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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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3707: Multilateral trade liberalization and Mexican households: the effect of the Doha development agenda Downloads
Alessandro Nicita
3706: Openness, industrialization, and geographic concentration of activities in China Downloads
Maurice Catin, Xubei Luo and Christophe van Huffel
3705: Fiscal determinants of empowerment Downloads
Uri Raich
3704: Remittances: transaction costs, determinants, and informal flows Downloads
Caroline Freund and Nikola Spatafora
3703: Key issues in trade facilitation: summary of World Bank/European Union workshops in Dhaka and Shanghai in 2004 Downloads
Jayanta Roy and Shweta Bagai
3702: Impacts of the Doha Development Agenda on China: the role of labor markets and complementary education reforms Downloads
Fan Zhai and Thomas Hertel
3701: The Doha Round, poverty, and regional inequality in Brazil Downloads
Joaquim Bento de Souza Ferreira Filho and Mark Horridge
3700: Costs of taxation and the benefits of public goods: the role of income effects Downloads
Will Martin and James Anderson
3699: Half a world: regional inequality in five great federations Downloads
Branko Milanovic
3698: Searching for the economic gradient in self-assessed health Downloads
Michael Lokshin and Martin Ravallion
3697: The WTO Doha Round, cotton sector dynamics, and poverty trends in Zambia Downloads
Jorge Balat and Guido Porto
3696: Growing together or growing apart ? a village level study of the impact of the Doha Round on rural China Downloads
Marijke Kuiper and Frank van Tongeren
3695: Estimating household responses to trade reforms: net consumers and net producers in rural Mexico Downloads
Guido Porto
3694: Governance in the gullies: democratic responsiveness and leadership in Delhi's slums Downloads
Saumitra Jha, Vijayendra Rao and Michael Woolcock
3693: Urban poverty and transport: the case of Mumbai Downloads
Judy Baker, Rakhi Basu, Maureen Cropper, Somik Lall and Akie Takeuchi
3692: Lessons from international experience with electricity market monitoring Downloads
Frank A. Wolak
3691: Managing unilateral market power in electricity Downloads
Frank A. Wolak
3690: Resistance to multilateral influence on reform: the political backlash against private infrastructure investments Downloads
Witold J. Henisz and Bennet A. Zelner
3689: Private participation in infrastructure projects in the Republic of Korea Downloads
Paul Noumba Um and Severine Dinghem
3688: Preference utilization and tariff reduction in European Union imports from African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries Downloads
Miriam Manchin
3687: Re-interpreting sub-group inequality decompositions Downloads
Chris Elbers, Peter Lanjouw, Johan Mistiaen and Berk Özler
3686: For public service or money: understanding geographical imbalances in the health workforce Downloads
Pieter Serneels, Magnus Lindelow, Jose Garcia-Montalvo and Abigail Barr
3685: Symbolic public goods and the coordination of collective action: a comparison of local development in India and Indonesia Downloads
Vijayendra Rao
3684: Antidumping and safeguard measures in the political economy of liberalization: the Mexican case Downloads
Luz Elena Reyes de la Torre and Jorge G. Gonzalez
3683: Competitiveness partnerships: building and maintaining public-private dialogue to improve the investment climate - a resource drawn from the review of 40 countries'experiences Downloads
Herzberg, Benjamin and Andrew Wright
3682: The poverty and distributional impact of macroeconomic shocks and policies: a review of modeling approaches Downloads
B. Essama-Nssah
3681: Productivity, ownership, and the investment climate: international lessons for priorities in Serbia Downloads
Itzhak Goldberg, Branko Radulovic and Mark Schaffer
3680: Are external shocks responsible for the instability of output in low income countries? Downloads
Claudio Raddatz
3679: The marginal cost of public funds in Africa Downloads
Michael Warlters and Emmanuelle Auriol
3678: Why have traffic fatalities declined in industrialized countries ? Implications for pedestrians and vehicle occupants Downloads
Elizabeth Kopits and Maureen Cropper
3677: Inequality is bad for the poor Downloads
Martin Ravallion
3676: Trade and employment: stylized facts and research findings Downloads
Bernard Hoekman, Bernard and L. Winters
3675: Business environment, clustering, and industry location: evidence from Indian cities Downloads
Somik Lall and Taye Mengistae
3674: Public debt in developing countries: has the market-based model worked? Downloads
Indermit Gill and Brian Pinto
3673: The overhang hangover Downloads
Jean Imbs and Romain Ranciere
3672: The dot-com bubble, the Bush deficits, and the U.S. current account Downloads
Aart Kraay and Jaume Ventura
3671: An Analysis of South Africa's Value Added Tax Downloads
Delfin Go, Marna Kearney, Sherman Robinson and Karen Thierfelder
3670: Will a global subsidy of artemisinin-based combination treatment (ACT) for malaria delay the emergence of resistance and save lives? Downloads
Ramanan Laxminarayan, A. Over and David L. Smith
3669: Money for nothing: the dire straits of medical practice in Delhi, India Downloads
Jishnu Das and Jeffrey Hammer
3668: Economic impacts of professional training in the informal sector: the case of the labor force training program in Cote d'Ivoire Downloads
Dorte Verner and Mette Verner
3667: Does health insurance impede trade inhealth care services? Downloads
Aaditya Mattoo and Randeep Rathindran
3666: Bank privatization and productivity: evidence for Brazil Downloads
Marcio Nakane and Daniela B. Weintraub
3665: Credit constraints as a barrier to technology adoption by the poor: lessons from South Indian small-scale fishery Downloads
Xavier Gine and Stefan Klonner
3664: The impact of business environment and economic geography on plant-level productivity: an analysis of Indian industry Downloads
Somik Lall and Taye Mengistae
3663: Services policy reform and economic growth in transition economies, 1990-2004 Downloads
Felix Eschenbach and Bernard Hoekman
3662: Micro-level estimation of child malnutrition indicators and its application in Cambodia Downloads
Tomoki Fujii
3661: Public infrastructure and private investment in the Middle East and North Africa Downloads
Pierre-Richard Agénor, Mustapha K. Nabli and Tarik M. Yousef
3660: Do incumbents manipulate access to finance during banking crises? Downloads
Erik Feijen
3659: Banking sector crises and inequality Downloads
Patrick Honohan
3658: Antidumping mechanisms and safeguards in Peru Downloads
Richard Webb, Josefina Camminati and Raul Leon Thorne
3657: Institution building and growth in transition economies Downloads
Thorsten Beck and Luc Laeven
3656: World Bank lending and financial sector development Downloads
Robert Cull and Laurie Effron
3655: Fiscal federalism in Switzerland: relevant issues for transition economies in Central and Eastern Europe Downloads
Bernard Dafflon and Krisztina Toth
3654: Crop insurance in Karnataka Downloads
Vijay Kalavakonda and Olivier Mahul
3653: Regime-switching in exchange rate policy and balance sheet effects Downloads
Norbert Fiess and Rashmi Shankar
3652: Growth spillover effects and regional development patterns: the case of Chinese provinces Downloads
Xubei Luo
3651: Visible success and invisible failure in post-crisis reform in the Republic of Korea: interplay of the global standards, agents, and local specificity Downloads
Keun Lee, Byung-Kook Kim, Chung H. Lee and Jaeyeol Yee
3650: Institutional and policy analysis of river basin management: the Alto-Tiete river basin, Sao Paulo, Brazil Downloads
Rosa Maria Formiga Johnsson and Karin Kemper
3649: Institutional and policy analysis of river basin management: the Jaguaribe river basin, Ceara, Brazil Downloads
Rosa Maria Formiga Johnsson and Karin Kemper
3648: Insurance and liquidity: panel evidence Downloads
Rashmi Shankar
3647: Improving child nutrition outcomes in India: can the integrated child development services be more effective? Downloads
Monica Das Gupta, Michael Lokshin, Michele Gragnolati and Oleksiy Ivaschenko
3646: Scaling-up microfinance for India's rural poor Downloads
Priya Basu and Pradeep Srivastava
3645: Efficiency of public spending in developing countries: an efficiency frontier approach Downloads
Santiago Herrera and Gaobo Pang
3644: The economic consequences of health shocks Downloads
Adam Wagstaff
3643: A"research"database on infrastructure economic performance Downloads
Antonio Estache and Ana Goicoechea
3642: Advances in negotiation theory: bargaining, coalitions, and fairness Downloads
Carlo Carraro, Carmen Marchiori and Alessandra Sgobbi
3641: Applications of negotiation theory to water issues Downloads
Carlo Carraro, Carmen Marchiori and Alessandra Sgobbi
3640: Is a guaranteed living wage a good anti-poverty policy? Downloads
Rinku Murgai and Martin Ravallion
3639: Finances of Egyptian listed firms Downloads
Inessa Love
3638: Workers'remittances to developing countries: a survey with central banks on selected public policy issues Downloads
Jose de Luna Martinez
3637: Decentralization of river basin management: a global analysis Downloads
Ariel Dinar, Karin Kemper, William Blomquist, Michele Diez, Gisele Sine and William Fru
3636: Comparison of institutional arrangements for river basin management in eight basins Downloads
William Blomquist, Ariel Dinar and Karin Kemper
3635: The role of tropical forests in supporting biodiversity and hydrological integrity: a synoptic overview Downloads
Ellen M. Douglas, Kate Sebastian, Charles J. Vorosmarty, Stanley Wood and Kenneth M. Chomitz
3634: Quantifying the rural-urban gradient in Latin America and the Caribbean Downloads
Kenneth M. Chomitz, Piet Buys and Timothy Thomas
3633: Investment and saving in China Downloads
Louis Kuijs
3632: Corporate governance and bank performance: a joint analysis of the static, selection, and dynamic effects of domestic, foreign, and state ownership Downloads
Allen Berger, George Clarke, Robert Cull, Leora Klapper and Gregory Udell
3631: Poverty traps, aid, and growth Downloads
Aart Kraay and Claudio Raddatz
3630: Governance matters IV: governance indicators for 1996-2004 Downloads
Daniel Kaufmann, Aart Kraay and Massimo Mastruzzi
3629: Fiscal space for investment in infrastructure in Colombia Downloads
Rodrigo Suescun
3628: Deposit insurance around the world: a comprehensive database Downloads
Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Baybars Karacaovali and Luc Laeven
3627: Reforming the posts: abandoning the monopoly-supported postal universal service obligation in developing countries Downloads
Charles Kenny
3626: Global monetary conditions versus country-specific factors in the determination of emerging market debt spreads Downloads
Mansoor Dailami, Paul Masson and Jean Jose Padou
3625: Evaluating anti-poverty programs Downloads
Martin Ravallion
3624: Pesticide poisoning of farm workers: implications of blood test results from Vietnam Downloads
Susmita Dasgupta, Craig Meisner, David Wheeler, Nhan Thi Lam and Khuc Xuyen
3623: The impact of regulation on growth and informality - cross-country evidence Downloads
Norman Loayza, Ana Maria Oviedo and Luis Serven
3622: Trade policy, income risk, and welfare Downloads
Tom Krebs, Pravin Krishna and William Maloney
3621: Assessing the impact of the investment climate on productivity using firm-level data: methodology and the cases of Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua Downloads
Alvaro Escribano and J. Luis Guasch
3620: Leadership and the independent regulator Downloads
Mark Jamison
3619: State bank transformation in Brazil - choices and consequences Downloads
Thorsten Beck, Juan Miguel Crivelli and William Summerhill
3618: Preventing and responding to gender-based violence in middle and low-income countries: a global review and analysis Downloads
Sarah Bott, Andrew Morrison and Mary Ellsberg
3617: Beyond tariffs and quotas: why don't African manufacturers export more? Downloads
George Clarke
3616: Would multilateral trade reform benefit Sub-Saharan Africans? Downloads
Kym Anderson, Will Martin and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
3615: Keeping animal spirits asleep: the case of Chile Downloads
Sebastian Saez
3614: WTO safeguards and trade liberalization: lessons from the Argentine footwear case Downloads
Elias Baracat and Julio Nogues
3613: Scrutinizing public expenditures: assessing the performance of public accounts committees Downloads
Rick Stapenhurst, Vinod Sahgal, William Woodley and Riccardo Pelizzo
3612: Institutional and policy analysis of river basin management: the tarcoles river basin, Costa Rica Downloads
William Blomquist, Maureen Ballestero, Anjali Bhat and Karin Kemper
3611: Institutional and policy analysis of river basin management: the Brantas river basin, East Java, Indonesia Downloads
Anjali Bhat, Kikkeri Ramu and Karin Kemper
3610: Effects of primary, secondary, and tertiary education on economic growth: evidence from Guatemala Downloads
Josef Loening
3609: Why governments should stopnon-social subsidies: measuring their consequences for rural Latin America Downloads
Ramon Lopez
3608: Application of safeguards and anti-dumping duties in Colombia Downloads
Mauricio Reina and Sandra Zuluaga
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