The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 210, issue 1, 1940
- Foreword pp. ix-ix

- Ernest Minor Patterson
- Why Peace Failed pp. 1-6

- William E. Rappard
- The Structure of Society and Peace pp. 7-13

- M.J. Bonn
- The Foundations of Peace pp. 14-18

- Alejandro E. Bunge
- International Organization pp. 19-23

- James T. Shotwell
- Reflections on Postwar Reconstruction pp. 24-27

- Gustav Cassel
- War and the Acculturation of the Masses pp. 28-34

- Manuel Gamio
- Peace Means More than Political Adjustment pp. 35-42

- Clyde Eagleton
- America's Contribution to an Enduring Peace pp. 43-49

- Norman Thomas
- Designs for a World Order pp. 50-56

- Ralph W. Page
- Peace through International Co-operation pp. 57-65

- Edgar Algernon Robert Cecil
- The Nature of a World Peace pp. 66-67

- Luigi Einaudi
- A Peace and Sound Economics pp. 68-72

- George Stuart Patterson
- War, Peace, and the Balance of Power pp. 73-81

- Frederick L. Schuman
- France and a Durable Peace pp. 82-88

- Pierre De Lanux
- Foundations of a Durable Peace pp. 89-97

- Luigi Villari
- The Policy of the United States in the Far East pp. 98-106

- Elizabeth Boody Schumpeter
- Far Eastern Adjustments and the United States pp. 107-114

- Philip C. Jessup
- Positive American Action in the Far East pp. 115-118

- Nathaniel Peffer
- Neutrality in the Chinese-Japanese War pp. 119-126

- W.R. Castle
- The New Orientation of the Western Hemisphere pp. 127-132

- Stephen Duggan
- A Peace Audit of the Americas pp. 133-138

- Josephine Schain
- Peace Among Equals pp. 139-144

- Carlos Dávila
- SAERCHINGER, CÉSAR. The Way Out of War. Pp. 125. New York: The Mac millan Co., 1940. 60¢ pp. 145-145

- Marie Louise Degen
- LUNAU, HEINZ. Illusions et réalités dans la politique internationale de paix. Pp. 178. Paris: E. de Boccard, 1939. 35 fr pp. 145-146

- Grayson Kirk
- TASCA, HENRY J. World Trading Systems. Pp. xi, 172. Paris: International Insti tute of Intellectual Co-operation, League of Nations, 1939. $1.50 pp. 146-147

- John Donaldson
- BAUDIN, LOUIS. Free Trade and Peace. Pp. 87. Paris: International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation, League of Na tions, 1939. 75¢ pp. 146-146

- John Donaldson
- FEIBLEMAN, JAMES. Positive Democracy. Pp. xv, 256. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1940. $2.50 pp. 147-148

- Arthur Rosenberg
- WALTER, KARL. Towards Democracy: The Class Struggle and Its Place in Na tional Unity. Pp. 120. London: P. S. King & Son, Ltd., 1939. 6 s pp. 148-148

- Richard H. Heindel
- ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AF FAIRS. Nationalism. Pp. xx, 360. New York: Oxford University Press, 1939. $3.75 pp. 148-149

- Edward Mcchesney Sait
- MAYER, J. P. Alexis de Tocqueville. Pp. xvii, 233. New York: Viking Press, Inc., 1940. $3.00 pp. 149-150

- G.W. Pierson
- BIRCHALL, FREDERICK T. The Storm Breaks. Pp. 366. New York: The Vik ing Press, 1940. $3.00 pp. 150-151

- William J. Ronan
- ROSINSKI, HERBERT. The German Army. Pp. 267. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1940. $3.00 pp. 151-152

- Friedrich Lenz
- FERGER, ERNST. Frieden und Abendland. Pp. 303. Zürich: Max Niehans Verlag, 1940. Fr. 9.80. CARR, EDWARD HALLETT. The Twenty Years' Crisis 1919-1939. Pp. xv, 313. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1939. $3.00. ZIMMERN, ALFRED (Ed.). Modern Politi cal Doctrines. Pp. xxxiv, 306. New York: Oxford University Press, 1939. $2.50 pp. 152-153

- Hans Kohn
- WERTH, ALEXANDER. France and Munich. Pp. 447. New York: Harper & Broth ers, 1939. $3.50. WISKEMANN, ELIZABETH. Prologue to War. Pp. ix, 332. New York: Oxford University Press, 1940. $3.00 pp. 153-154

- Hans Kohn
- BARNOUW, ADRIAAN J. The Dutch: A Portrait Study of the People of Holland. Pp. xii, 297. New York: Columbia Uni versity Press, 1940. $3.00 pp. 154-155

- Max Gideonse
- LYONS, EUGENE. Stalin: Czar of all the Russias. Pp. 292. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1940. $2.50 pp. 155-156

- A.O. Sarkissian
- WOLFERS, ARNOLD. Britain and France between Two Wars. Pp. 467. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1940. $3.75 pp. 156-157

- Joseph S. Roucek
- PRIESTLEY, HERBERT INGRAM. France Overseas Through the Old Régime. Pp. xvii, 393. New York: D. Appleton- Century Co., 1939. $5.00 pp. 157-157

- Grayson Kirk
- ROBERTSON, WILLIAM SPENCE. France and Latin-American Independence. Pp. xv, 626. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1939. $3.75. Discussion of America's relation to the pp. 157-159

- Arthur P. Whitaker
- STEWART, ROBERT B. Treaty Relations of the British Commonwealth of Nations. Pp. xxi, 503. New York: The Macmil lan Co., 1939. $5.00 pp. 159-159

- W.P.M. Kennedy
- TOYNBEE, ARNOLD J. A Study of History. 6 Volumes. Pp. xvii, 484; vii, 452; vi, 551; xvi, 656; vi, 712; vi, 633. New York: Oxford University Press, 1935 and 1939. $40.00 pp. 159-162

- Howard Becker
- BAILEY, THOMAS A. A Diplomatic His tory of the American People. Pp. xxiv, 806. New York: F. S. Crofts & Co., 1940. $6.00 pp. 162-163

- B.W. Maxwell
- CLEVEN, N. ANDREW N. The Political Or ganization of Bolivia. Pp. vii, 253. Washington: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1940. Paper $2.50; Cloth $3.00 pp. 163-164

- Richard F. Behrendt
- HARPER, LAWRENCE A. The English Navi gation Laws. Pp. xv, 503. New York: Columbia University Press, 1939. $3.75 pp. 163-163

- Emory R. Johnson
- LIVERMORE, SHAW. Early American Land Companies. Pp. xxx, 327. New York: The Commonwealth Fund, 1939. $3.50 pp. 164-165

- H. Larue Frain
- WOOLF, LEONARD. After the Deluge. Vol. II. Pp. vii, 317. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1939. $3.50 pp. 165-166

- Hans Kohn
- BUCHANAN, NORMAN S. The Economics of Corporate Enterprise. Pp. xvii, 483. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1940. $3.25 pp. 166-167

- Harry J. Jordan
- JASNY, N. Competition Among Grains. Pp. xiii, 606. Stanford University: Food Research Institute, 1940. $4.00 pp. 166-166

- A.F. Vass
- JENNINGS, HENRIETTA COOPER. The Con sumer in Commercial Banking. Pp. xvii, 158. New York: Consumer Credit In stitute of America, Inc., 1939. $2.00 pp. 167-168

- J.M. Whitsett
- YOUNG, RALPH A., AND ASSOCIATES. Per sonal Finance Companies and Their Credit Practices. Pp. xix, 170. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 1940. $2.00 pp. 168-169

- Rolf Nugent
- LINDAHL, ERIK. Studies in the Theory of Money and Capital. Pp. 391. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1939. $3.50 pp. 169-170

- C.R. Whittlesey
- BLAKEY, ROY G. and GLADYS C. The Fed eral Income Tax. Pp. xvii, 640. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1940. $7.50 pp. 170-171

- Tipton R. Snavely
- SALTER, J. T. (Ed.). The American Poli tician. Pp. xiv, 412. Chapel Hill: Uni versity of North Carolina Press, 1938. $3.50 pp. 171-172

- Henry W. Toll
- BLACHLY, FREDERICK F., and MIRIAM E. OATMAN. Federal Regulatory Action and Control. Pp. xviii, 356. Washing ton: The Brookings Institution, 1940. $3.00 pp. 172-173

- Harvey Pinney
- GANNETT, FRANK E., and B. F. CATHER- WOOD (Eds.). Industrial and Labour Relations in Great Britain. Pp. xiv, 364. New York: America's Future Inc., 1939. $2.50 pp. 173-174

- Frederick L. Ryan
- WHITEHEAD, T. N. The Industrial Worker. Vol. I, pp. xiv, 265; Vol. II, pp. viii, 10, A1-L81. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1938. $5.00 pp. 174-175

- Albert S. Thompson
- MARIANO, JOHN H. The Busch Jewelry Stores Labor Injunction. Pp. 238. Bos ton: The Christopher Publishing House, 1940. $2.50 pp. 175-176

- James P. Rowland
- FIELD, KENNETH. Introduction to Invest ment Analysis. Pp. xii, 340. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1940. $3.50 pp. 176-176

- Simon G. Hanson
- HARTSHORNE, RICHARD. The Nature of Geography. Pp. vi, 482. Lancaster, Pa.: Association of American Geogra phers, 1939 pp. 176-177

- Wellington D. Jones
- HOTCHKISS, GEORGE BURTON. An Outline of Advertising. Rev. Ed. Pp. xxvii, 631. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1940. $4.00 pp. 177-180

- Eduard C. Lindeman
- LASKI, HAROLD J. The Danger of Being a Gentleman. Pp. 270. New York: The Viking Press, 1940. $2.75 pp. 180-181

- Hans Kohn
- ATWATER, PIERCE. Problems of Admin istration in Social Work. Pp. xii, 319. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1940. $3.50 pp. 181-181

- Frank J. Bruno
- EATON, CLEMENT. Freedom of Thought in the Old South. Pp. xix, 343. Dur ham: Duke University Press, 1940. $3.00 pp. 181-182

- Alphonse B. Miller
- SHAFER, CARLISLE and CAROL. Life, Lib erty and the Pursuit of Bread. Pp. 207. New York: Columbia University Press, 1940. $2.25 pp. 182-183

- Robert W. Kelso
- LINTON, RALPH (Ed.). Acculturation in Seven American Indian Tribes. Pp. xiii, 526. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1940. $4.00 pp. 183-184

- Lloyd H. Fisher
- SMITH, T. LYNN. The Sociology of Rural Life. Pp. xx, 595. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1940. $3.50 pp. 183-183

- George W. Hill
- HERSKOVITS, MELVILLE J. The Economic Life of Primitive Peoples. Pp. xii, 492, i-xxvii. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1940. $4.50 pp. 184-185

- Melvin M. Knight
- RECKLESS, WALTER C. Criminal Behavior. Pp. xi, 532. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1940. $3.75 pp. 185-185

- Norman S. Hayner
- THORP, MARGARET FARRAND. America at the Movies. Pp. xii, 313. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1939. $2.75 pp. 185-186

- Malcolm M. Willey
- BURGESS, ERNEST W., and LEONARD S. COTTRELL, JR. Predicting Success or Failure in Marriage. Pp. xxiv, 472. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1939. $2.50. Predicting Success or Failure in Mar pp. 186-187

- Willard Waller
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