The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 555, issue 1, 1998
- Preface pp. 7-14

- Gabriel Ben-Dor
- Judaism and Jewishness in the Jewish State pp. 15-25

- Charles Liebman and Bernard Susser
- The Implications of the Transition to Peace for Israeli Society pp. 26-45

- Sammy Smooha
- Israel in Transition from Zionism to Post-Zionism pp. 46-61

- Herbert C. Kelman
- Israeli National Security, 1973-96 pp. 62-81

- Efraim Inbar
- Israel and the Palestinians: Fifty Years of Wars and Turning Points pp. 82-96

- Shlomo Gazit
- Israel's Arab Citizens: The Continuing Struggle pp. 97-113

- Mark Tessler and Audra K. Grant
- Extremism and Violence in Israel: The Crisis of Messianic Politics pp. 114-126

- Ehud Sprinzak
- The Changing Political Economy of Israel pp. 127-146

- Yair Aharoni
- Civil Society in Transition: Interest Politics in Israel pp. 147-162

- Yael Yishai
- The Politics of Mass Communication in Israel pp. 163-179

- Gideon Doron
- The New Premier-Parliamentary System in Israel pp. 180-192

- Avraham Brichta
- Transitions in Israel's Policymaking Network pp. 193-208

- Yair Zalmanovitch
- Reshaping the Map of Israel: A New National Planning Doctrine pp. 209-218

- Arie Shachar
- International Relations and Politics pp. 219-220

- Herbert K. Tillema
- Africa, Asia, and Latin America pp. 220-221

- Patricia G. Steinhoff
- Africa, Asia, and Latin America pp. 221-222

- Ralph A. Austen
- Europe pp. 222-223

- Harold Perkin
- United States pp. 223-224

- Arthur S. Hulnick
- United States pp. 224-225

- Brannon P. Denning
- United States pp. 225-225

- Mwangi Kimenyi
- Sociology pp. 226-226

- George W. Stocking
- Sociology pp. 227-228

- Susan Wachter
- Sociology pp. 228-229

- Stephen D. Mastrofski
- Sociology pp. 229-230

- Paul Heyer
Volume 554, issue 1, 1997
- Introduction pp. 8-20

- Jude L. Fernando and Alan W. Heston
- NGOs' Self-Defeating Quest for Autonomy pp. 21-32

- Bishwapriya Sanyal
- NGOs, Donors, and the State in Bangladesh pp. 33-45

- David J. Lewis
- NGOs and Civil Society: (Un)stated Contradictions pp. 46-65

- Shelley Feldman
- The Development Gift: The Problem of Reciprocity in the NGO World pp. 66-80

- R. L. Stirrat and Heiko Henkel
- Religion and Social Change at the Grass Roots in Latin America pp. 81-103

- J. Samuel Escobar
- Wealth Equals Wisdom? The Rockefeller and Ford Foundations in India pp. 104-116

- Leonard A. Gordon
- Reinventing NGOs and Rethinking Alternatives in the Andes pp. 117-135

- Anthony J. Bebbington
- Women, Empowerment, and Economic Development pp. 136-149

- Rekha Mehra
- Nongovernmental Organizations, Micro-Credit, and Empowerment of Women pp. 150-177

- Jude L. Fernando
- The Trust Factor in Participation and Social Education pp. 178-192

- Pritha Gopalan
- Nongovernmental Organizations and Development pp. 193-210

- Paul Streeten
- International Relations and Politics pp. 211-212

- Seymour Sudman
- International Relations and Politics pp. 212-212

- J. Samuel Valenzuela
- International Relations and Politics pp. 213-213

- Allan E. Goodman
- International Relations and Politics pp. 213-214

- Harry Brighouse
- International Relations and Politics pp. 214-215

- Cecilia Stiles Cornell
- Africa, Asia, and Latin America pp. 215-216

- Jorge I. Dominguez
- Africa, Asia, and Latin America pp. 216-217

- Jeffrey Herbst
- Africa, Asia, and Latin America pp. 217-218

- David W. Schodt
- Africa, Asia, and Latin America pp. 218-219

- Stanley Greenberg
- Africa, Asia, and Latin America pp. 219-220

- T. David Mason
- Africa, Asia, and Latin America pp. 220-221

- Miguel Angel Centeno
- Africa, Asia, and Latin America pp. 221-221

- E. Ramon Arango
- United States pp. 222-223

- Mary Frances Berry
- Europe pp. 222-222

- John A. Marino
- United States pp. 223-225

- William C. Banks
- Sociology pp. 225-226

- Mark S. Mizruchi
- Sociology pp. 226-227

- Leslie I. Boden
- Sociology pp. 227-228

- Rima D. Apple
- Sociology pp. 228-229

- Alice Sterling Honig
- Sociology pp. 229-230

- Carrie A. Foster
- Sociology pp. 230-231

- Sheldon Krimsky
- Sociology pp. 231-232

- Alan Harland
- Economics pp. 232-233

- Sharon Zukin
- Economics pp. 233-234

- James M. Acheson