The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 5, issue 9_suppl, 1894
- Preamble pp. i-i

- N/a
- The Constitution of Italy pp. 7-22

- N/a
- The Constitution of Itaty pp. 23-44

- Charles Albert
Volume 5, issue 8_suppl, 1894
- A Brief Sketch of the Origin and Nature of the Prussian Constitution pp. 7-25

- James Harvey Robinson
- The Constitution of Prussia pp. 26-54

- N/a
Volume 5, issue 7_suppl, 1894
- Preface pp. 5-5

- N/a
- The Theory of Sociology pp. 7-12

- N/a
- Chapter II pp. 13-36

- N/a
- Chapter III pp. 37-42

- N/a
- Chapter IV pp. 43-62

- N/a
- Chapter V pp. 63-75

- N/a
- Chapter VI pp. 76-80

- N/a
Volume 5, issue 6, 1895
- Uniform State Legislation pp. 1-36

- Frederic Jesup Stimson
- State Supervision for Cities pp. 37-53

- J.R. Commons
- The Exploitation of Theories of Value in the Discussion of the Standard of Deferred Payments pp. 54-68

- Frank Fetter
- The Industrial Services of the Railways pp. 69-86

- Emory R. Johnson
- The Units of Investigation in the Social Sciences pp. 87-113

- Arthur F. Bentley
- The Relation of Abstract to Concrete Sciences pp. 114-120

- Simon N. Pattsn
- Social" Vs. " Societary pp. 120-125

- Albion W. Small
- Personal Notes pp. 126-130

- N/a
- Reviews pp. 131-137

- Raphael Georges Lévy
- Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities and Correction at the Twentieth Annual Session held in Chicago, Ill., June 8-II, I893. By ISABEL C. BARROWS. Pp. xiv, 498. Price, $I.50. Boston: Geo. H. Ellis, 1893 pp. 137-138

- David I. Green
- Brook Farm: Historical and Personal Memoirs. By JOHN THOMAS CODMAN. Pp. viii, 335. Price, $2.00. Boston: Arena Publishing Company, I894 pp. 139-140

- George H. Haynes
- The Unemployed. By GEOFFREY DRAGE, Secretary to the Labor Commission. Pp. xiv, 277. Price, $I.50. London and New York: Macmillan & Co., I894 pp. 140-142

- S.M. Lindsay
- The Ills of the South; or related causes hostile to the general pros perity of the Southern people. By CHARLES H. OTKEN, LL. D. Pp. xii, 277. Price, $I.50. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, I894 pp. 142-144

- Stephen B. Weeks
- Kleingewerbe und Hausindustrie in Oesterreich. Von Dr. EUGEN SCHWIEDLAND. 2 Vols. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, I894 pp. 144-145

- Ludwig Gumplowicz
- Municipal Covernment in Great Britain. By ALBERT SHAW. Pp. 375. Price, $2.00. New York: Century Company, I895 pp. 145-149

- L.S. Rowe
- Roger Williams, the Pioneer of Religious Liberty. By OSCAR S. STRAUS. Pp. 257. Price, $I.25. New York: Century Company, I894 pp. 149-150

- W.H. Mace
- Cases on Constitutional Law. By JAMES BRADLEY THAYER, LL. D. Parts III and IV. Pp. 945-2434. Price, $7.50. Cambridge, Mass.: C. W. Sever, 1894, 1895 pp. 150-151

- Charles F.A. Currier
- Auguste Comte und seine Bedeutung für die Ertwicklung der Social wissenschaft. Von Dr. H. WARNTIG. Staats- und socialwissenschaft liche Beiträge, herausgegeben von A. von Miaskowski. Vol. II, No. I, Pp. 393. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, I894 pp. 151-154

- Ludwig Gumplowicz and Ellen C. Semple
- American Charities. By AMOS G. WARNER. Pp. 430. Price, $I.75. New York and Boston. T. Y. Crowell & Co., I894 pp. 154-156

- H.H. Powers
- Sam Houston and the War of Independence in Texas. By ALFRED M. WILLIAMS. Pp. vii, 405. Price, $2.00. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., I893 pp. 156-157

- George P. Garrison
- Geschichte des deutschen Genossenschaftswesens der Neuzeit. Von Dr. HUGO ZEIDLER. Staats-und socialwissenschaftliche Beiträge, her ausgegeben von A. von Miaskowski. Vol. I, No. 3. Pp. 478. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, I894 pp. 157-158

- Karl Diehl
- Notes pp. 158-161

- N/a
- Notes on Municipal Government pp. 162-172

- N/a
- Sociological Notes pp. 173-184

- N/a
- Current Bibliography pp. 184-188

- N/a
Volume 5, issue 5, 1895
- Elected or Appointed Officials? A Canadian Question pp. 1-31

- N/a
- The Pacific Railway Debts pp. 32-52

- Richard T. Colburn
- Terminology and the Sociological Conference pp. 53-65

- H.H. Powers
- A Neglected Socialist pp. 66-87

- Frederick C. Clark
- The Organic Concept of Society pp. 88-94

- Albion W. Small
- Sociology and the Abstract Sciences. The Origin of the Social Feelings pp. 94-101

- Franklin H. Giddings
- Personal Notes pp. 102-106

- N/a
- Reviews pp. 107-110

- E.R.L. Gould
- Die Bauernbefreiung und die Auflösung des gutsherrlich-bäuer lichen Verhältnisses in Böhmen, Mähren und Schlesien. Von KARL GRÜNBERG. 2 vols. Pp. 432 and 497. Price, I6 marks. Leipzig: Duncker und Humblot, I894 pp. 110-112

- Ludwig Gumplowicz
- Ueber die Entwickelung der australischen Eisenbahnpolitik, nebst einer Einleitung über das Problem der Eisenbahnpolitik in Theorie und Praxis. Von Dr. MORITZ KANDT. Pp. xxxiv and I59. Berlin: Mamroth, I894 pp. 112-115

- Carl C. Plehn
- Der Kampf ums Recht des Stärkeren und seine Entwickelung. Von HIROYUKI KATÓ. Pp. I54. Price, 3 marks. Berlin: Friedländer & Son, I894 pp. 115-116

- Ludwig Gumplowicz
- Labour and the Popular Welfare. By W. H. MALLOCH. Pp. xi and 336. Price, $2,00. London: Adam and Charles Black pp. 116-119

- Henry R. Suager
- Soziale Kämpfe vor dreihundert Jahren. Von BRUNO SCHOENLAUBE. Leipzig: Duncker und Humblot, I894 pp. 119-120

- Karl Diehl
- An Introduction to the Study of Society. By AIBION W. SMALL and GEORGE E. VINCENT. Pp. 384. Price $I.80. New York and Chi cago: American Book Company, I894 pp. 120-123

- H.H. Powers
- The Philosophy of Teaching. By ARNOLD TOMPKINS. Pp. xii, 280. Price, 85 cents. Boston: Ginn & Co., I894 pp. 123-124

- W.H. Mace
- Die Arbeits-verfassung der englischen Kolonien in Nordamerika. Von A. SARTORIUS FREIHERRN VON WALTERSHAUSEN. Pp. 232. Price, 6 marks. Strassburg: Karl J. Trübner, I894 pp. 124-126

- E.P. Cheyney
- Cartier to Frontenac: Geographical Discovery in the Interior of North America in its Historical Relations, I534-I700. With full cartographical illustrations from contemporary sources. By JUSTIN WINSOR. Pp. viii, 366. Price, $4.00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., I894 pp. 126-128

- George H. Haynes
- Some Works on Economic and Commercial. Geography pp. 128-131

- Emory R. Johnson
- Notes pp. 131-137

- N/a
- Miscellany pp. 138-145

- N/a
- Notes on Municipal Government pp. 146-161

- N/a
- Sociological Notes pp. 162-176

- N/a
Volume 5, issue 4, 1895
- Economics in Elementary Schools pp. 1-29

- Simon N. Patten
- The Break Up of the English Party Systhm pp. 30-51

- Edward Porritt
- Wieser's Natural Value pp. 52-70

- David I. Green
- Money and Bank Credits in the United States pp. 71-96

- Henry W. Williams
- How to Save Bimetallism pp. 97-108

- Noailles De
- Briefer Communications pp. 109-126

- Frederick H. Cooke, Jerome Dowd, Simon N. Patten and S.M. Lindsay
- Personal Notes pp. 127-130

- N/a
- Reviews pp. 131-132

- H.H. Powers
- A History of Germany in the Middle Ages. By ERNEST F. HEN- DERSON. Pp. xxiv, 437. Price, $2.60. New York: Macmillan & Co., I894 pp. 132-133

- Dana C. Munro
- An Introduction to the Philosophy of Herbert Spencer, with a Bio graphical Sketch. By WILLIAM HENRY HUDSON. Pp. ix, 234. Price, $I.25. New York: D. Appleton & Co., I894 pp. 133-134

- Frank I. Herriott
- Nationale Produktion und nationale Berufsgliederung. By DR. HERMANN LOSCH. Leipzig: Duncker und Humblot, I892 pp. 135-136

- Karl Diehl
- A Student's Manual of English Constitutional History. By DUDLEY JULIUS MEDLEY, M. A. Pp. 583. London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co., I894. The Elements of English Constitutional History. By F. C. MON- TAGUE, M. A. Pp. 240. Price, $I.25. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co., I894 pp. 136-138

- Jesse Macy
- Les Luttes entre sociétés humaines et leurs phases successives. Par J. NOVICOW. Price, I0 fr. Paris: Felix Alcan, I893 pp. 138-139

- Ludwig Gumplowicz
- National Life and Character; a Forecast. By CHARLES H. PEAR- SON. Pp. 357. Price, $2.00. New edition. London and New York: Macmillan & Co., I894 pp. 140-143

- C.H. Lincoln
- Eight Hours for Work. By JOHN RAE. Pp. 340. Price, $I.25. London and New York: Macmillan & Co., I894 pp. 143-145

- H.H. Powers
- The Life and Times of James the First, the Conqueror, King of Aragon, etc. By F. DARWIN SWIFT, B. A., formerly scholar of Queens College, Oxford. Pp. xx, 3II. Price, $3.25. London and New York: Macmillan & Co., I894 pp. 145-146

- Edward G. Bourne
- Geschichte des antiken Kommunismus und Socialismus. By ROBERT TÖHLMAUN. I. Band. München: Beck, I893 pp. 146-148

- Ludwig Gumplowicz
- History of Taxation in Vermont. By FREDERICK A. WOOD, Ph. D. Columbia College Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, Vol. IV, No. 3. Pp. I28. Price, 75 cents. New York: Columbia College, I894 pp. 148-149

- Carl C. Plehn
- Notes on Economics pp. 149-153

- Henry R. Seager
- Notes pp. 154-163

- N/a
- Miscellany pp. 164-168

- N/a
- Notes on Municipal Government pp. 169-179

- N/a
- Sociological Notes pp. 180-192

- N/a
Volume 5, issue 3, 1894
- Why Had Roscher so Little Influence in England? pp. 1-18

- W. Cunningham
- Reasonable Railway Rates pp. 19-44

- H.T. Newcomb
- The Economic Function of Woman pp. 45-60

- Edward T. Devine
- Relief Work Carried on in the Wells Memorial Institute pp. 61-81

- Helena S. Dudley
- Utility, Economics and Sociology pp. 82-88

- Franklin H. Giddings
- The Organic Concept of Society pp. 88-93

- S.N. Patten
- Professor J. B. Clark's Use of the Terms "Rent" and "Profits." pp. 93-95

- J.H. Hollander
- Personal Notes pp. 96-104

- N/a
- Reviews pp. 105-106

- L.S. Rowe
- Restrictions upon Local and Special Legislation in State Constitu tions. By CHARLES CHAUNCEY BINNEY. Pp. 195. Price, $I.50. Philadelphia: Kay & Bros., 1894 pp. 106-128

- N/a
- Notes pp. 129-135

- N/a
- Miscellany pp. 136-139

- N/a
- Notes on Municipal Government pp. 140-144

- N/a
Volume 5, issue 2, 1894
- The Ultimate Standard of Value pp. 1-60

- E. Von Böhm-Bawerk and C.W. Macfarlane
- Relation of Labor Organizations to the American Boy and to Trade Instruction pp. 61-93

- Edward W. Bemis
- Mortgage Banking in Russia pp. 94-108

- D.M. Frederiksen
- The Beginning of Utility pp. 109-112

- Simon N. Patten
- Present Condition of Sociology in the United States pp. 112-121

- Ira W. Howerth
- Tee Improvement of Country Roads in Massachusetts and New York pp. 121-123

- Emory R. Johnson
- Personal Notes pp. 124-136

- N/a
- Book Department pp. 137-163

- N/a
- Notes pp. 164-168

- N/a
Volume 5, issue 1, 1894
- The Future Problem of Charity and the Unemployed pp. 1-27

- John Graham Brooks
- Peaceable Boycotting pp. 28-47

- N/a
- The Significance of a Decreasing Birthrate pp. 48-89

- J.L. Brownell
- Rent and Profit pp. 90-103

- C.W. Macfarlane
- Personal Notes pp. 104-106

- N/a
- Reviews pp. 107-108

- Dana C. Munro
- Public Assistance of the Poor in France. By EMILY GREENE BALCH. Pp. 179. Publications of the American Economic Association, Vol. VIII. Nos. 4 and 5. Price, $1.00. Baltimore: 1893 pp. 108-109

- David I. Green
- The Resources and Development of Mexico. By HUBERT HOWE BANCROFT. Pp. xii, 325. Price $4.50. San Francisco: The Bancroft Company, 1893 pp. 109-111

- F.W. Blackmar
- Les Destinées de l'Arbitrage International depuis la sentence rendue par le tribunal de Genéve. By Professor E. ROUARD DE CARD. Pp. 264. Price 5 fr. Paris: 1892 pp. 111-113

- Jeremiah W. Jenks
- An Essay on Judicial Power and Unconstitutional Legislation. By BRINTON COXE. Pp. xvi, 415. Price $3.00. Philadelphia: Kay & Brother, 1893 pp. 113-114

- Charles F.A. Currier
- The Union Pacific Railway. A Study in Railway Politics, History and Economics. By JOHN P. DAVIS, A. M. Pp. 247. Price $2.00. Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co., 1894. National Consolidation of the Railways of the United States. By GEORGE H. LEWIS, M. A. Pp. 326. Price $1.50. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1893 pp. 114-116

- Emory R. Johnson
- Histoire des Doctrines Êconomiques. Par A. ESPINAS, Professeur à la faculté des lettres de Bordeaux. Pp. 359. Paris: Armand Colin et Cie, 1892 pp. 116-117

- D. Kinley
- The Economics of a Russian Village. By ISAAC A. HOURWICH, Ph. D. Pp. 182. Price $1.00. Columbia College Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, Vol. II, No. I. New York, 1893 pp. 118-122

- William Harbutt Dawson
- Grundbegriffe und Grundlagen der Volkswirtschaft. Von Dr. JULIUS LEHR. Price 9 M. Leipzig: Hirschfeld, 1893 pp. 122-123

- Karl Diehl
- Principles of Political Economy. By J. SHIELD NICHOLSON. Vol. I, Pp. 452. Price $3.00. London: Macmillan & Co. 1893 pp. 123-128

- H.H. Powers
- Wesen und Zweck der Politik, als Theil der Sociologie und Crundlage der Staatswissenschaften. Von GUSTAV RATZENHOFER. 3 vols. Pp. 400, 363 and 481. Price 20 m. Leipzig: Bockhaus, 1893 pp. 128-136

- Ludwig Gumplowicz
- The Repudiation of State Debts. By WILLIAM A. SCOTT, Ph. D. Pp. x, 325. Price $1.50. Library of Economics and Politics, Number 2. Richard T. Ely, editor. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.,1893 pp. 136-138

- George P. Garrison
- An Analysis of the Ideas of Economics. By L. P. SHIRRES. Pp. 260. Price $2.00. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1893 pp. 138-139

- Sidney Sherwood
- Note of Correction pp. 139-139

- J.W. Jenks
- Notes pp. 140-148

- N/a
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