The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 41, issue 1, 1912
- Book Department pp. vi-vi

- Roswell C. McCrea
- Efficiency in City Government pp. 3-8

- Henry Bruère
- How a City's Social Program Expands When Facts of Needs Are Learned pp. 9-22

- S. Josephine Baker
- The Need for Coordinating Municipal, State and National Activities pp. 23-39

- Frederick A. Cleveland
- Efficiency Through Accounting pp. 43-56

- William A. Prendergast
- Results Obtainable Through Reorganization of Accounting Methods pp. 57-63

- B.J. Taussig
- The Application To a Municipality of Modern Methods of Accounting and Reporting pp. 64-68

- John M. Walton
- Efficiency in Child Saving pp. 69-70

- Joseph S. Neff
- Efficiency in the Fiscal Operations of Cities pp. 71-77

- Edmund D. Fisher
- Economy and Efficiency in the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, New York City pp. 78-85

- J. Leggett Pultz
- Efficiency in Water Revenue Collection pp. 86-92

- J.H. Clowes
- Securing Efficiency Through a Standard Testing Laboratory pp. 93-102

- Otto H. Klein
- The Problem of Securing Efficiency in Municipal Labor pp. 103-114

- Benjamin F. Welton
- Efficiency in Highway Administration With Special Reference To Pavements pp. 115-126

- E.P. Goodrich and W.B. Holton
- Standardization of Specifications for Public Works pp. 127-137

- William H. Connell
- Efficiency in Budget Making pp. 138-150

- Herbert R. Sands and Fred W. Lindars
- Efficiency Value of the Budget Exhibit pp. 151-157

- J. Harold Braddock
- Attaining Efficiency in City School Systems pp. 158-175

- Frank P. Bachman
- Effective Charity Administration pp. 176-192

- L.A. Halbert
- Efficiency in County Government pp. 193-203

- Otho Grandford Cartwright
- A Proposed Municipal Administrative Code for New Jersey Cities pp. 204-212

- D.O. Decker
- Efficient Supervision of Weights and Measures pp. 213-217

- Fritz Reichmann
- Securing Efficient Administration Under the Commission Plan pp. 218-232

- Frederick W. Donnelly
- The New York Bureau of Municipal Research pp. 235-244

- George B. Hopkins
- The Outlook for Municipal Efficiency in Philadelphia pp. 245-261

- Jesse D. Burks
- The Cincinnati Bureau of Municipal Research pp. 262-269

- Rufus E. Miles
- The Milwaukee Bureau of Economy and Efficiency pp. 270-278

- J.E. Treleven
- Investigations as a Means of Securing Administrative Efficiency pp. 281-303

- Charles E. Merriam
- A National Fund for Promoting Efficient Municipal Accounting and Reporting pp. 304-306

- U.L. Leonhauser
- Training Men and Women for Public Service pp. 307-312

- William H. Allen
- Religion's Reply To Economics pp. 313-316

- John Haynes Holmes
- Notes pp. 317-333

- N/a
- REVIEWS Ashley, W. J. British Dominions. Pp. xxviii, 276. Price, $1.80. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1911 pp. 333-334

- Chester Lloyd Jones
- Bingham, H. Across South America. Pp. xvi, 405. Price, $3.50. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1911 pp. 334-334

- Walter S. Tower
- Childs, Richard S. Short Ballot Principles. Pp. viii, 171. Price, $1.00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1911 pp. 335-336

- Chester Lloyd Jones
- Clemenceau, Georges. South America of To-day. Pp. xxii, 434. Price, $2.00. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1911 pp. 336-336

- Henry Gil
- Coulter, John Lee. Co-operation Among Farmers. Pp. vii, 281. Price, 75 cents. New York: Sturgis & Walton Company, 1911 pp. 337-338

- James B. Morman
- Dawbarn, C. France and the French. Pp. xi, 322. Price, $2.50. New York; Macmillan Company, 1911 pp. 338-339

- Chester Lloyd Jones
- Dodd, Agnes F. History of Money in the British Empire and the United States. Pp. xiv, 356. Price, $1.60. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1911 pp. 339-340

- Don C. Barrett
- Forman, S. E. The American Republic. Pp. xviii, 359. Price, $1.10. New York: Century Company, 1911 pp. 340-340

- Raymond Garfield Gettell
- Groat, George G. Attitude of American Courts in Labor Cases. Pp. ix, 400. Price, $3.00. New York: Columbia University, 1911 pp. 340-342

- Lindley D. Clark
- Guenther, Louis. Investments and Speculation. Pp. 396. Chicago: La Salle Extension University pp. 342-343

- Lawrence Chamberlain
- Henderson, C. H. Pay Day. Pp. vi, 339. Price, $1.50. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1911 pp. 343-344

- Scott Nearing
- Herter, C. A. Biological Aspects of Human Problems. Pp. xvi, 344. Price, $1.50. New York: Macmillan Company, 1911 pp. 344-345

- Carl Kelsey
- Hull, G. H. Industrial Depressions. Pp. xiv, 287. Price, $2.95. New York: F. A. Stokes Company, 1911 pp. 345-346

- W.S. Stevens
- Jenks, J. W., and Lauck, W. Jett. The Immigration Problem. Pp. xvi, 496. Price, $1.75. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1912 pp. 346-347

- Henry Pratt Fairchild
- Lowell, Percival. The Soul of the Far East. Pp. x, 266. Price, $1.60. New York: Macmillan Company, 1911. Hart, Albert Bushnell. The Obvious Orient. Pp. x, 369. Price, $1.50. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1911 pp. 347-348

- A.P. Winston
- Reed, A. Z. The Territorial Basis of Government under the State Con stitutions. Pp. 250. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1911 pp. 348-349

- Raymond Garfield Gettell
- Saleeby, C. W. Woman and Womanhood. Pp. 398. Price, $2.50. New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1911 pp. 349-350

- Scott Nearing
- Semple, E. C. Influences of Geographic Environment on the Basis of Rat zel's System of Anthropo-Geography. Pp. xvi, 683. Price, $4.00. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1911 pp. 350-351

- G.B. Roorbach
- Vrooman, F. B. The New Politics. Pp. 300. Price, $1.50. New York: Oxford University Press, 1911 pp. 351-352

- Charles G. Haines
- Weill, G. Histoire du Mouvement Social en France. Second Edition. Pp. ii, 563. Price, 10 francs. Paris: Felix Alcan, 1911 pp. 352-355

- Edward S. Meade
- Report of the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1911 pp. 356-359

- N/a
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