The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 48, issue 1, 1913
- The Minimum Wage as Part of a Program for Social Reform pp. 3-12

- Henry R. Seager
- Massachusetts and the Minimum Wage pp. 13-21

- H. Larue Brown
- The Minimum Wage in Great Britain and Australia pp. 22-36

- Matthew B. Hammond
- The Proposed Pennsylvania Minimum Wage Act pp. 37-40

- William Draper Lewis
- Wages in the United States pp. 41-44

- Scott Nearing
- The Minimum Wage as a Legislative Proposal in the United States pp. 45-53

- Samuel McCune Lindsay
- Social Investigation and Social Legislation pp. 54-65

- Abram I. Elkus
- Immigration and the Minimum Wage pp. 66-77

- Paul U. Kellogg
- The Standardization of Family Life pp. 81-90

- Simon N. Patten
- The Waste of Private Housekeeping pp. 91-95

- Charlotte Perkins Gilman
- Scientific Management in Home-Making pp. 96-103

- Frank A. Pattison
- The Cost of Living for a Wage-Earner's Family in New York City pp. 104-111

- Louise B. More
- Some Unconsidered Elements in Household Expenditure pp. 112-116

- Margaret F. Byington
- Utilization of the Family Income pp. 117-120

- Martha Bensley Bruère
- Work of the Housewives League pp. 121-126

- Julian Heath
- The Cost of Living and Household Management pp. 127-130

- Ida M. Tarbell
- The Monetary Side of the Cost of Living Problem pp. 133-139

- Irving Fisher
- Municipal Markets in Their Relation to the Cost of Living pp. 140-148

- Cyrus C. Miller
- Communal Benefits from the Public Control of Terminal Markets pp. 149-153

- Elmer Black
- Relation of Cold Storage to the Food Supply and the Consumer pp. 154-163

- M.E. Pennington
- The Cost of Private Monopoly to Public and Wage-Earner pp. 164-188

- Amos R.E. Pinchot
- Burdens of False Capitalization pp. 189-195

- Samuel H. Barker
- Can the Cost of Distributing Food Products Be Reduced? pp. 199-224

- Clyde Lyndon King
- Cooperation as a Means of Reducing the Cost of Living pp. 225-237

- Albert Shaw
- Advertising and the High Cost of Living pp. 238-243

- Herbert W. Hess
- The Increased Cost of Production pp. 244-251

- Everett P. Wheeler
- The Farmer's Share in the High Cost of Living pp. 252-255

- Ellicott Smith
- The Housekeeper and the Cost of Living pp. 256-258

- Martha Van Rensselaer
- Notes pp. 259-267

- N/a
- Reviews pp. 267-267

- L.S. Rowe
- BARBOUR, DAVID M. The Standard of Value. Pp. xvi, 242. Price, $2.00. New York: Macmillan Company, 1912 pp. 267-268

- E.M. Patterson
- BEBEL, A. My Life. Pp. 343. Price, $2.00. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1913; ORTH, S. P. Socialism and Democracy in Europe. Pp. iv, 352. Price, $1.50. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1913; HILLQUIT, M. Socialism Summed Up. Pp. 110. Price, $1.00. New York: H. K. Fly Company, 1913; VAUGHAN, FATHER BERNARD, S. J. Socialism from the Christian Standpoint. Pp. 389. Price, $1.50. New York: Macmillan Company, 1912; BOYLE, J. What is Socialism? Pp. 347. Price, $1.50. New York: Shakespeare Press, 1913; WARE, F. The Worker and His Coun try. Pp. XV, 288. Price, $1.40. New York: Longmans, Green and Com pany, 1912; SPARGO, J. Syndicalism, Industrial Unionism and Socialism. Pp. 243, Price, $1.25. New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1913; WALLING, W. E. The Larger Aspects of Socialism. Pp. xxi, 406. Price, $1.50. New York: Macmillan Company, 1913; WELLS, H. G. The Discovery of the Future. Pp. 61, Price, 60 cents. New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1913 pp. 268-270

- Alexander Fleisher
- BEER, G. L. The Old Colonial System. (2 vols.). Pp. xxiii, 736. Price $2.00 each. New York: Macmillan Company. 1912 pp. 270-272

- W.E. Lunt
- CHANNING, EDWARD. A History of the United States. Vol. III, The American Revolution, 1761-1789. Pp. 585. Price, $2.50. New York: Macmillan Company, 1912 pp. 272-273

- Emory R. Johnson
- CHERINGTON, P. T. Advertising as a Business Force. Pp. xv, 569. Price, $2.00. New York: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1913 pp. 273-274

- Herbert W. Hess
- GILLETTE, JOHN M. Cortstructive Rural Sociology. Pp. xii, 301. Price, $1.60. New York: Sturgis and Walton Company, 1913 pp. 274-275

- James B. Morman
- FARNAM, HENRY W. The Economic Utilization of History. Pp. viii, 200. Price, $1.25. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1913 pp. 274-274

- Frank T. Carlton
- HARRISON, FREDERIC. The Positive Evolution of Religion. Pp. xx, 267. Price, $2.00. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1913 pp. 275-276

- J.P. Lichtenberger
- HEAWOOD, EDWARD. A History of Geographical Discovery in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Pp. xii, 475, with maps. Price, $3.75. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1912 pp. 276-277

- G.B. Roorbach
- HUBBARD, A. J. The Fate of the Empires. Pp. xx, 220. Price, $2.10. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1913 pp. 277-278

- J.P. Lichtenberger
- LUSK, HUGH H. Social Welfare in New Zealand. Pp. vi, 287. Price $1.50. New York: Sturgis and Walton Company, 1913 pp. 278-279

- M.B. Hammond
- KEY, ELLEN. The Woman Movement. Pp. xvii, 224. Price $1.50. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1912 pp. 278-278

- Bruce D. Mudgett
- McLAUGHLIN, A. C. The Courts, the Constitution and Parties. Pp. vii, 299. Price, $1.50. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1912 pp. 279-280

- Clyde L. King
- MONROE, PAUL. (Ed.) Cyclopedia of Education. Vol. IV. Pp. xiii, 740. Price, $5.00. New York: Macmillan Company, 1913 pp. 280-281

- Charles De Garmo
- MONYPENNY, W. F. Life of Benjamin Disraeli. (2 vols). Vol. I, 1804-1837; vol. II, 1837-1846. Pp. xviii, 822. Price, $3.00 each. New York: Mac millan Company, 1913 pp. 281-282

- Emory R. Johnson
- PIC, PAUL. Traité Élérnentaire de Législation Industrielle. Pp. xv, 1206. Price, 12.50 fr. Paris: Arthur Rousseau, 1912 pp. 282-283

- Solon De Leon
- PRATT, EDWIN A. Agricultural Organization. Pp. xii, 259. Price, 3/6. Lon don: P. S. King and Son, 1912 pp. 283-284

- James B. Morman
- PRICE, M. P. Siberia. Pp. xviii, 308. Price $2.50. New York: George H. Doran Company. 1912 pp. 284-285

- G.B. Roorbach
- ROBERTSON, J. M. The Evolution of States: An Introduction to English Politics. Pp. ix, 487. Price, $2.50. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1913 pp. 286-287

- A.H. Snow
- RAUSCHENBUSCH, WALTER. Christianising the Social Order. Pp. xii, 493, Price, $1.50. New York: Macmillan Company, 1912 pp. 286-286

- Scott Nearing
- SELIGMAN, E.R.A. Essays in Taxation. Pp.xi,707. Price $4.00. New York: Macmillan Company, 1913 pp. 287-288

- Ralph E. George
- SMITH, SAMUEL G. Democracy and the Church. Pp. xv, 356. Price, $1.50. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1912 pp. 288-289

- Gaylord S. White
- STRAUS, OSCAR S. The American Spirit. Pp. viii, 379. Price, $2.00. New York: Century Company, 1913 pp. 289-290

- Wm I. Hull
- WAGNER, H. With the Victorious Bulgarians. Pp. xii, 273. Price, $3.00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1913 pp. 290-290

- Benjamin Marsh
- WILCOX, DELOS F. Government by All the People. Pp. xi, 324. Price $1.50. New York: Macmillan Company, 1912 pp. 291-292

- Clyde L. King
- WARD, EDWARD J. The Social Center. Pp. x, 359. Price, $1.50. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1913 pp. 291-291

- F.D. Tyson
- Report of the Committee in Charge of Annual Meeting of the Academy, April 4 and 5, 1913 pp. 293-293

- Carl Kelsey, Alba B. Johnson, Emory R. Johnson, Chester Lloyd Jones, Martin A. Knapp, William Draper Lewis, Samuel Mccune Lindsay, Simon N. Patten, William W. Porter, L.S. Rowe, Henry R. Seager, Isaac N. Seligman, Frederic H. Strawbridge, Talcott Williams, Asa S. Wing and Stuart Wood
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