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Volume 326, issue 1, 1959

The Problem of Inflation pp. 1-10 Downloads
Alfred G. Buehler
The Federal Government's Weapons to Fight Inflation and Economic Instability pp. 11-18 Downloads
James A. Maxwell
The Need for Balanced Federal Budgets pp. 19-24 Downloads
Maurice H. Stans
Social and Economic Growth Without Inflation pp. 25-31 Downloads
Gerhard Colm
What Would Labor Do About Inflation? pp. 32-39 Downloads
George Meany
The Fight Against Inflation in Canada pp. 40-46 Downloads
Harvey Perry
Should We Accept Inflation? pp. 47-54 Downloads
Carrol M. Shanks
Taxation and Inflation pp. 55-62 Downloads
Harold M. Groves
Income Taxes and Inflation pp. 63-70 Downloads
Martin R. Gainsbrugh and J. Frank Gaston
Taxation and Business pp. 71-78 Downloads
Emerson P. Schmidt
Excise and Sales Taxes as Anti-inflationary Measures pp. 79-84 Downloads
John F. Due
The Payroll Taxes and Social Security pp. 85-92 Downloads
Paul G. Craig
A Federal Tax Program to Promote Economic Stability and Growth pp. 93-100 Downloads
Lewis H. Kimmel
Managing the Public Debt pp. 101-108 Downloads
B.U. Ratchford
Financing Business and Consumer Needs Without Inflation pp. 109-115 Downloads
Howard S. Ellis
Monetary Policy and Inflation pp. 116-125 Downloads
C. Canby Balderston
Inflation: Its Cause and Cure pp. 126-132 Downloads
Beryl W. Sprinkel
The Need to Check Inflation pp. 133-138 Downloads
Book Department pp. 139-199 Downloads

Volume 325, issue 1, 1959

Foreword pp. viii-ix Downloads
James C. Charlesworth
Introduction pp. x-x Downloads
Joseph S. Clark
What Kind of an American Civilization Do We Want? pp. 1-10 Downloads
F.S.C. Northrop
Humanists and Generalists pp. 11-19 Downloads
Henry M. Wriston
Occupational Statistics: A Tool for Determining Manpower Needs pp. 20-28 Downloads
Ewan Clague
Forecasting Surpluses and Shortages in Key Occupations pp. 29-37 Downloads
Dael Wolfle
Untested Assumptions and Disregarded Factors in Manpower Research pp. 38-44 Downloads
Otto Pollak
Prestige pp. 45-49 Downloads
Everett Cherrington Hughes
Molding Public Opinion on Select Manpower pp. 50-57 Downloads
Harwood L. Childs
Society's Stake—and Responsibility for Allocating Manpower pp. 58-69 Downloads
John J. Corson
Manpower Development and Utilization: A Governmental or a Private Responsibility? pp. 70-77 Downloads
Henry David
Dimensions for Progress pp. 78-86 Downloads
Lawrence G. Derthick
Improvements Needed in Secondary Schools pp. 87-94 Downloads
Lester W. Nelson
Toward a More Effective Contribution by Colleges and Universities to National Leadership pp. 95-103 Downloads
Gaylord P. Harnwell
Continuing Education for National Survival pp. 104-115 Downloads
C. Scott Fletcher
Appendix pp. 116-123 Downloads
ECONOMICS GERTRUDE BANCROFT. The American Labor Force: Its Growth and Changing Com position. (Census Monograph Series.) Pp. xiv, 256. New York: John Wiley & Sons, for the Social Science Research Council in co-operation with the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1958. $7.50 pp. 124-125 Downloads
Ann Ratner Miller
ALBERT O. HIRSCHMAN. The Strategy of Economic Development. Pp. xiii, 217. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1958. $4.50 pp. 125-126 Downloads
Lyle W. Shannon
HAROLD G. MOULTON. Can Inflation Be Controlled? Pp. xii, 302. Washington, D. C.: Anderson Kramer Associates, 1958. No price pp. 126-126 Downloads
Harold M. Groves
OSKAR MORGENSTERN. International Fi nancial Transactions and Business Cy cles. (A Study by the National Bureau of Economic Research.) Pp. xxvi, 591. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1959. $12.00 pp. 127-127 Downloads
Charles Hoffmann
HERBERT F. TAGGART. Cost Justification. (Michigan Business Studies, Vol. XIV, No. 3.) Pp. xvi, 588. Ann Arbor: Bureau of Business Research, School of Business Administration, University of Michigan, 1959. $12.50 pp. 128-129 Downloads
Robert Rockafellow
BENT HANSEN. The Economic Theory of Fiscal Policy. Translated by P. E. Burke. Pp. xv, 450. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1958. $8.00 pp. 128-128 Downloads
Lewis H. Kimmel
LINCOLN H. CLARK (Ed.) with the assist ance of JOAN B. CARNEY. Consumer Behavior: Research on Consumer Re actions. Pp. viii, 472. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1958. $6.50 pp. 129-130 Downloads
Lee Rainwater
SHEPARD B. CLOUGH. The Economic De velopment of Western Civilization. Pp. xv, 540. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1959. $7.50 pp. 130-131 Downloads
C.P. Kindleberger
BARBU NICULESCU. Colonial Planning: A Comparative Study. Pp. 208. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1958. Distrib uted by The Macmillan Company, New York. $4.25 pp. 131-131 Downloads
Charles W. Coulter
Behavioral Sciences pp. 131-132 Downloads
Robert McGinnis
SEYMOUR MARTIN LIPSET and REINHARD BENDIX. Social Mobility in Industrial Society. (A Publication of the Insti tute of Industrial Relations, University of California.) Pp. xxi, 309. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of Califor nia Press, 1959. $5.00 pp. 132-133 Downloads
Natalie Rogoff
EVERETT CHERRINGTON HUGHES. Men and Their Work. Pp. 184. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1958. $4.00 pp. 133-134 Downloads
Eugene V. Schneider
BERNARD KARSH. Diary of a Strike. Pp. xiii, 180. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1958. $3.50 pp. 134-135 Downloads
Lewis A. Coser
SHELDON GLUECK (Ed.). The Problem of Delinquency. Pp. xvi, 1183. Bos ton: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1959. $10.50 pp. 135-135 Downloads
Daniel Glaser
PHILIP M. HAUSER (Ed.). Population and World Politics. Pp. 297. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1958. $6.00 pp. 135-136 Downloads
M.C. Balfour
REUBEN HILL, J. MAYONE STYCOS, and KURT W. BACK. The Family and Popu lation Control: A Puerto Rican Experi ment in Social Change. (A Social Sci ence Research Center Study, College of the Social Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, in co-operation with the Institute for Research in Social Science, Univer sity of North Carolina.) Pp. xxvi, 481. Chapel Hill: University of North Caro lina Press, 1959. $8.00 pp. 136-137 Downloads
Charles F. Westoff
JACK KENNY WILLIAMS. Vogues in Vil lainy: Crime and Retribution in Ante- Bellum South Carolina. Pp. viii, 191. Columbia: University of South Caro lina Press, 1959. $5.00 pp. 137-138 Downloads
Robert G. Caldwell
FRED CHARLES IKLÉ. The Social Impact of Bomb Destruction. Pp. xxii, 250. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1958. $3.95 pp. 138-139 Downloads
Vincent Heath
MARGARET MEAD. An Anthropologist at Work: Writings of Ruth Benedict. Pp. xxii, 583. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1959. $6.00 pp. 139-140 Downloads
John P. Gillin
FRANCIS L. BRODERICK. W. E. B. Du Bois: Negro Leader in a Time of Crisis. Pp. xiii, 259. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1959. $5.00 pp. 140-141 Downloads
Elliott M. Rudwick
CLARK BYSE and LOUIS JOUGHIN. Tenure in American Higher Education: Plans, Practices, and the Law. (Cornell Stud ies in Civil Liberty.) Pp. xvi, 212. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1959. No price pp. 141-142 Downloads
Edgar F. Borgatta
JOHN W. BENNETT, HERBERT PASSIN and ROBERT K. McKNIGHT. In Search of Identity: The Japanese Overseas Scholar in America and Japan. Pp. x, 369. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1958. $7.50 pp. 141-141 Downloads
Marion J. Levy
EDWARD D. EDDY, JR. assisted by MARY LOUISE PARKHURST and JAMES S. YAKO- VAKIS. The College Influence on Student Character. An Exploratory Study in Selected Colleges and Universities Made for the Committee for the Study of Character Development in Education. Pp. xii, 185. Washington, D. C.: Ameri can Council on Education, 1959. $3.00 pp. 142-143 Downloads
Ordway Tead
JAMES B. CONANT. The American High School Today: A First Report to Inter ested Citizens. Pp. xiii, 140. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1959. $1.00 pp. 143-144 Downloads
Harl R. Douglass
GENE M. LYONS and JOHN W. MASLAND. Education and Military Leadership: A Study of the R.O.T.C. Pp. xvii, 283. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1959. $5.00 pp. 143-143 Downloads
Francis J. Brown
Philosophy and Religion pp. 144-146 Downloads
Arthur E. Murphy
A. ROY ECKARDT. The Surge of Piety in America: An Appraisal. Pp. 192. New York: Association Press, 1958. $3.50 pp. 146-147 Downloads
Ephraim Fischoff
WILLIAM G. McLOUGHLIN, JR. Modern Revivalism: Charles Grandison Finney to Billy Graham. Pp. vii, 551. New York: Ronald Press Company, 1959. $6.50 pp. 146-146 Downloads
John J. Murray
RICHARD W. STERLING. Ethics in a World of Power: The Political Ideas of Fried- rich Meinecke. Pp. xi, 318. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1958. $6.00 pp. 147-148 Downloads
Steven Muller
H. R. G. GREAVES. The Foundations of Political Theory. Pp. 208. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1958. Distrib uted by Essential Books, Fair Lawn, N. J. $3.80 pp. 148-149 Downloads
Carl Y. Ehrhart
European History pp. 149-150 Downloads
Joseph F. Costanzo
ARNOLD J. TOYNBEE. Hellenism: The His tory of a Civilization. Pp. xii, 272. New York: Oxford University Press, 1959. $4.50 pp. 150-151 Downloads
Truesdell S. Brown
J. D. B. MILLER. The Commonwealth in the World. Pp. 308. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1958. $5.00 pp. 151-152 Downloads
Taylor Cole
A. P. THORNTON. The Imperial Idea and Its Enemies: A Study in British Power. Pp. xiv, 370. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1959. $7.50 pp. 152-152 Downloads
Vernon J. Puryear
J. H. M. SALMON. The French Religious Wars in English Political Thought. Pp. vii, 202. New York: Oxford University Press, 1959. $4.00 pp. 152-153 Downloads
Norman V. Hope
KLAUS EPSTEIN. Matthias Erzberger and the Dilemma of German Democracy. Pp. xiii, 473. Princeton, N. J.: Prince ton University Press, 1959. $10.00 pp. 153-154 Downloads
Ralph F. Bischoff
LUDWIG DEHIO. Germany and World Poli tics in the Twentieth Century. Trans lated by Dieter Pevsner. Pp. 141. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1959. $4.00 pp. 154-155 Downloads
James K. Pollock
ROBERT STRAUSZ-HUPÉ and others. Pro tracted Conflict. (A Foreign Policy Re search Institute Book.) Pp. xvii, 203. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1959. $3.95 pp. 155-156 Downloads
Joseph S. Roucek
A. H. ROBERTSON. European Institutions: Co-operation: Integration: Unification. (Library of World Affairs, No. 44.) Pp. xix, 372. New York: Frederick A. Prae ger, 1959. $7.75 pp. 155-155 Downloads
Roger H. Wells
RALPH TALCOTT FISHER, JR. Pattern for Soviet Youth: A Study of the Congresses of the Komsomol, 1918-1954. (Studies of the Russian Institute of Columbia University.) Pp. xvii, 452. New York: Columbia University Press, 1959. $6.75 pp. 156-157 Downloads
N.S. Timasheff
M. S. ANDERSON. Britain's Discovery of Russia, 1553-1815. Pp. viii, 245. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1959. $6.75 pp. 157-157 Downloads
Anatole G. Mazour
H. S. DINERSTEIN. War and the Soviet Union: Nuclear Weapons and the Revo lution in Soviet Military and Political Thinking. Pp. 268. New York: Fred erick A. Praeger, 1959. $5.50 pp. 158-159 Downloads
Stuart R. Tompkins
EDWARD HALLETT CARR. A History of Soviet Russia, Vol. I: Socialism in One Country, 1924-1926. Pp. x, 557. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1958. $7.50 pp. 158-158 Downloads
John S. Reshetar
BARBARA WARD. Five Ideas that Change the World. (The Aggrey-Fraser-Guggis berg Lectures.) Pp. 188. New York: W. W. Norton & Company for the Uni versity College of Ghana, 1959. $3.75 pp. 159-160 Downloads
Vera Micheles Dean
JOHN H. HERZ. International Politics in the Atomic Age. Pp. viii, 360. New York: Columbia University Press, 1959. $6.00 pp. 160-161 Downloads
Oliver Benson
American History and Government pp. 161-162 Downloads
Angus Campbell
WILFRED E. BINKLEY. The Man in the White House: His Powers and Duties. Pp. 310. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1958. $6.00 pp. 162-162 Downloads
E. Allen Helms
JAMES BURNHAM. Congress and the American Tradition. Pp. x, 363. Chi cago: Henry Regnery Company, 1959. $6.50 pp. 162-163 Downloads
Arthur N. Holcombe
OSCAR KRAINES. Congress and the Chal lenge of Big Government. (Bookman Monograph Series for Historical and Political Science Studies.) Pp. 129. New York: Bookman Associates, 1959. $3.00 pp. 163-164 Downloads
Wallace S. Sayre
ROBERT V. REMINI. Martin Van Buren and the Making of the Democratic Party. Pp. viii, 271. New York: Columbia University Press, 1959. $5.00 pp. 164-165 Downloads
Charles M. Thomas
WALTER MILLIS with HARVEY C. MANS- FIELD and HAROLD STEIN. Arms and the State: Civil-Military Elements in National Policy. (Twentieth Century Fund's Project on Civil-Military Rela tions.) Pp. 436. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1958. $4.00 pp. 164-164 Downloads
James Hart
ERNEST R. MAY. The World War and American Isolation, 1914-1917. (Har vard Historical Studies, Vol. LXXI.) Pp. viii, 482. Cambridge, Mass.: Har vard University Press under the direction of the Department of History, 1959. $7.50 pp. 165-166 Downloads
Elting E. Morison
DUANE LOCKARD. New England State Politics. Pp. xi, 347. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1959. $6.00 pp. 166-167 Downloads
Dayton D. McKean
BROOKS HAYS. A Southern Moderate Speaks. Pp. xi, 231. Chapel Hill: Uni versity of North Carolina Press, 1959. $3.50 pp. 166-166 Downloads
Leonard Blumberg
RONALD M. SCHNEIDER. Communism in Guatemala, 1944-1954. (Foreign Policy Research Institute Series, University of Pennsylvania, No. 7.) Pp. xxi, 350. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1959. $6.00 pp. 167-168 Downloads
John D. Martz
Asia and Africa pp. 168-169 Downloads
Gideon Sjoberg
CHARLES DAVID SHELDON. The Rise of the Merchant Class in Tokugawa Japan, 1600-1868: An Introductory Survey. (Monographs of the Association for Asian Studies: V.) Pp. x, 205. Locust Valley, N. Y.: J. J. Augustin, for the Association for Asian Studies, 1958. $5.00 pp. 169-170 Downloads
Hilary Conroy
SHIGETO TSURU. Essays on Japanese Economy. (Economic Research Series, 2. The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University.) Pp. iv, 241. Tokyo: Kinokuniya Bookstore Company, 1958. No price pp. 169-169 Downloads
Hugh T. Patrick
ALLAN B. COLE. Political Tendencies of Japanese in Small Enterprises. With Special Reference to the Social Demo cratic Party. (Studies on Japan's So cial Democratic Parties.) Pp. 155. New York: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1959. $3.00 pp. 170-171 Downloads
Harold S. Quigley
ALBERT FEUERWERKER. China's Early In dustrialization: Sheng Hsuan-huai (1844- 1916) and Mandarin Enterprise. (Har vard East Asia Studies.) Pp. xii, 331, xxxii. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959. $6.50 pp. 171-172 Downloads
Charles Hoffmann
ARTHUR F. WRIGHT. Buddhism in Chinese History. (Stanford Studies in the Civili zation of Eastern Asia.) Pp. xiv, 144. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1959. $3.75 pp. 171-171 Downloads
Derk Bodde
CHOH-MING LI. Economic Development of Communist China: An Appraisal of the First Five Years in Industrialization. (Publications of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, University of California.) Pp. xvi, 284. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1959. $7.50 pp. 172-173 Downloads
E. Stuart Kirby
CHARLES A. MYERS. Labor Problems in the Industrialization of India. (Wertheim Publications in Industrial Relations.) Pp. xvii, 297. Cambridge, Mass.: Har vard University Press, 1958. $6.50 pp. 173-173 Downloads
A.M. Lorenzo
GENE D. OVERSTREET and MARSHALL WINDMILLER. Communism in India. Pp. xiv, 603. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1959. $10.00 pp. 173-175 Downloads
M.K. Haldar
ASOK CHANDA. Indian Administration. Pp. 274. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1958. Distributed by The Mac millan Company, New York. $5.75 pp. 175-176 Downloads
Holden Furber
FAYEZ A. SAYEGH. Arab Unity: Hope and Fulfillment. Pp. xvii, 272. New York: Devin-Adair Company, 1958. $4.00 pp. 176-177 Downloads
Muhammad Khalil
CAROL A. FISHER and FRED KRINSKY. Middle East in Crisis: A Historical and Documentary Review. Pp. xii, 213. Syracuse, N. Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1959. $5.00 pp. 177-177 Downloads
Harry N. Howard
RICHARD HILL. Egypt in the Sudan, 1820- 1881. (Middle Eastern Monographs, II.) Pp. xi, 188. New York: Oxford University under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1959. $4.00 pp. 177-178 Downloads
Edgar J. Fisher
FREDERICK HARBISON and IBRAHIM ABDEL- KADER IBRAHIM. Human Resources for Egyptian Enterprise. (A Project of the Industrial Relations Section, Princeton University.) Pp. x, 230. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1958. $5.50 pp. 178-179 Downloads
Emil Lengyel
GEORGE L. HARRIS in collaboration with others. Iraq: Its People, Its Society, Its Culture. (Survey of World Cultures.) Pp. 350. New Haven, Conn.: HRAF Press, 1958. $7.00 pp. 179-180 Downloads
Lincoln Armstrong
GEORGE L. HARRIS in collaboration with others. Jordan: Its People, Its Society, Its Culture. (Survey of World Cul tures.) Pp. 246. New Haven Conn.: HRAF Press, 1958. No price pp. 180-181 Downloads
Edwin M. Wright
AARON WILDAVSKY and DAGMAR CARBOCH. Studies in Australian Politics: The 1926 Referendum; The Fall of the Bruce- Page Government. Pp. xxvi, 292. Mel bourne: F. W. Cheshire, 1958. 40/- pp. 181-181 Downloads
C. Hartley Grattan
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