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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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7315: Product standards and firms? export decisions Downloads
Ana Margarida Fernandes, Esteban Ferro, John S. Wilson, Ana Margarida Fernandes, Esteban Ferro and John S. Wilson
7314: Seeking shared prosperity through trade Downloads
Massimiliano Calì, Claire Honore Hollweg and Elizabeth N. Ruppert Bulmer
7313: Energy subsidies reform in Jordan: welfare implications of different scenarios Downloads
Aziz Atamanov, Jon Robbert Jellema and Umar Serajuddin
7312: The socioeconomic impacts of energy reform in Tunisia: a simulation approach Downloads
Jose Cuesta, AbdelRahmen El Lahga and Gabriel Lara Ibarra
7311: Understanding the operations of freight forwarders: evidence from Serbia Downloads
Alejandra Mendoza Alcantara, Ana Margarida Fernandes, Russell Henry Hillberry, Alejandra Mendoza Alcantara, Ana Margarida Fernandes and Russell Henry Hillberry
7310: Fertility transition in Turkey?who is most at risk of deciding against child arrival ? Downloads
Angela Greulich, Aurélien Dasre and Ceren Inan
7309: Extending the school day in Latin America and the Caribbean Downloads
Pablo Alfaro, David Evans and Peter Anthony Holland
7308: Estimating the gravity model when zero trade flows are frequent and economically determined Downloads
Will Martin and Cong Pham
7307: Teacher performance pay: Experimental evidence from Pakistan Downloads
Felipe Barrera-Osorio and Dhushyanth Raju
7306: Crop choice and infrastructure accessibility in Tanzania: subsistence crops or export crops ? Downloads
Atsushi Iimi, Richard Martin Humphreys, Sevara Melibaeva, Atsushi Iimi, Richard Martin Humphreys and Sevara Melibaeva
7305: Firms? locational choice and infrastructure development in Tanzania: instrumental variable spatial autoregressive model Downloads
Atsushi Iimi, Richard Martin Humphreys and Sevara Melibaeva
7304: Is the WTO passe ? Downloads
Kyle Bagwell, Chad P. Bown, Robert W. Staiger, Kyle Bagwell, Chad P. Bown and Robert W. Staiger
7303: Formulas for failure ? were the Doha tariff formulas too ambitious for success ? Downloads
David Laborde Debucquet and Will Martin
7302: Determinants of tobacco consumption in Papua New Guinea: challenges in changing behaviors Downloads
Xiaohui Hou, Xiaochen Xu and Ian Anderson
7301: Stagnant stunting rate despite rapid economic growth in Papua New Guinea - factors correlated with malnutrition among children under five Downloads
Xiaohui Hou
7300: Market imperfections exacerbate the gender gap: the case of Malawi Downloads
Amparo Palacios-Lopez, Ramón López, Amparo Palacios-Lopez and Ramón López
7299: Business regulations and growth Downloads
Raian Divanbeigi and Rita Ramalho
7298: Do capital inflows boost growth in developing countries ? evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Cesar Calderon and Ha Nguyen
7297: The improved biomass stove saves wood, but how often do people use it ? evidence from a randomized treatment trial in Ethiopia Downloads
Abebe D. Beyene, Randall Bluffstone, Zenebe Gebreegziabher, Peter Martinsson, Alemu Mekonnen and Ferdinand Vieider
7296: Preferences for REDD+ contract attributes in low-income countries: a choice experiment in Ethiopia Downloads
Sahan Dissanayake, Abebe Damte Beyene, Randall Bluffstone, Zenebe Gebreegziabher, Peter Martinsson, Alemu Mekonnen, Michael Toman and Ferdinand Vieider
7295: The economic viability of jatropha biodiesel in Nepal Downloads
Govinda Timilsina and Ujjal Tiwari
7294: Toward a new definition of shared prosperity: a dynamic perspective from three countries Downloads
Hai-Anh H. Dang, Peter F. Lanjouw, Hai-Anh H. Dang and Peter F. Lanjouw
7293: New evidence on the cyclicality of fiscal policy Downloads
Francisco Carneiro and Leonardo Garrido
7292: Ethiopia?s growth acceleration and how to sustain it?insights from a cross-country regression model Downloads
Lars Moller and Konstantin Wacker
7291: How unfair is the inequality of wage earnings in Russia ? estimates from panel data Downloads
Sailesh Tiwari, Gabriel Lara Ibarra and Ambar Narayan
7290: Costs and benefits of land fragmentation: evidence from Rwanda Downloads
Daniel Ayalew Ali, Klaus Deininger and Loraine Ronchi
7289: Review of international practices for determining medium-term resource needs of spending agencies Downloads
Michael Di Francesco and Rafael Chelles Barroso
7288: Financial inclusion, productivity shocks, and consumption volatility in emerging economies Downloads
Rudrani Bhattacharya and Ila Patnaik
7287: Unbundling institutions for external finance: worldwide firm-level evidence Downloads
Stephen Knack and Lixin Xu
7286: Policies, prices, and poverty: the sugar, vegetable oil, and flour industries in Senegal Downloads
Ahmadou Aly Mbaye, Stephen Golub and E. Philip English
7285: Smallholders? land ownership and access in Sub-Saharan Africa: a new landscape ? Downloads
Klaus Deininger, Fang Xia and Sara Savastano
7284: Business cycles accounting for Paraguay Downloads
Fritzi Koehler-Geib and Viktoria Hnatkovska
7283: A behavioral approach to water conservation: evidence from Costa Rica Downloads
Saugato Datta, Juan Jose Miranda Montero, Laura De Castro Zoratto, Oscar Calvo-Gonzalez, Matthew Darlingm and Karina Josephine Orduna Lorenzana
7282: How much of the labor in African agriculture is provided by women ? Downloads
Amparo Palacios-Lopez, Luc Christiaensen, Talip Kilic, Amparo Palacios-Lopez, Luc Christiaensen and Talip Kilic
7281: Agriculture production and transport infrastructure in east Africa: an application of spatial autoregression Downloads
Atsushi Iimi, Liangzhi You, Ulrike Wood-Sichra and Richard Martin Humphrey
7280: Firm inventory behavior in east Africa Downloads
Atsushi Iimi, Richard Martin Humphrey and Sevara Melibaeva
7279: Firms? locational choice and infrastructure development in Rwanda Downloads
Atsushi Iimi, Richard Martin Humphrey and Sevara Melibaeva
7278: Firm productivity and infrastructure costs in east Africa Downloads
Atsushi Iimi, Richard Martin Humphrey and Sevara Melibaeva
7277: Delivering education: a pragmatic framework for improving education in low-income countries Downloads
Tahir Andrabi, Jishnu Das and Asim Ijaz Khwaja
7276: Doing the survey two-step: the effects of reticence on estimates of corruption in two-stage survey questions Downloads
Nona Karalashvili, Aart Kraay and Peter Murrell
7275: Transforming electricity governance in India: has India?s power sector regulation enabled consumers? power ? Downloads
Ashish Khanna, Daljit Singh, Ashwini K Swain and Mudit Narain
7274: Road improvement and deforestation in the Congo Basin countries Downloads
Richard Damania and David J. Wheeler
7273: Infrastructure in conflict-prone and fragile environments: evidence from the Democratic Republic of Congo Downloads
Rubaba Ali, Alvaro Federico Barra, Claudia N. Berg, Richard Damania, John D. Nash and Jason Daniel Russ
7272: Agricultural technology choice and transport Downloads
Rubaba Ali, Alvaro Federico Barra, Claudia N. Berg, Richard Damania, John D. Nash and Jason Daniel Russ
7271: Transport infrastructure and welfare: an application to Nigeria Downloads
Rubaba Ali, Alvaro Federico Barra, Claudia N. Berg, Richard Damania, John D. Nash, Jason Daniel Russ, Rubaba Ali, Alvaro Federico Barra, Claudia N. Berg, Richard Damania, John D. Nash and Jason Daniel Russ
7270: Poverty dynamics in India between 2004 and 2012: insights from longitudinal analysis using synthetic panel data Downloads
Hai-Anh H. Dang, Peter F. Lanjouw, Hai-Anh H. Dang and Peter F. Lanjouw
7269: Women managers and the gender-based gap in access to education: evidence from firm-level data in developing countries Downloads
Mohammad Amin and Asif Islam
7268: Do public health interventions crowd out private health investments ? Malaria control policies in Eritrea Downloads
Pedro Carneiro, Alex Armand, Andrea Locatelli, Selam Mihreteab and Joseph Aaron Keating
7267: World Bank policy lending and the quality of public sector governance Downloads
Lodewijk Smets and Stephen Knack
7266: On the sustainable development goals and the role of Islamic finance Downloads
Habib Ahmed, Mahmoud Mohieldin, Jos Verbeek and Farida Wael Aboulmagd
7265: When winners feel like losers: evidence from an energy subsidy reform Downloads
Oscar Calvo-Gonzalez, Barbara Cunha and Riccardo Trezzi
7262: Investigating the gender gap in agricultural productivity: evidence from Uganda Downloads
Daniel Ayalew Ali, Frederick H. Bowen, Klaus W. Deininger, Marguerite Felicienne Duponchel, Daniel Ayalew Ali, Frederick H. Bowen, Klaus W. Deininger and Marguerite Felicienne Duponchel
7259: The republic of beliefs: a new approach to ?law and economics? Downloads
Kaushik Basu
7258: Universal health coverage in the Philippines: progress on financial protection goals Downloads
Caryn Bredenkamp and Leander Robert Buisman
7257: You are what (and where) you eat: capturing food away from home in welfare measures Downloads
Maria Gabriela Farfan Bertran, Maria Eugenia Genoni, Renos Vakis, Gabriela Farfan, Maria Eugenia Genoni and Renos Vakis
7256: Global poverty goals and prices: how purchasing power parity matters Downloads
Dean Mitchell Jolliffe, Espen Beer Prydz, Dean Mitchell Jolliffe and Espen Beer Prydz
7255: The Global Findex Database 2014: measuring financial inclusion around the world Downloads
Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Leora Klapper, Dorothe Singer and Peter van Oudheusden
7254: The dark side of disclosure: evidence of government expropriation from worldwide firms Downloads
Tingting Liu, Barkat Ullah, Zuobao Wei and Lixin Xu
7253: Socioeconomic impact of the crisis in north Mali on displaced people Downloads
Alvin Etang Ndip, Johannes G. Hoogeveen and Julia Lendorfer
7252: Data deprivation: another deprivation to end Downloads
Umar Serajuddin, Hiroki Uematsu, Christina Wieser, Nobuo Yoshida and Andrew L. Dabalen
7251: African mining, gender, and local employment Downloads
Andreas Kotsadam and Anja Tolonen
7250: The local socioeconomic effects of gold mining: evidence from Ghana Downloads
Punam Chuhan-Pole, Andrew L. Dabalen, Andreas Kotsadam, Aly Sanoh, Anja Karolina Tolonen, Punam Chuhan-Pole, Andrew L. Dabalen, Andreas Kotsadam, Aly Sanoh and Anja Karolina Tolonen
7249: Social and economic impacts of rural road improvements in the state of Tocantins, Brazil Downloads
Atsushi Iimi, Eric R. Lancelot, Isabela Manelici and Satoshi Ogita
7248: Monitoring financial stability in developing and emerging economies: practical guidance for conducting macroprudential analysis Downloads
Miquel Dijkman
7247: Are we confusing poverty with preferences ? Downloads
Bart van den Boom, Alex Halsema and Vasco Molini
7246: Investing in technical&vocational education and training: does it yield large economic returns in Brazil ? Downloads
Rita Almeida, Leandro Anazawa, Naercio Menezes Filho and Ligia Maria De Vasconcellos
7245: Good Countries or Good Projects ? Comparing Macro and Micro Correlates of World Bank and Asian Development Bank Project Performance Downloads
David Janoff Bulman, Walter Kolkma and Aart C. Kraay
7244: Household responses to shocks in rural Ethiopia: livestock as a buffer stock Downloads
Daniel Ayalew Ali
7243: Program evaluation and spillover effects Downloads
Manuela Angelucci and Vincenzo Di Maro
7242: Trade agreements and enforcement: evidence from WTO dispute settlement Downloads
Chad P. Bown, Kara Marie Reynolds, Chad P. Bown and Kara Marie Reynolds
7241: Are women less productive farmers ? how markets and risk affect fertilizer use, productivity, and measured gender effects in Uganda Downloads
Donald F. Larson, Sara Savastano, Siobhan Murray, Amparo Palacios-Lopez, Donald F. Larson, Sara Savastano, Siobhan Murray and Amparo Palacios-Lopez
7240: Global experiences with special economic zones: focus on China and Africa Downloads
Zhihua Zeng
7239: Asset price effects of peer benchmarking: evidence from a natural experiment Downloads
Sushant Acharya and Alvaro Pedraza
7238: Parental human capital and effective school management: evidence from The Gambia Downloads
Moussa Blimpo, David Evans and Nathalie Lahire
7237: Measuring inequality from top to bottom Downloads
Tania Valeria Diaz Bazan
7236: ?Missing girls? in the south Caucasus countries: trends, possible causes, and policy options Downloads
Monica Das Gupta
7235: Weather insurance savings accounts Downloads
Daniel Kevin Stein and Jeremy Tobacman
7234: Labor productivity and employment gaps in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Ellen Bess Mccullough and Ellen Bess Mccullough
7233: Information, knowledge and behavior: evaluating alternative methods of delivering school information to parents Downloads
Pedro Cerdan-Infantes and Deon Filmer
7232: Tax evasion through trade intermediation: evidence from Chinese exporters Downloads
Xuepeng Liu, Huimin Shi and Michael Joseph Ferrantino
7231: Does input tariff reduction impact firms'exports in the presence of import tariff exemption regimes ? Downloads
Maurizio Bussolo and Marcio Cruz
7230: The (non-) effect of violence on education: evidence from the"war on drugs"in Mexico Downloads
Fernanda Marquez-Padilla, Francisco Pérez-Arce and Carlos Rodriguez Castelan
7229: Labor market regulations and outcomes in Sweden: a comparative analysis of recent trends Downloads
Hulya Ulku and Silvia Muzi
7228: The curious case of Brazil's closedness to trade Downloads
Otaviano Canuto, Cornelius Fleischhaker and Philip Schellekens
7227: Estimating the size of external effects of energy subsidies in transport and agriculture Downloads
Simon John Commander, Zlatko Slobodan Nikoloski and Maria Vagliasindi
7226: Report cards: the impact of providing school and child test scores on educational markets Downloads
Tahir Andrabi, Jishnu Das and Asim Ijaz Khwaja
7225: The quest for subsidy reforms in Libya Downloads
Abdelkrim Araar, Nada Choueiri and Paolo Verme
7224: An evaluation of the 2014 subsidy reforms in Morocco and a simulation of further reforms Downloads
Paolo Verme and Khalid El Massnaoui
7223: Analyzing the dynamics of school dropout in upper secondary education in Latin America: a cohort approach Downloads
Raja Bentaouet Kattan and Miguel Székely
7222: What explains the stagnation of female labor force participation in urban India ? Downloads
Stephan Klasen and Janneke Pieters
7221: The misallocation of land and other factors of production in India Downloads
Gilles Duranton, Syed Ejaz Ghani, Arti Goswami Grover, William Robert Kerr, Gilles Duranton, Syed Ejaz Ghani, Arti Grover Goswami and William Robert Kerr
7220: Fossil fuel subsidies: approaches and valuation Downloads
Masami Kojima and Doug Koplow
7219: Advanced-country policies and emerging-market currencies: the impact of U.S. tapering on India's Rupee Downloads
Yuki Ikeda, Denis Medvedev and Martin Rama
7218: As the market churns: estimates of firm exit and job loss using the World Bank's enterprise surveys Downloads
Gemechu Aga and David C. Francis
7217: Equality of opportunity: theory and evidence Downloads
Francisco Ferreira and Vito Peragine
7216: The international bank lending channel of monetary policy rates and quantitative easing: credit supply, reach-for-yield, and real effects Downloads
Bernardo Morais, Jose-Luis Peydro and Claudia Ruiz Ortega
7215: Using lotteries to incentivize safer sexual behavior: evidence from a randomized controlled trial on HIV prevention Downloads
Martina Björkman Nyqvist, Lucia Corno, Damien de Walque and Jakob Svensson
7214: No condition is permanent: middle class in Nigeria in the last decade Downloads
Paul Corral Rodas, Vasco Molini and Gbemisola Oseni
7213: Income shocks and conflict: evidence from Nigeria Downloads
Babatunde Oluwakayode Abidoye and Massimiliano Calì
7212: Economic implications of a potential free trade agreement between India and the United States Downloads
Emiko Fukase, William J. Martin, Emiko Fukase and William J. Martin
Page updated 2025-03-28
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