The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 21, issue 3, 1903
- The Essentials of a Relief Policy pp. 1-20

- Edward T. Devine
- World Currents in Charity Theory and Practice pp. 21-36

- Charles Richmond Henderson
- Problems of Philanthropy in Chicago pp. 37-46

- Ernest P. Bicknell
- Jewish Charities pp. 47-64

- Lee K. Frankel
- Social Aspects of Tuberculosis pp. 65-76

- Lilian Brandt
- Principles of Reform in Penal Law pp. 77-83

- Charlton T. Lewis
- The Convict Labor System of Texas pp. 84-95

- Charles S. Potts
- An Effective Child-Labor Law pp. 96-103

- Florence Kelley
- Communication pp. 104-109

- N/a
- Book Department pp. 110-120

- N/a
- Reviews pp. 120-122

- Carl Kelsey
- Reviews: The True History of the American Revolution. By SIDNEY GEORGE FISHER. Pp. 437, with twenty-four illustrations and maps. Price, $2.00. Phila delphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, I902 pp. 122-123

- Herman V. Ames
- Reviews: Crime and Social Progress. By ARTHUR CLEVELAND HALL, Ph. D., Columbia University. Studies in History, Economics and Public Law. Pp. xvii, 427. New York: Macmillan Company, I902 pp. 123-127

- Mary B. Sayles
- Reviews: A History of American Political Theories. By C. EDWARD MERRIAM, Ph. D. Pp. 363. Price, $I.50. New York: The Macmillan Company pp. 127-128

- James Wilford Garner
- Reviews: Georgia and State Rights. A Study of the Political History of Georgia from the Revolution to the Civil War, with Particular Regard to Federal Rela tions. By ULRICH BONNELL PHILLIPS. Pp. 224. Washington: Govern ment Printing Oflice, I902 pp. 128-129

- I.J. Cox
- Reviews: The Cambridge Modern History. Volume I, The Renaissance. Edited by A. W. WARD, Litt.. D.; G. W. PROTHERO, Litt. D., and STANLEY LEATHES, M. A. Pp. xxi, 807. Price, $3.75. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1902 pp. 129-131

- W.E. Lingelbach
- Reviews: A History of the American People. By WOODROW WILSON, Ph. D., Litt. D., LL. D. In five volumes. Price, $I7.50. New York and London: Harper & Brothers, I902 pp. 131-134

- C.H. Van Tyne
- I. Municipal Government pp. 136-147

- N/a
- II. Philanthropy, Charities and Social Problems pp. 148-164

- N/a
- III. Notes On Colonies and Colonial Government pp. 165-168

- N/a
- Higher Commercial Education pp. 169-171

- Cheesman A. Herrick
- Training in Agriculture At Tuskegee pp. 171-172

- Roscoe Conkling Bruce
Volume 21, issue 2, 1903
- The Military Government of Cuba pp. 1-30

- N/a
- The New Australian Commonwealth pp. 31-56

- W. Harrison Moore
- Constitutional Government in Japan pp. 57-68

- Ernest W. Clement
- The Results of Reform pp. 69-85

- Henry Jones Ford
- The Basis of Present Reform Movements pp. 86-99

- James T. Young
- The Nationalization of Municipal Movements pp. 100-108

- Clinton Rogers Woodruff
- Political and Municipal Legislation in 19021 pp. 109-127

- Robert H. Whitten
- Our Present Financial Outlook pp. 128-140

- Frederick A. Cleveland
- Proceedings of the Academy pp. 141-141

- N/a
- Personal Notes pp. 142-144

- N/a
- Book Department pp. 145-162

- N/a
- I. Municipal Government pp. 164-174

- N/a
- II. Philanthropy, Charities and Social Problems pp. 175-185

- N/a
- III. Notes On Colonies and Colonial Government pp. 186-190

- Benjamin F. Butler
Volume 21, issue 16_suppl, 1903
- Preface pp. iii-iii

- N/a
- Chapter I pp. 3-7

- N/a
- Chapter II pp. 8-22

- N/a
- Chapter III pp. 23-34

- N/a
- Chapter IV pp. 35-42

- N/a
- Chapter V pp. 43-53

- N/a
- Chapter VI pp. 54-64

- Mary Buell Sayles
- Bibliography pp. 65-66

- N/a
- Appendices pp. 67-72

- N/a
Volume 21, issue 1, 1903
- Some Features of the Labor System and Management At the Baldwin Locomotive Works pp. 1-9

- John W. Converse
- The Premium System of Wage Payment pp. 10-19

- Alexander E. Outerbridge
- The Effect of Unionism Upon the Mine Worker pp. 20-35

- Frank Julian Warne
- The Investor's Interest in the Demands of the Anthracite Miners pp. 36-45

- Edward Sherwood Meade
- Labor Unions as They Appear To an Employer pp. 46-54

- W.H. Pfahler
- The Evolution of Negro Labor pp. 55-76

- Carl Kelsey
- The Labor Situation in Mexico pp. 77-93

- Walter E. Weyl
- Book Department pp. 94-104

- N/a
- Reviews: Diplomatic History of the Southern Confederacy. By JAMES MORTON CALLA- HAN, Ph. D. Pp. 304. Price, $1.50. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, I90I. American Diplomatic Questions. By JOHN B. HENDERSON, JR. Pp. 529, Price, $3.50. New York: The Macmillan Company, I90I. Foundations of American Foreign Policy. By ALBERT BUSHNELL HART. Professor of History in Harvard University. Pp. 307. Price, $1.50. New York: The Macmillan Company, I90I pp. 105-111

- George Winfield Scott
- Reviews: Primitive Semitic Religion To-day. By SAMUEL IVES CURTISS. Pp. 277. Price, $2.00. Chicago: Fleming H. Revell Company, I902 pp. 111-112

- Morris Jastrow
- Reviews: Nominating Systems: Direct Primaries versus Conventions in the United States. By ERNST C. MEYER. Pp. 50I. Price, $I.50. Published by the Author. Madison, Wisconsin, I902 pp. 112-114

- A.R. Conkling
- Reviews: Tribal Custoni in Anglo-Saxon Law: being an Essay Supplemental to (I) The English Village Community, (2) The Tribal System in Wales. By FREDERICK SEEBOHM, LL. D., F. S. A. Pp. 538. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co., I902 pp. 114-116

- E.P. Cheyney
- I. Municipal Government pp. 119-131

- N/a
- II. Notes On Colonies and Colonial Government pp. 132-151

- N/a
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