The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 253, issue 1, 1947
- Foreword pp. vii-viii

- R.H. Coats
- The Geography of Canada pp. 1-9

- Griffith Taylor
- Demographic Trends in Canada pp. 10-15

- W. Burton Hurd
- Need for an Immigration Policy pp. 16-21

- H.F. Angus
- Canada's National Status in Recent Years pp. 22-31

- H. McD. Clokie
- Parties of Protest pp. 32-39

- G.V. Ferguson
- Dominion-Provincial Relations pp. 40-43

- Wilfrid Eggleston
- Canadian Agriculture in the Postwar World pp. 44-51

- V.C. Fowke
- The Canadian Forest and Its Future pp. 52-58

- John C.W. Irwin
- The Fisheries of Canada pp. 59-65

- Ian S. McArthur
- The Canadian Mining Industry Today pp. 66-73

- Alex Skelton
- Power and Manufacturing in Canada pp. 74-80

- Lesslie R. Thomson
- The Transportation Problem pp. 81-87

- A.W. Currie
- The Canadian Labor Market and Postwar Employment pp. 88-97

- H.A. Logan
- Labor Organization in Canada pp. 98-104

- Idele Wilson
- Tendencies in Canadian Public Finance pp. 105-114

- Donald C. Macgregor
- Evolution of Canadian Banking pp. 115-124

- C.A. Curtis
- Canadian Price Control Since 1939 pp. 125-133

- R.E. Moffat
- Canada's Balance of International Payments pp. 134-142

- F.A. Krrox
- Survey of Canadian Foreign Trade pp. 143-149

- Douglas H. Fullerton
- Canadian Tariff Policy pp. 150-157

- O.J. McDiarmid
- Ethnic Groups and Their Behavior pp. 158-163

- Nathan Keyfitz
- The Indians of Canada pp. 164-168

- T.F. Mcilwraith
- The French Canadians pp. 169-175

- B.K. Sandwell
- Education in Canada pp. 176-183

- R.C. Wallace
- Co-operative Trends in Canada pp. 184-189

- Albert Faucher
- The Canadian Social Services pp. 190-199

- Harry M. Cassidy
- A Reading List on Canada pp. 200-201

- N/a
- YOUNG, C. R., H. A. INNIS, and J. H. DALES. Engineering and Society (with special reference to Canada). Pp. vii, 429. Toronto, Canada: The University of Toronto Press, 1946. $2.75 pp. 202-203

- Griffith Taylor
- LOWER, ARTHUR R. M. Colony to Nation: A History of Canada. Pp. xiii, 600. To ronto, Canada: Longmans, Green & Co., 1946. $5.50 pp. 202-202

- G.V. Ferguson
- WADE, MASON. The French-Canadian Out look. Pp. 192. New York: The Viking Press, 1946. $2.00 pp. 203-204

- Carl Wittke
- EWING, A. C. The Individual, the State, and World Government. Pp. viii, 322. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1947. $4.00 pp. 204-205

- George F. Thomas
- CARLSTON, KENNETH S. The Process of International Arbitration. Pp. 318. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946. $4.50 pp. 205-206

- R.F. Wood
- YPSILON. Pattern for World Revolution. Pp. 479. New York: Ziff-Davis Pub lishing Co., 1947. $3.50 pp. 206-207

- Ralph Haswell Lutz
- ROMMEN, HEINRICH A. The State in Catholic Thought. Pp. viii, 747. St. Louis and London: B. Herder Book Co., 1945. $6.00 pp. 207-208

- Francis W. Coker
- GAUS, JOHN MERRIAM. Reflections on Public Administration. Pp. 153. Uni versity, Alabama: The University of Ala bama Press, 1947. $2.00 pp. 208-209

- Ray F. Harvey
- COMMITTEE ON RECORDS OF WAR ADMINIS TRATION. The United States at War. Pp. xv, 555. Washington: U. S. Gov ernment Printing Office (Historical Re ports on War Administration, Bureau of the Budget No. 1), 1946. $1.00 paper- bound pp. 209-209

- Leo Fishman
- BUCK, PHILIP W., and JOHN W. MASLAND. The Governments of Foreign Powers. Pp. viii, 439. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1947. $3.25 pp. 209-210

- Arthur D. Angel
- FITZGERALD, WALTER. The New Europe: An Introduction to Its Political Geog raphy. Pp. xiii, 298. New York: Harper & Bros., 1946. $2.75 pp. 210-211

- Winchester H. Heicher
- SCHUBART, WALTER. Europa und die Seele des Ostens. Pp. 317. Luzern, Switzer land: Vita Nova Verlag, 1938. Fr. 12.50 pp. 211-211

- John Brown Mason
- CARTER, GWENDOLEN M. The British Commonwealth and International Se curity: The Role of the Dominions, 1919-1939. Pp. xx, 326. Toronto, Canada: Ryerson Press for the Cana dian Institute of International Affairs, 1947. $4.00 pp. 211-212

- Richard H. Heindel
- GÜRSTER, EUGEN. Volk im Dunkel: Die geistige Tragödie des deutschen Volkes. Pp. 159. Luzern, Switzerland: Vita Nova Verlag, 1946. Fr. 9 pp. 212-213

- Adolf Sturmthal
- NEEDHAM, JOSEPH. History is on Our Side. Pp. 226. New York: The Mac millan Co., 1947. $2.75 pp. 213-214

- Conrad Henry Moehlman
- DULLES, ALLEN WELSH. Germany's Un derground. Pp. xiii, 207. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1947. $3.00 pp. 214-215

- Oron James Hale
- POLLOCK, JAMES K., and JAMES H. MEISEL. Germany Under Occupation. Pp. 306. Ann Arbor, Michigan: George Wahr Publishing Co., 1947. No price pp. 215-215

- William F. Sollmann
- HINDUS, MAURICE. The Bright Passage. Pp. xiv, 370. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1947. $3.00 pp. 215-216

- Josef HanÄ
- LACERDA, JOHN. The Conqueror Comes to Tea: Japan Under MacArthur. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1946. $2.75 pp. 216-217

- Allan B. Cole
- SUNDARAM, LANKA. India's Armies and Their Costs. Pp. 256. Bombay: Avanti Prakashan, 1946. Rs. 7/8 pp. 217-218

- Kingsley Davis
- POMEROY, EARL S. The Territories and the United States, 1861-1890: Studies in Colonial Administration. Pp. vii, 163 pp. 218-219

- George E. Mowry
- HOGAN, WILLIAM RANSOM. The Texas Re public: A Social and Economic History. Pp. ix, 338. Norman, Oklahoma: Uni versity of Oklahoma Press, 1946. $3.00 pp. 218-218

- J.L. Waller
- KEEN, BENJAMIN. David Curtis DeForest and the Revolution of Buenos Aires. Pp. vii, 186. New Haven: Yale Uni versity Press, 1947. $3.00 pp. 219-220

- Arthur P. Whitaker
- PECK, ANNE MERRIMAN. The Pageant of Middle American History. Pp. x, 496. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1947. $4.00 pp. 219-219

- J. Fred Rippy
- AULT, WARREN O. Europe in Modern Times. Pp. xvi, 859. Boston: D. C. Heath and Co., 1946. $5.00 pp. 220-221

- Walter P. Hall
- MANNING, CLARENCE A. The Story of the Ukraine. Pp. 326. New York: Philo sophical Library, 1947. $3.75 pp. 221-221

- O. Halecki
- LINK, ARTHUR S. Wilson: The Road to the White House. Pp. xviii, 570. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1947. $5.00 pp. 222-222

- Roy F. Nichols
- HATCH, ALDEN. Franklin D. Roosevelt: An Informal Biography. Pp. ix, 413. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1947. $3.00 pp. 222-223

- Boris Erich Nelson
- PALENCIA, ISABEL DE. Alexandra Kol lontay: Ambassadress from Russia. Pp. 309. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1947. $3.50 pp. 223-224

- Harry Schwartz
- EZEKIEL, MORDECAI (Ed.). Towards World Prosperity. Pp. xiv, 455. New York: Harper and Bros., 1947. $5.50 pp. 224-225

- Paul S. Peirce
- CHIANG MONLIN. Tides from the West: A Chinese Autobiography. Pp. vi, 282. New Haven: Yale University Press; London: Oxford University Press, 1947. $3.50 pp. 224-224

- John K. Fairbank
- WRIGHT, DAVID McCORD. The Economics of Disturbance. Pp. ix, 115. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1947. $2.50 pp. 225-226

- Theodore J. Kreps
- RAYMOND, FRED I. The Limitist. Pp. 166. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1947. $2.00 pp. 226-227

- Eugene P. Chase
- HAWTREY, R. G. Economic Rebirth. Pp. 161. London and New York: Long mans, Green and Co., 1946. $2.00 pp. 226-226

- Paul Knaplund
- LURIÉ, SAMUEL. Private Investment in a Controlled Economy: Germany, 1933- 1939. Pp. xi, 243. New York: Colum bia University Press, 1947. $3.00 pp. 227-228

- Kenyon E. Poole
- JACOBY, NEIL H., and RAYMOND J. SAUL- NIER. Business Finance and Banking. Pp. xviii, 241. New York: National Bu reau of Economic Research, 1947. $3.50 pp. 228-229

- Fred Rogers Fairchild
- SIMEY, T. S. Welfare and Planning in the West Indies. Pp. xi, 267. New York: Oxford University Press, 1947; Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1946. $4.75 pp. 229-230

- James G. Leyburn
- RODGERS, CLEVELAND. American Planning: Past, Present, Future. Pp. xiii, 290. New York and London: Harper & Bros., 1947. $3.00 pp. 229-229

- William H. Stead
- ORTIZ, FERNANDO. (Translation by Har riet de Onis.) Cuban Counterpoint: Tobacco and Sugar. Pp, xxi, 312, xiii. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. $4.00 pp. 230-231

- Roscoe R. Hill
- WILCOX, EARLEY VERNON. Acres and Peo ple: The Eternal Problem of China and India. Pp. 297. New York: Orange Judd Publishing Co., 1947. $3.00 pp. 231-232

- V.D. Wickizer
- ABELARDE, PEDRO E. American Tariff Policy towards the Philippines, 1898- 1946. Pp. ix, 233. New York: King's Crown Press, 1947. $2.75 pp. 231-231

- Lennox A. Mills
- SLICHTER, SUMNER H. The Challenge of Industrial Relations. Pp. ix, 196. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1947. $2.50 pp. 232-233

- Thomas R. Fisher
- INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. Public Investment and Full Employment. Pp. ix, 352. Montreal, Canada, 1946. $2.25 pp. 233-233

- C.R. Whittlesey
- SNIDER, JOSEPH L. The Guarantee of Work and Wages. Pp. xi, 191. Boston: Graduate School of Business Administra tion, Harvard University, 1947. $2.75 pp. 233-234

- Albion G. Taylor
- COMMITTEE ON LABOR MARKET RESEARCH (Louis J. Ducoff and Margaret Jarman Hagood). Labor Force Definition and Measurement: Recent Experience in the United States. Pp. x, 134. New York: Social Science Research Council (Bul letin 56), 1947. $1.00 pp. 234-235

- Z.C. Dickinson
- ARCHIBALD, KATHERINE. Wartime Ship- yard: A Study in Social Disunity. Pp. vi, 237. Berkeley and Los Angeles: Uni versity of California Press, 1947. $3.75 pp. 235-236

- Gladys Dickason
- NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL CONFERENCE BOARD. Compulsory Sickness Compensation for New York State. Pp. vi, 184. New York (prepared for Associated Indus tries of New York State), 1947. No price pp. 236-237

- George Rosen
- COMMITTEE ON MEDICINE AND THE CHANG ING ORDER, New York Academy of Medi cine. Medicine in the Changing Order. Pp. xix, 240. New York: The Common wealth Fund, 1947. $2.00 pp. 237-238

- Paul A. Dodd
- GERTH, H. H., and C. WRIGHT MILLS (Eds. and Trans.). From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. Pp. 490. New York: Oxford University Press, 1946. $5.00 pp. 238-239

- Talcott Parsons
- JOHNSON, F. ERNEST (Ed.). Foundations of Democracy. Pp. ix, 278. New York: Institute for Religious and Social Studies; distributed by Harper & Brothers, 1947. $2.00 pp. 239-240

- Seba Eldridge
- MACIVER, R. M. (Ed.). Unity and Differ ence in American Life. Pp. 168. New York: Institute for Religious and Social Studies; distributed by Harper and Bros., 1947. $2.00 pp. 240-240

- Joseph S. Roucek
- TANNENBAUM, FRANK. Slave and Citizen: The Negro in the Americas. Pp. xi, 128, xi. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. $2.00 pp. 240-241

- Forrester B. Washington
- JOHNSON, CHARLES S., and ASSOCIATES. Into the Main Stream. A Survey of Best Practices in Race Relations in the South. Pp. xiv, 355. Chapel Hill: Uni versity of North Carolina Press, 1947. $3.50 pp. 241-242

- Ira de A. Reid
- COMMISSION ON FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. A Free and Responsible Press. Pp. xii, 138. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1947. $2.00 pp. 242-243

- William Albig
- HOCKING, WILLIAM ERNEST. Freedom of the Press: A Framework of Principle. Pp. xi, 243. Chicago: University of Chi cago Press, 1947. $3.00 pp. 243-244

- Belle Zeller
- KINSLEY, PHILIP. The Chicago Tribune: Its First Hundred Years, Vol. III: 1880- 1900. Pp. xiv, 359. Chicago: The Chi cago Tribune, 1946. $3.00 pp. 244-245

- Malcolm M. Willey
- TYLER, I. KEITH, and NANCY M. DASHER (Eds.). Education on the Air. Pp. 524. Columbus, Ohio: Bureau of Educational Research, Ohio State University, 1946. $3.50 pp. 245-246

- Paul A. Walker
- MOSIER, RICHARD D. Making the Ameri can Mind: Social and Moral Ideas in the McGuffey Readers. Pp. vii, 207. New York: King's Crown Press, 1947. $3.00 pp. 245-245

- A.H. Hobbs
- CONANT, JAMES B. On Understanding Sci ence. Pp. xv, 145. New Haven: Yale University Press; London: Oxford Uni versity Press, 1947. $2.00 pp. 246-247

- H.R. Crane
- OGDEN, JEAN, and JESS OGDEN. Small Communities in Action. Pp. xix, 244. New York: Harper & Bros., 1946. $3.00 pp. 247-247

- Elwood Street
- GLAISYER, JANET, T. BRENNAN, W. RITCHIE, and P. SARGANT FLORENCE. County Town: A Civic Survey for the Planning of Worcester. Pp. xii, 320. London: John Murray; distributed in United States by Transatlantic Arts, Inc., 1946. $6.30 pp. 247-248

- John P. Dean
- SMITH, NEWLIN RUSSELL. Land for the Small Man: English and Welsh Experi ence with Publicly-Supplied Small Hold ings, 1860-1937. Pp. 287. New York: King's Crown Press, 1946. $3.50 pp. 248-249

- Carey Mcwilliams
- NEAL, JULIA. By Their Fruits: The Story of Shakerism in South Union, Kentucky. Pp. 279. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1947. $3.50 pp. 249-250

- R.E.E. Harkness
- UNDERHILL, RUTH M. Papago Indian Re ligion. Pp. 359. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946 (vol. 33, Colum bia University Contributions to Anthro pology). $4.50 pp. 250-251

- A. Irving Hallowell
- KLUCKHOHN, CLYDE, and DOROTHEA LEIGHTON. The Navaho. Pp. xx, 258. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1946. $4.50 pp. 251-252

- E.H. Spicer
- HERSKOVITS, MELVILLE J., and FRANCES S. HERSKOVITS. Trinidad Village. Pp. xiv, 351, xxv. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. $4.75 pp. 252-253

- George E. Simpson
- SAVE, K. J. The Warlis. Pp. x, 280. Bombay: Padma Publications Ltd., 1945. $3.65 pp. 253-254

- W. Norman Brown
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