The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 57, issue 1, 1915
- Proceedings of the Conference of American Mayors, November 12-14, 1914 pp. 1-6

- N/a
- Practical Utility Problems pp. 7-7

- N/a
- Fundamental Planks in a Public Utility Program pp. 8-19

- Delos F. Wilcox
- The Regulation of Municipal Utilities pp. 20-27

- Nathaniel T. Guernsey
- Philadelphia's Transit Problem pp. 28-32

- A. Merritt Taylor
- Municipal Lighting Rates pp. 33-44

- Ray Palmer
- Interlocking Directorates pp. 45-49

- Louis D. Brandeis
- Open Discussion pp. 50-53

- N/a
- The Regulation of Public Utilities pp. 54-61

- Carter H. Harrison
- Some Present-Day Issues of Public Utility Regulation pp. 62-71

- Edward W. Bemis
- What Certain Cities Have Accomplished without State Regulation pp. 72-82

- Stiles P. Jones
- A Constructive Policy for Public Service Corporations pp. 83-93

- Charles Day
- What Regulation Must Accomplish if it is to Be Permanent pp. 94-110

- John M. Eshleman
- Open Discussion pp. 111-117

- N/a
- Local and State Regulation of Municipal Utilities pp. 118-122

- N/a
- The Advantages of State Regulation pp. 123-162

- Halford Erickson
- The Distribution of Functions Between Local and State Regulation pp. 163-169

- Milo R. Maltbie
- The Case for Home Rule pp. 170-174

- Charles E. Merriam
- State and Local Regulation in Pennsylvania pp. 175-185

- Ira W. Stratton
- Concluding Remarks of Presiding Officer pp. 186-187

- John Purroy Mitchel
- Municipal Ownership pp. 188-193

- Newton D. Baker
- Municipal Ownership—the Testimony of Foreign Experience pp. 194-208

- Frederic C. Howe
- Pasadena's Municipal Light and Power Plant pp. 209-227

- C. Wellington Koiner
- South Norwalk's Municipal Electric Works pp. 228-245

- Albert E. Winchester
- The Hydro-Electric System in Toronto pp. 246-253

- H.C. Hocken
- Some Limitations and Objections to Municipal Ownership pp. 254-273

- Clarke M. Rosecrantz
- Open Discussion pp. 274-276

- N/a
- Remarks of Hon. Rudolph Blankenburg pp. 277-278

- N/a
- Municipal Ownership and Operation of Water Works pp. 279-281

- M.N. Baker
- Why I Believe in Municipal Ownership pp. 282-292

- Robert Crosser
- The Utilities Bureau pp. 293-294

- Felix Frankfurter
- Report of the Committee on Recommendations pp. 295-296

- N/a
- Open Discussion pp. 297-303

- N/a
- Remarks of Hon. Thomas L. Raymond, Mayor-Elect of Newark, At Session of Saturday Evening, November Fourteenth pp. 304-304

- N/a
- Holding Companies and the Public Welfare pp. 305-312

- Charles F. Mathewson
- Public Advantages of Holding Companies pp. 313-322

- Francis T. Homer
- The Public Welfare and the Holding Company pp. 323-334

- J.P. Goodrich
- Notes pp. 335-336

- N/a
- Reviews: ASHLEY, WILLIAM J. The Economic Organisation of England. Pp. viii, 213. Price, 90 cents. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1914 pp. 336-337

- T.W. Van Metre
- Reviews: BEARD, CHAS. A. and MARY RITTER. American Citizenship. Pp. xiii, 330. Price, $1. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914 pp. 337-338

- Scott Nearing
- Reviews: CROW, CARL. America and the Philippines. Pp. xi, 287, Price, $2. New York: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1914 pp. 338-338

- Chester Lloyd Jones
- Reviews: LE ROY, JAMES A. The American in the Philippines. Pp. xxviii, 774. Price, $10. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1914 pp. 338-339

- Chester Lloyd Jones
- Reviews: MITCHELL, SYDNEY K. Studies in Taxation under John and Henry III. Pp. xiii, 407. Price, $2. New York: Yale University Press, 1914 pp. 340-342

- W.E. Lunt
- Reviews: SEEBOHM, F. Customary Acres and Their Historical Importance. Pp. xiii, 274. Price, $4. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1914 pp. 342-343

- Abbott Payson Usher
- Reviews: VINOGRADOFF, PAUL (Ed. by). Oxford Studies in Social and Legal History Vol. IV. Pp. vii, 403. Price, 12/6. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1914 pp. 343-344

- Abbott Payson Usher
Volume 56, issue 1, 1914
- The Larger Aspects of the Woman's Movement pp. 1-8

- Jane Addams
- Woman's Place in the New Civilization pp. 9-17

- Earl Barnes
- The Economic Basis of Feminism pp. 18-26

- Maurice Parmelee
- Changed Ideals and Status of the Family and the Public Activities of Women pp. 27-37

- George Elliott Howard
- The Education of Women and Sex Equality pp. 38-46

- Gertrude S. Martin
- Feminism and Conventionality pp. 47-53

- Elsie Clews Parsons
- The Legislative Influence of Unenfranchised Women pp. 54-61

- Mary R. Beard
- Women and Social Legislation in the United States pp. 62-70

- Florence Kelley
- Women in Municipal Activities pp. 71-77

- Neva R. Deardorff
- Civic Activities of Women's Clubs pp. 78-87

- Mary I. Wood and Percy V. Pennybacker
- Women in the Juvenile Court pp. 88-92

- Emily Foote Runge
- Equal Suffrage—a Problem of Political Justice pp. 93-98

- Anna Howard Shaw
- Woman Suffrage Opposed to Woman's Rights pp. 99-104

- Arthur M. Dodge
- The Socializing Influence of the Ballot Upon Women pp. 105-110

- Emilie J. Hutchinson
- The Evolution of a New Woman pp. 111-121

- Simon N. Patten
- Political Equality for Women and Women's Wages pp. 122-133

- S.P. Breckinridge
- The Militant Suffrage Movement pp. 134-142

- Mary Winsor
- Woman Suffrage and the Liquor Traffic pp. 134-152

- Ella Seass Stewart
- The Equal Suffrage Campaign in Pennsylvania pp. 153-160

- Jennie Bradley Roessing
- Communication pp. 161-171

- Harley W. Nehf
- Notes pp. 173-177

- N/a
- Reviews pp. 177-178

- Rufus M. Jones
- CHEYNEY, EDWARD P. A History of England from the Defeat of the Armada to the Death of Elizabeth. (2 vols.). Vol. I. Pp. x, 560. Price, $3.50. New York: Longmans, Green & Company, 1914 pp. 178-179

- W.E. Lunt
- FERRERO, GUGLIELMO. Ancient Rome and Modern America. Pp. vi, 352. Price, $2.50. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914 pp. 179-180

- J.P. Lichtenberger
- VONIHERING, RUDOLF. Law as a Means to an End. (Trans. by Isaac Husik). Pp. lix, 483. Price, $3.50. Boston: The Boston Book Company, 1913 pp. 180-181

- J.P. Lichtenberger
- JONES, ROBERT. The Nature and First Principle of Taxation. Pp. xvii, 299. Price, 7/6. London: P. S. King & Son, 1914 pp. 181-182

- E.M. Patterson
- Low, SIDNEY. Egypt in Transition. Pp. xxiv, 316. Price, $2.50. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914 pp. 182-183

- G.B. Roorbach
- LYTTON, CONSTANCE and WARTON, JANE. Prisons and Prisoners. Pp. 337. Price, $1.00. New York: George H. Doran Company, 1914 pp. 183-183

- J.P. Lichtenberger
- TILLETT, ALFRED W. Introduction to Herbert Spencer's Synthetic Philosophy. Pp. xx, 177. Price 5/-. London: P. S. King & Son, 1914 pp. 184-185

- J.P. Lichtenberger
- THOMPSON, W. GILMAN. The Occupational Diseases. Pp. xxvi, 724. Price, $6.00. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1914 pp. 184-184

- Alexander Fleisher
- WICKERSHAM, GEORGE W. The Changing Order. Pp. v, 287. Price, $1.25. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914 pp. 185-186

- Eliot Jones
- WORCESTER, DEAN C. The Philippines Past and Present. 2 vols. Pp. 1024, 128 plates. Price, $6.00. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914 pp. 186-187

- G.B. Roorbach
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