The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 277, issue 1, 1951
- Foreword pp. vii-ix

- H. Arthur Steiner
- Political Ferment in China, 1911-1951 pp. 1-12

- Earl H. Pritchard
- The Hegemony of the Chinese Communists, 1945-1950 pp. 13-21

- George E. Taylor
- The Influence of Leninism-Stalinism on China pp. 22-34

- Karl A. Wittfogel
- The United Front in the New China pp. 35-45

- Allan B. Cole
- Structure and Constitutional Basis of the Chinese People's Republic pp. 46-55

- S.B. Thomas
- The Role of the Chinese Communist Party pp. 56-66

- H. Arthur Steiner
- The Chinese Communist Elite pp. 67-75

- Robert C. North
- Mass Political Organizations in Communist China pp. 76-88

- A. Doak Barnett
- Peasant Organization in Rural China pp. 89-100

- G. William Skinner
- Economic Principles and State Organization pp. 101-112

- Douglas S. Paauw
- Current Agrarian Reform Policies in Communist China pp. 113-123

- Chao Kuo-Chün
- Labor Policy and Factory Management in Communist China pp. 124-134

- William Ayers
- Education and Propaganda in Communist China pp. 135-145

- Theodore Hsi-En Chen
- National and Minority Policies pp. 146-155

- John De Francis
- Chinese Communist Strategy in Foreign Relations pp. 156-166

- O. Edmund Clubb
- The Pattern of Sino-Soviet Treaties, 1945-1950 pp. 167-176

- William B. Ballis
- Outside Pressures on China, 1945-1950 pp. 177-181

- Paul M.A. Linebarger
- Shanghai During the Takeover, 1949 pp. 182-192

- Randall Gould
- Hong Kong and the British Position in China pp. 193-202

- E. Stuart Kirby
- Overseas Chinese and Communist Policy pp. 203-212

- Claude A. Buss
- Nationalist Government Policies, 1949-1951 pp. 213-223

- Gung-Hsing Wang
- How We Learn About Communist China pp. 224-228

- Mary C. Wright
- Book Department pp. 229-276

- N/a
Volume 276, issue 1, 1951
- Foreword pp. vii-vii

- James C. Charlesworth
- Economic Rampart of Freedom pp. 1-5

- Emilio Abello
- The Land Problem of China pp. 6-11

- Franklin L. Ho
- Incentives for Economic Development in Asia pp. 12-19

- Alfred Bonné
- Behind the Asian News pp. 20-27

- N.G.D. Joardar
- Social Tensions in the Middle East pp. 28-34

- Emil Lengyel
- Social Tensions in India pp. 35-42

- Gardner Murphy
- Lessons From Korea pp. 43-47

- Thomas H.D. Mahoney
- National Liberation and Social Progress in Asia pp. 48-59

- Juliusz Katz-Suchy
- Our Asian Policy pp. 60-71

- A.A. Berle
- The Middle East and Turkey in World Affairs pp. 72-80

- Nuri Eren
- The Blind Alley of Totalitarianism pp. 81-90

- Harold R. Isaacs
- Soviet Policy and the Revolutions in Asia pp. 91-98

- Philip E. Mosely
- Communism and the Peasants pp. 99-104

- David Mitrany
- The Anglo-American Partnership pp. 105-111

- Lawrence Hunt
- Inter-American Solidarity and the Asian Crisis pp. 112-117

- James S. Carson
- Asian Mentality and United States Foreign Policy pp. 118-127

- F.S.C. Northrop
- How Asians View the United States pp. 128-134

- Vera Micheles Dean
- International Relations and World Government pp. 135-136

- Allen T. Bonnell
- KISKER, GEORGE W. (Ed.). World Ten sion: The Psychopathology of Interna tional Relations. Pp. xi, 324. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1951. $5.00 pp. 136-137

- Richard H. Heindel
- BROOKINGS INSTITUTION, THE, THE IN TERNATIONAL STUDIES GROUP. Anglo- American Economic Relations: A Prob lem Paper. Pp. vi, 74. Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution, 1950 pp. 136-136

- Frank M. Russell
- PEAR, T. H. (Ed.). Psychological Factors of Peace and War. Pp. ix, 262. New York: Philosophical Library, 1950. $4.75 pp. 137-138

- W. Eliasberg
- BOASSON, CH. Sociological Aspects of Law and International Adjustment. Pp. 120. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1950. Fl. 7.50 pp. 138-138

- Josef L. Kunz
- CHASE, EUGENE P. The United Nations in Action. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1950. Pp. xii, 464. Price $4.50 pp. 138-139

- J. Eugene Harley
- American Government, History, Law, and Political Theory pp. 139-140

- Charles E. Merriam
- WILSON, FRANCIS GRAHAM. The Case for Conservatism. Pp. v, 74. Seattle: Uni versity of Washington Press, 1951. $1.75 pp. 140-141

- Roy C. Macridis
- DEGRAZIA, ALFRED. Public and Republic: Political Representation in America. Pp. x, 262, xi. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1951. $3.50 pp. 141-141

- Frank Paddock
- HOOVER, HERBERT. Addresses Upon the American Road, 1948-1950. Pp. xi, 221. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1951. $3.50 pp. 141-142

- Phillips Bradley
- SANDERS, IRWIN T. Making Good Com munities Better: A Handbook for Civic- Minded Men and Women. Pp. viii, 174. Lexington, Ky.: University of Kentucky Press, 1950. $2.00 pp. 142-142

- Walter M. Phillips
- GIBSON, FLORENCE E. The Attitudes of the New York Irish Toward State and National Affairs 1848-1892. Pp. 480. New York: Columbia University Press, 1951. $5.75 pp. 142-143

- G. Edward Janosik
- THOMAS, NORMAN. A Socialist's Faith. Pp. x, 326. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1951. $4.00 pp. 143-144

- Hugh A. Bone
- GIRVETZ, HARRY K. From Wealth to Wel fare. The Evolution of Liberalism. Pp. xiii, 323. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford Uni versity Press, 1950. $5.00 pp. 144-145

- Alphonse B. Miller
- AARON, DANIEL. Men of Good Hope: A Story of American Progressives. Pp. xvi, 329. New York: Oxford University Press, 1951. $4.50 pp. 145-145

- Colston E. Warne
- INGERSOLL, ROBERT G. The Letters of Robert G. Ingersoll. Edited by and with a biographical introduction by Eva In gersoll Wakefield. Pp. xxi, 747. New York: The Philosophical Library, 1951. $7.50 pp. 145-146

- Helmut Kuhn
- LEWIN, KURT. Field Theory of Social Science: Selected Theoretical Papers. (Edited by Dorwin Cartwright.) Pp. xx, 346. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1951. $5.00 pp. 146-147

- Manford H. Kuhn
- EYRE, JAMES K., JR. The Roosevelt-Mac Arthur Conflict. Pp. xviii, 234. Cham bersburg, Pa.: Craft Press, 1950. $3.00 pp. 147-148

- Lennox A. Mills
- Economics and Industry pp. 148-151

- Gottfried Haberler
- LITTLE, I. M. D. A Critique of Welfare Economics. Pp. 276. Oxford: Claren don Press (distributed in U. S. by Ox ford University Press), 1950. $3.50 pp. 151-152

- Frank H. Knight
- EUCKEN, WALTER. The Foundations of Economics: History and Theory in the Analysis of Economic Reality. Trans lated from the German by T. W. Hutchi son. Pp. 358. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1951. $4.75 pp. 152-153

- Henry William Spiegel
- KINDLEBERGER, CHARLES P. The Dollar Shortage. Pp. ix, 276. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1950. $4.00 pp. 153-154

- Ray Ovid Hall
- LABOR RESEARCH ASSOCIATION. Monopoly Today. Pp. iv, 128. New York: Inter national Publishers, 1951. $1.50 pp. 154-154

- Horace M. Gray
- LINCOLN, GEORGE A., WILLIAM S. STONE, and THOMAS H. HARVEY (Eds.). Eco nomics of National Security. Pp. xvi, 601. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1951. $6.65 pp. 154-155

- Benjamin H. Williams
- HART, ALBERT G. Defense Without Infla tion. Pp. xiv, 186. New York: The Twentieth Century Fund, 1951. $2.00 pp. 155-156

- Harold M. Groves
- UMBREIT, MYRON E., ELGIN F. HUNT, and CHARLES V. KINTER. Modern Economic Problems. Pp. xvii, 642. New York: Mc Graw-Hill Book Company, 1950. $4.75 pp. 156-156

- Robert M. Haley
- INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE: Action Against Unemployment. Pp. iv, 260. Geneva and Washington, D. C., 1950. $1.50 pp. 156-157

- Theodore Morgan
- COLIN, DAVID H. The Law of Unemploy ment Insurance in New York. Pp. xxiv, 412. New York: Institute of Labor Re lations and Social Security, New York University, 1950. No price pp. 157-159

- C.A. Kulp
- WERNE, BENJAMIN. The Law of Labor Relations. Pp. xiv, 471. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1951. $5.75 pp. 159-159

- John Perry Horlacher
- LEARNED, EDMUND P., DAVID N. ULRICH, and DONALD R. Booz. Executive Action. Pp. xiii, 218. Boston: Harvard Univer sity Graduate School of Business Ad ministration, 1951. $3.25 pp. 159-161

- Rowland Egger
- Sociology and Education pp. 161-162

- Hilding Bengs
- SCHOFF, LEONARD HASTINGS. A National Agricultural Policy For All the People of the United States. Pp. xix, 153. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1951. $2.50 pp. 161-161

- Murray R. Benedict
- SHORE, MAURICE J., et al. Twentieth Cen tury Mental Hygiene. Pp. iv, 444. New York: Social Sciences Publishers, 1950. $6.00 pp. 162-163

- J.K. Folsom
- GRECO, MARSHALL C. Group Life: The Nature and Treatment of Its Specific Conflicts. Pp. xvi, 357. New York: Philosophical Library, 1950. $4.75 pp. 163-164

- Lewis H. Loeser
- BRAMELD, THEODORE. Patterns of Educa tional Philosophy: A Democratic Inter pretation. Pp. xxiv, 824. Yonkers-on- Hudson: World Book Company, 1950. $4.75 pp. 164-166

- Frederick E. Ellis
- MONTAGU, ASHLEY. Statement on Race. Pp. xi, 172. New York: Henry Schu man, 1951. $2.00 pp. 164-164

- John J. Honigmann
- STALLKNECHT, NEWTON P. and ROBERT S. BRUMBAUGH. The Spirit of Western Philosophy. Pp. xxi, 540. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1950. $4.75 pp. 166-167

- Rubin Gotesky
- Philosophy and Religion pp. 166-166

- A. Campbell Garnett
- ULAM, ADAM B. Philosophical Foundations of English Socialism. Pp. 173. Cam bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1951. $3.75 pp. 167-168

- Francis G. Wilson
- CHAPIRO, JOSÉ. Erasmus and Our Struggle for Peace. Includes Peace Protests! by Erasmus of Rotterdam. Pp. xv, 196. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1950. $2.50 pp. 168-168

- Herbert Marcuse
- Commonwealth of Nations pp. 168-169

- Roger H. Wells
- McCULLOCH, SAMUEL CLYDE (Ed.). Brit ish Humanitarianism. Pp. x, 2 54. Phila delphia: The Church Historical Society, 1950. $4.00 pp. 169-170

- R.G. Cowherd
- GLEASON, JOHN HOWES. The Genesis of Russophobia in Great Britain: A Study of the Interaction of Policy and Opinion. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1950. $5.00 pp. 170-170

- Frieda Wunderlich
- KAUFMANN, WILLIAM W. British Policy and the Independence of Latin America, 1804-1828. Pp. ix, 238. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1951. $3.75 pp. 170-171

- J. Fred Rippy
- WOOTTON, BARBARA. Testament for Social Science: An Essay in the Application of Scientific Method to Human Problems. Pp. vii, 197. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1951. $3.00 pp. 171-172

- Bryn J. Hovde
- MORTON, W. L. The Progressive Party in Canada. Pp. xiii, 331. Toronto: Uni versity of Toronto Press, 1950. $4.75 pp. 172-172

- Frank H. Underhill
- SOVANI, N. V. Planning of Post-War Eco nomic Development in India. Pp. xiii, 106. Poona, India: Gokhale Institute, in cooperation with the International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1951. Rs. 3-8-0 or 5s pp. 172-173

- Robert Aura Smith
- DAVIS, KINGSLEY. The Population of India and Pakistan. Pp. xvi, 263. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1951. $7.50 pp. 173-174

- Richard D. Lambert
- Slavic Countries pp. 174-175

- Malcolm J. Proudfoot
- GARELIK, JOSEPH. A Soviet City and Its People. Pp. 96. New York: Interna tional Publishers, 1950. $1.25 pp. 175-176

- Alex Inkeles
- MIROV, N. T. Geography of Russia. Pp. xii, 362, maps. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1951. $6.50 pp. 175-175

- Charles P. White
- DEGRAS, JANE (Ed.). Soviet Documents on Foreign Policy. Volume I: 1917- 1924. Pp. xxi, 501. New York: Ox ford University Press (under the aus pices of the Royal Institute of Interna tional Affairs), 1951. $7.00 pp. 176-177

- Allen S. Whiting
- LIPPER, ELINOR. Eleven Years in Soviet Prison Camps. Pp. xii, 310. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., 1951. $3.50 pp. 177-177

- N.S. Timasheff
- ROBERTS, HENRY L. Rumania: Political Problems of an Agrarian State. Pp. xiv, 414. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1951. $6.00 pp. 177-178

- Wayne S. Vucinich
- Western Continental Europe pp. 178-179

- J.H. Landman
- MARTIN, JAMES STEWART. All Honorable Men. Pp. x, 326. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1950. $3.50 pp. 179-180

- Boris Erich Nelson
- SMITH, G. E. KIDDER. Sweden Builds: Its Modern Architecture and Land Policy, Background, Development, and Con tribution. Pp. 279; 683 photographs and drawings. New York and Stock holm: Bonniers, 1950. $8.50 pp. 180-181

- Charles S. Ascher
- PIDAL, RAMON MENENDEZ. The Spaniards in Their History. (Translated by Walter Starkie.) Pp. viii, 251. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1950. $3.00 pp. 180-180

- Samuel P. Perry
- Others pp. 181-182

- William F. Christians
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