The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 124, issue 1, 1926
- Foreword pp. v-vi

- William Howard Taft
- Editorial Preface pp. vii-xiv

- John S. Bradway and Reginald Heber Smith
- An Introduction to Legal Aid Work pp. 1-5

- Reginald Heber Smith
- The Historical Background of the Legal Aid Movement pp. 6-15

- William R. Vance
- The Function of a Modern Legal Aid Organization pp. 16-19

- John S. Bradway
- Epitome of Legal Aid History in the United States 1876-1925 pp. 20-26

- Albert F. Bigelow
- The New York Legal Aid Society (1876-1925 pp. 27-32

- Leonard McGee
- The Legal Aid Bureau of the United Charities of Chicago pp. 33-41

- Marguerite Raeder Gariepy
- The Philadelphia Legal Aid Bureau of the Department of Public Welfare pp. 42-47

- Romain C. Hassrick
- St. Louis Municipal Legal Aid Bureau pp. 48-53

- Forrest C. Donnell
- Legal Aid by Privately Supported Organizations pp. 54-58

- Claude E. Clarke
- Legal Aid in the Smaller Cities pp. 59-62

- M. Alice Hill
- The Difficulties of the Poor Man Accused of Crime pp. 63-68

- Justin Miller
- The Office of Public Defender pp. 69-73

- Walton J. Wood
- The Voluntary Defender in Criminal Cases pp. 74-80

- Louis Fabricant
- Assigned Counsel in Criminal Cases pp. 81-83

- William Kaumheimer
- The Model Poor Litigants' Statute pp. 84-90

- John MacArthur Maguire
- Conciliation Procedure in Small Cases pp. 91-97

- Herbert Harley
- The Advantages of Arbitration Procedure pp. 98-104

- Charles L. Bernheimer
- Industrial Accident Commissions pp. 105-108

- Raynor M. Gardiner
- Governmental Officials and Legal Aid Work pp. 109-113

- Fred M. Wilcox
- The Domestic Relations Courts pp. 114-125

- Charles Zunser
- Legal Aid and Social Welfare Agencies pp. 126-129

- Robert W. Kelso
- The Legal Clinic: What It Does for the Law Student pp. 130-135

- John H. Wigmore
- The Legal Clinic of the Law School of the University of Minnesota pp. 136-144

- M.U.S. Kjorlaug
- Legal Aid Work and the Bar pp. 145-148

- John Alan Hamilton
- The Illinois Plan pp. 149-151

- Joel D. Hunter
- The Connecticut Plan for Legal Aid pp. 152-160

- Thomas Hewes
- The Situation in Pennsylvania pp. 161-162

- M.W. Acheson
- The National Association of Legal Aid Organizations pp. 163-166

- John S. Bradway
- International Legal Aid Work pp. 167-174

- Reginald Heber Smith
- Appendix pp. 175-189

- N/a
- Report of the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year Ending December 31, 1925 pp. 190-193

- N/a
- LIPPMANN, WALTER. The Phantom Public. Pp. 200. $2.00. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1925 pp. 194-194

- Robert E. Park
- HOWE, FREDERICK C. The Confessions of a Reformer. Pp. 352. Price, $3.00. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1925 pp. 194-195

- William Bennett Munro
- DUTCHER, GEORGE MATTHEW, Hedding Professor of History, Wesleyan University. The Political Awakening of the East: Studies of Political Progress in Egypt, India, China, Japan, and the Philippines. Pp. 372. Price, $2.00. New York: The Abingdon Press, 1925 pp. 195-196

- Ralston Hayden
- TARBELL, IDA M. The Life of Judge Gary: The Story of Steel. Pp. 361. Price, $3.50. New York: D. Appleton & Company pp. 195-195

- Clinton Rogers Woodruff
- TOYNBEE, ARNOLD J. The World After the Peace Conference. Pp. 91. Price, $1.75. New York: Oxford University Press, 1925. TOYNBEE, ARNOLD J. Survey of International Affairs, 1920-1923. Pp. 526. Price, $9.00. New York: Oxford University Press, 1925 pp. 196-197

- Ernest Minor Patterson
- SAIT, EDWARD M., AND BARROWS, DAVID P. British Politics in Transition. Pp. xiv, 391. Yonkers, N. Y.: The World Book Company, 1925 pp. 197-198

- J.R. Hayden
- MITRANY, D. The Problem of International Sanctions. Pp. 88. Price, 85 cents. New York: Oxford University Press, American Branch pp. 198-198

- Charles C. Rohlfing
- Survey of Overseas Markets. Committee on Industry and Trade. Pp. 740. Price, $1.50. (6s.) London: H. M. Stationery Office. 1925 pp. 199-200

- Ernest Minor Patterson
- MOTT, RODNEY L. Materials Illustrative of American Government. 397 pages. Price, $3.00. New York: The Century Company pp. 199-199

- N/a
- CARVER, THOMAS NIXON. The Present Economic Revolution in the United States. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1925, Pp. 263 pp. 201-201

- Clair Wilcox
- REQUA, MARK L. The Relation of Government to Industry. Pp. 241. Price, $2.00. New York: The Macmillan Company pp. 201-202

- Rinehart J. Swenson
- FARNHAM, DWIGHT T., HALL, JAMES A., KING, R. W., AND HOWE, H. E. Profitable Science in Industry. Pp. 291. Price, $3.50. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1925 pp. 202-202

- Donald H. Davenport
- BERRIDGE, WILLIAM A., WINSLOW, EMMA A., FLINN, RICHARD A. Purchasing Power of the Consumer. A Statistical Index. Pp. XXV, 312. Chicago and New York: A. W. Shaw Company pp. 202-203

- C.P. White
- DEVINE, EDWARD T., member of the U. S. Coal Commission, 1822-23. Coal. Bloomington, Illinois: American Review Service Press pp. 203-204

- Fayette S. Warner
- FOSTER, WILLIAM TRUFANT AND CATCH-INGS, WADDILL. Profits. Publication No. 8 of the Pollak Foundation for Economic Research. Pp. 465. Price, $4.00. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1925 pp. 204-205

- Clair Wilcox
- TAYLOR, R. EMMETT: Municipal Budget Making. Pp. 233. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1925 pp. 205-205

- Lent D. Upson
- DUTTON, HENRYP., B.E.E., Business Organization and Management. Pp. 545. Price, $4.00. Chicago: W. A. Shaw Company pp. 205-206

- R.S. Alexander
- ELLIS, MABEL BROWN. The Visiting Teacher. Pp. 205. New York: Rochester Joint Committee on Methods of Preventing Delinquency, 1925 pp. 206-206

- N/a
- DOUGLASS, PAUL H. Wages and the Family. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1925 pp. 206-207

- H. Larue Frain
- PARK, ROBERT E. AND BURGESS, ERNEST W. The City. Pp. xi, 239. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1925 pp. 207-207

- N/a
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