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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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4107: What makes cities healthy ? Downloads
Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima and Wei Ha
4106: Industrial competitiveness of the auto parts industries in four large Asian countries: the role of government policy in a challenging international environment Downloads
Richard F. Doner, Gregory W. Noble and John Ravenhill
4105: Detecting collusion in timber auctions: an application to Romania Downloads
Jean-Daniel Saphores, Jeffrey Vincent, Valy Marochko, Ioan Abrudan, Laura Bouriaud and Clifford Zinnes
4104: Road infrastructure in Europe and Central Asia: does network quality affect trade ? Downloads
Ben Shepherd and John Wilson
4103: Current challenges in financial regulation Downloads
Stijn Claessens
4102: Conditional cash transfers and female schooling: the impact of the female school stipend program on public school enrollments in Punjab, Pakistan Downloads
Nazmul Chaudhury and Dilip Parajuli
4101: Political accountability and regulatory performance in infrastructure industries: an empirical analysis Downloads
Farid Gasmi, Paul Noumba Um and Laura Recuero Virto
4100: Reform of the intergovernmental transfer system in China Downloads
Anwar Shah and Chunli Shen
4099: Measuring and reducing the impact of corruption in infrastructure Downloads
Charles Kenny
4098: Does insurance market activity promote economic growth ? Country study for industrial and developing countries Downloads
Marco Arena
4097: Road network upgrading and overland trade expansion in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Piet Buys, Uwe Deichmann and David Wheeler
4096: Rural poor in rich rural areas: poverty in rural Argentina Downloads
Dorte Verner
4095: Labor markets and income generation in rural Argentina Downloads
Dorte Verner
4094: Are lives a substitute for livelihoods ? Terrorism, security, and U.S. bilateral imports Downloads
Daniel Mirza and Thierry Verdier
4093: International trade, security, and transnational terrorism: theory and empirics Downloads
Daniel Mirza and Thierry Verdier
4092: Reducing distortions to agricultural incentives: progress, pitfalls, and prospects Downloads
Kym Anderson
4091: An assessment of reform options for the public service pension fund in Uganda Downloads
Tatiana Bogomolova, Gregorio Impavido and Montserrat Pallares-Miralles
4090: Development and the interaction of enforcement institutions Downloads
Amrita Dhillon and Iamele Rigolini
4089: The structural determinants of external vulnerability Downloads
Norman Loayza and Claudio Raddatz
4088: The impact of commodity price changes on rural households: the case of coffee in Uganda Downloads
Maurizio Bussolo, Olivier Godart, Jann Lay and Rainer Thiele
4087: Migration and remittances: causes and linkages Downloads
Yoko Niimi and Caglar Ozden
4086: Patient satisfaction, doctor effort, and interview location: evidence from Paraguay Downloads
Jishnu Das and Thomas Pave Sohnesen
4085: The economics of consanguineous marriages Downloads
Quy-Toan Do, Sriya Iyer and Shareen Joshi
4084: Are there lasting impacts of aid to poor areas ? Evidence from rural China Downloads
Shaohua Chen, Ren Mu and Martin Ravallion
4083: Water allocation strategies for the Kat Basin in South Africa: comparing negotiation tools and game theory models Downloads
Ariel Dinar, Stefano Farolfi, Fioravante Patrone and Kate Rowntree
4082: Adult mortality and consumption growth in the age of HIV/AIDS Downloads
Kathleen Beegle, Joachim De Weerdt and Stefan Dercon
4081: Utilities reforms and corruption in developing countries Downloads
Antonio Estache, Ana Goicoechea and Lourdes Trujillo
4080: Finance and hunger: empirical evidence of the agricultural productivity channel Downloads
Stijn Claessens and Erik Feijen
4079: Banking services for everyone ? Barriers to bank access and use around the world Downloads
Thorsten Beck, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Maria Martinez Peria
4078: Informality trends and cycles Downloads
Norman Loayza and Iamele Rigolini
4077: The composition of growth matters for poverty alleviation Downloads
Norman Loayza and Claudio Raddatz
4076: Contagion and firms'internationalization in Latin America: evidence from Mexico, Brazil, and Chile Downloads
Yaye Seynabou Sakho
4075: The macro financing of natural hazards in developing countries Downloads
Olivier Mahul and Eugene Gurenko
4074: Cooperative game theory and its application to natural, environmental, and water resource issues: 3. application to water resources Downloads
Irene Parrachino, Ariel Dinar and Fioravante Patrone
4073: Cooperative game theory and its application to natural, environmental, and water resource issues: 2. application to natural and environmental resources Downloads
Stefano Zara, Ariel Dinar and Fioravante Patrone
4072: Cooperative game theory and its application to natural, environmental, and water resource issues: 1. basic theory Downloads
Irene Parrachino, Stefano Zara and Fioravante Patrone
4071: How are youth faring in the labor market ? Evidence from around the world Downloads
Jean Fares, Claudio Montenegro and Peter Orazem
4070: Assessing job flows across countries: the role of industry, firm size, and regulations Downloads
John Haltiwanger, Stefano Scarpetta and Helena Schweiger
4069: Partially awakened giants: uneven growth in China and India Downloads
Shubham Chaudhuri and Martin Ravallion
4068: Forests, biomass use, and poverty in Malawi Downloads
Sushenjit Bandyopadhyay, Priya Shyamsundar and Alessandro Baccini
4067: Learning levels and gaps in Pakistan Downloads
Jishnu Das, Priyanka Pandey and Tristan Zajonc
4066: A dime a day: the possibilities and limits of private schooling in Pakistan Downloads
Tahir Andrabi, Jishnu Das and Asim Khwaja
4065: Beyond trade: the impact of preferential trade agreements on foreign direct investment inflows Downloads
Denis Medvedev
4064: Public infrastructure and growth: new channels and policy implications Downloads
Pierre-Richard Agénor and Blanca Moreno-Dodson
4063: Jointness in Bayesian variable selection with applications to growth regression Downloads
Eduardo Ley and Mark Steel
4062: Growth before and after trade liberalization Downloads
Gonzalo Salinas and Ataman Aksoy
4061: Access to financial services in Zambia Downloads
Jose de Luna Martinez
4060: Distributional effects of WTO agricultural reforms in rich and poor countries Downloads
Thomas W. Hertel, Roman Keeney, Maros Ivanic and L. Winters
4059: The impact of policies to control motor vehicle emissions in Mumbai, India Downloads
Akie Takeuchi, Maureen Cropper and Antonio Bento
4058: Learning through monitoring: lessons from a large-scale nutrition program in Madagascar Downloads
Emanuela Galasso and Jeffrey Yau
4057: An essay on economic reforms and social change in China Downloads
Assar Lindbeck
4056: Deposit insurance and banking reform in Russia Downloads
Modibo K. Camara and Fernando Montes-Negret
4055: The investment climate in post-conflict situations Downloads
Rob Mills and Qimiao Fan
4054: Corporate governance and Shariah compliance in institutions offering Islamic financial services Downloads
Wafik Grais and Matteo Pellegrini
4053: Corporate governance and stakeholders'financial interests in institutions offering Islamic financial services Downloads
Wafik Grais and Matteo Pellegrini
4052: Corporate governance in institutions offering Islamic financial services: issues and options Downloads
Wafik Grais and Matteo Pellegrini
4051: The fiscal framework and urban infrastructure finance in China Downloads
Ming Su and Quanhou Zhao
4050: The demographic benefit of international migration: hypothesis and application to the Middle Eastern and North African contexts Downloads
Philippe Fargues
4049: Trade reforms and welfare: an ex-post decomposition of income in Vietnam Downloads
Aylin Isik-Dikmelik
4048: Services inputs and firm productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from firm-level data Downloads
Jens Arnold, Aaditya Mattoo and Gaia Narciso
4047: Unraveling the worldwide pollution haven effect Downloads
Jean-Marie Grether, Nicole Mathys and Jaime de Melo
4046: Migrant networks and foreign direct investment Downloads
Beata Javorcik, Caglar Ozden, Mariana Spatareanu and Ileana Neagu Constantinescu
4045: Urban infrastructure finance from private operators: what have we learned from recent experience ? Downloads
Patricia Clarke Annez
4044: Export promotion agencies: what works and what doesn't Downloads
Daniel Lederman, Marcelo Olarreaga and Lucy Payton
4043: Land leasing and land sale as an infrastructure-financing option Downloads
George E. Peterson
4042: Mobilizing urban infrastructure finance within a responsible fiscal framework: South African case Downloads
Philip van Ryneveld
4041: Crime and violence in development: a literature review of Latin America and the Caribbean Downloads
Alessandra Heinemann and Dorte Verner
4040: Estimating the returns to education: accounting for heterogeneity in ability Downloads
Harry Patrinos, Cris Ridao-Cano and Chris Sakellariou
4039: A practitioner's guide to intergovernmental fiscal transfers Downloads
Anwar Shah
4038: Preferential trade agreements and their role in world trade Downloads
Denis Medvedev
4037: Conscription and Crime Downloads
Sebastian Galiani, Martín Rossi and Ernesto Schargrodsky
4036: Evaluating the impact of Mexico's quality schools program: the pitfalls of using nonexperimental data Downloads
Emmanuel Skoufias and Joseph Shapiro
4035: Measuring the pro-poorness of income growth within an elasticity framework Downloads
Essama-Nssah B. and Peter J. Lambert
4034: When instability increases the effectiveness of aid projects Downloads
Patrick Guillaumont and Rachid Laajaj
4033: Do intensity targets control uncertainty better than quotas ? Conditions, calibrations, and caveats Downloads
Robert Marschinski and Franck Lecocq
4032: Do institutions matter more for services ? Downloads
Mohammad Amin and Aaditya Mattoo
4031: Duration of unemployment benefits and quality of post-unemployment jobs: evidence from a natural experiment Downloads
Jan C. van Ours and Milan Vodopivec
4030: Liberalizing trade in services: a survey Downloads
Bernard Hoekman
4029: Takeover laws and financial development Downloads
Tatiana Nenova
4028: Fiscal and social impact of a nominal exchange rate devaluation in Djibouti Downloads
Paloma Anos Casero and Ganesh Seshan
4027: Bank efficiency, ownership, and market structure: why are interest spreads so high in Uganda ? Downloads
Thorsten Beck and Heiko Hesse
4026: The basic analytics of access to financial services Downloads
Thorsten Beck and Augusto de la Torre
4025: Economic growth, education, and AIDS in Kenya: a long-run analysis Downloads
Clive Bell, Ramona Bruhns and Hans Gersbach
4024: Education and HIV/AIDS prevention: evidence from a randomized evaluation in Western Kenya Downloads
Esther Duflo, Pascaline Dupas, Michael Kremer and Samuel Sinei
4023: What is the real impact of schooling on age of first union and age of first parenting ? New evidence from Guatemala Downloads
Jere Behrman, Alexis Murphy, Agnes Quisumbing, Usha Ramakrishnan and Kathyrn Yount
4022: The demography of youth in developing countries and its economic implications Downloads
David Lam
4021: A profile of the world's young developing country migrants Downloads
David McKenzie
4020: Restructuring Uganda's coffee industry: why going back to the basics matters Downloads
John Baffes
4019: Banking sector openness and economic growth Downloads
Nihal Bayraktar and Yan Wang
4018: Forgone earnings from smoking: evidence for a developing country Downloads
Michael Lokshin and Kathleen Beegle
4017: Do subsidized health programs in Armenia increase utilization among the poor? Downloads
Diego Angel-Urdinola and Shweta Jain
4016: Rules of origin for preferential trading arrangements: implications for the ASEAN Free Trade Area of EU and U.S. experience Downloads
Olivier Cadot, Jaime de Melo and Alberto Portugal-Perez
4015: Regional impacts of Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization Downloads
Thomas Rutherford and David Tarr
4014: The World Trade Organization and antidumping in developing countries Downloads
Chad Bown
4013: The role of agriculture in poverty reduction an empirical perspective Downloads
Luc Christiaensen, Lionel Demery and Jesper Kühl
4012: Governance matters V: aggregate and individual governance indicators for 1996 - 2005 Downloads
Daniel Kaufmann, Aart Kraay and Massimo Mastruzzi
4011: Fairtrade and market failures in agricultural commodity markets Downloads
Loraine Ronchi
4010: Rural vulnerability in Serbia Downloads
Lire Ersado
4009: Azerbaijan's household survey data: explaining why inequality is so low Downloads
Lire Ersado
4008: Group versus individual liability: a field experiment in the Philippines Downloads
Xavier Gine and Dean Karlan
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