The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 153, issue 1, 1931
- Foreword pp. i-i

- William J. Carson
- Early Industrial Development in the South1 pp. 1-10

- Harriet L. Herring
- The Civil War and Social and Economic Changes pp. 11-20

- Holland Thompson
- Growth of Manufactures in the South pp. 21-29

- Broadus Mitchell
- Southern Textile Manufacturing pp. 30-42

- Claudius T. Murchison
- Tobacco Manufacturing in the South pp. 43-53

- Charles E. Landon
- The Iron and Steel Industry of the South pp. 54-62

- Edwin C. Eckel
- The Lumber and Forest-Products Industry of the South pp. 63-75

- Joseph Hyde Pratt
- Chemical Resources and Industries of the South pp. 76-83

- Lauren B. Hitchcock
- Coal Mining in the South pp. 84-93

- O.E. Kiessling
- The Power Situation in the Southern Power Province pp. 94-123

- Thorndike Saville
- Industrial Development in Virginia pp. 124-132

- Robert H. Tucker
- Industrial Development in North Carolina pp. 133-140

- C.K. Brown
- The Industrial Development of Tennessee pp. 141-147

- Frank Bird Ward
- Industrial Alabama pp. 148-155

- Lee Bidgood
- Southern Labor Supply and Working Conditions in Industry pp. 156-162

- Mercer G. Evans
- Women and Children in Southern Industry pp. 163-169

- Elizabeth L. Otey
- Negroes in Southern Industry pp. 170-181

- T. Arnold Hill
- Organization of Labor in the South pp. 182-187

- George Sinclair Mitchell
- Workmen's Compensation Legislation in the South pp. 188-192

- John B. Andrews
- Adjusting Southern Agriculture to Economic Changes pp. 193-201

- David L. Wickens
- Transportation Developments and Economic and Industrial Changes pp. 202-209

- Roland B. Eutsler
- Banking in the South: Its Relation to Agricultural and Industrial Development pp. 210-223

- William J. Carson
- Industrial Changes and Taxation Problems in the Southern States1 pp. 224-237

- James W. Martin
- Problems of Taxation in Tennessee pp. 238-245

- Charles P. White
- The Changing Political Philosophy of the South pp. 246-250

- H.C. Nixon
- The South's New Industrialism and the Press pp. 251-256

- Mark Ethridge
- Southern Industrialism: A Way of Economic Recovery and an Opportunity for Social Mastery pp. 257-266

- Frank P. Graham
- Twelve Southerners. I'll Take My Stand. Pp. xx, 359. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1930 pp. 267-269

- F. Cyril James
- Mirchell, Broadus, and Mitchell, George Sinclair. The Industrial Revolution in the South. Pp. xiv, 312. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1930. $2.75 pp. 269-269

- C. Louis Knight
- Bergluind, Abraham, Starnes, George Talmage, and Devyver, Frank Traver. Labor in the Industrial South. Pp. xiii, 176. University, Va.: Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, 1930 pp. 269-270

- Harry M. Cassidy
- Schwenning, G. T. (Ed.). Management Problems: With Special Reference to the Cotton Textile Industry. Pp. xiv, 266. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1930. $2.00 pp. 270-271

- A.H. Williams
- Shumway, Harry. I Go South. Pp. vi, 90. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1930. $2.00 pp. 271-271

- Elizabeth Yates Webb
- Murchison, Claudius T. King Cotton Is Sick. Pp. xi, 187. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1930. $2.00 pp. 271-272

- William G. Reed
- Johnson, Charles S., et al. The Negro in American Civilization. Pp. 538. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1930. $4.00 pp. 272-272

- Niles Carpenter
- Kennedy, Louise Vnable. The Negro Peasant Turns Cityward. Pp. 270. New York: Columbia University Press, 1930. $4.25 pp. 272-273

- Eugene Kinckle Jones
- Whitfeild, Theodore M. Slavery Agitation in Virginia 1829-1832. Pp. viii, 162. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1930. $1.75 pp. 273-274

- Carter G. Woodson
- Reid, Ira Dea. (Department of Research and Investigation of the National Urban League.) Negro Membership in American Labor Unions. Pp. 175. New York: The National Urban League, 1930. $1.00 pp. 273-273

- Helen Bryan
- Wisner, Elizabeth. Public Welfare Administration in Louisiana. Pp. xvii, 239. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1930. $3.00 pp. 274-275

- Richard H. Shryock
- Turner, Lorenzo Dow. Anti-Slavery Sentiment in American Literature Prior to 1865. Pp. viii, 188. Washington: The Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, Inc., 1929. $2.15 pp. 274-274

- Elmer A. Carter
- Cappon, Lester J. (Under the Direction of Dumas Malone.) Bibliography of Virginia History Since 1865. Pp. xviii, 900. University, Va.: Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, 1930 pp. 275-275

- Arthur C. Cole
- Haines, Charles Grove. The Revival of Natural Law Concepts. Pp. xiii, 388. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1930. $4.50 pp. 275-276

- A. Kocourek
- Catlin, George E. G. A Study of the Principles of Politics. Pp. 469. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1930. $6.00 pp. 276-277

- R.M. Maciver
- Carpenter, William Seal. The Development of American Political Thought. Pp. vi, 191. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1930. $2.00 pp. 277-278

- John Dickinson
- Johnston, Henry Alan. What Rights Are Left. Pp. x, 177. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1930. $2.00 pp. 278-279

- John C. Gebhart
- Hart, James. Tenure of Office under the Constitution: A Study in Law and Public Policy. Pp. x, 384. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1930. $3.50 pp. 279-280

- E.P. Chase
- Lee, Henry J. (Ed.). Charter of the City of New York and City Home Rule Law (Amended to May 1, 1930.) Brooklyn: Eagle Library Publications, 1930. $3.50 pp. 279-279

- Clinton Rogers Woodruff
- Stephenson, Nathaniel Wright. Nelson W. Aldrich: A Leader in American Politics. Pp. xii, 495. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1930. $5.00 pp. 280-280

- Alphonse B. Miller
- Kilpatrick, Wylie. Problems in Contemporary County Government. Pp. xxi, 666. University, Va.: Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, 1930 pp. 280-281

- Austin F. Macdonald
- Park, No Yung. Making a New China. Pp. vii, 308. Boston: The Stratford Company, 1929. $2.50 pp. 281-281

- Daniel H. Kulp
- Smith, Preserved. A History of Modern Culture; Vol. I, The Great Renewal, 1543-1687. Pp. xi, 672. New York pp. 282-283

- A.C. Howland
- Carman, Harry J. Social and Economic History of the United States, Vol. I. Pp. xii, 616. New York: D. C. Heath & Company, 1930 pp. 282-282

- Felix Flügel
- Cooley, Charles Horton. Sociological Theory and Social Research. (Being selected papers—with an introduction and notes by Robert Cooley Angell.) Pp. xiv, 345. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1930. $3.00 pp. 283-283

- Floyd N. House
- Wissler, Clark. An Introduction to Social Anthropology. Pp. x, 392. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1929. $3.50 pp. 283-284

- F. Stuart Chapin
- Taylor, Graham. Pioneering on Social Frontiers. Pp. xii, 457. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1930. $4.00 pp. 284-284

- Helen Hall
- Bogen, Boris D. Born a Jew. Pp. 360. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1930. $3.00 pp. 284-285

- Solomon Lowenstein
- Cardan, Jerome. (Translated by Jean Stoner.) The Book of My Life. Pp. xviii, 331. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, 1930. $3.50 pp. 285-285

- Preserved Smith
- Wallace, Benjamin Bruce, and Edmister, Lynn Ramsay. International Control of Raw Materials. Pp. 479. Washington: The Brookings Institute, 1930. $3.50 pp. 285-287

- George Ward Stocking
- Dublin, Louis I., and Lotka, Alfred J. The Money Value of a Man. Pp. xv, 264. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1930. $5.00 pp. 287-287

- Frank D. Watson
- Gemmill, Paul F. Fundamentals of Economics. Pp. xii, 489. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1930. $3.00 pp. 287-288

- John Ise
- Schabaker, R. W. Stock Market Theory and Practice. Pp. xxix, 875. New York: B. C. Forbes Pub. Co., 1930. $7.50 pp. 288-289

- G. Wright Hoffman
- Howard, Stanley Edwin. The A.B.C. of Accounting. Pp. xv, 302. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1929. $3.00 pp. 289-289

- William H. Alden
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