The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 169, issue 1, 1933
- Foreword pp. i-i

- Clarence N. Callender
- Constitutions and Democracy pp. 1-11

- Forrest Revere Black
- The Boss in Politics—Asset or Liability? pp. 12-20

- William B. Munro
- The Political Party versus the Political Machine pp. 21-28

- Harold F. Gosnell
- Majorities, Minorities, and Legislation pp. 29-46

- Peter H. Odegard
- The Men Who Make Our Laws pp. 47-54

- Ray Tucker
- Politics, Administration, and the "New Deal" pp. 55-66

- Luther Gulick
- Politics and Law Enforcement pp. 67-74

- Bruce Smith
- Politics and Judicial Administration pp. 75-85

- Stuart H. Perry
- Politics and Civil Service pp. 86-90

- Leonard D. White
- The Expert in Government pp. 91-100

- Maurice C. Hall
- The Voice of the People pp. 101-109

- T.V. Smith
- Democracy and the Press pp. 110-119

- J. Frederick Essary
- Citizenship Training versus the Education of Men pp. 120-129

- Thomas Woody
- Public Service as a Career pp. 130-143

- William E. Mosher
- Universities and the Public Service pp. 144-152

- Thomas H. Reed
- The Meaning of Democracy pp. 153-158

- William Starr Myers
- United States—Democracy or Oligarchy? pp. 159-171

- Severo Mallet-Prevost
- Remedies Against Dishonest or Inefficient Public Servants pp. 172-183

- Florence E. Allen
- An Economist's Idea of Good Government pp. 184-192

- Paul H. Douglas
- A Social Philosopher's Idea of Good Government pp. 193-201

- James Hayden Tufts
- ADAMS, JAMES TRUSLOW. The March of Democracy. Vol. II. Pp. xix, 438. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1933. $3.50 pp. 202-202

- Otto T. Mallery
- MERRIAM, CHARLES E., SPENCER D. PAR- RATT, and ALBERT LEPAWSKY. The Gov ernment of the Metropolitan Region of Chicago. Pp. xxiii, 193. Chicago: Uni versity of Chicago Press, 1933. $2.00 pp. 202-203

- William Anderson
- HAINES, CHARLES GROVE. The American Doctrine of Judicial Supremacy, 2nd edi tion. Pp. xviii, 705. Berkeley: Univer sity of California Press, 1932. $6.00 pp. 203-204

- Charles Aikin
- MATHEWS, JOHN MABRY. The American Constitutional System. Pp. xvii, 468. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Com pany, Inc., 1932. $4.00 pp. 203-203

- Llewellyn Pfankuchen
- DANGERFIELD, ROYDEN J. In Defense of the Senate. Pp. xvii, 365. Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1933. $4.00 pp. 204-204

- Clarence A. Berdahl
- SPENCER, HENRY RUSSELL. Government and Politics of Italy. Government Hand books edited by David P. Barrows and Thomas H. Reed. Pp. xii, 307. Yonk ers-on-Hudson, N. Y. World Book Company, 1932 pp. 205-206

- Max Handman
- HAWARD, SIR HARRY. The London County Council from Within. Pp. 450. Lon don: Chapman and Hall, 1932. 21 shil lings pp. 205-205

- Lane W. Lancaster
- GLUECK, SHELDON (Ed.). Probation and Criminal Justice. Pp. viii, 344. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1933. $3.00 pp. 206-207

- Mabel A. Elliott
- ULMAN, JOSEPH N. A Judge Takes the Stand. Pp. viii, 289, vl. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1933. $2.90 pp. 206-206

- Clinton Rogers Woodruff
- BIMBA, ANTHONY. The Molly Maguires. Pp. 144. New York: International Publishers, 1932. $1.50 pp. 207-207

- J.P. Shalloo
- MACDOUGALL, ERNEST D. (Ed.). Crime for Profit. Pp. xvii, 355. Boston: The Stratford Company, 1933. $2.00 pp. 208-208

- J.P. Shalloo
- KARPMAN, BEN. Case Studies in the Psy chopathologyof Crime. Vol. 1, Cases I-V. Pp. 1042. Washington: Mimeoform Press, 1933. $12.50 pp. 208-209

- John Dollard
- WHEELER, RAYMOND HOLDER. The Laws of Human Nature. Pp. xvi, 235. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1932. $2.00 pp. 210-211

- Howard Becker
- CLARK, L. P. Lincoln: A Psycho-biography. Pp. xiv, 570. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1933. $3.50. PITKIN, WALTER B. The Consumer. Pp. xiii, 421. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1932. $4.00. SCHANCK, RICHARD LOUIS. A Study of a Community and Its Groups and Institu tions Conceived as Behaviors of Individu als. Pp. v, 133. Princeton: Psychologi ical Review Company, 1932. TOLMAN, EDWARD C. Purposive Behavior in Animals and Men. Pp. xiv, 463. New York: The Century Company, 1932. $5.00 pp. 210-210

- Donald A. Laird
- HARTSHORNE, CHARLES, and PAUL WEISS (Eds.). Collected Papers of Charles San ders Peirce, Vol. 111, Exact Logic (Pub lished Papers). Pp. xiv, 433. Cam- bridge: Harvard University Press, 1933. $5.00 pp. 211-212

- L.M. Pape
- WHITBECK, R. H., and OLIVE J. THOMAS. The Geographic Factor: Its Rôle in Life and Civilization. Pp. xvi, 422 & ap pended map. New York: The Century Company, 1932 pp. 211-211

- Howard Becker
- REEVE, SIDNEY A. The Natural Laws of Social Convulsions. Pp. 591. New York: Dutton & Company, 1933. $5.00 pp. 212-213

- Pitirim A. Sorokin
- VON WIESE, LEOPOLD. System der Allgem einen Soziologie. Pp. xvi, 671. Munich and Leipzig: Duncker und Humblot, 1933 pp. 212-212

- Theodore Abel
- BADAYEV, A. The Bolshevists in the Tsarist Duma. Pp. 250. New York: International Publishers, 1932. $2.25 pp. 213-213

- Elias Tobenkin
- MOSHER, WILLIAM E., and FINLA G. CRAWFORD. Public Utility Regulation. Pp. xvii, 612. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1933. $3.75 pp. 213-214

- Harold R. Enslow
- BERLE, A. A., JR., and GARDINER C. MEANS. The Modern Corporation and Private Property. Pp. xiii, 396. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1933. $3.75 pp. 214-215

- George Ward Stocking
- DANIELS, WINTHROP M. The Price of Transportation Service. Pp. vi, 86. New York: Harper & Bros., 1932. 75¢ pp. 215-215

- G. Lloyd Wilson
- MANSFIELD, HARVEY C. The Lake Cargo Coal Rate Controversy. Pp. ix, 273. New York: Columbia University Press, 1932. $4.25 pp. 215-216

- G. Lloyd Wilson
- VANCE, RUPERT B. Human Geography of the South. Pp. xiv, 596. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1932. $4.00 pp. 216-218

- J.C. Folsom and O.E. Baker
- WARREN, G. F., and F. A. PEARSON. Prices. Pp. vi, 386. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1933. $3.90 pp. 218-219

- G. Wright Hoffman
- BABCOCK, FREDERICK M. The Valuation of Real Estate. Pp. vii, 593. New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1932. $5.00 pp. 219-219

- Karl Scholz
- FELS, SAMUEL S. This Changing World. Pp. viii, 295. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Company, 1933. $2.50 pp. 219-220

- S. Howard Patterson
- GEIGER, GEORGE RAYMOND. The Philoso phy of Henry George. Pp. xix, 581. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1933. $3.00 (but may be procured from the Schalkenbach Foundation, 11 Park Place, New York for $2.50) pp. 220-221

- John C. Rose
- NOTZ, WILLIAM F. (Ed.). Friedrich List, Werke. Vol. II. Pp. xiv, 530. Berlin: Reimar Hobbing, 1931 pp. 220-220

- Ernest Minor Patterson
- JONES, ROBERT L. History of the Foreign Policy of the United States. Pp. ix, 536. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1933. $3.50 pp. 221-222

- L.B. Shippee
- LAUTERPACHT, H. The Function of the Law in the International Community. Pp. xxvi, 452. New York: Oxford Uni versity Press, 1933. $7.50 pp. 222-223

- Phillips Bradley
- REMER, C. F. Foreign Investments in China. Pp. xxi, 708. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1933. $5.00 pp. 223-223

- Roland L. Kramer
- KAWAKAMI, K. K. Manchukuo: Child of Conflict. Pp. viii, 311. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1933. $2.00 pp. 223-224

- Roland L. Kramer
- SCHUMAN, FREDERICK L. International Politics. Pp. xxi, 992. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1933. Price $4.00 pp. 224-225

- Phillips Bradley
- WORLD PEACE FOUNDATION. The Verdict of the League: China and Japan in Man churia. The official documents with notes and an introduction by Manley O. Hudson. Pp. 102. $1.00 cloth; 50¢ paper pp. 224-224

- H.K. Norton
- SWAIN, JOSEPH WARD. Beginning the Twentieth Century. Pp. viii, 631. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1933. $4.00 pp. 225-225

- Phillips Bradley
- SCHMIDT, RICHARD, and ADOLF GRABOW- SKY (Eds.). The Problem of Disarma ment. Berlin: Carl Heymanns Verlag, 1933 pp. 225-226

- Johannes Mattern
- SONTAG, RAYMOND JAMES. European Dip lomatic History 1871-1932. Pp. xi, 49.5. New York: The Century Company, 1933. $3.50 pp. 226-226

- Joseph S. Roucek
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