The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 434, issue 1, 1977
- Preface pp. vii-viii

- J. Rogers Hollingsworth
- The First Steps Toward the Integration of Social Theory and Social Policy pp. 1-23

- Jerald Hage and J. Rogers Hollingsworth
- Are National Health Services Systems Converging? Predictions for the United States pp. 24-38

- Odin W. Anderson
- Health Policy: The Need for Governance pp. 39-57

- Lawrence M. Mead
- Toward a Multidimensional Framework for the Analysis of Social Policy pp. 58-70

- Martin O. Heisler and B. Guy Peters
- Theoretical and Policy Implications of Case Study Findings about Federal Efforts to Improve Public Schools pp. 71-87

- Neal Gross
- Conceptions of Research and Development for Education in the United States pp. 88-100

- Burkart Holzner and Leslie Salmon-Cox
- Normative Assumptions in Educational Policy Research: The Case of Jencks's Inequality pp. 101-113

- Lawrence B. Joseph
- Contemporary Crime in Historical Perspective: A Comparative Study of London, Stockholm, and Sydney pp. 114-136

- Ted Robert Gurr
- Sociological Criminology and Models of Juvenile Delinquency and Maladjustment pp. 137-150

- Denis Szabo
- Monetary Policy Instrumentation and the Relationship of Central Banks and Governments pp. 151-173

- John T. Woolley
- Macro Theoretical Approaches to Public Policy Analysis: The Fiscal Crisis of American Cities pp. 174-185

- Henry Teune
- Some Observations on the Plan-Market Relationship in Centrally Planned Economies pp. 186-198

- Aron Katsenelinboigen and Herbert S. Levine
- Book Department pp. 199-246

- N/a
Volume 433, issue 1, 1977
- Preface pp. i-ii

- Richard D. Lambert
- Ethnic Conflict in the World Today: an Introduction pp. 1-5

- Martin O. Heisler
- Cultural Movements and Ethnic Change pp. 6-18

- Donald L. Horowitz
- Quebec and the Canadian Political Crisis pp. 19-31

- Kenneth McRoberts
- Managing Ethnic Conflict in Belgium pp. 32-46

- Martin O. Heisler
- Conflict and Cleavage in Northern Ireland pp. 47-59

- Ronald J. Terchek
- Institution Design and the Separatist Impulse: Quebec and the Antebellum American South pp. 60-72

- Marc V. Levine
- Ethnicity in the Soviet Union pp. 73-87

- Teresa Rakowska-Harmstone
- Ethnicity and Politics in Socialist Yugoslavia pp. 88-99

- Gary K. Bertsch
- Ethnic Relations in China pp. 100-111

- June Teufel Dreyer
- Ethnic Conflict and the Kurds pp. 112-124

- George S. Harris
- Nation, Region, and Welfare: Ethnicity, Regionalism, and Development Politics in South Asia pp. 125-136

- Jyotirindra Das Gupta
- Police and Military in the Resolution of Ethnic Conflict pp. 137-149

- Cynthia H. Enloe
- Majorities and Minorities: A Comparative Survey of Ethnic Violence pp. 150-160

- Christopher Hewitt
- Book Department pp. 161-206

- N/a
Volume 432, issue 1, 1977
- Preface pp. vii-viii

- Marvin E. Wolfgang
- Trends and Prospects of Population in Tropical Africa pp. 1-11

- Etienne Van de Walle
- Smallholder Agriculture in Africa Constraints and Potential pp. 12-25

- K.G.V. Krishna
- Political Transition in Urban Africa pp. 26-41

- Sandra T. Barnes
- Crime and Development in Africa pp. 42-51

- Lamin Sesay
- Organization of African Unity and Decolonization: Present and Future Trends pp. 52-69

- Godfrey L. Binaisa
- The Challenge of Cultural Transition in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 70-79

- Victor C. Uchendu
- The Developing States of Africa pp. 80-95

- Ruth Schachter Morgenthau
- China's Role in Africa pp. 96-109

- George T. Yu
- U.S. Relations in Southern Africa pp. 110-119

- William E. Schaufele
- Members' Forum pp. 120-120

- N/a
- The Bicentennial Conference on the United States Constitution The Shaping of Public Policy—Issues and Questions for Discussion pp. 121-131

- Elmer B. Staats
- Book Department pp. 149-194

- N/a
Volume 431, issue 1, 1977
- Preface pp. vii-ix

- John P. Windmuller
- Toward the Participatory Enterprise: A European Trend pp. 1-11

- Kenneth F. Walker
- Unions and Industrial Democracy pp. 12-21

- Adolf F. Sturmthal
- Industrial Democracy and Industrial Relations pp. 22-31

- John P. Windmuller
- New Focus on Industrial Democracy in Britain pp. 32-43

- Andrew W.J. Thomson
- West German Experience with Industrial Democracy pp. 44-53

- Friedrich Fürstenberg
- The "Reform of the Enterprise" in France pp. 54-62

- Yves Delamotte
- Industrial Democracy in Scandinavia pp. 63-73

- Bernt Schiller
- Between Harmony and Conflict: Industrial Democracy in the Netherlands pp. 74-82

- Wil Albeda
- Collective Bargaining: The American Approach to Industrial Democracy pp. 83-94

- Milton Derber
- Participative Management in India: Utopia or Snare? pp. 95-102

- Subbiah Kannappan and V.N. Krishnan
- The Industrial Community in Peru pp. 103-112

- William Foote Whyte and Giorgio Alberti
- Worker Participation in Israel: Experience and Lessons pp. 113-122

- Eliezer Rosenstein
- The Soviet Model of Industrial Democracy pp. 123-132

- J.L. Porket
- Self-Management in Yugoslavia pp. 133-140

- Marius J. Broekmeyer
- Book Department pp. 141-187

- N/a