmillan Co., 1938. $2.00 pp. 273-274 Downloads
Boris Erich Nelson
FORD, GUY STANTON. On and Off the Campus. Pp. 511. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1938. $4.00 pp. 274-274 Downloads
Raymond Walters
ANDERSON, H. DEWEY, and WALTER CROSBY EELLS. Alaska Natives. Pp. xvi, 472. Stanford University: Stanford University Press, 1935. $5.00 pp. 275-276 Downloads
Charles T. Loram
CHENAULT, LAWRENCE R. The Puerto Rican Migrant in New York City. Pp. xii, 190. New York: Columbia University Press, 1938. $2.25 pp. 276-277 Downloads
Francis J. Brown
WILLIAM, PHYLLIS H. South Italian Folkways in Europe and America. Pp. xviii, 216. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1938. $2.50 pp. 277-277 Downloads
Caroline F. Ware
BENSON, ADOLPH B., and NABOTH HEDIN (Eds.). Swedes in America 1638-1938. Pp. xvi, 614. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1938. $3.00 pp. 277-278 Downloads
Herbert Adolphus Miller
KARPF, MAURICE J. Jewish Community Organization in the United States. Pp. xv, 234. New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1938. $2.00 pp. 278-279 Downloads
Frank J. Bruno
Chicago Recreation Survey 1937: Vol. I, Public Recreation, pp. xiv, 268; Vol. II, Commercial Recreation, pp. viii, 167. Chicago: Chicago Recreation Commission, 1938 pp. 279-280 Downloads
Walter C. Reckless
SAIT, UNA BERNARD. New Horizons for the Family. Pp. xiii, 772. New York: Macmillan Co., 1938. $4.00 pp. 280-281 Downloads
Willystine Goodsell
GALPIN, CHARLES JOSIAH. My Drift into Rural Sociology. Pp. xi, 151. University: Louisiana State University Press, 1938. $1.00 pp. 281-281 Downloads
Dwight Sanderson
WILSON, LOUIS R. The Geography of Reading. Pp. xxiv, 481. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1938. $4.00 pp. 282-283 Downloads
Malcolm M. Willey
DIXON, RUSSELL A., and E. KINGMAN EBERHART. Economics and Cultural Change. Pp. xi, 550. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1938. $3.00 pp. 282-282 Downloads
Robert K. Merton
WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION. Index of Research Projects, Vol. I. Pp. vi, 291. Washington, 1938 pp. 283-284 Downloads
SAVADJIAN, LÉON. Bibliographie Balkanique 1937. Pp. 118. Paris: Société Générale d'Imprimerie & d'Édition, 1938. 100 fr pp. 283-283 Downloads
Harry N. Howard
Letter to the Editor pp. 284-284 Downloads
J.A. Leighton
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