Policy Research Working Paper Series
From The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Roula I. Yazigi (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 5709: Where on earth is everybody ? the evolution of global bilateral migration 1960-2000

- Caglar Ozden, Christopher Parsons, Maurice Schiff and Terrie Walmsley
- 5708: Does female reservation affect long-term political outcomes ? Evidence from rural India

- Klaus Deininger, Songqing Jin, Hari Nagarajan and Xia Fang
- 5707: Intersubjective meaning and collective action in'fragile'societies: theory, evidence and policy implications

- Varun Gauri, Michael Woolcock and Deval Desai
- 5706: When is capital enough to get female enterprises growing ? evidence from a randomized experiment in Ghana

- Marcel Fafchamps, David McKenzie, David McKenzie, Simon Quinn and Christopher Woodruff
- 5705: How do ex ante simulations compare with ex post evaluations ? evidence from the impact of conditional cash transfer programs

- Phillippe Leite, Ambar Narayan and Emmanuel Skoufias
- 5704: The politics of power: the political economy of rent-seeking in electric utilities in the Philippines

- Zahid Hasnain and Yasuhiko Matsuda
- 5703: A cluster-based industrial development policy for low-income countries

- Keijiro Otsuka and Tetsushi Sonobe
- 5702: From flying Geese to leading Dragons: new opportunities and strategies for structural transformation in developing countries

- Justin Lin
- 5701: Export quality dynamics

- Pravin Krishna and William Maloney
- 5700: Deconstructing herding: evidence from pension fund investment behavior

- Claudio Raddatz and Sergio Schmukler
- 5699: Redressing grievances and complaints regarding basic service delivery

- Varun Gauri
- 5698: Niger's infrastructure: a continental perspective

- Carolina Dominguez-Torres and Vivien Foster
- 5697: The Central African Republic's infrastructure: a continental perspective

- Carolina Dominguez-Torres and Vivien Foster
- 5696: The silence of corruption: identifying underreporting of business corruption through randomized response techniques

- Nathan Jensen and Aminur Rahman
- 5695: Exporting from a small landlocked economy: an assessment of firm-product-destination survival rates in the Lao PDR

- Liviu Stirbat, Richard Record and Konesawang Nghardsaysone
- 5694: The success of infrastructure projects in low-income countries and the role of selectivity

- Nicola Limodio
- 5693: Disaster risk financing and contingent credit: a dynamic analysis

- Daniel Clarke and Olivier Mahul
- 5692: Together we will: experimental evidence on female voting behavior in Pakistan

- Xavier Gine and Ghazala Mansuri
- 5691: Exports and international logistics

- Alberto Behar, Philip Manners and Benjamin Nelson
- 5690: Making services work: indicators, assessments, and benchmarking of the quality and governance of public service delivery in the human development sectors

- Ariel Fiszbein, Dena Ringold and Frederic Rogers
- 5689: Benin's infrastructure: a continental perspective

- Carolina Dominguez-Torres and Vivien Foster
- 5688: Mali's infrastructure: a continental perspective

- Cecilia M. Briceno-Garmendia, Carolina Dominguez and Nataliya Pushak
- 5687: Cape Verde's infrastructure: a continental perspective

- Cecilia M. Briceno-Garmendia and Daniel Alberto Benitez
- 5686: Nigeria's infrastructure: a continental perspective

- Vivien Foster and Nataliya Pushak
- 5685: A profile of border protection in Egypt: an effective rate of protection approach adjusting for energy subsidies

- Alberto Valdes and William Foster
- 5684: Adjusting the labor supply to mitigate violent shocks: evidence from rural Colombia

- Manuel Fernandez Sierra, Ana Ibáñez and Ximena Peña
- 5683: Small area estimation-based prediction methods to track poverty: validation and applications

- Luc Christiaensen, Peter Lanjouw, Jill Luoto and David Stifel
- 5682: Is infrastructure capital productive ? a dynamic heterogeneous approach

- Cesar Calderon, Enrique Moral-Benito and Luis Serven
- 5681: Assessing the long-term effects of conditional cash transfers on human capital: evidence from Colombia

- Javier Baez and Adriana Camacho
- 5680: Schooling and youth mortality: learning from a mass military exemption

- Piero Cipollone and Alfonso Rosolia
- 5679: Implications of the Doha market access proposals for developing countries

- David Laborde Debucquet, Will Martin and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
- 5678: Under what conditions does a carbon tax on fossil fuels stimulate biofuels ?

- Govinda Timilsina, Stefan Csordas and Simon Mevel
- 5677: International harmonization of product standards and firm heterogeneity in international trade

- José-Daniel Reyes
- 5676: Collective action, political parties and pro-development public policy

- Philip Keefer
- 5675: Strategic climate policy with offsets and incomplete abatement: carbon taxes versus cap-and-trade

- Jon Strand
- 5674: Students today, teachers tomorrow ? identifying constraints on the provision of Education

- Tahir Andrabi, Jishnu Das and Asim Khwaja
- 5673: World oil price and biofuels: a general equilibrium analysis

- Govinda Timilsina, Simon Mevel and Ashish Shrestha
- 5672: Biofuels and climate change mitigation: a CGE analysis incorporating land-use change

- Govinda Timilsina and Simon Mevel
- 5671: Reliability of recall in agricultural data

- Kathleen G. Beegle, Calogero Carletto, Kristen Himelein Kastelic, Kathleen G. Beegle, Calogero Carletto and Kristen Himelein Kastelic
- 5670: Financial liberalization and allocative dfficiency of capital

- Madina Kukenova
- 5669: Does cash for school influence young women's behavior in the longer term ? evidence from Pakistan

- Andaleeb Alam, Javier Baez and Ximena V. Del Carpio
- 5668: Eight questions about brain drain

- John Gibson and David McKenzie
- 5667: Incentive compatible reforms: the political economy of public investments in Mongolia

- Zahid Hasnain
- 5666: Fiscal policy and debt dynamics in developing countries

- Ethan Ilzetzki
- 5665: Measuring the impacts of global trade reform with optimal aggregators of distortions

- David Laborde Debucquet, Will Martin and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
- 5664: Mobile banking and financial inclusion: the regulatory lessons

- Michael Klein and Colin Mayer
- 5663: Cotton subsidies, the WTO, and the'cotton problem'

- John Baffes
- 5662: Deep trade policy options for Armenia: the importance of services, trade facilitation and standards liberalization

- Jesper Jensen and David Tarr
- 5661: Economic performance under NAFTA: a firm-level analysis of the trade-productivity linkages

- Rafael De Hoyos and Leonardo Iacovone
- 5660: On the relevance of freedom and entitlement in development: new empirical evidence (1975-2007)

- Jean-Pierre Chauffour
- 5659: Maize revolutions in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Melinda Smale, Derek Byerlee and Thomas Jayne
- 5658: Is it what you inherited or what you learnt ? Intergenerational linkage and interpersonal inequality in Senegal

- Sylvie Lambert, Martin Ravallion and Dominique van de Walle
- 5657: Success and failure of African exporters

- Olivier Cadot, Leonardo Iacovone, Martha Denisse Pierola and Ferdinand Rauch
- 5656: Political economy studies: are they actionable ? some lessons from Zambia

- Monica Beuran, Gaël Raballand and Kapil Kapoor
- 5655: Governance in the health sector: a strategy for measuring determinants and performance

- William D. Savedoff
- 5654: Trade policies, investment climate, and exports across countries

- Murat Seker
- 5653: Methodology for the assessment of data quality: application to HIV and AIDS programs in Latin America

- Rosalia Rodriguez-Garcia, Michel Eric Gaillard, Alejandra Suarez Lissi and Pedro Magne Condarco
- 5652: Rising food prices and household welfare: evidence from Brazil in 2008

- Francisco Ferreira, Anna Fruttero, Phillippe Leite and Leonardo Lucchetti
- 5651: Who is vouching for the input voucher ? decentralized targeting and elite capture in Tanzania

- Lei Pan and Luc Christiaensen
- 5650: Labor market transitions and social security in Colombia

- Jose Cuesta and Camilo Bohórquez-Peñuela
- 5649: Financial development and survival of African agri-food exports

- Melise Jaud and Madina Kukenova
- 5648: Five feet high and rising: cities and flooding in the 21st century

- Abhas Jha, Jessica Lamond, Robin Bloch, Namrata Bhattacharya, Ana Lopez, Nikolaos Papachristodoulou, Alan Bird, David Proverbs, John Davies and Robert Barker
- 5647: Politics and preschool: the political economy of investment in pre-primary education

- Katrina Kosec
- 5646: Good countries or good projects ? macro and micro correlates of World Bank project performance

- Cevdet Denizer, Daniel Kaufmann and Aart Kraay
- 5645: Export restrictions and price insulation during commodity price booms

- Will Martin and Kym Anderson
- 5644: Income shocks and adolescent mental health

- Sarah Baird, Jacobus de Hoop and Berk Özler
- 5643: Education outcomes, school governance and parents'demand for accountability: evidence from Albania

- Danila Serra, Abigail Barr and Truman Packard
- 5642: Stimulating managerial capital in emerging markets: the impact of business and financial literacy for young entrepreneurs

- Miriam Bruhn and Bilal Zia
- 5641: Diagnosing development bottlenecks: China and India

- Wei Li, Taye Mengistae and Lixin Xu
- 5640: Employability and skill set of newly graduated engineers in India

- Andreas Blom and Hiroshi Saeki
- 5639: Beyond baseline and follow-up: the case for more t in experiments

- David McKenzie
- 5638: Evaluating public per-student subsidies to low-cost private schools: regression-discontinuity evidence from Pakistan

- Felipe Barrera-Osorio and Dhushyanth Raju
- 5637: How resilient and countercyclical were emerging economies to the global financial crisis ?

- Tatiana Didier, Constantino Hevia and Sergio Schmukler
- 5636: How did the great recession affect different types of workers ? evidence from 17 middle-income countries

- Yoonyoung Cho and David Newhouse
- 5635: A second look at the pesticides initiative program: evidence from Senegal

- Melise Jaud and Olivier Cadot
- 5634: Empirical analysis of corporate savings in Egypt

- Inessa Love
- 5633: Estimating the short-run poverty impacts of the 2010-11 surge in food prices

- Maros Ivanic, Will Martin and Hassan Zaman
- 5632: How can we learn whether firm policies are working in africa ? challenges (and solutions?) for experiments and structural models

- David McKenzie
- 5630: Market integration in China

- Qingqing Chen, Chor-Ching Goh, Bo Sun and Lixin Xu
- 5629: School inputs, household substitution, and test scores

- Jishnu Das, Stefan Dercon, James Habyarimana, Pramila Krishnan, Karthik Muralidharan and Venkatesh Sundararaman
- 5628: Measuring true sales and underreporting with matched firm-level survey and tax-office data

- Fujin Zhou and Remco Oostendorp
- 5627: OECD imports: diversification of suppliers and quality search

- Olivier Cadot, Celine Carrere and Vanessa Strauss-Kahn
- 5626: Does it matter who you sign with ? comparing the impacts of north-south and south-south trade agreements on bilateral trade

- Alberto Behar and Laia Cirera i Criville
- 5625: How integrated is SADC ? trends in intra-regional and extra-regional trade flows and policy

- Alberto Behar and Lawrence Edwards
- 5624: Financial globalization in emerging economies: much ado about nothing ?

- Eduardo Levy Yeyati and Tomas Williams
- 5623: Distributional implications of climate change in India

- Hanan Jacoby, Mariano Rabassa and Emmanuel Skoufias
- 5622: The poverty impacts of climate change: a review of the evidence

- Emmanuel Skoufias, Mariano Rabassa and Sergio Olivieri
- 5621: Agriculture and the clean development mechanism

- Donald Larson, Ariel Dinar and J. Aapris Frisbie
- 5620: Bank ownership and performance in the Middle East and North Africa region

- Subika Farazi, Erik Feyen and Roberto Rocha
- 5619: Large devaluations, foreign direct investment and exports: a speculative note

- Daniel Lederman
- 5618: Water and sanitation to reduce child mortality: the impact and cost of water and sanitation infrastructure

- Isabel Günther and Günther Fink
- 5617: How economic growth and rational decisions can make disaster losses grow faster than wealth

- Stephane Hallegatte
- 5616: Education: past, present and future global challenges

- Harry Patrinos and George Psacharopoulos
- 5615: Too little too late: welfare impacts of rainfall shocks in rural Indonesia

- Emmanuel Skoufias, B. Essama-Nssah and Roy S. Katayama
- 5614: Electoral accountability, fiscal decentralization and service delivery in Indonesia

- Emmanuel Skoufias, Ambar Narayan, Basab Dasgupta and Kai Kaiser
- 5613: Increasing access to credit through reforming secured transactions in the MENA Region

- Alejandro Alvarez de la Campa
- 5612: A review of credit guarantee schemes in the Middle East and North Africa Region

- Youssef Saadani, Zsofia Arvai and Roberto Rocha
- 5611: Reforming government debt markets in MENA

- Catiana Garcia-Kilroy and Anderson Caputo Silva
- 5610: Financial inclusion in the Middle East and North Africa: analysis and roadmap recommendations

- Douglas Pearce
- 5609: "No way out": the lack of efficient insolvency regimes in the MENA region

- Mahesh Uttamchandani
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