The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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Volume 228, issue 1, 1943
- Foreword pp. vii-vii

- Thorsten Sellin
- United Nations—Phrase or Reality? pp. 1-10

- Quincy Wright
- A Common United Nations Policy—Now ! pp. 11-15

- Ferdinand Czernin
- World Co-operation Now: A Declaration of Interdependence pp. 16-20

- Kinn Wei Shaw
- Contribution of the Americas to the War and to the Peace pp. 21-24

- Eugenio Silva
- The United Nations and the Philippines pp. 25-29

- Sergio Osmeña
- The United Nations in War and Peace pp. 30-33

- Nicholas Mirkovich
- Next Steps in the Organization of the United Nations pp. 34-39

- Clark M. Eichelberger
- A More Perfect United Nations—How and When? pp. 40-46

- Claude Pepper
- International Co-operation or World War III pp. 47-51

- William Agar
- East Central Europe in Postwar Organization pp. 52-59

- Oskar Halecki
- The Northern European Countries After This War pp. 60-64

- Edvard Hambro
- The British Commonwealth in the World Order pp. 65-70

- Norman Angell
- The Future of Imperialism pp. 71-77

- M.J. Bonn
- Mechanisms of Postwar Planning pp. 78-83

- J.B. Condliffe
- Foreign Trade Reconstruction pp. 84-91

- Alexander V. Dye
- The Postwar International Economic Position of the United States pp. 92-100

- Marcus Nadler
- Recognition of Cultural Diversities in the Postwar World pp. 101-107

- Ruth Benedict
- HARVEY, RAY F., et al. The Politics of This War. Pp. v, 328. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1943. $2.50 pp. 108-108

- Josef HanÄ
- STRAIGHT, MICHAEL. Make This the Last War. Pp. x, 417. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1942. $3.00 pp. 108-109

- Nicholas Doman
- WHITTLESEY, DERWENT. German Strategy of World Conquest. Pp. xiii, 293. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1942. College Ed.: $1.90; Trade Ed.: $2.50 pp. 109-110

- Robert A. Brady
- EBENSTEIN, WILLIAM. The Nazi State. Pp. xi, 355. New York: Farrar & Rine hart, 1943. Coll. ed. $2.00; trade ed. $2.75 pp. 110-111

- Fritz Morstein Marx
- MARCHAL, LÉON. Vicky: Two Years of Deception. Pp. vi, 251. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1943. $2.50 pp. 111-112

- Hans Kohn
- STEINER, JESSE F. Behind the Japanese Mask. Pp. 159. New York: The Mac millan Co., 1943. $2.00 pp. 112-113

- Harry Emerson Wildes
- MOORE, FREDERICK. With Japan's Leaders. Pp. 365. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1942. $2.75 pp. 113-113

- Wilson Leon Godshall
- BAKER, ROBERT L. Oil, Blood and Sand. Pp. xvii, 300. New York: D. Appleton- Century Co., 1942. $2.50 pp. 114-115

- A.O. Sarkissian
- HOLTOM, D. C. Modern Japan and Shinto Nationalism. Pp. ix, 178. Chicago: Uni versity of Chicago Press, 1943. $2.00 pp. 114-114

- K.S. Latourette
- DUTT, R. PALME. Britain in the World Front. Pp. 284. New York: Interna tional Publishers, 1943. $2.00 pp. 115-115

- Walter Consuelo Langsam
- COOK, ARTHUR NORTON. British Enter prise in Nigeria. Pp. ix, 330. Phila delphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1943. $3.50 pp. 115-116

- Garland Downum
- IRELAND, PHILIP W. (Ed.). The Near East: Problems and Prospects. Pp. xiv, 266. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1942. $2.50 pp. 116-117

- Hans Kohn
- HART, G. H. C. Towards Economic De mocracy in the Netherlands Indies. Pp. 123. New York: The Netherlands and Netherlands Indies Council of the Insti tute of Pacific Relations, 1942 pp. 117-118

- J.U.M. Broek
- THOMPSON, VIRGINIA. Postmortem on Ma laya. Pp. xix, 323. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1943. $3.00 pp. 118-119

- Taraknath Das
- MURPHY, MARY E. The British War Econ omy, 1939-1943. Pp. xiv, 403. New York: Professional and Technical Press, 1943. $2.50 pp. 119-120

- Leo Fishman
- LEAGUE OF NATIONS. Wartime Rationing and Consumption. Pp. 87. Geneva: League of Nations; Sales Agent: Colum bia University Press, 1942. $1.00 pp. 120-121

- Karl Brandt
- MALLERY, OTTO TOD. Economic Union and Durable Peace. Pp. xvi, 183. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1943. $2.00 pp. 121-122

- Ervin Hexner
- BECKERATH, HERBERT VON. In Defense of the West. Pp. xiii, 297. Durham: Duke University Press, 1942. $3.50 pp. 122-123

- Ralph H. Blodgett
- BURNHAM, JAMES. The Machiavellians. Pp. viii, 270. New York: The John Day Co., 1943. $2.50 pp. 123-124

- Joseph S. Roucek
- LORWIN, LEWIS L. International Economic Development. Pp. iv, 111. Washing ton: U. S. Gov't Printing Office, 1942. 30¢ pp. 124-125

- W.F. Stolper
- HARRIS, SEYMOUR E. (Ed.). Postwar Eco nomic Problems. Pp. xii, 417. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1943. $3.50 pp. 125-126

- Emerson P. Schmidt
- SCHUMPETER, JOSEPH A. Capitalism, So cialism, and Democracy. Pp. x, 381. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1942. $3.50 pp. 126-127

- Ralph H. Blodgett
- BRADY, ROBERT A. Business as a System of Power. Pp. xx, 340. New York: Columbia University Press, 1943. $3.00 pp. 127-128

- Dexter S. Kimball
- SILBERLING, NORMAN J. The Dynamics of Business. Pp. xii, 759. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1943. $5.00 pp. 128-129

- Donald L. Kemmerer
- BOWMAN, MARY JEAN, and GEORGE LELAND BACH. Economic Analysis and Public Policy. Pp. xix, 935. New York: Pren tice-Hall, 1943. $4.50 pp. 129-129

- John F. Cronin
- TAFT, PHILIP. Economics and Problems of Labor. Pp. xxix, 994. Harrisburg: Stackpole Sons, 1942. $4.00 pp. 129-130

- Herman Feldman
- BALDWIN, CLAUDE DAVID. Economic Plan ning: Its Aims and Implications. Pp. 188. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1942. Paperbound: $2.00; Cloth- bound: $2.50 pp. 130-131

- Joseph Mayer
- GILBERT, JAMES H. The Tax Systems of Australasia. Pp. v, 168. Eugene: Uni versity of Oregon, 1943. $1.25 pp. 131-132

- J.B. Brigden
- ZAVALA, SILVIO. New Viewpoints on the Spanish Colonization of America. Pp. vii, 118. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1943. $1.25 pp. 132-132

- Roscoe R. Hill
- PERSON, HARLOW S. Mexican Oil. Pp. 83. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1942. $1.50 pp. 132-133

- Charles Gerald Forbes
- BRADFORD, SAX. The Battle for Buenos Aires. Pp. vi, 307. New York: Har court, Brace & Co., 1943. $2.50. Undoubtedly a rich crop of books will pp. 133-134

- A. Curtis Wilgus
- UNITED STATES TARIFF COMMISSION. The Foreign Trade of Latin America. Vol. I, pp. vii, 99, 20¢; Vol. II, pp. xi, 304, 35¢; Vol. III, pp. xii, 326, 40¢; Vol. IV, pp. vii, 253, 35¢. Washington: Superintend ent of Documents, 1942 pp. 133-133

- Richard F. Behrendt
- BEMIS, SAMUEL FLAGG. The Latin Ameri can Policy of the United States. Pp. xv, 470. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1943. $4.50 pp. 134-135

- J. Fred Rippy
- RHYNE, CHARLES S. (Ed.). Municipalities and the Law in Action. 1943 Edition. Pp. 611. Washington: National Institute of Municipal Law Officers, 1943. $7.50 pp. 135-136

- Stuart A. Maccorkle
- BAUM, ROBERT D. The Federal Power Commission and State Utility Regula tion. Pp. xi, 301. Washington, D. C.: American Council on Public Affairs, 1942. Cloth: $3.75; Paper: $3.00 pp. 136-138

- J. Rhoads Foster
- ANDERSON, DEWEY, and PERCY E. DAVID- SON. Ballots and the Democratic Class Struggle. Pp. xiii, 377. Stanford Uni versity: Stanford University Press, 1943. $4.00 pp. 138-138

- Harold F. Gosnell
- WRIGHT, GORDON. Raymond Poincaré and the French Presidency. Pp. ix, 271. Stanford University: Stanford Univer sity Press, 1942. $3.50 pp. 138-139

- John B. Wolf
- TREVELYAN, G. M. English Social History. Pp. xii, 628. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1942. $4.50 pp. 139-140

- Preston Slosson
- JORDAN, W. K. Men of Substance: A Study of the Thought of Two English Revolutionaries, Henry Parker and Henry Robinson. Pp. ix, 283. Chicago: Uni versity of Chicago Press, 1942. $3.00 pp. 140-141

- Leonidas Dodson
- STONER, JOHN E. S. O. Levinson and the Pact of Paris. Pp. xvi, 368. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1943. $4.00 pp. 141-142

- Lester Burrell Shippee
- HANDLIN, OSCAR. Boston's Immigrants, 1790-1865. Pp. xviii, 287. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1941. $3.25 pp. 142-143

- Richard H. Shryock
- SIMMS, HENRY H. A Decade of Sectional Controversy, 1851-1861. Pp. xi, 284. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1942. $3.50 pp. 142-142

- Alphonse B. Miller
- MULLER, HERBERT J. Science and Criti cism. Pp. xiv, 303. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1943. $3.75 pp. 143-144

- H.M. Kallen
- CASSIDY, HARRY M. Social Security and Reconstruction in Canada. Pp. x, 197. Boston: Bruce Humphries, Inc., 1943. $2.50 pp. 144-145

- S.D. Clark
- MOWRER, ERNEST R. Disorganization: Per sonal and Social. Pp. ix, 682. Philadel phia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1942. $3.75 pp. 145-145

- James H.S. Bossard
- ROBISON, SOPHIA M. (Ed.). Jewish Popu lation Studies. Pp. xvi, 189. New York: Conference on Jewish Relations, 1943 pp. 146-147

- Warren S. Thompson
- MCWILLIAMS, CAREY. Brothers Under the Skin. Pp. 325. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1943. $3.00 pp. 146-146

- Harry Schwartz
- HUTCHINS, ROBERT MAYNARD. Education for Freedom. Pp. ix, 108. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1943. $1.50 pp. 147-148

- John W. Nason
- KOTSCHNIG, WALTER M. Slaves Need No Leaders. Pp. xv, 284. New York: Ox ford University Press, 1943. $2.75 pp. 148-149

- Edgar B. Wesley
- CARLSON, OLIVER. The Man Who Made News. Pp. xi, 440. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1942. $3.50 pp. 149-149

- Malcolm M. Willey
- Letter To the Editor pp. 150-151

- John Lindberg
- NIEBUHR, REINHOLD. The Nature and Destiny of Man. Vol. II. Pp. xii, 328. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1943. $2.75 pp. 150-150

- Conrad Bergendoff
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