Policy Research Working Paper Series
From The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Roula I. Yazigi (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 9543: The Causal Effects of Long-Term PM2.5 Exposure on COVID-19 in India

- Takahiro Yamada, Hiroyuki Yamada and Muthukumara S. Mani
- 9542: Gender Differences in Children's Antibiotic Use and Adherence

- Christine Blandhol and Anja Sautmann
- 9541: Land Rezoning and Structural Transformation in Rural India: Evidence from the Industrial Areas Program

- David Blakeslee, Ritam Chaurey, Ram Fishman and Samreen Malik
- 9540: Development Research at High Geographic Resolution: An Analysis of Night Lights, Firms, and Poverty in India Using the SHRUG Open Data Platform

- Sam Asher, Tobias Lunt, Ryu Matsuura and Paul Michael Novosad
- 9539: Improving Tax Compliance without Increasing Revenue: Evidence from Population-Wide Randomized Controlled Trials in Papua New Guinea

- Christopher Hoy, Luke McKenzie and Mathias Georg Sinning
- 9538: Tracking Economic Activity in Response to the COVID-19 Crisis Using Nighttime Lights — The Case of Morocco

- Mark Roberts
- 9537: Do Large-Scale Student Assessments Really Capture Cognitive Skills ?

- Rafael De Hoyos, Ricardo Estrada and Maria Jose Vargas Mancera
- 9536: Assessing the Impact and Cost of Economic Inclusion Programs: A Synthesis of Evidence

- Boban Varghese Paul, Puja Vasudeva Dutta and Sarang Chaudhary
- 9535: School Management, Grants, and Test Scores: Experimental Evidence from Mexico

- Mauricio Romero, Juan Bedoya, Monica Yanez Pagans, Marcela Lucia Silveyra De La Garza and Rafael De Hoyos
- 9534: Quantifying Vulnerability to Poverty in the Drought-Prone Lowlands of Ethiopia

- Emmanuel Skoufias, Katja Vinha and Berhe Mekonnen Beyene
- 9533: The Impact of Living Arrangements (In-Camp versus Out-of-Camp) on the Quality of Life: A Case Study of Syrian Refugees in Jordan

- Chinedu Temple Obi
- 9532: The Demand for Advice: Theory and Empirical Evidence from Farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Dominik Naeher and Matthias Schundeln
- 9531: Taming Private Leviathans: Regulation versus Taxation

- Rabah Arezki, Asif Islam and Gregoire Rota-Graziosi
- 9530: Measuring Poverty Rapidly Using Within-Survey Imputations

- Utz Pape
- 9529: The Technology-Employment Trade-Off: Automation, Industry, and Income Effects

- Gene Kindberg-Hanlon
- 9528: "Building Back Better" in Practice: A Science-Policy Framework for a Green Economic Recovery after COVID-19

- Theodoros Zachariadis, Elias Giannakis, Constantinos Taliotis, Marios Karmellos, Nestor Fylaktos, Mark Idwal Howells, William James Blyth and Stephane Hallegatte
- 9527: Exports and Women Workers in Formal Firms

- Mohammad Amin and Asif Islam
- 9526: Roads Development Optimization for All-Season Service Accessibility Improvement in Rural Nepal Using a Novel Cost-Time Model and Evolutionary Algorithm

- Andries Michiel Heyns, Robert Steven Banick and Suraj Regmi
- 9525: Technology and Demand Drivers of Productivity Dynamics in Developed and Emerging Market Economies

- Alistair Dieppe, Neville Ricardo Francis and Gene Kindberg-Hanlon
- 9524: Macroeconomic Expectations and Credit Card Spending

- Mikhail Galashin, Martin Kanz and Ricardo Perez Truglia
- 9523: Identification Properties for Estimating the Impact of Regulation on Markups and Productivity

- James Sampi, Charl Jooste and Ekaterina Vostroknutova
- 9522: Does Central Bank Independence Increase Inequality?

- Michaël Aklin, Andreas Kern and Mario Negre
- 9521: The Unintended Consequences of Deportations: Evidence from Firm Behavior in El Salvador

- Antonella Agostina Bandiera, Lelys Dinarte Diaz, Sandra Rozo, Carlos Schmidt-Padilla, Maria Micaela Sviatschi and Hernan Winkler
- 9520: Investment Impacts of Gendered Land Rights in Customary Tenure Systems: Substantive and Methodological Insights from Malawi

- Klaus Deininger, Fang Xia, Talip Kilic and Heather G. Moylan
- 9519: Using Mobile Data to Understand Urban Mobility Patterns in Freetown, Sierra Leone

- Fatima Arroyo Arroyo, Marta Fernandez Gonzalez, Dunstan Matekenya and Xavier Espinet Alegre
- 9518: A Reappraisal of the Migration-Development Nexus: Testing the Robustness of the Migration Transition Hypothesis

- Naomi Leefmans, Nienke Oomes, Hugo Alexander Rojas Romagosa, Tobias Vervliet and Nicolas Berthiaume
- 9517: The Impact of Language of Instruction in Schools on Student Achievement: Evidence from Malaysia Using the Synthetic Control Method

- Yew Chong Soh, Ximena Del Carpio and Liang Wang
- 9516: Competition Reform and Household Welfare: A Microsimulation Analysis of the Telecommunication Sector in Ethiopia

- Carlos Rodriguez Castelan, Eduardo Malásquez, Rogelio Granguillhome Ochoa and Abdelkrim Araar
- 9515: Does Competition from Informal Firms Hurt Job Creation by Formal Firms ? Evidence Using Firm-Level Survey Data

- Mohammad Amin
- 9514: Coping with COVID-19: Does Management Make Firms More Resilient ?

- Arti Goswami Grover and Valerie Jean Karplus
- 9513: Have Remittances Affected Real Unit Labor Costs in the Transition Economies of Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus, and Central Asia ?

- Jimmy Apaa Okello, Martin Brownbridge and Roy S. Canagarajah
- 9512: Characterization of Ambient Air Quality in Selected Urban Areas in Uganda: A Low-Cost Approach

- Nancy Lozano Gracia, Engineer Bainomugisha, Maria Edisa Soppelsa and Deo Okure
- 9511: COVID-19, Public Procurement Regimes, and Trade Policy

- Varun Eknath, Bernard Hoekman, Viktoriya Ereshchenko and Anirudh Shingal
- 9510: The Early Labor Market Impacts of COVID-19 in Developing Countries: Evidence from High-Frequency Phone Surveys

- Amparo Palacios-Lopez, David Newhouse, Utz Pape, Melanie Khamis, Michael Weber and Daniel Prinz
- 9509: Incentives for Mayors to Improve Learning: Evidence from state reforms in Ceará, Brazil

- Ildo Jose Lautharte Junior, Victor Hugo de Oliveira and Andre Loureiro
- 9508: Pandemic Trade: Covid-19, Remote Work and Global Value Chains

- Alvaro Raul Espitia Rueda, Michele Ruta, Nadia Rocha, Deborah Elisabeth Winkler and Aaditya Mattoo
- 9507: Trickle Down Tax Morale: A Cross Country Survey Experiment

- Jonathan Mellon, Tiago Carneiro Peixoto, Fredrik Matias Sjoberg and Varun Gauri
- 9506: Policies to Support Businesses through the COVID-19 Shock: A Firm-Level Perspective

- Xavier Cirera, Marcio Cruz, Elwyn Adriaan Robin Davies, Arti Goswami Grover, Leonardo Iacovone, Jose Ernesto Lopez Cordova, Denis Medvedev, Franklin Maduko, Gaurav Nayyar, Santiago Reyes Ortega and Jesica Torres
- 9505: Macroeconomic Modeling of Managing Hurricane Damage in the Caribbean: The Case of Jamaica

- Andrew Burns, Charl Jooste and Gregor Schwerhoff
- 9504: The Impact of Flooding on Urban Transit and Accessibility: A Case Study of Kinshasa

- Yiyi He, Stephan Fabian Thies, Paolo Avner and Jun Erik Maruyama Rentschler
- 9503: Impacts of COVID-19 on Household Welfare in Tunisia

- Deeksha Kokas, Gladys C. Lopez-Acevedo, AbdelRahmen El Lahga and Vibhuti Mendiratta
- 9502: Improving Business Practices and the Boundary of the Entrepreneur: A Randomized Experiment Comparing Training, Consulting, Insourcing and Outsourcing

- Stephen J. Anderson and David McKenzie
- 9501: Bilateral International Investments: The Big Sur ?

- Fernando Broner, Tatiana Didier Brandao, Sergio Schmukler and Goetz von Peter
- 9500: Do Immigrants Push Natives towards Safer Jobs ? Exposure to COVID-19 in the European Union

- Laurent Bossavie, Daniel Garrote Sanchez, Mattia Makovec and Caglar Ozden
- 9499: Assessing the Effects of Fiscal Policies on Poverty and Inequality: The Case of Uruguay

- Marisa Bucheli, Gabriel Lara Ibarra and Diego Tuzman Fernandez
- 9498: Trade Policy Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis: Evidence from a New Data Set

- Simon J. Evenett, Matteo Fiorini, Johannes Fritz, Bernard Hoekman, Piotr Lukaszuk, Nadia Rocha, Michele Ruta, Filippo Santi and Anirudh Shingal
- 9497: Taking Stock of the Financial Sector Policy Response to COVID-19 around the World

- Erik H.B. Feyen, Tatiana Alonso Gispert, Tatsiana Kliatskova and Davide Salvatore Mare
- 9496: Actual and Potential Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific: Estimated Effects

- Michael Joseph Ferrantino, Maryla Maliszewska and Svitlana Taran
- 9494: Economic Growth in European Union NUTS-3 Regions

- Austin Francis Louis Kilroy and Roberto Ganau
- 9493: Data Transparency and Long-Run Growth

- Asif Islam and Daniel Lederman
- 9492: Texting Parents about Early Child Development: Behavioral Changes and Unintended Social Effects

- Oscar Barrera-Rodriguez, Karen Macours, Patrick Premand and Renos Vakis
- 9491: Measuring Total Factor Productivity Using the Enterprise Surveys: A Methodological Note

- David C. Francis, Nona Karalashvili, Hibret Maemir and Jorge Rodriguez Meza
- 9490: Do Coronavirus Containment Measures Work ? Worldwide Evidence

- Fernando Heber Blanco, Drilona Emrullahu and Raimundo Soto
- 9489: Dynamics and Synchronization of Global Equilibrium Interest Rates

- Robert Beyer and Lazar Milivojevic
- 9488: Applying Machine Learning and Geolocation Techniques to Social Media Data (Twitter) to Develop a Resource for Urban Planning

- Svetoslava Petkova Milusheva, Robert Andrew Marty, Guadalupe Bedoya Arguelles, Sarah Elizabeth Williams, Elizabeth Landsdowne Resor and Arianna Legovini
- 9487: Corporate Market Power in Romania: Assessing Recent Trends, Drivers, and Implications for Competition

- Mariana Iootty, Georgiana Pop and Jorge O. Pena
- 9486: Subsidies, Information, and the Timing of Children’s Health Care in Mali

- Anja Sautmann, Samuel Brown and Dean Mark Kline
- 9485: Lights Out ? COVID-19 Containment Policies and Economic Activity

- Robert Beyer, Tarun Jain and Sonalika Sinha
- 9484: The Determinants of Regional Foreign Direct Investment and Its Spatial Dependence: Evidence from Tunisia

- Bechir Naier Bouzid and Sofiene Toumi
- 9483: Productivity Loss and Misallocation of Resources in Southeast Asia

- Francesca de Nicola, Ha Nguyen and Norman Loayza
- 9482: Does Patient Demand Contribute to the Overuse of Prescription Drugs ?

- Carolina Pereira Lopez, Anja Sautmann and Simone Gabrielle Schaner
- 9481: Scarred but Wiser: World War 2's COVID Legacy

- Michael Lokshin, Vladimir Kolchin and Martin Ravallion
- 9480: Opening-up Trajectories and Economic Recovery: Lessons after the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic

- Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Michael Lokshin and Iván Torre
- 9479: Does Maternal Depression Undermine Childhood Cognitive Development? Evidence from the Young Lives Survey in Peru

- Maria Magdalena Bendini and Lelys Dinarte Diaz
- 9478: Ex-Ante Evaluation of Sub-National Labor Market Impacts of Trade Reforms

- Maryla Maliszewska, Israel Osorio-Rodarte and Rakesh Gupta Nichanametla Ramasubbaiah
- 9477: The Employment Effect of Place-Based Policies: Evidence from India

- Yue - ETICI Li and Sutirtha Roy
- 9476: Technology Within and Across Firms

- Xavier Cirera, Diego Comin, Marcio Cruz and Kyungmin Lee
- 9475: COVID-19 and Food Security in Ethiopia: Do Social Protection Programs Protect ?

- Kibrom Abay, Guush Berhane, John Hoddinott and Kibrom Tafere
- 9474: The Coronavirus Pandemic and Food Security: Evidence from West Africa

- Guigonan Serge Adjognon, Jeffrey Bloem and Aly Sanoh
- 9473: Do Cash Transfers Foster Resilience ? Evidence from Rural Niger

- Patrick Premand and Quentin Stoeffler
- 9472: Economic Crises and Returns to University Education in Middle-Income Countries: Stylized Facts and COVID-19 Projections

- Tazeen Fasih, Harry Patrinos and M. Najeeb Shafiq
- 9471: Children on the Move: Progressive Redistribution of Humanitarian Cash Transfers among Refugees

- Berk Özler, Cigdem Celik, Scott Cunningham, Pablo Facundo Cuevas and Luca Parisotto
- 9470: The Interplay of Policy, Institutions, and Culture in the Time of Covid-19

- Sheng Fang, Lixin Xu and Yuanyuan Yi
- 9469: Building Trust in the State with Information: Evidence from Urban Punjab

- Adnan Khan, Sanval Nasim, Mahvish Ifrah Shaukat and Andreas Stegmann
- 9468: The Drivers of Firms' Compliance to Environmental Regulations: The Case of India

- Sebastian Franco Bedoya and Muthukumara S. Mani
- 9467: Poverty Alleviation and Interhousehold Transfers: Evidence from BRAC's Graduation Program in Bangladesh

- Selim Gulesci
- 9466: Socioeconomic Impacts of COVID-19 in Four African Countries

- Anna Josephson, Talip Kilic and Jeffrey Michler
- 9465: In Light of What They Know: How do Local Leaders Make Targeting Decisions?

- Ervin Dervisevic, Seth Aaron Levine Garz, Aneesh Mannava and Elizaveta Perova
- 9464: The Rural-Urban Divide and Intergenerational Educational Mobility in a Developing Country: Theory and Evidence from Indonesia

- Md Nazmul Ahsan, M. Shahe Emran and Forhad J. Shilpi
- 9463: From Farms to Factories and Firms: Structural Transformation and Labor Productivity Growth in Malaysia

- Amanina Binti Abdur Rahman and Achim Schmillen
- 9462: Promoting Parental Involvement in Schools: Evidence from Two Randomized Experiments

- Felipe Barrera-Osorio, Paul J. Gertler, Nozomi Nakajima and Harry Patrinos
- 9461: Using Experimental Evidence to Inform Firm Support Programs in Developing Countries

- Arti Goswami Grover and Michele Imbruno
- 9460: Credit Constraints and Fraud Victimization: Evidence from a Representative Chinese Household Survey

- Nan Gao, Yuanyuan Ma and Lixin Xu
- 9459: Tracing the Local Impacts of Exports on Poverty and Inequality in Mexico

- Carlos Rodriguez Castelan, Emmanuel Vazquez and Hernan Winkler
- 9458: Measuring Human Capital in Europe and Central Asia

- Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Ivan Torre
- 9457: Interest Rate Repression: A New Database

- Pietro Calice, Federico Alfonso Diaz Kalan and Oliver Masetti
- 9456: Feeling Poor, Feeling Rich, or Feeling Middle-Class: An Empirical Investigation

- Maurizio Bussolo, Mathilde Sylvie Maria Lebrand and Ivan Torre
- 9455: Conflict and Poverty

- Hannes Mueller and Chanon Techasunthornwat
- 9454: Big Sisters

- Pamela Jakiela, Owen Ozier, Lia C. Fernald and Heather Ashley Knauer
- 9453: Saving for Dowry: Evidence from Rural India

- S Anukriti, Sungoh Kwon and Nishith Prakash
- 9452: Complex Decisions between Care and Paid Work: A Qualitative Study on the Demand for ChildcareServices in Mexico City

- Miriam Muller and Martha Jaen
- 9451: Measuring the Biases, Burdens, and Barriers Women Entrepreneurs Endure in Myanmar

- Chiara Dall'Aglio, Fayavar Hayati and David James Lee
- 9450: How to Improve Education Outcomes Most Efficiently ? A Comparison of 150 Interventions Using theNew Learning-Adjusted Years of Schooling Metric

- Noam Angrist, David Evans, Deon Filmer, Rachel Glennerster, Frederic Rogers and Shwetlena Sabarwal
- 9449: The Role of Gender in Agent Banking: Evidence from the Democratic Republic of Congo

- Richard Chamboko, Robert Cull, Xavier Gine, Soren Heitmann, Fabian Reitzug and Morne Van Der Westhuizen
- 9448: Estimating the Magnitude of Water Supply and Sanitation Subsidies

- Luis Andres, Gonzalo Espineira, George Joseph, German Eduardo Sember and Michael David Thibert
- 9447: People in Harm's Way: Flood Exposure and Poverty in 189 Countries

- Jun Erik Maruyama Rentschler and Melda Salhab
- 9446: Learning Poverty: Measures and Simulations

- João Pedro Azevedo
- 9445: Political Dividends of Digital Participatory Governance: Evidence from Moscow Pothole Management

- Nisan Gorgulu, Gulnaz Sharafutdinova and Jevgenijs Steinbuks
- 9444: Women's Legal Rights and Gender Gaps in Property Ownership in Developing Countries

- Isis Gaddis, Rahul Suresh Lahoti and Hema Swaminathan
- 9443: Supporting Carbon Tax Implementation in Developing Countries through Results-Based Payments for Emissions Reductions

- Jon Strand
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