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Volume 267, issue 1, 1950

Foreword pp. vii-vii Downloads
Sydney Connor and Carl J. Friedrich
Military Government and Dictatorship pp. 1-7 Downloads
Carl J. Friedrich
The Navy's Entry into Military Government pp. 8-18 Downloads
Sydney Connor
Co-ordination of Military and Civilian Civil Affairs Planning pp. 19-27 Downloads
Edwin J. Hayward
Re-establishing German Government pp. 28-42 Downloads
Arnold Brecht
The German Currency Reform pp. 43-54 Downloads
Jack Bennett
Military Government and the German Political Parties pp. 55-67 Downloads
Seymour R. Bolten
Denazification in the United States Zone of Germany pp. 68-76 Downloads
William E. Griffith
The Individual Soldier and the Occupation pp. 77-86 Downloads
Robert Engler
American Military Government Courts in Germany pp. 87-97 Downloads
Eli E. Nobleman
The Cultural Exchange Program pp. 98-105 Downloads
Paul P. Van Riper
The Zoning of Austria pp. 106-113 Downloads
Edgar L. Erickson
Allied Military Government in Italy pp. 114-122 Downloads
Thomas R. Fisher
Total War, Alien Control, and the Sicilian Community pp. 123-130 Downloads
Vincenzo Petrullo
Civil Affairs Agreements for Liberated Territories pp. 131-139 Downloads
Harry Lewis Coles
The Administration of Occupied Japan pp. 140-153 Downloads
Philip H. Taylor
The Role of Administration in the Occupation of Japan pp. 154-163 Downloads
Ralph J.D. Braibanti
Government of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands pp. 164-174 Downloads
Eugene F. Bogan
Occupation Experiences on Okinawa pp. 175-182 Downloads
Clellan S. Ford
Lessons of Wartime Military Government Training pp. 183-192 Downloads
John Brown Mason
Military Government—Where Do We Stand Today? pp. 193-200 Downloads
Robert H. Slover
CURTIS, LIONEL. World Revolution in the Cause of Peace. Pp. xvi, 135. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1949. $2.50 pp. 201-202 Downloads
Royal Purcell
WOODWARD, ERNEST L., and others. Foun dations for World Order. Pp. 174. Denver: University of Denver Press, 1949. $3.00 pp. 201-201 Downloads
Crane Brinton
FLORIO, FRANCO. Le Organizzazioni inter nazionali. Milano: Dott. A. Giuffré, 1949. 550 lira pp. 202-202 Downloads
Renzo Sereno
DUGGAN, LAURENCE. The Americas: The Search for Hemisphere Security. Pp. xii, 242. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1949. $3.00 pp. 202-203 Downloads
Robert E. Scott
DENNETT, RAYMOND, and ROBERT K. TURNER (Eds.). Documents on Ameri can Foreign Relations, 1947. Vol. IX. Pp. xxxii, 759. Princeton: Princeton University Press (for the World Peace Foundation), 1949. $6.00. CAMPBELL, JOHN C. The United States in World Affairs, 1948-1949. Pp. xx, 604. New York: Harper & Bros. (for the Council on Foreign Relations), 1949. $5.00 pp. 203-204 Downloads
Oliver Benson
LENCZOWSKI, GEORGE. Russia and the West in Iran, 1918-1948: A Study in Big-Power Rivalry. Pp. xv, 383. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1949. $4.50 pp. 204-205 Downloads
Halford L. Hoskins
KOESTLER, ARTHUR. Promise and Fulfil ment: Palestine 1917-1949. Pp. xv, 335. New York: Macmillan, 1949. $4.00 pp. 205-206 Downloads
Halford L. Hoskins
LOGAN, RAYFORD W. The African Man dates in World Politics. Pp. x, 220. Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1949. Cardboard, $3.00; cloth, $4.00 pp. 205-205 Downloads
H.A. Wieschhoff
MANUEL, FRANK E. The Realities of American-Palestine Relations. Pp. viii, 378. Washington: Public Affairs Press, 1949. $5.00 pp. 206-207 Downloads
William Yale
VIERECK, PETER. Conservatism Revisited: The Revolt Against Revolt, 1815-1949. Pp. xvii, 187. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1949. $2.50 pp. 207-207 Downloads
George H. Sabine
BALZAK, S. S., V. F. VASYUTIN, and YA. G. FEICIN (Eds.). Economic Geography of the USSR. American edition edited by Chauncey D. Harris. Translated by Robert M. Hankin and Olga Adler Titel baum. Pp. xlv, 620. New York: Mac millan, 1949. $10.00 pp. 208-209 Downloads
Harry Schwartz
YANAGA, CHITOSHI. Japan Since Perry. Pp. viii, 723. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1949. $6.00 pp. 208-208 Downloads
Thomas E. Ennis
DALLIN, DAVID J. The Rise of Russia in Asia. Pp. xi, 293. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1949. $5.00 pp. 209-210 Downloads
Anatole G. Mazour
MONNEROT, JULES. Sociologie du Com munisme. Pp. 510. Paris: Librairie Gallimard, 1949. Fr. 700 pp. 210-211 Downloads
N.S. Timasheff
GRÃœNHUT, MAX. Penal Reform. Pp. xv, 486. New York: Oxford University Press, 1949. $9.00. RADZINOWICZ, LEON. A History of Eng lish Criminal Law and its Administra tion from 1750: The Movement for Reform, 1750-1833. Pp. xxiv, 853. London: Stevens & Sons Ltd.; New York: Macmillan, 1948, 1949. $15.00 pp. 210-210 Downloads
Thorsten Sellin
BADER, KARL S. Soziologie der deutschen Nachkriegskriminalität. Pp. xv, 209. Tübingen, Germany: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1949. No price pp. 211-212 Downloads
Hans Von Hentig
PRICE, ARNOLD H. The Evolution of the Zollverein. Pp. xi, 298. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1949. $3.50 pp. 212-213 Downloads
Fritz Karl Mann
ARNESON, BEN A. The Democratic Mon archies of Scandinavia. Second ed. Pp. xiv, 294. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1949. $3.00 pp. 213-214 Downloads
John H. Wuorinen
GALENSON, WALTER. Labor in Norway. Pp. xii, 373. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1949. $5.00 pp. 214-214 Downloads
Bjarne Braatoy
DAVIS, HAROLD E. Latin American Lead ers. Pp. 170. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1949. $2.50 pp. 214-215 Downloads
Alfred Manes
HAAR, BAREND TER. Adat Law in Indo nesia. Pp. xiv, 255. New York: Insti tute of Pacific Relations, 1948. $4.00 pp. 215-216 Downloads
V.E. Korn
FERREIRA, PINTO. Principios gerais do direito constitucional moderno. Pp. 546. Recife, Brazil: Jornal do Comercio, S. A., 1948. No price pp. 216-217 Downloads
Isidoro Zanotti
THORNBURG, MAX WESTON, GRAHAM SPRY, and GEORGE SOULE. Turkey: An Eco nomic Appraisal. Pp. xvi, 324. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1949. $3.50 pp. 216-216 Downloads
Harry N. Howard
BINKLEY, WILFRED E., and MALCOLM C. Moos. A Grammar of American Poli tics. Pp. x, 760, xviii. New York: Al fred A. Knopf, 1949. Text $4.50; trade $6.00 pp. 217-218 Downloads
Harold Zink
ALLEN, ROBERT S. (Ed.). Our Sovereign State. Pp. xxxviii, 413. New York: Vanguard Press, 1949. $5.00 pp. 217-217 Downloads
Dayton D. McKean
KEY, V. O., JR., with the assistance of ALEXANDER HEARD. Southern Politics in State and Nation. Pp. xxvi, 675. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1949. $6.00 pp. 218-219 Downloads
Dayton D. McKean
MEIGS, CORNELIA. The Violent Men. Pp. 278. New York: Macmillan, 1949. $4.00 pp. 219-220 Downloads
John Perry Pritchett
BELOFF, MAX. Thomas Jefferson and American Democracy. Pp. xi, 271. New York: Macmillan Co., 1949. $2.00 pp. 220-221 Downloads
Claude G. Bowers
BROWNLOW, LOUIS. The President and the Presidency. Pp. xi, 137. Chicago: Pub lic Administration Service, 1949. $2.75 pp. 220-220 Downloads
Frank Paddock
WHEARE, K. C. Abraham Lincoln and the United States. Pp. xiv, 286. New York: Macmillan, 1949. $2.00 pp. 221-221 Downloads
Alphonse B. Miller
MCMILLAN, S. STERLING. Individual Firm Adjustments Under OPA. Pp. xv, 256. Bloomington, Ind.: The Principia Press, 1949. $3.50 pp. 221-222 Downloads
Earl C. Hald
CAHN, FRANCES T. Federal Employees in War and Peace. Pp. xiii, 253. Washing ton: The Brookings Institution, 1949. $3.50 pp. 222-223 Downloads
W. Brooke Graves
HARRIS, SEYMOUR E. Economic Planning. Pp. xvii, 577. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1949. Trade, $6.00; text, $4.50 pp. 223-224 Downloads
Sar A. Levitan
SMITH, BRUCE. Police Systems in the United States. Revised ed. Pp. xiii, 351. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1949. $5.00 pp. 223-223 Downloads
Thorsten Sellin
HAHN, L. ALBERT. The Economics of Illu sion. Pp. viii, 273. New York: Squier Publishing Co., 1949. $4.00 pp. 224-225 Downloads
Ervin Hexner
COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC DEBT POLICY. Our National Debt. Pp. xviii, 182. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1949. $2.50 pp. 225-225 Downloads
Robert Rockafellow
BEYEN, J. W. Money in a Maelstrom. Pp. 221. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1949. $3.25 pp. 225-226 Downloads
Amos E. Taylor
KEIRSTEAD, B. S. The Theory of Eco nomic Change. Pp. xi, 386. Toronto: Macmillan Co. of Canada, 1948. $5.00 pp. 226-227 Downloads
Simon Kuznets
MOULTON, HAROLD G. Controlling Fac tors in Economic Development. Pp. xii, 397. Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1949. $4.00 pp. 227-228 Downloads
Lewis H. Haney
BARNES, JAMES A. Wealth of the Ameri can People. Pp. x, 910. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1949. $5.75 pp. 227-227 Downloads
Donald L. Kemmerer
REYNOLDS, LLOYD G. Labor Economics and Labor Relations. Pp. xii, 552. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1949. $4.75 text; $6.35 trade pp. 228-229 Downloads
Sar A. Levitan
DE SCHWEINITZ, DOROTHEA. Labor and Management in a Common Enterprise. Pp. xiii, 186. Cambridge, Mass.: Har vard University Press, 1949. $3.00 pp. 229-230 Downloads
Robert C. Sorensen
WAITE, WARREN C., and HARRY C. TRE- LOGAN. Introduction to Agricultural Prices. Pp. 227. Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing Co., 1948. $3.50 pp. 230-230 Downloads
Fred R. Yoder
CHANG P'EI-KANG. Agriculture and Indus trialization. Pp. xii, 270. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1949. $5.00 pp. 230-231 Downloads
A.F. Vass
DAVIS, PEARCE. The Development of the American Glass Industry. Pp. xiv, 316. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1949. $6.00 pp. 231-232 Downloads
Donald L. Kemmerer
TAX INSTITUTE, INC. Income Tax Ad ministration. Pp. xx, 449. New York: Tax Institute, Inc., 1949. $6.00 pp. 232-233 Downloads
Paul Studenski
LANGE, OSKAR, and FRED M. TAYLOR. On the Economic Theory of Socialism. Pp. vii, 143. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1948. $2.00 pp. 233-234 Downloads
Ignacy Aleksandrowicz
MERTON, ROBERT K. Social Theory and Social Structure. Pp. vi, 423. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1949. $5.00 pp. 234-235 Downloads
Floyd N. House
MURDOCK, GEORGE PETER. Social Struc ture. Pp. xvii, 387. New York: Mac millan, 1949. $4.50 pp. 235-236 Downloads
Melville J. Herskovits
LIPPITT, RONALD. Training in Community Relations. Pp. xiv, 286. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1949. $3.50 pp. 236-237 Downloads
M.C. Elmer
WARNER, W. LLOYD, and associates. De mocracy in Jonesville. Pp. xviii, 313. New York: Harper and Bros., 1949. $4.50 pp. 237-237 Downloads
James H. Barnett
LANDIS, BENSON Y. Rural Welfare Serv ices. Pp. viii, 201. New York: Co lumbia University Press, 1949. $3.00 pp. 237-238 Downloads
George W. Hill
TIBBITTS, CLARK (Ed.). Living Through the Older Years. Pp. 193. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1949. $2.00 pp. 238-239 Downloads
Otto Pollak
TEETERS, NEGLEY K. Deliberations of the International Penal and Penitentiary Congresses, Questions and Answers, 1872-1935. Pp. 198. Philadelphia: Temple University Book Store, 1949. $4.00 pp. 239-240 Downloads
Otto Pollak
CAVAN, RUTH SHONLE, ERNEST W. BUR GESS, ROBERT J. HAVIGHURST, and HER BERT GOLDHAMER. Personal Adjustment in Old Age. Pp. xiii, 204. Chicago: Sci ence Research Associates, 1949. $2.95 pp. 239-239 Downloads
S.L. Pressey
HOLLIS, FLORENCE. Women in Marital Conflict. Pp. 236. New York: Family Service Association of America, 1949. $3.50 pp. 240-240 Downloads
Emily H. Mudd
GAGLIARDO, DOMENICO. American Social Insurance. Pp. xxiii, 671. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1949. $5.00 pp. 241-241 Downloads
Alfred Manes
GRODZINS, MORTON. Americans Betrayed: Politics and the Japanese Evacuation. Pp. xvii, 445. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1949. $5.00 pp. 241-242 Downloads
Norman S. Hayner
MURRAY, FLORENCE (Ed.). The Negro Handbook, 1949. Fourth ed. Pp. ix, 368. New York: Macmillan, 1949 $5.00 pp. 242-243 Downloads
Earl R. Moses
DALE, EDWARD EVERETT. The Indians of the Southwest. Pp. xvi, 283. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1949. $4.00 pp. 242-242 Downloads
Clyde Kluckhohn
ERNST, ROBERT. Immigrant Life in New York City, 1825-1863. Pp. xvi, 331. New York: Columbia University Press, 1949. $4.50 pp. 243-244 Downloads
Dieter Cunz
BLANSHARD, PAUL. American Freedom and Catholic Power. Pp. 350. Boston: Beacon Press, 1949. $3.50 pp. 244-245 Downloads
Clifford Kirkpatrick
SCHLESINGER, ARTHUR M., JR. The Vital Center. Pp. x, 274. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1949. $3.00 pp. 245-246 Downloads
Horace M. Kallen
READ, HERBERT. Education for Peace. Pp. 166. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1949. $2.75 pp. 246-246 Downloads
Gladys A. Wiggin
BURROW, TRIGANT. The Neurosis of Man. Pp. xxvi, 428. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1949. $7.50 pp. 247-247 Downloads
Winfred Overholser
COLLINGWOOD, R. G. The Idea of History. Pp. xxvi, 339. New York: Oxford Uni versity Press, 1946. $6.00 pp. 247-248 Downloads
Leonard W. Labaree
WERKMEISTER, W. H. A History of Philo sophical Ideas in America. Pp. xvi, 599. New York: Ronald Press Co., 1949. $5.00 pp. 248-249 Downloads
Rubin Gotesky
FRANK, PHILIPP. Modern Science and Its Philosophy. Second ed. Pp. 324. Cam bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1949. $4.50 pp. 249-249 Downloads
Russell L. Ackoff
OWEN, WILFRED. Automotive Transporta tion Trends and Problems. Pp. viii, 154. Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1949. $2.00 pp. 249-250 Downloads
Truman C. Bigham
LEIGHTON, ISABEL (Ed.). The Aspirin Age 1919*1941. Pp. ix, 491. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1949. $3.95 pp. 250-251 Downloads
Harry Elmer Barnes
STEPHENS, JOHN L. Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, & Yucatan. Edited with an introduction & notes by Richard L. Predmore. Two vols. Vol. I, pp. xx, 346; Vol. II, pp. xiv, 401. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1949. $10.00 pp. 251-252 Downloads
Nathan L. Whetten
Letters to the Editor pp. 252-253 Downloads
Alfred McClung Lee and K.L. London
A Reply pp. 253-254 Downloads
Samuel F. Bemis and Harry Elmer Barnes
Page updated 2025-03-31