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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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1105: Estimating quasi-fiscal deficits in a consistency framework: the case of Madagascar Downloads
Philippe Le Houerou and Hector Sierra
1104: Trade policy reform in Latin America and the Caribbean in the 1980s Downloads
Asad Alam and Sarath Rajapatirana
1103: Capital mobility in developing countries: some measurement issues and empirical estimates Downloads
Peter Montiel
1102: Did the debt crisis or declining oil prices cause Mexico's investment collapse? Downloads
Andrew Warner
1101: Transforming state enterprises in Poland: macroeconomic evidence on adjustment Downloads
Brian Pinto, Marek Belka and Stefan Krajewski
1100: Indigenous territories and tropical forest management in Latin America Downloads
Shelton H. Davis and Alaka Wali
1099: Trade unions and collective bargaining Downloads
Harry C. Katz, Sarosh Kuruvilla and Lowell Turner
1098: Fortress Europe and other myths concerning trade Downloads
Jean Baneth
1097: A production function-based policy simulation model of perennial commodity markets Downloads
Takamasa Akiyama and Jonathan R. Coleman
1096: How trade liberalization affected productivity in Morocco Downloads
Mona Haddad
1095: Are failproof banking systems feasible? Desirable? Downloads
Samuel H. Talley
1094: The new regionalism: a country perspective Downloads
Jaime de Melo, Arvind Panagariya and Dani Rodrik
1093: Swiss Chilanpore: the way forward for pension reform? Downloads
Dimitri Vittas
1092: The effect of financial liberalization on allocation of credit: panel data evidence for Ecuador Downloads
Fidel Jaramillo, Fabio Schiantarelli and Andrew Weiss
1091: Capital market imperfections before and after financial liberalization: a Euler Equation approach to panel data for Ecuadorian firms Downloads
Fidel Jaramillo, Fabio Schiantarelli and Andrew Weiss
1090: Government expenditures as a citizens'evaluation of public output: public choice and the benefit principle of taxation Downloads
Thanos Catsambas
1089: Equity portfolio investment in developing countries: a literature survey Downloads
Stijn Claessens
1088: A primer on the MFA maze Downloads
Riccardo Faini, Jaime de Melo and Wendy Takacs
1087: Exchange rate based stabilization: tales from Europe and Latin America Downloads
Alberto F. Ades, Miguel Kiguel and Nissan Liviatan
1086: Teachers'salaries in Latin America: a comparative analysis Downloads
George Psacharopoulos, Jorge Valenzuela and Mary Arends-Kuenning
1085: Economic approaches to modeling fertility determinants: a selective review Downloads
Cristino R. Arroyo
1084: Stock market development and financial deepening in developing countries: some correlation patterns Downloads
Dong He and Robert Pardy
1083: Finance and growth: Schumpeter might be right Downloads
Robert King and Ross Levine
1082: What do governments buy? The composition of public spending and economic performance Downloads
Shantayanan Devarajan, Vinaya Swaroop and Heng-Fu Zou
1081: Correcting for sampling bias in the measurement of welfare and poverty: the case of the Cote d'Ivoire living standards survey Downloads
Lionel Demery and Christiaan Grootaert
1080: A new regional price index for Cote d'Ivoire using data from the international comparisons project Downloads
Christiaan Grootaert and Ravi Kanbur
1079: How useful are integrated household survey data for policy-oriented analysis of poverty? Lessons from the Cote d'Ivoire living standards survey Downloads
Christiaan Grootaert
1078: The evolution of welfare and poverty under structural change and economic recession in Cote d'Ivoire, 1985-88 Downloads
Christiaan Grootaert
1077: Risk management prospects for Egyptian cotton Downloads
Panos Varangis, Elton Thigpen and Takamasa Akiyama
1076: A presumptive pigovian tax on gasoline: analysis of an air pollution control program for Mexico City Downloads
Gunnar Eskeland
1075: Many paths to skilled employment: a reverse tracer study of eight occupations in Colombia Downloads
Adrian Ziderman and Robin Horn
1074: How moving to world prices affects the terms of trade in 15 countries of the former Soviet Union Downloads
David Tarr
1073: Fiscal aspects of developing countrydebt problems and debt and debt-service reduction operations: a conceptual framework Downloads
Peter Montiel
1072: Costs of alternative treatments for incomplete abortion Downloads
Brooke R. Johnson, Janie Benson, Janet Bradley, Aurora Rabago Ordonez, Catia Zambrano, Leonard Okoko, Leticia Vazquez Chavez, Paulina Quiroz and Khama Rogo
1071: Congestion charging mechanisms for roads: an evaluation of current practice Downloads
Timothy D. Hau
1070: Economic fundamentals of road pricing: a diagrammatic analysis Downloads
Timothy D. Hau
1069: Why is there proportionately more enrollment in private schools in some countries? Downloads
Estelle James
1068: Enterprise reform in Eastern Europe Downloads
Sweder van Wijnbergen
1067: Returns to investment in education: a global update Downloads
George Psacharopoulos
1066: Pollution control in a decentralized economy: which level of government should subsidize what in Brazil Downloads
Antonio Estache and Kangbin Zheng
1065: Strengthening Uganda's policy environment for investing in university development Downloads
Thomas Owen Eisemon, John Sheehan, George Eyoku, Franklin Van Buer, Delane Welsch, Louisa Masutti, Nat Colletta and Lee Roberts
1064: More evidence on income distribution and growth Downloads
George Clarke
1063: Mongolia - Privatization and system transformation in an isolated economy Downloads
Cevdet Denizer and Alan Gelb
1062: Economic development, environmental regulation, and the international migration of toxic industrial pollution: 1960-88 Downloads
Robert Lucas, David Wheeler and Hemamala Hettige
1061: Dynamic response to foreign transfers and terms-of-trade shocks in open economies Downloads
Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel and Luis Serven
1060: Economies of the former Soviet Union: an input-output approach to the 1987 national accounts Downloads
Dmitri Steinberg
1059: Political economy of policy reform in Turkey in the 1980s Downloads
Ziya Onis and Steven B. Webb
1058: The pricing of country funds and their role in capital mobilization for emerging economies Downloads
Ishac Diwan, Vihang Errunza and Lemma W. Senbet
1057: Measuring the incomes of economies of the former Soviet Union Downloads
International Economics Department
1056: Earnings and education in Latin America: assessing priorities for schooling investments Downloads
George Psacharopoulos and Ying Chu Ng
1055: Wealth, weather risk, and the composition and profitability of agricultural investments Downloads
Mark Rosenzweig and Hans Binswanger-Mkhize
1054: Eastern Europe and Russian Federation - Distributional impact of cash and in-kind social transfers in Eastern Europe and Russia Downloads
Branko Milanovic
1053: Development of the Zimbabwe family planning program Downloads
Alex F. Zinanga
1052: A reappraisal of how oral rehydration therapy affected mortality in Egypt Downloads
Hoda Rashad
1051: The legal framework for private sector activity in the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic Downloads
Cheryl W. Gray
1050: Marginal income tax rates and economic growth in developing countries Downloads
William Easterly and Sergio Rebelo
1049: Money demand and seignorage - maximizing inflation Downloads
William Easterly, Paolo Mauro and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel
1048: Targets and indicators in World Bank population projects Downloads
George Baldwin
1047: Cote d'Ivoire: private sector dynamics and constraints Downloads
Enrique Rueda-Sabater and Andrew Stone
1046: World Bank project-financed research on population, health, and nutrition Downloads
J. Price Gittinger and Carol Bradford
1045: Social gains from female education: a cross-national study Downloads
Kalanidhi Subbarao and Laura Raney
1044: Hospital cost functions for developing countries Downloads
Adam Wagstaff and Howard Barnum
1043: Deriving developing country repayment capacity from the market prices of sovereign debt Downloads
Stijn Claessens and George Pennacchi
1042: Family planning success in two cities in Zaire Downloads
Jane T. Bertrand and Judith E. Brown
1041: Family planning success stories in Bangladesh and India Downloads
Moni Nag
1040: Lessons of trade liberalization in Latin America for economies in transition Downloads
Jaime de Melo and Sumana Dhar
1039: Education, externalities, fertility, and economic growth Downloads
Martin Weale
1038: Determinants of expatriate workers'remittances in North Africa and Europe Downloads
Ibrahim Elbadawi and Robert de Rezende Rocha
1037: Vocational secondary schooling, occupational choice, and earnings in Brazil Downloads
Ana-Maria Arriagada and Adrian Ziderman
1036: Output decline in Hungary and Poland in 1990-91: structural change and aggregate shocks Downloads
Simon Commander and Fabrizio Coricelli
1035: How import protection affects the Philippines'motor vehicle industry Downloads
Wendy Takacs
1034: Revising financial sector policy in transitional socialist economies: will universal banks prove viable? Downloads
David H. Scott
1033: Latin America and the Caribbean region (and Northern America) population projections: 1992-93 edition Downloads
My T. Vu, Eduard Bos and Ann Levin
1032: East Asia and Pacific region South Asia region population projections 1992-93 edition Downloads
Eduard Bos, My T. Vu and Ann Levin
1031: Measuring the possibilities of interfuel substitution Downloads
Robert Bacon
1030: Measuring the effects of urban transportation policies on the environment: a survey of models Downloads
Alan Krupnick
1029: Controlling tropical deforestation: an analysis of alternative policies Downloads
Robert Deacon
1028: Socioeconomic and ethnic determinants of grade repetition in Bolivia and Guatemala Downloads
Harry Patrinos and George Psacharopoulos
1027: Lessons from bank privatization in Mexico Downloads
Guillermo Barnes
1026: Financial liberation and adjustment in Chile and New Zealand Downloads
Paul McNelis and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel
1025: Openness and economic performance in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from time-series cross-country analysis Downloads
Kazi M. Matin
1024: An exact approach for evaluating the benefits from technological change Downloads
Will Martin and Julian Alston
1023: Tariff index theory Downloads
James Anderson
1022: A new approach to evaluating trade policy Downloads
James Anderson and J. Peter Neary
1021: Measuring welfare changes from commodity price stabilization in small open economies Downloads
Jonathan R. Coleman and Chris Jones
1020: Another look at population and global warming Downloads
Nancy Birdsall
1019: How effective are directed credit policies in the United States? A literature survey Downloads
Anita M. Schwarz
1018: Tariff andtax reform: do World Bank recommendations integrate revenue and protection objectives? Downloads
Anand Rajaram
1017: Rural poverty, migration, and the environment in developing countries: three case studies Downloads
Richard E. Bilsborrow
1016: Europe and Central Asia region Middle East and North Africa region population projects: 1992-93 edition Downloads
My T. Vu, Eduard Bos and Ann Levin
1015: Benefit incidence analysis in developing countries Downloads
Thomas M. Selden and Michael J. Wasylenko
1014: Ethnicity, education, and earnings in Bolivia and Guatemala Downloads
George Psacharopoulos
1013: The impact of Mexico's retraining program on employment and wages Downloads
Michelle Riboud, Hong Tan and Ana Revenga
1012: The Brady Plan, the 1989 Mexican debt reduction agreement, and bank stock returns in the United States and Japan Downloads
Haluk Unal, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Kwok-Wai Leung
1011: How tax incentives affect decisions to invest in developing countries Downloads
Robin Boadway and Anwar Shah
1010: Competition and efficiency in Hungarian banking Downloads
Dimitri Vittas and Craig Neal
1009: Labor and women's nutrition: a study of energy expenditure, fertility, and nutritional status in Ghana Downloads
Paul A Higgins, Harold Alderman and Dec
1008: Do the poor insure? A synthesis of the literature on risk and consumption in developing countries Downloads
Harold Alderman, Christina Paxson and Dec
1007: Global estimates and projections of mortality by cause, 1970-2015 Downloads
Rodolfo A. Bulatao and Patience W. Stephens
1006: Preparing multiyear railway investment plans: a market-oriented approach Downloads
Jorge M. Rebelo
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