The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 100, issue 1, 1922
- Russia Under the Bolsheviks pp. 1-4

- Marguerite E. Harrison
- The Evolution of New Russia pp. 5-9

- Paul Miliukov
- Russia in the Fabric of International Finance pp. 10-12

- Arthur Bullard
- Foreword pp. 13-13

- Clyde L. King
- A Method of Grading and Valuing Operations pp. 15-18

- Frank J. Becvar
- Analyzing, Grading and Valuing Operations in a Modern Manufacturing Organization pp. 19-24

- A.B. Rich
- Bases for Determining Wage-Rates pp. 24-29

- R.M. Hudson
- The Bases Used by Department Stores in Establishing Wage-Rates pp. 29-36

- Philip J. Reilly
- Relative Rating Versus Cost of Living as a Basis of Adjusting Wage-Rates pp. 37-51

- Thomas W. Mitchell
- Wage Adjustment pp. 51-53

- Sanford E. Thompson
- The Development and Accessibility of Production Records Essential to Intelligent and Just Determination of Wage-Rates pp. 54-55

- Samuel Gompers
- Relative Rating Leaves the Main Industrial Problem Untouched pp. 55-57

- A.J. Portenar
- The Requirements of a Policy of Wage Settlement pp. 57-63

- Herbert Feis
- The Effort of the Worker to Improve His Own Condition is Indispensable pp. 63-77

- Horace B. Drury
- The Equilibrium Wage pp. 77-79

- T.N. Carver
- Factors Determining Real Wages pp. 79-85

- Ernest Minor Patterson
- The Relation Between Wages and National Productivity pp. 85-94

- George Soule
- Unemployment and Its Alleviation pp. 95-102

- B. Seebohm Rowntree
- Regularization of Industry Against Unemployment pp. 102-105

- Henry S. Dennison
- The Russian Famine Region pp. 105-107

- Vernon Kellogg
- The American Intervention in Haiti and the Dominican Republic pp. 109-109

- Carl Kelsey
- Foreword pp. 110-110

- L.S. Rowe
- Introduction pp. 111-114

- N/a
- The Island pp. 115-117

- N/a
- The Haitians pp. 118-134

- N/a
- The Military Intervention pp. 134-144

- N/a
- The Civil Side of the Intervention pp. 144-154

- N/a
- The Financial Problem of Haiti pp. 154-161

- N/a
- A Summary and Some Suggestions pp. 161-165

- N/a
- The Dominicans pp. 166-176

- N/a
- The Military Government pp. 177-189

- N/a
- The Financial Situation pp. 189-191

- N/a
- Proposals for Withdrawal pp. 191-194

- N/a
- Some Reflections on Our Policy pp. 195-199

- N/a
- Book Notes pp. 200-202

- N/a
- Waste in Industry. Published by the Federated American Engineering Societies. Pp. 406. Price, $4.00. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., 1921 pp. 203-204

- Bruce D. Mudgett
- POSTGATE, R. W. Revolution from 1789 to 1906. Documents selected and edited with notes and introductions. Pp. xvi, 400. Price, $4.50. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1921 pp. 204-205

- Ernest Minor Patterson
- WHITE, PERCIVAL. Market Analysis. Its Principles and Methods. Pp. 340. Price, $3.50. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., 1921 pp. 204-204

- Bruce D. Mudgett
- JONES, WALTER. Capital and Labor, Their Duties and Responsibilities. Pp. viii, 168. Price, 2/6. London: P. S. King & Son, Ltd., 1921 pp. 205-206

- Raymond T. Bye
- RATHENAU, WALTER. In Days To Come. Pp. 286. Price, $5.00. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Incorporated, 1921 pp. 205-205

- Ernest Minor Patterson
- SIMPSON, KEMPER. Economics for the Accountant. Pp. 206. Price, $2.00. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1921 pp. 206-206

- Thomas A. Budd
- UNITED STATES INTERDEPARTMENTAL SOCIAL HYGIENE BOARD. Annual Report, 1921. Pp. 198. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1921. FUNK, JOHN CLARENCE. Vice and Health. Pp. 174. Price, $1.50. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1921. MANGOLD, GEORGE B., PH. D. Children Born Out of Wedlock: A Sociological Study of Illegitimacy, With Particular Reference to the United Statas. Pp. x, 214. Price, $1.50. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Studies, Volume III, Number 3, Social Science Series, 1921 pp. 207-208

- James H.S. Bossard
- TOSDAL, HARRY R. Problems in Sales Management. Pp. 672. Price, $5.00. Chicago: A. W. Shaw Company, 1921 pp. 208-209

- Herbert W. Hess
- POWELL, FRED WILBUR. The Railroads of Mexico. Pp. vii, 226. Boston: The Stratford Company, 1921 pp. 209-209

- Harry T. Collings
- BOWLEY, ARTHUR L. Elements of Statistics 4th Edition, revised. Pp. xi, 459. Price, 24s. London: P. S. King & Son Ltd., 1921 pp. 210-211

- Bruce D. Mudgett
- TURNER, JOHN ROSCOE. The Ricardian Rent Theory. Pp. xix, 221. Price, $4.00. New York: The New York University Press, 1921 pp. 210-210

- Harry T. Collings
- TAUSSIG, FRANK WILLIAM. Selected Readings in International Trade and Tariff Problems. Pp. x, 566. New York: Ginn and Company, 1921. BARNES, H. E. The Social History of the Western World. An Outline Syllabus. Pp. xii, 126. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1921. MITCHELL, WESLEY C., et al. The Income in the United States. Its Amount and Distribution, 1909-1919. Volume I. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company, 1921 pp. 211-213

- Karl Scholz
- Report of the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year Ending December 31, 1921 pp. 214-215

- Edward P. Moxey
Volume 99, issue 1, 1922
- The Integrity of the Federal Reserve System pp. ix-xxvi

- A.D. Welton and C.H. Crennan
- Outline of Banking History pp. 1-16

- B.H. Beckhart
- The Studies of the National Monetary Commission pp. 17-26

- N.A. Weston
- The National Citizens' League pp. 26-29

- Harry A. Wheeler
- The Educational Campaign for Banking Reform pp. 29-36

- A.D. Welton
- The Federal Reserve Act in Congress pp. 36-49

- H. Parker Willis
- The Aldrich-Vreeland Emergency Currency pp. 49-55

- Homer Joseph Dodge
- The Reserve Act in Its Implicit Meaning pp. 56-62

- A.D. Welton
- The Purposes of the Federal Reserve Act as Shown By Its Explicit Provisions pp. 62-69

- E.W. Kemmerer
- Political Pressure and the Future of the Federal Reserve System pp. 70-74

- Paul M. Warburg
- Early Functioning of the Federal Reserve System pp. 74-79

- Arthur Reynolds
- The Federal Reserve System, State Banks and Par Collections pp. 79-86

- Pierre Jay
- Relations of Reserve Banks to Member Banks and Inter-Relations of Federal Reserve Banks pp. 87-95

- R.M. Gidney
- The Evolution and Practical Operation of the Gold Settlement Fund pp. 95-105

- George J. Seay
- Eligibility for Discount pp. 105-113

- Charles L. Powell
- Amendments to the Federal Reserve Act pp. 114-121

- Walter S. Logan
- Preparation for War and the Liberty Loans pp. 121-129

- J. Herbert Case
- The Assumption of Treasury Functions by the Federal Reserve Banks pp. 129-135

- Murray S. Wildman
- The Establishment and Scope of Branches of Federal Reserve Banks pp. 135-142

- E.R. Fancher
- Curves of Expansion and Contraction, 1919-1921 pp. 142-150

- A.C. Miller
- Expansion and Contraction Under the Federal Reserve System pp. 151-162

- Ernest Minor Patterson
- Expansion and Contraction as Seen by a Business Man pp. 163-167

- J.V. Farwell
- Currency Expansion and Contraction pp. 167-173

- James B. Forgan
- Expansion and Contraction from the Federal Reserve Standpoint pp. 174-183

- John H. Rich
- Principles Governing the Discount Rate pp. 183-189

- W.P.G. Harding
- Rediscount Rates, Bank Rates and Business Activity pp. 190-195

- George M. Reynolds
- Theoretical Considerations Bearing on the Control of Bank Credit Under the Operation of the Federal Reserve System pp. 195-199

- Chester A. Phillips
- Agricultural and Commercial Loans pp. 199-203

- J.B. McDougal
- Popular and Unpopular Activities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks pp. 203-209

- William A. Scott
- The Development of an Open Market for Commercial Paper pp. 209-217

- E.E. Agger
- The Efficiency of Credit pp. 218-221

- O.M.W. Sprague
- Book Department pp. 222-224

- N/a
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