The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 134, issue 1, 1927
- An Economic Survey pp. 1-123

- N/a
- The International Chamber of Commerce pp. 124-131

- Sir Arthur Balfour
- The Contribution of the League of Nations to the Economic Recovery of Europe pp. 132-139

- Sir Arthur Salter
- The World Economic Conference of 1927 pp. 140-144

- H. Colijn
- The Cartel Question at the World Economic Conference pp. 145-150

- Clemens Lammers
- The European Currency Situation pp. 151-159

- Bertil Ohlin
- Labor in Europe pp. 160-166

- H.B. Butler
- The Situation of the Consumers in Europe After the War pp. 167-173

- Madame Emmy Freundlicfi
- Appendix Report of the World Economic Conference pp. 174-206

- N/a
- Land Ownership in Its Relation to National Stability pp. 207-219

- Colonel J.C. Breckinridgb
- ROBERT H. MURRAY. The History of Political Science from Plato to the Present. Pp. viii, 436. New York: D. Appleton and Co. 1926 pp. 220-221

- Arnold Bennett Hall
- MACIVER, R. M. The Modern State. Pp. xii, 504. Price, $7.00. New York: Oxford University Press, 1926 pp. 221-221

- Clyde L. King
- HARRIS, NORMAN DWIGHT. Europe and Africa; Being a Revised Edition of Intervention and Colonization in Africa. Pp. ix, 479. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1927 pp. 221-222

- Frederic A. Ogg
- ODUM, HOWARD W. Public Welfare and Social Work. Pp. xvi. 178. Price, $1.50. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1926 pp. 222-223

- James H.S. Bossard
- CARPENTER, NILES. Immigrants and Their Children 1920. Pp. xvi, 431. Census Monographs VII, Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1927 pp. 223-224

- Clyde L. King
- LVNDQVIST, GUSTAV A., and CARVER, THOMAS NIXON. Principles of Rural Sociology. Pp. vii, 484. Price, $2.84. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1927 pp. 223-223

- Hugh Carter
- WOODBURY, ROBERT MORSE. Workers' Health and Safety: A Statistical Program. Pp. xiv, 207. Price, $2.50. The Institute of Economics. Investigations in Industry and Labor. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1927 pp. 224-225

- Charles S. Tippetts
- PERKINS, DEXTER. The Monroe Doctrine, 1823-1826. Pp. xi, 280. Harvard University Press, 1927 pp. 224-224

- Lane W. Lancaster
- MOULTON, HAROLD G., and PASVOLSKY, LEO. World War Debt Settlements. Pp. xiii, 448. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1926 pp. 225-225

- Clyde L. King
- BEMIS, SAMUEL FLAGG. Pinckney's Treaty. Pp. xii, 421. Price, $3.50. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1926 pp. 225-226

- Roy F. Nichols
- BELMOXT, PERRY. Return to Secret Party Funds. Pp. xlv, 211. Putnam. POLLOCK, JAMES K., JR. Party Campaign Funds. Pp. xi, 296. Alfred Knopf pp. 226-226

- E.B. Logan
Volume 133, issue 1, 1927
- Foreword pp. v-v

- Austin F. Macdonald
- Coördination of Traffic Facilities pp. 1-7

- John Ihlder
- The Traffic Survey pp. 8-18

- Miller McClintock
- Routing Through Traffic pp. 19-27

- Harold M. Lewis
- Planning and Re-planning the Street System pp. 28-33

- Lawrence V. Sheridan
- Planning the Street Lighting System pp. 34-49

- O.F. Haas
- The Spectacular In City Building pp. 50-56

- Russell Van Nest Black
- Transit Facilities of Cities pp. 57-66

- John P. Hallihan
- The Relation of Tunnels and Bridges to Traffic Congestion pp. 67-77

- Ole Singstad
- Parking Facilities Outside the Traffic Zone pp. 78-81

- Austin F. Macdonald
- Downtown Storage Garages pp. 82-89

- Hawley S. Simpson
- Traffic Control pp. 90-113

- Burton W. Marsh
- Guiding the Traffic Flow pp. 114-120

- Irving C. Moller
- Uniform Traffic Signs, Signals, and Markings pp. 121-127

- M.G. Lloyd
- Making Our Traffic Laws Uniform pp. 128-133

- A.B. Barber
- New Speed Laws for a New Era pp. 134-139

- A.J. Brosseau
- Equipment and Control of the Motor Vehicle pp. 140-143

- David Beecroft
- The Problem of the Standing Vehicle pp. 144-155

- Harold S. Buttenheim
- Finding the Causes of Accidents pp. 156-160

- Sidney J. Williams
- Traffic Regulations to Prevent Accidents and to Expedite Fluid Traffic Movement pp. 161-171

- Guy Kelcey
- Grade Crossings pp. 172-177

- Fred Lavis
- Playgrounds, a Factor in Street Safety pp. 178-185

- Weaver Weddell Pangburn
- The Place of the Street Car in the Modern City Plan pp. 186-193

- Lucius S. Storrs
- Rapid Transit Development and the Modern City Plan pp. 194-199

- J. Rowland Bibbins
- The Place of the Motor Truck in the Modern City Plan pp. 200-206

- B.F. Fitch
- The Pedestrian and the City Plan pp. 207-214

- J. Haslett Bell
- Regional Planning and Its Relation to the Traffic Problem pp. 215-221

- Howard Strong
- Zoning and Its Relation to Traffic Congestion pp. 222-233

- Ernest P. Goodrich
- Decentralization—Eventually but Not Now pp. 234-240

- Jacob L. Crane
- Planning Organic Cities to Obviate Congestion Orbiting Traffic by Hexagonal Planning and Intercepters pp. 241-246

- Noulan Cauchon
- Overcoming Difficulties in City Planning Administration pp. 247-249

- J.T. Woodruff
- MOON, PARKER THOMAS, PH.D. Imperialism and World Politics. Pp. xv, 583. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1927 pp. 250-250

- John H. Latané
- LAUCK, W. JETT. Political and Industrial Democracy. Pp. x, 374. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1926 pp. 250-252

- James T. Young
- BÃœCHNER, RICHARD. Die Finanzpolitik und das Bundessteuersystem der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika von 1789 bis 1926, in Finanzwissenschaftliche und volkswirtschaftliche Studien, Vol. 3. Pp. 471. Yena: Gustav Fischer, 1926 pp. 252-252

- Karl Scholz
- GRIFFITH, ERNEST S. The Modern Development of City Government in the United Kingdom and the United States. 2 vols. Pp. 745. Price, $14.00. New York: American Branch, Oxford University Press pp. 253-253

- Austin F. Macdonald
- STACKPOLE, E. J. Behind the Scenes with a Newspaper Man. Pp. 326. Price, $5.00. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co pp. 253-254

- C.R. Woodruff
- COMMONS, JOHN R., and ANDREWS, JOHN B. Principles of Labor Legislation. Revised and enlarged edition. Pp. xvi, 616. Price, $3.00. New York: Harper and Bros., 1927 pp. 254-255

- Henry R. Seager
- CLAPP, EARLE H. A National Program of Forest Research. Pp. ix, 232. Washington: Published by American Tree Association for the Society of American Foresters, 1926 pp. 255-256

- W.N. Sparhawk
- SHAW, KINN WEI. Democracy and Finance in China. Pp. 215. Price, $3.50. New York: Columbia University Press, 1926 pp. 255-255

- W. Leon Godshall
- CHAMBERLAIN, LAWRENCE, AND EDWARDS, GEORGE W. The Principles of Bond Investment. Revised edition. Pp. xii, 699. Price, $7.50. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1927. DEWING, ARTHUR S. Financial Policy of Corporations. Revised edition. Pp. xix, 1281. Price, $10.00. New York: Ronald Press Co., 1927 pp. 256-257

- Albert S. Keister
- VERRILL, A. HYATT. The American Indian. Pp. xxvi, 485. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1927 pp. 257-258

- Donald Young
- CALHOUN, ARTHUR W., PH.D. The Worker Looks at Government. Pp. 176. Price, $1.60. New York: International Publishers, 1927 pp. 258-259

- W.E. Butt
- MILLS, CHARLES M. Vacations for Industrial Workers. Pp. viii, 328. Price, $5.00. New York: The Ronald Press, 1927 pp. 259-260

- Alice Wescott
- JEROME, HARRY. Migration and Business Cycles. 256 pages. St. Albans, Vt.: The Messenger Press pp. 260-260

- Clyde L. King
- BECK, JAMES M. The Vanishing Rights of the States. Pp. 126. New York: George H. Doran Company, 1926 pp. 261-261

- Clyde L. King
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