The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 291, issue 1, 1954
- A Preface to Law Enforcement pp. 1-4

- Bruce Smith
- The Police Challenge in Our Great Cities pp. 5-13

- William H. Parker
- Policing the Smaller Cities pp. 14-21

- John M. Gleason
- Trends in Rural Police Protection pp. 22-30

- Edward J. Hickey
- Special Purpose Police Forces pp. 31-38

- Earle W. Garrett
- The Basis of Sound Law Enforcement pp. 39-45

- John Edgar Hoover
- Changing Patrol Methods pp. 46-53

- Stanley R. Schrotel
- Progress in Criminal Investigation pp. 54-62

- Paul L. Kirk
- The Specialized Traffic Division pp. 63-72

- Franklin M. Kreml
- Widening the Traffic Enforcement Front pp. 73-77

- Wilbur S. Smith
- Supervising the Juvenile Delinquent pp. 78-86

- Jane E. Rinck
- Toward a Better Merit System pp. 87-96

- O.W. Wilson
- Operation of a Police Merit System pp. 97-106

- Robert A. Lothian
- The Police Cadet pp. 107-112

- Robert S. Seares
- Police Training pp. 113-118

- Raymond E. Clift
- The Policeman's Hire pp. 119-126

- Britce Smith
- Crime Reporting as a Police Management Tool pp. 127-134

- A.E. Leonard
- Police Public Relations pp. 135-142

- G. Douglas Gourley
- Police, the Law, and the Individual pp. 143-151

- Audrey M. Davies
- Police Unions and the Public Safety pp. 152-158

- Don L. Kooken and Loren D. Ayres
- Book Department pp. 159-211

- N/a
Volume 290, issue 1, 1953
- Atomic Energy and the Democratic Process pp. 1-6

- Robert A. Dahl
- Superiority in Nuclear Weapons: Advantages and Limitations pp. 7-15

- Arnold Wolfers
- International Control of Nuclear Weapons pp. 16-26

- Robert W. Frase
- The Economic Consequences of Atomic Attack pp. 27-34

- David F. Cavers
- Economic Technology of Nuclear Power pp. 35-44

- James A. Lane
- Economic Feasibility: The Dual Purpose Reactor pp. 45-49

- Walker L. Cisler
- Economic Feasibility: The Single Purpose Nuclear Power Plant pp. 50-61

- George L. Weil
- Some Economic Consequences of Nuclear Power pp. 62-66

- Walter Isard and Robert A. Kavesh
- Some Sociological Consequences of Atomic Power pp. 67-75

- Vincent Heath Whitney
- Congress and the Atom pp. 76-81

- Henry M. Jackson
- The Contractor System pp. 82-89

- Richard A. Tybout
- The Problem of Secrecy pp. 90-99

- John Gorham Palfrey
- Personnel Security pp. 100-107

- Ralph S. Brown
- Some Attitudinal Consequences of Atomic Energy pp. 108-117

- Elizabeth Douvan and Stephen B. Withey
- Scientists Before and After the Bomb pp. 118-126

- R.L. Meier and E. Rabinowitch
- Human Values in the Atomic Age pp. 127-133

- Wayne A.R. Leys
- Book Department pp. 134-175

- N/a
- COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS BULMER-THOMAS, IVOR. The Party Sys tem in Great Britain. Pp. vii, 328. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1953. $5.00 pp. 175-175

- D.W. Brogan
- GORDON, STRATHEARN. The British Parlia ment. Pp. 247. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1953. $4.25 pp. 175-176

- David G. Farrelly
- KNAPLUND, PAUL. James Stephen and the British Colonial System, 1813-1847. Pp. ix, 315. Madison: University of Wis consin Press, 1953. $5.50 pp. 176-177

- Leonidas Dodson
- CRANKSHAW, EDWARD. The Forsaken Idea: A Study of Viscount Milner. Pp. ix, 178. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1953. $3.25 pp. 177-177

- Edward Littlejohn
- HAMMOND, J. L., and M. R. D. FOOT. Gladstone and Liberalism. Pp. xi, 219. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1953. In the "Teach Yourself History Series," edited by A. L. Rowse. $2.00 pp. 178-178

- Alvin H. Proctor
- MUKERJI, KRISHNA PRASANNA. The State. Pp. xxiv, 382. Madras: Theosophical Publishing House, 1952 pp. 179-180

- T. Walter Wallbank
- JONES, S. W. Public Administration in Malaya. Pp. viii, 229. New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1953. $3.00 pp. 179-179

- Vernon J. Puryear
- KNOWLES, K. G. J. C. Strikes—A Study in Industrial Conflict: With Special Ref erence to British Experience Between 1911 and 1947. Pp. xiv, 330. New York: Philosophical Library, 1952. $8.75 pp. 180-181

- John Newton Thurber
- HAYNES, WILLIAM WARREN. Nationaliza tion in Practice: The British Coal In dustry. Pp. xviii, 413. Boston: Har vard University School of Business Ad ministration, 1953. $4.00 pp. 181-182

- Henry Maddick
- GOLLANCZ, VICTOR. My Dear Timothy: An Autobiographical Letter to His Grandson. Pp. 439. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1952. $5.00 pp. 182-183

- Otto T. Mallery
- FINER, S. E. The Life and Times of Sir Edwin Chadwick. Pp. xi, 555. London: Methuen & Co. (distributed in the U. S. by The British Book Centre), 1952. $9.00 pp. 183-183

- James R. Donoghue
- SLAVIC COUNTRIES DEUTSCHER, ISAAC. Russia: What Next? Pp. ix, 230. New York: Oxford Uni versity Press, 1953. $3.00 pp. 184-185

- Frederick C. Barghoorn
- TOMASIC, DINKO. The Impact of Russian Culture on Soviet Communism. Pp. 287. Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press, 1953. $4.50 pp. 185-186

- W. Rex Crawford
- Soviet Science. A symposium arranged by CONWAY ZIRKLE and HOWARD A. MEYER- HOFF. Edited by RUTH C. CHRISTMAN. Pp. vii, 108. Washington, D. C.: Ameri can Association for the Advancement of Science, 1952. $1.25 pp. 185-185

- N.S. Timasheff
- GURIAN, WALDEMAR (Ed.). Soviet Im perialism: Its Origins and Tactics. Pp. vii, 166. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1953. $3.75 pp. 186-187

- C. Dale Fuller
- BERGSON, ABRAM. Soviet National Income and Product in 1937. Pp. xi, 156. New York: Columbia University Press, 1953. $3.75 pp. 187-188

- Holland Hunter
- WESTERN CONTINENTAL EUROPE HITLER, ADOLF. Hitler's Secret Conversa tions, 1941-1944. With an introduction by H. R. Trevor-Roper. Pp. xxxi, 597. New York: Farrar, Straus & Young, 1953. $6.50 pp. 188-189

- Louis L. Snyder
- SWETTENHAM, JOHN ALEXANDER. The Tragedy of the Baltic States: A Report Compiled from Official Documents and Eyewitnesses' Stories. Pp. xi, 216. Lon don: Hollis and Carter (distributed in the U. S. by The British Book Centre), 1953. $2.75 pp. 188-188

- Kaarel S. Pusta
- PASCAL, ROY. The German Sturm und Drang. Pp. xvi, 347. New York: Philo sophical Library, 1953. $4.75 pp. 189-190

- Helmut Kuhn
- OTHERS KIRK, GEORGE E. The Middle East in the War (1939-1946). With an Introduc tion by Arnold J. Toynbee. Pp. xiii, 311. Second Impression, Revised. New York: Oxford University Press, 1953. $10.00 pp. 190-191

- Harry N. Howard
- STAMP, L. DUDLEY. Africa: A Study in Tropical Development. Pp. vii, 568. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1953. $8.50 pp. 191-191

- Karl J. Pelzer
- THAYER, PHILIP W. (Ed.). Southeast Asia in the Coming World. Foreword by William O. Douglas. Pp. xii, 306. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1953. $4.75 pp. 191-192

- N/a
- ZINKIN, MAURICE. Asia and the West. Pp. xii, 304. New York: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1953. $3.50 pp. 192-193

- Taraknath Das
- Hsu, FRANCIS L. K. Americans and Chi nese: Two Ways of Life. Pp. xix, 457. New York: Henry Schuman, 1953. $6.00 pp. 193-194

- Knight Biggerstaff
- MORAES, FRANK. Report on Mao's China. Pp. 212. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1953. $3.75 pp. 194-195

- George E. Taylor
- SAVAGE, HOWARD J. Fruit of an Impulse: Forty-Five Years of the Carnegie Foun dation, 1905-1950. Pp. viii, 407. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1953. $6.00 pp. 195-195

- F. Emerson Andrews
- DAHL, ROBERT A., and CHARLES E. LIND- BLOM. Politics, Economics and Welfare. Pp. xxvi, 557. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1953. $5.00 pp. 196-196

- Paul N. Ylvisaker
- CRAVEN, WESLEY FRANK, and JAMES LEA CATE (Eds.). The Army Air Forces in World War II. Vol. V: The Pacific: Matterhorn to Nagasaki, June 1944 to pp. 196-197

- Arthur P. Watts
- Letters To the Editor pp. 197-198

- T. Harry Williams
- BOOKS RECEIVED ACKERKNECHT, ERWIN H. Rudolf Virchow: Doctor, Statesman, Anthropologist. Pp. xv, 304. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1953. $5.00 pp. 198-202

- N/a
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