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1890 - 2024

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Volume 216, issue 1, 1941

Foreword pp. vii-vii Downloads
Thorsten Sellin
The Revolution Is On pp. 1-8 Downloads
M.W. Fodor
Can Democracy Survive Total War? pp. 9-15 Downloads
Freda Utley
We Must Face the Issues pp. 16-23 Downloads
Toni Sender
Economic Implications of Defense pp. 24-30 Downloads
Mordecai Ezekiel
What Price Demobilization? pp. 31-37 Downloads
Leland Rex Robinson
History Views the Economic Outlook pp. 38-44 Downloads
Emily Hickman
The Crisis in Our Foreign Trade pp. 45-51 Downloads
Eugene P. Thomas
Why Fight for Democracy? pp. 52-57 Downloads
Huston Thompson
How to Fight for Democracy pp. 58-64 Downloads
Norman Thomas
The Totalitarian War and the Fate of Democracy pp. 65-72 Downloads
Carlo Sforza
Race Problems in America pp. 73-78 Downloads
Ruth Benedict
Development of Military Morale in a Democracy pp. 79-87 Downloads
R.A. Brotemarkle
Liabilities and Assets in Civilian Morale pp. 88-94 Downloads
Gordon W. Allport
The Paradoxical Aspects of the Present-Day Crisis pp. 95-98 Downloads
Gregory Zilboorg
The Bases of American Foreign Policy pp. 99-108 Downloads
Herbert Wright
Power Politics and Democracy pp. 109-116 Downloads
Esther Caukin Brunauer
American Leadership in a Harsh Age pp. 117-124 Downloads
Max Lerner
Economic Union and Enduring Peace pp. 125-134 Downloads
Otto Tod Mallery
Influence of American Economic Policy pp. 135-139 Downloads
Peter F. Drucker
America Seen From Abroad pp. 140-149 Downloads
Arthur Sweetser
American Relations With Britain pp. 150-155 Downloads
William Hard
The Role of Industrial Psychology in Defending the Future of America pp. 156-162 Downloads
Morris S. Viteles
The New World Order pp. 163-177 Downloads
M.J. Bonn
BATES, ERNEST SUTHERLAND. American Faith. Pp. 479. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1940. $3.75 pp. 178-179 Downloads
Peter H. Odegard
BECKER, CARL L. Modern Democracy. Pp. ix, 100. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1941. $2.00 pp. 179-180 Downloads
Ray F. Harvey
HAAS, WILLIAM H. (Ed.). The American Empire. Pp. xi, 408. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1940. $4.00 pp. 180-180 Downloads
J.Fred Rippy
LAVES, WALTER H. C. (Ed.). The Foundation of a More Stable World Order. Pp. xiv, 193. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1941. $2.00 pp. 180-181 Downloads
A.O. Sarkissian
PIGOU, A. C. The Political Economy of War. Rev. Ed. Pp. viii, 169. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $1.50 pp. 181-182 Downloads
Horace M. Gray
ROBBINS, LIONEL. The Economic Causes of War. Pp. 124. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1940. $1.35 pp. 181-181 Downloads
Francis A. Linville
SLICHTER, SUMNER H. Economic Factors Affecting Industrial Relations Policy in National Defense. Pp. 112. New York: Industrial Relations Counselors, 1941. $1.50 pp. 182-183 Downloads
Emerson P. Schmidt
FRAENKEL, ERNST. The Dual State. Pp. xvi, 248. New York: Oxford University Press, 1941. $3.00 pp. 183-183 Downloads
R.M.W. Kempner
BANSE, EWALD. Germany Prepares for War. Pp. xxii, 357, 11 maps. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1941. $3.00 pp. 183-184 Downloads
Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson
LANGDON-DAVIES, JOHN. Invasion in the Snow. Pp. 202. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1941. $2.50 pp. 184-185 Downloads
David P. Barrows
ROTH, ANDREW. Japan Strikes South. Pp. 108. New York: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1941. 50¢ pp. 184-184 Downloads
Harley Farnsworth Macnair
HALPERIN, S. WILLIAM. Italy and the Vatican at War. Pp. xvii, 483. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1939. $3.00 pp. 185-186 Downloads
Renzo Sereno
WHEELER-NICHOLSON, MAJOR MALCOLM. Battle Shield of the Republic. Pp. xviii, 212. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $1.50 pp. 186-187 Downloads
Stewart F. Bryant
BIRDSALL, PAUL. Versailles Twenty Years After. Pp. xiv, 350. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1941. $3.00 pp. 187-187 Downloads
James K. Pollock
NEHRU, JAWAHARLAL. Toward Freedom. Pp. xviii, 445. New York: The John Day Co., 1941. $4.00 pp. 187-188 Downloads
Jenny F. Poleman
FRIEDRICH, CARL J., and EDWARD S. MASON (Eds.). Public Policy. Vol. II, pp. viii, 458. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1941. $4.00 pp. 188-189 Downloads
William J. Ronan
MITCHELL, LUCY SPRAGUE, ELEANOR Bow-MAN, and MARY PHELPS. My Country 'Tis of Thee. Pp. xvi, 335. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1940. $3.50 pp. 189-190 Downloads
J.R. Whitaker
ANGELL, ROBERT COOLEY. The Integration of American Society. Pp. ix, 228. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1941. $2.50 pp. 190-191 Downloads
Constantine Panunzio
LOGAN, RAYFORD W. Diplomatic Relations of the United States with Haiti, 1776-1891. Pp. xvi, 516. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1941. $5.00 pp. 191-192 Downloads
Dana G. Munro
ROSEN, S. MCKEE and LAURA. Technology and Society. Pp. xiv, 474. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $4.00 pp. 191-191 Downloads
Eduard C. Lindeman
TANSILL, CHARLES CALLAN. The Foreign Policy of Thomas F. Bayard, 1885-1897. Pp. xl, 800. New York: Fordham University Press, 1940. $5.00 pp. 192-193 Downloads
Cromwell A. Riches
GORDON, MARGARET S. Barriers to World Trade. Pp. xii, 530. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $4.00 pp. 193-193 Downloads
Alexander V. Dye
BECKETT, GRACE. The Reciprocal Trade Agreements Program. Pp. xv, 142. New York: Columbia University Press, 1941. $2.00 pp. 193-194 Downloads
Henry J. Tasca
FEUERLEIN, WILLY, and ELIZABETH HAN-NAN. Dollars in Latin America. Pp. x, 102. New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1941. $1.50 pp. 194-194 Downloads
W.T. Moran
WILGUS, A. CURTIS. The Development of Hispanic America. Pp. xviii, 941. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1941. $4.75 pp. 194-195 Downloads
Richard F. Behrendt
PREWETT, VIRGINIA. Reportage on Mexico. Pp. 322. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1941. $3.00 pp. 195-196 Downloads
Lillian Estelle Fisher
UNIVERSIDAD DE BARCELONA. Problemas técnicos de importancia económica en la nueva organización de España. Pp. 602. Barcelona, 1940 pp. 196-197 Downloads
Richard F. Behrendt
ELLIS, HOWARD S. Exchange Control in Central Europe. Pp. xviii, 413. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1941. $4.00 pp. 197-198 Downloads
Oscar Gass
ESTEY, JAMES ARTHUR. Business Cycles. Pp. xviii, 544. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1941. School Ed. $3.75; Trade Ed. $5.00 pp. 198-199 Downloads
Abba P. Lerner
WERNETTE, JOHN PHILIP. The Control of Business Cycles. Pp. x, 197. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1940. $1.75 pp. 199-200 Downloads
Abba P. Lerner
WALLACE, SCHUYLER C. Federal Departmentalization. Pp. xii, 251. New York: Columbia University Press, 1941. $2.75 pp. 200-201 Downloads
Harvey Pinney
SCHMECKEBIER, LAURENCE F. Congressional Apportionment. Pp. x, 233. Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1941. $3.00 pp. 201-202 Downloads
W.Brooke Graves
Municipal Year Book, 1941, The. (Clarence E. Ridley and Orin F. Nolting, Eds.) Pp. x, 662. Chicago: The International City Managers' Association, 1941. $5.00 pp. 202-203 Downloads
Clinton Rogers Woodruff
SHATTUCK, LEROY A., JR. Municipal Indebtedness. Pp. 145. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1940. $1.25 pp. 202-202 Downloads
H.R. Enslow
FORD, ROBERT S., and E. FENTON SHEPARD. The Michigan Retail Sales and Use Taxes. Pp. viii, 154. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1941. 75 cents pp. 203-203 Downloads
Denzel C. Cline
STEIN, EMANUEL. Government and the Investor. Pp. xvi, 223. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1941. $1.00. WARREN, ROBERT B. The Search for Financial Security. Pp. viii, 91. New York: Columbia University Press, 1940. $1.25 pp. 203-204 Downloads
G. Heberton Evans
SAULNIER, RAYMOND J. Industrial Banking Companies and Their Credit Practices. Pp. xxiv, 192. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 1940. $2.00. COPPOCK, JOSEPH D. Government Agencies of Consumer Instalment Credit. Pp. xxiv, 215. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 1940. $2.50 pp. 204-205 Downloads
John H. Cover
SPIEGEL, HENRY W. Land Tenure Policies at Home and Abroad. Pp. xii, 171. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1941. $3.00 pp. 205-206 Downloads
A.F. Vass
NILES, MARY CUSHING HOWARD. Middle Management: The Job of the Junior Administrator. Pp. xiv, 270. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1941. $3.00 pp. 206-206 Downloads
H.S. Person
FREY, ALBERT WESLEY. Manufacturers' Product, Package and Price Policies. Pp. xii, 429. New York: The Ronald Press Co., 1940. $4.50 pp. 206-207 Downloads
Corwin D. Edwards
ZELOMEK, A. W., and ROBERT C. SHOOK. American Business in a Changing World. Pp. xiv, 264. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1941. $2.50 pp. 207-208 Downloads
Horace M. Gray
NEVINS, ALLAN. John D. Rockefeller. Vol. I, pp. xiv, 683; Vol. II, pp. x, 747. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1940. $7.50 pp. 208-209 Downloads
Clinton Rogers Woodruff
VAN DER SLICE, AUSTIN. International Labor, Diplomacy, and Peace, 1914-1919. Pp. xii, 408. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1941. $4.00 pp. 209-210 Downloads
John Lindberg
WUNDERLICH, FRIEDA. British Labor and the War. Pp. vi, 67. New York: New School for Social Research, 1941. 49¢ pp. 210-210 Downloads
Bjarne Braatoy
SLICHTER, SUMNER H. Union Policies and Industrial Management. Pp. xiv, 597. Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1941. $3.50 pp. 211-212 Downloads
Norman J. Ware
WIECK, EDWARD A. The American Miners' Association. Pp. 330. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1940. $2.00 pp. 212-212 Downloads
Frederick L. Ryan
PIERSON, JOHN H. G. Full Employment. Pp. ix, 297. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1941. $2.50 pp. 212-213 Downloads
Richard A. Lester
BELL, HOWARD M. Matching Youth and Jobs. Pp. xiv, 277. Washington: American Youth Commission, 1940. $2.00 pp. 213-214 Downloads
Jerome H. Bentley
KLEIN, ALICE CAMPBELL. Civil Service in Public Welfare. Pp. 444. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1940. $2.25 pp. 214-215 Downloads
William E. Mosher
STAFFORD, PAUL TUTT. Government and the Needy. Pp. xiv, 328. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1941. $3.00 pp. 214-214 Downloads
Robert W. Kelso
KLINEBERG, OTTO. Social Psychology. Pp. xii, 570. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1940. $3.00 pp. 215-216 Downloads
Leonard S. Cottrell
DAVIS, MICHAEL M. America Organizes Medicine. Pp. 335. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1941. $3.00 pp. 215-215 Downloads
Alfred Manes
BRITT, STEUART HENDERSON. Social Psychology of Modern Life. Pp. xviii, 562. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1941. $3.75 pp. 216-217 Downloads
Paul R. Farnsworth
WARE, CAROLINE F. (Ed.). The Cultural Approach to History. Pp. x, 359. New York: Columbia University Press, 1940. $3.50 pp. 217-218 Downloads
Melville J. Herskovits
Letter To the Editor pp. 218-222 Downloads
Merle E. Curti, Harold U. Faulkner and Harry J. Carman
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