The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 194, issue 1, 1937
- Foreword pp. xi-xi

- James H.S. Bossard and W. Wallace Weaver
- Modern Youth—Retrospect and Prospect pp. 1-5

- W. Wallace Weaver
- Youth as a Population Element pp. 6-17

- Newton Edwards
- What Is the American Youth Problem? pp. 18-24

- Homer P. Rainey
- The Special Problems of Rural Youth pp. 25-33

- Bruce L. Melvin
- The Vocational Guidance of Youth pp. 34-41

- J.H. Bentley
- Youth and the Labor Unions pp. 42-47

- Ordway Tead
- The Prospect for Youth and the Church pp. 48-58

- Ray H. Abrams
- Youth and Leisure pp. 59-66

- Eduard C. Lindeman
- Youth in Politics pp. 67-72

- Franklin Spencer Edmonds
- Youth in Sports pp. 73-78

- Lawson Robertson
- Youth and Crime pp. 79-86

- J.P. Shalloo
- The Health of Youth pp. 87-99

- Selwyn D. Collins
- Mental Hygiene for Youth pp. 100-110

- Bruce B. Robinson
- Youth and Marriage pp. 111-118

- Emily Hartshorne Mudd
- The Government's Responsibility for Youth pp. 119-128

- Aubrey Williams
- The Civilian Conservation Corps Program pp. 129-140

- Robert Fechner
- Youth Movements in the United States pp. 141-151

- Thomas F. Neblett
- The European Labor Service pp. 152-164

- Kenneth Holland
- International Aspects of Modern Youth Problems pp. 165-173

- W. Thacher Winslow
- Leadership for Modern Youth pp. 174-180

- A.G. Knebel
- Organizations Serving Youth pp. 181-186

- M.M. Chambers
- The Maryland Study of the American Youth Commission pp. 187-196

- Howard Bell
- Finding the Facts About Youth pp. 197-206

- D.L. Harley
- The Literature of Youth Problems pp. 207-216

- M.M. Chambers
- DAVIS, MAXINE. They Shall Not Want. Pp. xiii, 418. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $2.50 pp. 217-218

- Edward Berman
- SCHNEIDER, MARGARET GRANT. More Se curity for Old Age. Pp. xiii, 191. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, Inc., 1937. $1.75 pp. 218-219

- Francis Bardwell
- MILLIS, HARRY ALVIN. Sickness and In surance. Pp. ix, 166. Chicago: Uni versity of Chicago Press, 1937. $2.00 pp. 219-220

- C.A. Kulp
- CHANG, DUCKSOO. British Methods of Industrial Peace. Pp. 332. New York: Columbia University Press, 1936. $4.25 pp. 220-221

- Frederick L. Ryan
- KING, BEATRICE. Changing Man: The Ed ucation System of the U.S.S.R. Pp. 319. New York: Viking Press, 1937. $2.75 pp. 221-222

- Thomas Woody
- GRIZZELL, E. D. American Secondary Education. Pp. xiv, 312. New York: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1937. $2.00 pp. 222-222

- Harold Benjamin
- MACIVER, ROBERT M. Society: A Text book of Sociology. Pp. xii, 596. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1937. $3.75 pp. 222-223

- Floyd N. House
- SOMBART, WERNER. A New Social Philos ophy. Pp. xii, 295. Princeton: Prince ton University Press, 1937. $3.50 pp. 223-224

- H.M. Kallen
- GLUECK, SHELDON AND ELEANOR. Later Criminal Careers. Pp. xi, 403. New York: The Commonwealth Fund, 1937. $3.00 pp. 224-225

- Courtlandt C. Van Vechten
- MEAD, MARGARET, et al. Coöperation and Competition Among Primitive Peoples. Pp. xii, 531. New York: McGraw-Hill Co., Inc., 1937. $4.00 pp. 225-226

- Lloyd H. Fisher
- OGBURN, WILLIAM F. Social Characteris tics of Cities. Pp. v, 69. Chicago: In ternational City Managers' Ass'n, 1937. $1.00 pp. 226-227

- Clinton Rogers Woodruff
- DREIS, THELMA A. A Handbook of Social Statistics of New Haven, Connecticut. Pp. xiii, 146. New Haven: Yale Uni versity Press, 1936. $2.50 pp. 227-227

- Hugh Carter
- SARKAR, BENOY KUMAR. The Sociology of Population. Pp. ii, 139, ii. Calcutta: N. M. Ray-Chowdhury & Co., 1936. RS. 3 pp. 227-228

- Herbert A. Miller
- Fox, RALPH. The Novel and the People. Pp. 172. New York: International Pub lishers, 1937. $1.50 pp. 229-230

- James H. Barnett
- BLÃ HA, IN. ARNOÅ T. Sociologie Inteli gence. Pp. 398. Praha: Orbis, 1937. KÄ. 50 pp. 229-229

- J.A. Neprash
- KINGSBURY, SUSAN M., HORNELL HART, and associates. Newspapers and the News. Pp. xi, 238., New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1937. $2.50 pp. 230-231

- Malcolm M. Willey
- LEE, ALFRED MCCLUNG. The Daily News paper in America. Pp. xiv, 797. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $3.50 pp. 231-232

- Malcolm M. Willey
- BARON SALO WITTMAYER. A Social and Religious History of the Jews. Vol. I, pp. xiv, 377; Vol. II, pp. x, 462; Vol. III, pp. xii, 406. New York: Columbia Uni versity Press, 1937. Vols. I & II, $3.75 each; Vol. III, $4.00 pp. 232-233

- E.A. Beller
- KELLETT, E. E. The Story of Dictator ship. Pp. 831. New York: E. P. Dut ton & Co., Inc., 1937. $1.75 pp. 233-234

- William B. Guthrie
- MACHRAY, ROBERT. The Poland of Pilsud ski, 1914-1936. Pp. 508. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1937. $3.75 pp. 234-235

- Hans Kohn
- MAZOUR, ANATOLE G. 1825-The First Russian Revolution. Pp. xviii, 324. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1937. $4.00 pp. 235-236

- Hans Kohn
- TREVELYAN, GEORGE MACAULAY. Grey of Falladon. Pp. xiii, 447. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1937. $3.75 pp. 236-237

- Leonidas Dodson
- MARCHANT, JAMES (Ed.). History through The Times. Pp. xi, 619. London, Cas sell & Co., 1937. 10/6 pp. 237-238

- Hans Kohn
- PRATT, JULIUS W. Expansionists of 1898. Pp. viii, 393. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1936. $3.00 pp. 238-240

- Alphonse B. Miller
- SMITH, ARTHUR D. HOWDEN. Old Fuss and Feathers. Pp. 386. New York: Greystone Press, 1937. $4.00 pp. 240-241

- Alphonse B. Miller
- CURTI, MERLE. The Learned Blacksmith. Pp. ix, 241. New York: Wilson-Erick son, Inc., 1937. $3.00 pp. 240-240

- Alphonse B. Miller
- TOWLE, DOROTHY S. (Ed.). Records of the Vice-Admiralty Court of Rhode Is land, 1710-1752. Pp. 595. Philadel phia: American Historical Association, 1937. $7.50 pp. 241-242

- Cyrus H. Karraker
- PUSEY, MERLO J. The Supreme Court Crisis. Pp. vi, 108. New York: Mac millan Co., 1937. $1.00 pp. 242-242

- Bernard F. Cataldo
- NEWCOMER, MABEL. Central and Local Finance in Germany and England. Pp. xi, 381. New York: Columbia Univer sity Press, 1937. $3.50 pp. 242-243

- Denzel C. Cline
- OAKES, EUGENE E. Studies in Massachu setts Town Finance. Pp. 237. Cam bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1937. $2.50 pp. 243-244

- Richard A. Girard
- SLAUGHTER, JOHN A. Income Received in the Various States, 1929-1935. Pp. xv, 167. New York: National Industrial Conference Board, Inc., 1937. $3.50 pp. 244-245

- Lucile Bagwell
- PEARCE, FREDERICK LEON. Income Tax Fundamentals. Pp. xxiv, 581. Chicago: The Foundation Press Inc., 1936. $5.00 pp. 245-245

- J. Lockwood
- EGGER, R. A., and J. E. GATES. Municipal Ownership of Electric Undertakings in Virginia. Pp. xx, 132. University, Va.: Bureau of Public Administration, 1937. $1.00 pp. 245-246

- Charles F. Marsh
- LANCASTER, LANE W. Government in Rural America. Pp, xi, 416. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1937 pp. 246-247

- William Anderson
- CIRIACY-WANTRUP, SIEGFRIED VON. Agrar krisen und Stockungsspannen. Pp. 445. Berlin: Paul Parey, 1936. RM 23.00 pp. 247-248

- Hans Neisser
- MITCHELL, BROADUS. General Economics. Pp. x, 772. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1937. $3.00 pp. 248-249

- William W. Hewett
- BERNHEIM, ALFRED L. (Ed.). Big Busi ness, Its Growth and Its Place. Pp. xv, 102. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, Inc., 1937. $1.35 pp. 249-249

- Horace M. Gray
- BERNHEIM, ALFRED L. (Ed.). How Prof itable Is Big Business? Pp. xviii, 201. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, Inc., 1937. $2.00 pp. 250-250

- Horace M. Gray
- RUDDICK, J. A., et al. The Dairy Indus try in Canada. Pp. xxxii, 299. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1937. $3.75 pp. 250-251

- Warren C. Waite
- ROBBINS, LIONEL. Economic Planning and International Order. Pp. xv, 330. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $8.50 pp. 251-252

- Francis A. Linville
- BURROWS, RAYMOND. The Problems and Practice of Economic Planning. Pp. ix, 280. London: P. S. King & Son, Ltd., 1937. 10s.6d pp. 252-253

- Frank H. Knight
- VALK, W. L. Production, Pricing and Un employment in the Static State. Pp. xii, 138. Rotterdam: Netherlands Eco nomic Institute, 1937. Fl. 2.00; bound Fl. 3.00 pp. 253-254

- Vernon A. Mund
- HARTLEY, LIVINGSTON. Is America Afraid? Pp. xi, 462. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1937. $2.50 pp. 254-255

- Joseph S. Roucek
- HARDY, MARGARET. The Influence of Or ganized Labor on the Foreign Policy of the United States. Pp. viii, 270. Liége: H. Vaillant-Carmanne, 1936 pp. 254-254

- Edward Berman
- BIENSTOCK, GREGORY. The Struggle for the Pacific. Pp. 299. New York: Mac millan Co., 1937. $4.00 pp. 255-257

- J.H. Landman and Maurice T. Price
- LEWINSOHN, RICHARD. The Profits of War. Pp. 287. New York: E. P. Dut ton & Co., Inc., 1937. $3.00 pp. 257-258

- H.C. Engelbrecht
- STALEY, EUGENE. Raw Materials in Peace and War. Pp. x, 326. New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1937. $3.00 pp. 258-259

- J.H. Landman
- ELLIOTT, W. Y., et al. lnternational Con trol in the Nan-Ferrous Metals. Pp. xxi, 801. New York: Macmillan Co., 1937. $6.50 pp. 259-260

- John Donaldson
- APELT, FRIEDRICH. Abhangige Mitglieder volkerrechtlicher Verbände. Pp. 211. Brünn: Rudolf M. Rohrer, 1937 pp. 260-261

- H. Janzen
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