The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 627, issue 1, 2010
- Beyond Admissions: Lessons from Texas pp. 6-11

- Mark Long and Marta Tienda
- Those Who Choose and Those Who Don’t: Social Background and College Orientation pp. 14-35

- Eric Grodsky and Catherine Riegle-Crumb
- Ethno-Racial Composition and College Preference: Revisiting the Perpetuation of Segregation Hypothesis pp. 36-58

- Donnell Butler
- Minority Higher Education Pipeline: Consequences of Changes in College Admissions Policy in Texas pp. 60-81

- Angel Harris and Marta Tienda
- Policy Transparency and College Enrollment: Did the Texas Top Ten Percent Law Broaden Access to the Public Flagships? pp. 82-105

- Mark Long, Victor Saenz and Marta Tienda
- Race and Gender Differences in College Major Choice pp. 108-124

- Lisa Dickson
- Differences in College Major Choice by Citizenship Status pp. 125-141

- Milagros Nores
- Race and Ethnic Differences in College Achievement: Does High School Attended Matter? pp. 144-166

- Jason Fletcher and Marta Tienda
- Academic Outcomes and Texas’s Top Ten Percent Law pp. 167-183

- Eric Furstenberg
- Why Are Men Falling Behind? Gender Gaps in College Performance and Persistence pp. 184-214

- Dylan Conger and Mark Long
- Beyond Admissions: Reflections and Future Considerations pp. 216-225

- Bridget Long
Volume 626, issue 1, 2009
- The Shape of the New American City pp. 6-10

- Eugénie L. Birch and Susan Wachter
- A Nation of Cities: The Federal Government and the Shape of the American Metropolis pp. 11-20

- Kenneth T. Jackson
- Crime and U.S. Cities: Recent Patterns and Implications pp. 22-38

- Ingrid Gould Ellen and Katherine O'Regan
- How Should Suburbs Help Their Central Cities? Growth- and Welfare-Enhancing Intrametropolitan Fiscal Distributions pp. 39-52

- Andrew F. Haughwout and Robert P. Inman
- Cities Today: A New Frontier for Major Developments pp. 53-71

- Saskia Sassen
- The Changing Bases of Segregation in the United States pp. 74-90

- Douglas S. Massey, Jonathan Rothwell and Thurston Domina
- Demographic Forces and Turning Points in the American City, 1950-2040 pp. 91-111

- Dowell Myers and John Pitkin
- Urban Growth and Housing Affordability: The Conflict pp. 112-131

- Richard P. Voith and Susan Wachter
- Downtown in the “New American City†pp. 134-153

- Eugénie L. Birch
- The Changing Shape of Metropolitan America pp. 154-191

- John Landis
- The New Urbanity: The Rise of a New America pp. 192-208

- Arthur C. Nelson
- Transport Infrastructure and Global Competitiveness: Balancing Mobility and Livability pp. 210-225

- Robert Cervero
- Making Infrastructure Competitive in an Urban World pp. 226-241

- Rae Zimmerman
Volume 625, issue 1, 2009
- The End of Television? pp. 6-18

- Elihu Katz
- Sharing and Showing: Television as Monstration pp. 19-31

- Daniel Dayan
- We Liked to Watch: Television as Progenitor of the Surveillance Society pp. 32-48

- Joshua Meyrowitz
- What Is U.S. Television Now? pp. 49-59

- Amanda D. Lotz
- Contextualizing the Broadcast Era: Nation, Commerce, and Constraint pp. 60-73

- William Uricchio
- Of Time and Television pp. 74-86

- John P. Robinson and Steven Martin
- The Face of Television pp. 87-102

- Paul Frosh
- The Performance on Television of Sincerely Felt Emotion pp. 103-115

- John Ellis
- Cultural and Moral Authority: The Presumption of Television pp. 116-127

- David E. Morrison
- Television, Public Participation, and Public Service: From Value Consensus to the Politics of Identity pp. 128-138

- Peter Lunt
- Gender and Family in Television’s Golden Age and Beyond pp. 139-150

- Andrea Press
- Half a Century of Television in the Lives of Our Children pp. 151-163

- Sonia Livingstone
- Political Communication —Old and New Media Relationships pp. 164-181

- Michael Gurevitch, Stephen Coleman and Jay G. Blumler
- Television News and the Nation: The End? pp. 182-195

- Menahem Blondheim and Tamar Liebes
- End of Television and Foreign Policy pp. 196-204

- Monroe E. Price
- Television and the Transformation of Sport pp. 205-218

- Garry Whannel
- The Dialectic of Time and Television pp. 219-235

- Paddy Scannell
Volume 624, issue 1, 2009
- Fathering across Diversity and Adversity: International Perspectives and Policy Interventions pp. 6-11

- Rosalind Edwards, Andrea Doucet and Frank F. Furstenberg
- Exploring the Absent/Present Dilemma: Black Fathers, Family Relationships, and Social Capital in Britain pp. 12-28

- Tracey Reynolds
- Fathering in the Shadows: Indigenous Fathers and Canada's Colonial Legacies pp. 29-48

- Jessica Ball
- Understandings and Experiences of Involved Fathering in the United Kingdom: Exploring Classed Dimensions pp. 49-60

- Val Gillies
- Fathers' Perceptions of Children's Influence: Implications for Involvement pp. 61-77

- Kerry J. Daly, Lynda Ashbourne and Jaime Lee Brown
- Dad and Baby in the First Year: Gendered Responsibilities and Embodiment pp. 78-98

- Andrea Doucet
- Why Do Poor Men Have Children? Fertility Intentions among Low-Income Unmarried U.S. Fathers pp. 99-117

- Jennifer March Augustine, Timothy Nelson and Kathryn Edin
- Men's Relations with Kids: Exploring and Promoting the Mosaic of Youth Work and Fathering pp. 118-138

- William Marsiglio
- The Perceptions and Experiences of Russian Immigrant and Sudanese Refugee Men as Fathers in an Urban Center in Canada pp. 139-155

- David C. Este and Admasu A. Tachble
- Family Man in the Other America: New Opportunities, Motivations, and Supports for Paternal Caregiving pp. 156-176

- Maureen R. Waller
- Gendered or Gender-Neutral Care Politics for Fathers? pp. 177-189

- Berit Brandth and Elin Kvande
- Fathers, Parental Leave Policies, and Infant Quality of Life: International Perspectives and Policy Impact pp. 190-213

- Margaret O'Brien
- Competing Scenarios for European Fathers: Applying Sen's Capabilities and Agency Framework to Work—Family Balance pp. 214-233

- Barbara Hobson and Susanne Fahlén
- Father-Friendly Policies and Time-Use Data in a Cross-National Context: Potential and Prospects for Future Research pp. 234-254

- Oriel Sullivan, Scott Coltrane, Linda Mcannally and Evrim Altintas