The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 189, issue 1, 1937
- Foreword pp. xv-xv

- Luther Gulick
- In Defense of Government pp. 1-9

- C.A. Dykstra
- The Rise and Decline of the Spoils Tradition pp. 10-16

- Carl Joachim Friedrich
- Spoils and the " Racket " pp. 17-21

- Thomas J. Haggerty
- In Defense of Patronage pp. 22-28

- William Turn
- The Cost of the Patronage System pp. 29-34

- James Kerr Pollock
- Government Without Patronage pp. 35-41

- William E. Mosher
- Amateurs versus Experts in Administration pp. 42-47

- Ordway Tead
- Bureaucratic Sabotage pp. 48-57

- Arnold Brecht
- The Trend Toward Professionalization pp. 58-64

- Lewis Meriam
- The Public Servant pp. 65-68

- Luther C. Steward
- Professionalizing the State Service pp. 69-75

- Charles P. Messick
- Serving the City pp. 76-83

- Orin F. Nolting
- Administration as a Profession pp. 84-90

- Leonard D. White
- The Need for Career Administrators pp. 91-96

- W.W. Stockberger
- The Personnel Survey pp. 97-103

- Joseph Pois
- Public Personnel Agencies pp. 104-110

- Oliver C. Short
- A New Emphasis in Personnel Administration pp. 111-118

- Gordon R. Clapp
- Personnel Problems in New Federal Agencies pp. 119-126

- Herbert Emmerich
- Training for the Public Service pp. 127-133

- Clarence E. Ridley and Lyman S. Moore
- Essentials of a Model Personnel System pp. 134-141

- Floyd W. Reeves
- Accomplishments of the Civil Service Reform Movement pp. 142-147

- H. Eliot Kaplan
- In-Service Training by State Leagues of Municipalities pp. 148-153

- Arnold Miles
- Interneship Training in the Public Service pp. 154-158

- Otis Theodore Wingo
- Civil Service as Negative Control pp. 159-164

- Bruce Smith
- Bureaucracy and Representative Government pp. 165-172

- Harold W. Dodds
- Public Personnel Trends in the States pp. 173-179

- Katherine A. Frederic
- Qualified Personnel and Why We Should Have It pp. 180-182

- Robert L. Johnson
- From Spoils to Merit in One Generation pp. 183-187

- George Gellhorn
- The Scope of Departmental Personnel Activities pp. 188-191

- A.J. Altmeyer
- Problems and Progress of the Merit System pp. 192-198

- W.W. Montgomery
- Problems of the International Distribution of Popula tion and Raw Materials 1 pp. 201-214

- Corrado Gini
- The Relation of the Individual to the State pp. 215-218

- William E. Rappard
- Book Department pp. 219-268

- N/a
Volume 188, issue 1, 1936
- Introduction pp. ix-xii

- Louis I. Dublin
- Modern Trends in the Birth Rate pp. 1-13

- Alfred J. Lotka
- Biological Factors in Fertility pp. 14-25

- Raymond Pearl
- Class Differences in Fertility pp. 26-36

- Frank W. Notestein
- Geographic and Economic Differentials in Fertility pp. 37-55

- P.K. Whelpton
- Marriage and Divorce in Recent Years1 pp. 56-69

- Samuel A. Stouffer and Lyle M. Spencer
- Venereal Diseases and Sex Abnormalities in Relation to Population Growth pp. 70-77

- William F. Snow
- Pathological Aspects of Reproduction pp. 78-83

- George W. Kosmak
- Death Rates pp. 84-93

- John Collinson
- Infant Mortality in the United States pp. 94-106

- Robert M. Woodbury
- Maternal Mortality and the Decline of the Birth Rate pp. 107-116

- Mary Dublin
- The Broken Family—Widowhood and Orphanhood pp. 117-130

- Mortimer Spiegelman
- The State of the Nation's Health pp. 131-143

- G. St. J. Perrott
- Institutional Population in the United States pp. 144-158

- Horatio M. Pollock and Benjamin Malzberg
- Population Growth and Forecasts pp. 159-166

- Lowell J. Reed
- Population Estimates in Postcensal Years pp. 167-176

- Henry S. Shryock
- Composition of the American Population by Race and Country of Origin pp. 177-184

- Joseph A. Hill
- Age and Sex in Population Analysis pp. 185-193

- Robert E. Chaddock
- Measures of Quality in the Study of Population pp. 194-204

- Frederick Osborn
- Agricultural Population in Relation to Agricultural Resources pp. 205-217

- John D. Black
- Nutrition and Agricultural Policy pp. 218-229

- Warren C. Waite and John D. Black
- Population and Unemployment pp. 230-242

- Mordecai Ezekiel
- The Theory of Optimum Population pp. 243-249

- A.B. Wolfe
- The Distribution of Population pp. 250-259

- Warren S. Thompson
- Internal Migration and Economic Opportunity pp. 260-263

- Carter Goodrich
- Rural and Urban Distribution of the Population in the United States pp. 264-279

- O.E. Baker
- Migration, Reproduction, and Population Adjustment pp. 280-289

- Harold F. Dorn and Frank Lorimer
- International Migration pp. 290-296

- Henry Pratt Fairchild
- Population Policies of European Countries pp. 297-306

- Warren S. Thompson and P.K. Whelpton
- Population Problems and Policies in the Far East pp. 307-317

- W.L. Holland
- Population and International Relations pp. 318-328

- Quincy Wright
- Value of the Population Census for Research pp. 329-339

- Leon E. Truesdell
- Vital Statistics Collected by the Government pp. 340-350

- Halbert L. Dunn
- Sources of Population Data pp. 351-359

- Frederick F. Stephan
- DUBLIN, LOUIS I., and ALFRED J. LOTKA. Length of Life. Pp. 400. New York: The Ronald Press, 1936. $5.00 pp. 360-361

- Frederick F. Stephan
- SAND, RENÉ. Health and Human Prog ress. Pp.x, 278. New York: The Mac millan Co., 1936. $3.00 pp. 361-361

- James H.S. Bossard
- DE KRUIF, PAUL. Why Keep Them Alive? Pp. 293. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1936. $3.00 pp. 361-362

- James H.S. Bossard
- HIMES, NORMAN E. Medical History of Contraception. Pp. xxx, 521. Balti more: Williams & Wilkins Co., 1936. $7.00 pp. 362-363

- Richard H. Shryock
- ANGELL, ROBERT COOLEY. The Family Encounters the Depression. Pp. 309. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1936. $1.50 pp. 363-364

- Clifford Kirkpatrick
- HORKHEIMER, MAX (Ed.). Autorität und Familie. Pp. xv, 947. Paris: Librairie Felix Alcan, 1936. $7.00 pp. 364-364

- Clifford Kirkpatrick
- HOLMES, S. J. Human Genetics and Its Social Import. Pp. viii, 414. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1936. $3.50 pp. 364-365

- J.H. Landman
- WILLIAMS, FAITH M., and CARLE C. ZIM- MERMAN. Studies of Family Living in the United States and Other Countries: An Analysis of Material and Method. Pp. 617. Washington: U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture, 1935. 60 cents pp. 365-366

- James H.S. Bossard
- DAVIE, MAURICE R. World Immigration. Pp. x, 588. New York: Macmillan Co., 1936. $3.75 pp. 366-366

- Constantine Panunzio
- SCHRIEKE, B. Alien Americans. Pp. xi, 208. New York: The Viking Press, 1936. $2.50 pp. 367-369

- Joseph S. Roucek
- DAWSON, C. A. Group Settlement: Ethnic Communities in Western Canada. Pp. xx, 395. Toronto: Macmillan Co. of Canada, 1936. $4.50 pp. 369-370

- Carl Wittke
- BURTON, HENRIETTA K. The Reëstablish ment of the Indians in Their Pueblo Life through the Revival of Their Traditional Crafts. Pp. 96. New York City: Bureau of Publications, Teachers Col lege, Columbia University, 1936 pp. 370-371

- Lawrence E. Lindley
- BASS, ALTHEA. Cherokee Messenger. Pp. 348. Norman: University of Okla homa Press, 1936. $3.00 pp. 371-372

- M.K. Sniffen
- THURNWALD, RICHARD C. Black and White in East Africa. Pp. xxii, 419. London: George Routledge and Sons, 1935. $5.00 pp. 372-373

- Hans Kohn
- WARDEN, CARL J. The Emergence of Human Culture. Pp. 189. New York: Macmillan Co., 1936. $2.00 pp. 373-373

- Wilson D. Wallis
- WHITE, C. LANGDON, and GEORGE T. REN- NER. Geography, an Introduction to Human Ecology. Pp. x, 790. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1936. $4.00 pp. 373-374

- Frank E. Williams
- WALLIN, J. E. WALLACE. Personality Maladjustments and Mental Hygiene. Pp. xii, 511. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1936. $3.00 pp. 374-375

- James S. Plant
- ROBISON, SOPHIA MOSES. Can Delin quency Be Measured? Pp. xxvi, 277. New York: Columbia University Press, 1936. $3.00 pp. 375-376

- Nathaniel Cantor
- HERTZLER, JOYCE O. The Social Thought of the Ancient Civilizations. Pp. xv, 409. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1936. $4.00 pp. 376-377

- Wilson D. Wallis
- PALM, FRANKLIN CHARLES. The Middle Classes Then and Now. Pp. xii, 421. New York: Macmillan Co., 1936. $3.50 pp. 377-378

- J.O. Hertzler
- RAUP, BRUCE. Education and Organized Interests in America. Pp. vi, 238. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1936 pp. 378-379

- Willard Waller
- DUNCAN, W. G. K. (Ed.) Educating a Democracy. Pp. vi, 181. Sydney: Angus & Robertson, Ltd., 1936. 5/ pp. 378-378

- C. Hartley Grattan
- ADAMS, ARTHUR B., et al. Higher Educa tion and Society. Pp. vi, 323. Nor man: University of Oklahoma Press, 1936. $3.00 pp. 379-380

- Robert Rockafellow
- BALK, NORMAN. Schweden Heute. Pp. 126. Berlin: Verlag von Georg Stilke, 1936. RM. 4.50 pp. 380-381

- Roy V. Peel
- DE CHESSIN, SERGE. Les Clefs de la Suede. Pp. 254. Paris: Librairie Hachette, 1935. Fr. 12 pp. 380-380

- Roy V. Peel
- BERGSTROM, KURT, et al. Moderna Bos tadsproblem. Pp. 240. Stockholm: Kooperativa Förbundets Bokförlag, 1933. Kronor 3.75 pp. 381-381

- Roy V. Peel
- WOODBURY, COLEMAN (Ed.). Housing Officials' Year Book, 1936. Pp. x, 244. Chicago: National Association of Hous ing Officials, 1936. $2.00 pp. 381-382

- Bernard J. Newman
- MALCHER, FRITZ. The Steadyflow Traffic System. Pp. ix, 91. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1935. $1.00 pp. 382-383

- Bernard J. Newman
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