The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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Volume 300, issue 1, 1955
- Foreword pp. vii-vii

- Thorsten Sellin
- Address by the Honorable George M. Leader, Governor of Pennsylvania, at the Delegates' Luncheon, April 2, 1955 pp. 1-3

- George M. Leader
- Science and Security pp. 4-12

- M. Stanley Livingston
- Freedom of Expression on the Air pp. 13-19

- Harold E. Fellows
- Concentration of Economic Power and Protection of Freedom of Expression pp. 20-28

- Adolf A. Berle
- Is Wire Tapping Justified? pp. 29-35

- Patrick Murphy Malin
- Passport—Right or Privilege? pp. 36-40

- Joseph A. Fanelli
- Religious Freedom—a Good Security Risk? pp. 41-50

- Philip E. Jacob
- Subversives in Government pp. 51-61

- Francis Biddle
- Controlling Subversive Groups pp. 62-71

- Ernest Van Den Haag
- The Meaning and Significance of Academic Freedom pp. 72-78

- Robert M. Hutchins
- The Dismissal of Fifth Amendment Professors pp. 79-86

- Harold Taylor
- Security Through Book Burning pp. 87-93

- Charles G. Bolte
- The Operation of Personnel Security Programs pp. 94-101

- Ralph S. Brown
- Due Process in Security Dismissals pp. 102-109

- Eleanor Bontecou
- Morale in the Federal Civil Service pp. 110-113

- Marie Jahoda
- The Constitutional Privilege Against Self-Incrimination pp. 114-122

- Telford Taylor
- Due Process in Trials pp. 123-130

- Thurman Arnold
- International Relations and World Government pp. 131-132

- Richard H. Heindel
- W. D. PULESTON. The Influence of Force in Foreign Relations. Pp. xii, 254. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1955. $4.50 pp. 132-132

- Martin B. Travis
- HAROLD NICOLSON. The Evolution of Dip lomatic Method. Pp. 93. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1954. $2.25 pp. 133-134

- R. Smith Simpson
- JULIUS STONE. Legal Controls of Inter.. national Conflict: A Treatise on the Dy namics of Disputes-and-War-Law. Pp. iv, 851. New York: Rinehart and Com pany, 1954. $12.00 pp. 133-133

- Quincy Wright
- ARTHUR W. MACMAHON (Ed.). Federal ism: Mature and Emergent. Pp. xi, 557. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday and Company, 1955. $7.50 pp. 134-135

- Harold M. Dorr
- MERLE CURTI and KENDALL BIRR. Prelude to Point Four: American Technical Mis sions Overseas 1838-1938. Pp. xi, 284. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1954. $5.00 pp. 135-136

- Richard H. Heindel
- United States Government and History pp. 136-137

- W. Reed West
- SAMUEL J. ELDERSVELD and ALBERT A. APPLEGATE. Michigan's Recounts for Governor, 1950 and 1952: A Systematic Analysis of Election Error. Pp. viii, 178. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1954. No price pp. 137-138

- Cortez A.M. Ewing
- D. W. BROCAN. Politics in America. Pp. 467. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955. $5.00 pp. 138-138

- E. Allen Helms
- LEROY C. FERGUSON and RALPH H. SMUCKLER. Politics in the Press. Pp. 100. East Lansing, Mich.: Michigan State College, 1954. No price pp. 138-139

- Malcolm M. Willey
- HUSBAND E. KIMMEL. Admiral Kimmel's Story. Pp. xvi, 207. Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1955. $3.75 pp. 139-140

- W.D. Puleston
- HAROLD L. ICKES. Secret Diary. Vol. III: The Lowering Clouds. Pp. 695. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1954. $6.00 pp. 140-141

- G.C. Osborn
- DONALD G. MORGAN. Justice William Johnson, The First Dissenter. Pp. xv, 326. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1954. $6.50 pp. 141-141

- Paul L. Murphy
- JOHN CHALMERS VINSON. The Parchment Peace: The United States Senate and the Washington Conference, 1921-1922. Pp. xi, 259. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1955. $4.50 pp. 141-142

- Bradford Perkins
- ROBERT K. MURRAY. Red Scare: A Study in National Hysteria, 1919-1920. Pp. xii, 337. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1955. $4.75 pp. 142-143

- Arthur S. Link
- CARL CARMER. The Susquehanna. Pp. 493. New York: Rinehart and Com pany, 1955. $5.00 pp. 143-144

- Ralph Adams Brown
- NEWBOLD MORRIS in collaboration with ANA LEE THOMAS. Let the Chips Fall: My Battle Against Corruption. Pp. xiii, 308. New York: Appleton-Century- Crofts, 1955. $4.00 pp. 143-143

- Wallace S. Sayre
- SAUL K. PADOVER (Ed.). The Washington Papers: Basic Selections from the Public and Private Papers of George Washing ton. Pp. 430. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955. $5.00 pp. 144-145

- Cecil Johnson
- Economics and Industry pp. 145-146

- W.W. Hewett
- SIGMUND DIAMOND. The Reputation of the American Businessman. Pp. 209. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1955. $4.00 pp. 146-147

- Harold F. Williamson
- SAMUEL LUBELL. The Revolution in World Trade and American Economic Policy. Pp. xvi, 143. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955. $2.50 pp. 146-146

- Amos E. Taylor
- IRVING BERNSTEIN. Arbitration of Wages. Pp. xiii, 125. Berkeley and Los An geles: University of California Press, 1954. $3.50 pp. 147-148

- John R. Abersold
- THE EDITORS OF FORTUNE. The Changing American Market. Pp. 304. Garden City, N. Y.: Hanover House, 1955. $4.50 pp. 148-149

- Margaret G. Reid
- Sociology and Education pp. 149-150

- Elmo C. Wilson
- F. STUART CHAPIN, JR., and others. In the Shadow of a Defense Plant: A Study of Urbanization in Rural South Carolina. Pp. xvi, 260. Chapel Hill: Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North Carolina, 1954. $2.50. THE INSTITUTE FOR URBAN STUDIES, Uni versity of Pennsylvania, with the co operation of the Bureau of Urban Re search, Princeton University. Acceler ated Urban Growth in a Metropolitan Fringe Area: A Study of Urbanization, Suburbanization and the Impact of the U. S. Steel Plant in Lower Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Vol. I, Summary Report, Vol. II, Project Report. Pp. ix, 63, xx; xxv, 262. Vol. I, $2.00; Vol. II, $4.00; Two vols., $5.00 pp. 150-151

- Charles S. Ascher
- ROBERT MOORE FISHER (Ed.). The Me tropolis in Modern Life. (Columbia Uni versity Bicentennial Conference Series.) Pp. xiii, 401. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday and Company, 1955. $6.00 pp. 151-152

- Maurice R. Davie
- RUPERT B. VANCE and NICHOLAS J. DEMERATH (Eds.). The Urban South. Pp. xii, 307. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1955. $5.00 pp. 152-153

- Noel P. Gist
- O. A. OESER and S. B. HAMMOND (Eds.). Social Structure and Personality in a City. (Studies of Social Behaviour, Vol. I.) Pp. xxii, 344. $4.50. Social Structure and Personality in a Rural Community. (Studies of Social Be haviour, Vol. II.) Pp. xiii, 279. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1954. $3.75 pp. 153-154

- Thomas O. Wilkinson
- CHARLES ABRAMS. Forbidden Neighbors: A Study of Prejudice in Housing. Pp. xi, 404. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955. $5.00 pp. 154-154

- Frank S. Loescher
- MICHAEL M. DAVIS. Medical Care for To morrow. Pp. x, 497. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955. $6.50 pp. 155-155

- Franz Goldmann
- JOSEPH FLETCHER. Morals and Medicine. Pp. xvii, 243. Princeton, N. J.: Prince ton University Press, 1954. $4.50 pp. 155-156

- Richard H. Shryock
- HAROLD A. BONER. Hungry Generations: The Nineteenth Century Case Against Malthusianism. Pp. viii, 234. New York: King's Crown Press, 1955. $3.75 pp. 156-157

- Frank H. Hankins
- RALPH LINTON. The Tree of Culture. Pp. xiv, 692, xvi. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1955. $5.75 pp. 157-158

- Cora Dubois
- FRANK LORIMER and others. Culture and Human Fertility. Pp. 514. Paris: UNESCO, 1954. (Distributed by Co lumbia University Press, New York.) $4.50 pp. 158-159

- Bryce Ryan
- W. F. OGBURN and M. F. NIMKOFF. Tech nology and the Changing Family. Pp. v, 329. Boston; New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1955. $3.75 pp. 158-158

- Clifford Kirkpatrick
- NATIONAL MANPOWER COUNCIL. A Policy for Skilled Manpower. Pp. xxv, 299. New York: Columbia University Press, 1954. $4.50 pp. 159-160

- Sar A. Levitan
- JOHN SPENCER. Crime and the Services. Pp. xii, 306. London: Routledge, and Kegan Paul, 1954. $6.00 pp. 160-160

- Hans Von Hentig
- Philosophy and Religion pp. 160-161

- Louis L. Snyder
- JOSEPH H. BRADY. Confusion Twice Con founded: The First Amendment and the Supreme Court. Pp. 192. South Or ange, N. J.: Seton Hall University Press, 1954. $3.00 pp. 161-162

- J. Warren Madden
- JAMES STREET FULTON. Science and Man's Hope. Pp. 179. New York: Bookman Associates for the Rice Institute, 1954. $3.25 pp. 162-163

- Ernest Nagel
- The Social Sciences in Historical Study: A Report of the Committee for His toriography. (Bulletin No. 64.) Pp. x, 181. New York: Social Science Re search Council, 1954. $2.25 cloth, $1.75 paper pp. 163-164

- Willson H. Coates
- Commonwealth of Nations pp. 164-164

- Henry M. Wriston
- GEORGE HARRIS HEALEY (Ed.). The Let ters of Daniel Defoe. Pp. xxii, 506. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1955. (Distributed by the Oxford University Press, New York.) $6.75 pp. 164-165

- John J. Murray
- J. D. B. MILLER. Australian Government and Politics: An Introductory Survey. Pp. 240. London: Gerald Duckworth and Company, 1954. 15 s pp. 165-166

- Mary E. Murphy
- Slavic Countries pp. 166-167

- William B. Ballis
- HANS KOHN (Ed.). The Mind of Modern Russia: Historical and Political Thought of Russia's Great Age. Pp. xii, 298. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers Univer sity Press, 1955. $5.50 pp. 167-168

- Arthur Prudden Coleman
- MARSHALL MACDUFFIE. The Red Carpet: 10,000 Miles Through Russia on a Visa from Khrushchev. Pp. xiv, 330. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1955. $4.50 pp. 168-169

- George Denicke
- DONALD R. HODGMAN. Soviet Industrial Production, 1928-1951. Pp. 241. Cam bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1954. $5.00 pp. 169-170

- P.J.D. Wiles
- Western Continental Europe pp. 170-171

- Franklin D. Scott
- HENRYK PASZKIEWICZ. The Origin of Rus sia. Pp. xii, 556. New York: Philo sophical Library, 1954. $10.00 pp. 170-170

- Anatole G. Mazour
- Germany Reports. Pp. 367. Germany: Press and Information Office of the Ger man Federal Government (original publi cation date, 1953). No date for English translation. $3.00 pp. 171-172

- Eli E. Nobleman
- GEORGE G. WINDELL. The Catholics and German Unity, 1866-1871. Pp. xii, 312. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1954. $5.00 pp. 172-173

- Garland Downum
- EUGENE N. ANDERSON. The Social and Political Conflict in Prussia, 1858-1864. (University of Nebraska Studies, New Series, No. 12.) Pp. x, 445. Lincoln: University of Nebraska, 1954. $5.00 pp. 173-174

- Robert Mueller
- Other Countries pp. 174-174

- Russell H. Fitzgibbon
- CHARLES ROBEQUAIN. Malaya, Indonesia, Borneo, and the Philippines. Translated by E. D. Laborde. Pp. xi, 456. London;New York; Toronto: Longmans, Green, and Company, 1954. $6.00 pp. 174-175

- Ernest Schein
- MARIUS B. JANSEN. The Japanese and Sun Yat-sen. Pp. viii, 274. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1954. $4.00 pp. 175-176

- Herbert Passin
- GAMAL ABDUL NASSER. Egypt's Libera tion: The Philosophy of the Revolution. Pp. 119. Washington, D. C.: Public Af fairs Press, 1955. $2.00 pp. 176-177

- Emil Lengyel
- BARNET LITVINOFF. Ben-Gurion of Israel. Pp. xii, 273. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1954. $4.00 pp. 177-178

- Henrik F. Infield
- WENDELL PHILLIPS. Qataban and Sheba: Exploring the Ancient Kingdoms on the Biblical Spice Routes of Arabia. Pp. xvi, 362. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1955. $5.00 pp. 178-179

- Emil Lengyel
- JOHN F. CADY. The Roots of French Im perialism in Eastern Asia. Pp. xii, 322. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1954. $5.00 pp. 178-178

- William C. Johnstone
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