The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 575, issue 1, 2001
- Children's Rights: Beyond the Impasse pp. 8-24

- Jude L. Fernando
- Childhood: Toward a Theory of Continuity and Change pp. 25-37

- Allison James and Adrian L. James
- The Right Rights? Child Labor in a Globalizing World pp. 38-55

- William E. Myers
- Children's Rights and the Internet pp. 56-70

- Steven Hick and Edward Halpin
- Child Labor in Africa: A Comparative Study pp. 71-91

- Sudharshan Canagarajah and Helena Nielsen
- Child Soldiers and the Convention on the Rights of the Child pp. 92-105

- Jo De Berry
- The Political Economy of War-Affected Children pp. 106-121

- Steven Hick
- From Street to Stage with Children in Brazil and Ghana pp. 122-146

- Kathleen Mccreery
- The Sex Trade Industry's Worldwide Exploitation of Children pp. 147-157

- R. Barri Flowers
- Challenging Child Labor: Transnational Activism and India's Carpet Industry pp. 158-175

- Geeta Chowdhry and Mark Beeman
- Approaches to Children's Work and Rights in Nepal pp. 176-193

- Rachel Baker and Rachel Hinton
- Child Labor in Pakistan: Coming of Age in the New World Order pp. 194-224

- Saadia Toor
- Book Department pp. 225-244

- N/a
Volume 574, issue 1, 2001
- Preface pp. 9-23

- Frank Goodman
- Federalism and the Rehnquist Court: A Normative Defense pp. 24-36

- Steven G. Calabresi
- Puppy Federalism and the Blessings of America pp. 37-51

- Edward L. Rubin
- Judicial Power and the Restoration of Federalism pp. 52-65

- Robert F. Nagel
- Federalism and Freedom pp. 66-80

- Seth F. Kreimer
- Judicial Solicitude for State Dignity pp. 81-92

- Evan H. Caminker
- The Elusive Safeguards of Federalism pp. 93-103

- Marci A. Hamilton
- Conditional Federal Spending and States' Rights pp. 104-118

- Lynn A. Baker
- The Supreme Court's Federalism: Fig Leaf for Conservatives pp. 119-131

- Herman Schwartz
- Inside the Federalism Cases: Concern About the Federal Courts pp. 132-144

- Ann Althouse
- Federalism and the Court: Congress as the Audience? pp. 145-157

- Vicki C. Jackson
- State Sovereignty and the Anti-Commandeering Cases pp. 158-172

- Matthew D. Adler
- State Autonomy in Germany and the United States pp. 173-184

- Daniel Halberstam and Roderick M. Hills
- Did the Oklahoma City Bombers Succeed? pp. 185-194

- Jordan Steiker
- Book Department pp. 195-232

- N/a
Volume 573, issue 1, 2001
- Preface pp. 8-15

- N/a
- Determinants of Lasting Democracy in Poor Countries: Culture, Development, and Institutions pp. 16-41

- Christopher Clague, Suzanne Gleason and Stephen Knack
- The Causes and Consequences of Corruption pp. 42-56

- Omar Azfar, Young Lee and Anand Swamy
- Individualism, Collectivism, and Economic Development pp. 57-84

- Richard Ball
- Poverty and Public Celebrations in Rural India pp. 85-104

- Vijayendra Rao
- Female Political Participation and Health in India pp. 105-126

- Suzanne Gleason
- Cascades of Ethnic Polarization: Lessons from Yugoslavia pp. 127-151

- Murat Somer
- Culture and Economic Development in South Asia pp. 152-175

- John Adams
- Book Department pp. 176-209

- N/a
Volume 572, issue 1, 2000
- Foreword pp. 9-9

- Kathleen Hall Jamieson
- Preface pp. 10-11

- Kathleen Hall Jamieson and Matthew Miller
- What Did the Leading Candidates Say, and Did It Matter? pp. 12-16

- Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Michael G. Hagen, Dan Orr, Lesley Sillaman, Suzanne Morse and Kim Kirn
- Knowledge in the 2000 Primary Elections pp. 17-25

- David Dutwin
- Women and Political Knowledge During the 2000 Primaries pp. 26-28

- Kate Kenski
- Political Discussion in Primary States pp. 29-32

- Paul Waldman
- Dynamics of the 2000 Republican Primaries pp. 33-49

- Michael G. Hagen, Richard Johnston, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, David Dutwin and Kate Kenski
- The Hole in the Doughnut: Center Cities and Sprawl pp. 50-52

- Lawrence W. Sherman
- Urban Poverty: Scientific and Ethical Considerations pp. 53-65

- Felton Earls
- The Federal Role in Curbing Sprawl pp. 66-77

- Bruce Katz
- Jobs, Cities, and Suburbs in the Global Economy pp. 78-89

- Janice Fanning Madden
- Preface pp. 90-90

- Matthew Miller
- Introduction pp. 91-97

- N/a
- The Pro-Voucher Left and the Pro-Equity Right pp. 98-114

- John E. Coons, Lisa Graham Keegan and T. Willard Fair
- Is a Grand Bargain Between Left and Right Possible? pp. 115-135

- Lamar Alexander, Clint Bolick, Andrew Rotherham and Sandra Feldman
- Don't Knock the Folks on the Bus pp. 136-141

- E.J. Dionne
- The Black Hole of American Politics: Foreign Policy pp. 142-147

- Charles Krauthammer
- Big Issues Missing from the Presidential Campaign pp. 148-152

- Matthew Miller
- Youth Development pp. 153-153

- Bobby Austin
- Old Habits and Old Myths pp. 154-155

- Seymour Martin Lipset
- Religion and Politics pp. 156-156

- Martin E. Marty
- Religion and a World Rule of Law pp. 157-158

- Richard D. Schwartz
- Racism pp. 159-160

- Roger Wilkins
- Utopia and Campaign Spending pp. 161-161

- Oliver Williamson
- Book Department pp. 162-194

- N/a