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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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7415: The national solidarity program: assessing the effects of community-driven development in Afghanistan Downloads
Andrew Beath, Fotini Christia and Ruben Enikolopov
7414: Infrastructure investment demands in emerging markets and developing economies Downloads
Fernanda Ruiz Nunez and Zichao Wei
7413: The ABCs of financial education: experimental evidence on attitudes, behavior, and cognitive biases Downloads
Fenella Carpena, Shawn A. Cole, Jeremy Shapiro and Bilal Zia
7412: Job opportunities along the rural-urban gradation and female labor force participation in India Downloads
Urmila Chatterjee, Rinku Murgai and Martin Rama
7411: Recasting culture to undo gender: a sociological analysis of Jeevika in rural Bihar, India Downloads
Paromita Sanyal, Vijayendra Rao and Shruti Majumdar
7410: Volunteerism after the Tsunami: the effects of democratization Downloads
Tiago Freire, J. Vernon Henderson and Ari Kuncoro
7409: On the effects of enforcement on illegal markets: evidence from a quasi-experiment in Colombia Downloads
Daniel Mejia, Pascual Restrepo and Sandra Rozo
7408: The cost of road infrastructure in low and middle income countries Downloads
Paul Collier, Martina Kirchberger and Måns Söderbom
7407: Gender gap in pay in the Russian Federation: twenty years later, still a concern Downloads
Andrea Atencio and Josefina Posadas
7406: Are large firms born or made ? evidence from developing countries Downloads
Meghana Ayyagari, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Vojislav Maksimovic
7405: Business practices in small firms in developing countries Downloads
David McKenzie and Christopher Woodruff
7404: The impact of private sector internship and training on urban youth in Kenya Downloads
Maddalena Honorati
7403: The middle-income trap turns ten Downloads
Indermit S. Gill and Homi Kharas
7402: The impact of Syrian refugees on the Turkish labor market Downloads
Ximena Del Carpio and Mathis Wagner
7401: Review of logistics service regulations for freight forwarding businesses: what should be addressed for a better logistics regulatory framework ? Downloads
Maika Watanuki
7400: Export promotion and firm entry into and survival in export markets Downloads
Daniel Lederman, Marcelo Olarreaga and Lucas Zavala
7399: The pulse of public opinion: using Twitter data to analyze public perception of reform in El Salvador Downloads
Skipper Seabold, Alex Rutherford, Olivia De Backer and Andrea Coppola
7398: Nowcasting prices using Google trends: an application to Central America Downloads
Skipper Seabold and Andrea Coppola
7397: Public good provision in Indian rural areas: the returns to collective action by microfinance groups Downloads
Paolo Casini, Lore Vandewalle and Zaki Wahhaj
7396: The impact of vocational schooling on human capital development in developing countries: evidence from China Downloads
Prashant Loyalka, Xiaoting Huang, Linxiu Zhang, Jianguo Wei, Hongmei Yi, Yingquan Song, Yaojiang Shi and James Chu
7395: Preferences, purchasing power parity, and inequality: analytical framework, propositions, and empirical evidence Downloads
Amita Majumder, Ranjan Ray and Sattwik Santra
7394: Can improved biomass cookstoves contribute to REDD+ in low-income countries ? evidence from a controlled cooking test trial with randomized behavioral treatments Downloads
Abebe D. Beyene, Randall Bluffstone, Sahan Dissanayake, Zenebe Gebreegziabher, Peter Martinsson, Alemu Mekonnen and Michael Toman
7393: The impact of an accountability intervention with diagnostic feedback: evidence from Mexico Downloads
Rafael De Hoyos, Vicente A. Garcia Moreno and Harry Patrinos
7392: A decade of declining earnings inequality in the Russian Federation Downloads
Paula Andrea Calvo, Luis Lopez-Calva and Josefina Posadas
7391: Identifying and spurring high-growth entrepreneurship: experimental evidence from a business plan competition Downloads
David McKenzie
7390: Depreciations without exports ? global value chains and the exchange rate elasticity of exports Downloads
Swarnali Ahmed, Maximiliano Andres Appendino and Michele Ruta
7389: Impact of property rights reform to support China?s rural-urban integration: village-level evidence from the Chengdu national experiment Downloads
Klaus Deininger, Songqing Jin, Shouying Liu, Ting Shao and Fang Xia
7388: Impact of property rights reform to support China?s rural-urban integration: household-level evidence from the Chengdu national experiment Downloads
Klaus Deininger, Songqing Jin, Shouying Liu and Fang Xia
7387: Gender education gaps among indigenous and nonindigenous groups in Bolivia Downloads
Maira Reimão and Emcet Tas
7386: Should Latin America save more to grow faster ? Downloads
Augusto de la Torre and Alain Ize
7385: Distributional impacts of energy cross-subsidization in transition economies: evidence from Belarus Downloads
Corbett Grainger, Fan Zhang and Andrew William Schreiber
7384: The impact of secondary schooling in Kenya: a regression discontinuity analysis Downloads
Owen Ozier
7383: Charter school entry and school choice: the case of Washington, D.C Downloads
Maria Marta Ferreyra and Grigory Kosenok
7382: Self-help groups, savings and social capital: evidence from a field experiment in Cambodia Downloads
Radu Ban, Michael J. Gilligan and Matthias Rieger
7381: Climate-informed decisions: the capital investment plan as a mechanism for lowering carbon emissions Downloads
Jan Whittington and Catherine Lynch
7380: Diversification, growth, and volatility in Asia Downloads
Chris Papageorgiou, Nikola L. Spatafora and Ke Wang
7379: Lower bounds on inequality of opportunity and measurement error Downloads
Carlos Balcazar
7378: Subjective well-being across the lifespan in Europe and Central Asia Downloads
Jan Michael Bauer, Victoria Levin, Ana Maria Munoz Boudet, Peng Nie and Alfonso Sousa-Poza
7377: Does longer compulsory education equalize schooling by gender and rural/urban residence ? Downloads
K?rdar,Murat G., Day?o?lu,Meltem and Koç,?smet
7376: Impacts on poverty of removing fuel import subsidies in Nigeria Downloads
Khalid Siddig, Peter J. Minor, Harald Grethe, Angel Aguiar and Terrie Walmsley
7375: Do performance agreements help improve service delivery ? the experience of Brazilian states Downloads
Lorena Vinuela and Laura De Castro Zoratto
7374: Unconditional cash transfers in China: an analysis of the rural minimum living standard guarantee program Downloads
Jennifer Golan, Terry Sicular and Nithin Umapathi
7373: Estimating poverty with panel data, comparably: an example from Jordan Downloads
Dean Mitchell Jolliffe, Umar Serajuddin, Dean Mitchell Jolliffe and Umar Serajuddin
7372: The impact of expanding access to early childhood services in rural Indonesia: evidence from two cohorts of children Downloads
Sally Anne Brinkman, Amer Hasan, Haeil Jung, Angela Kinnell and Menno Prasad Pradhan
7371: A new cross-national measure of corruption Downloads
Laarni Escresa and Lucio Picci
7370: Promoting democracy in fragile states: insights from a field experiment in Liberia Downloads
Eric Mvukiyehe and Cyrus Dara Samii
7369: The effects of volumetric pricing policy on farmers? water management institutions and their water use: the case of water user organization in an irrigation system in Hubei, China Downloads
Kei Kajisa and Bin Dong
7368: Asymmetric information about migrant earnings and remittance flows Downloads
Ganesh Kumar Seshan and Robertas Zubrickas
7367: The impacts of trade facilitation measures on international trade flows Downloads
Paulo C. de Sá Porto, Otaviano Canuto and Cristiano Morini
7366: Transport policies and development Downloads
Claudia N. Berg, Uwe Deichmann, Yishen Liu, Harris Selod, Claudia N. Berg, Uwe Deichmann, Yishen Liu and Harris Selod
7365: The export-productivity link in Brazilian manufacturing firms Downloads
Xavier Cirera, Daniel Lederman, J.A. Máñez, Maria Engracia Rochina Barrachina and J.A. Sanchis
7364: Can minimum wages close the gender wage gap ? evidence from Indonesia Downloads
Mary C. Hallward-Driemeier, Bob Rijkers, Andrew R. Waxman, Mary C. Hallward-Driemeier, Bob Rijkers and Andrew R. Waxman
7363: Global liquidity and external bond issuance in emerging markets and developing economies Downloads
Erik H.B. Feyen, Swati R. Ghosh, Katie Kibuuka and Subika Farazi
7362: Improving education outcomes in South Asia: findings from a decade of impact evaluations Downloads
Salman Asim, Robert S. Chase, Amit Dar and Achim Schmillen
7361: Electoral rules and political selection: theory and evidence from a field experiment in Afghanistan Downloads
Andrew Beath, Fotini Christia, Georgy Egorov and Ruben Enikolopov
7360: Use of catastrophe risk models in assessing sovereign food security for risk transfer Downloads
SharmamMohan and Roman Hohl
7359: Linking risk models to microeconomic indicators Downloads
Jesse Keith Anttila-Hughes and Mohan Sharma
7358: Using probabilistic models to appraise and decide on sovereign disaster risk financing and insurance Downloads
Roberto Ley-Borrás and Benjamin Daniel Fox
7357: The indirect cost of natural disasters and an economic definition of macroeconomic resilience Downloads
Stephane Hallegatte
7356: Quantifying through ex post assessments the micro-level impacts of sovereign disaster risk financing and insurance programs Downloads
Alain F. De Janvry
7355: Public expenditure following disasters Downloads
David Bevan and Samantha Jane Cook
7354: Pyramid capitalism: political connections, regulation, and firm productivity in Egypt Downloads
Ishac Diwan, Philip Keefer and Marc Tobias Schiffbauer
7353: Capital market financing, firm growth, and firm size distribution Downloads
Tatiana Didier Brandao, Ross Levine and Sergio Schmukler
7352: Do poor countries really need more IT ? the role of relative prices and industrial composition Downloads
Maya Eden and Paul Gaggl
7351: Hybrid issuance regimes for corporate bonds in emerging market countries: analysis, impact and policy choices Downloads
Tamar Loladze
7350: Hukou and highways: the impact of China?s spatial development policies on urbanization and regional inequality Downloads
Maarten Bosker, Uwe Deichmann and Mark Roberts
7349: Biogas: clean energy access with low-cost mitigation of climate change Downloads
E. Somanathan and Randall Bluffstone
7348: Long-run effects of temporary incentives on medical care productivity Downloads
Pablo Celhay, Paul Gertler, Paula Giovagnoli and Christel M. J. Vermeersch
7347: Gold mining and proto-urbanization: recent evidence from Ghana Downloads
Marcel Fafchamps, Michael Rene Koelle and Forhad J. Shilpi
7346: The economics of policy instruments to stimulate wind power in Brazil Downloads
Florian Landis and Govinda Timilsina
7345: High-powered incentives and communication failure Downloads
Ajit Mishra and Sudipta Sarangi
7344: The next wave of deaths from Ebola ? the impact of health care worker mortality Downloads
David Evans, Markus Goldstein and Anna Popova
7343: Rate of return regulation and emission permits trading under uncertainty Downloads
Fan Zhang and Tao Huang
7342: Using national statistics to increase transparency of large land acquisition: evidence from Ethiopia Downloads
Daniel Ayalew Ali, Klaus Deininger and Charles Anthony Philip Harris
7341: How much could South Asia benefit from regional electricity cooperation and trade ? Downloads
Govinda Timilsina, Michael Toman, Jorge G. Karacsonyi and Luca de Tena Diego
7340: Public-private partnerships: promise and hype Downloads
Michael Klein
7339: Small cash rewards for big losers: experimental insights into the fight against the obesity epidemic Downloads
Boris Augurzky, Thomas Bauer, Arndt Reichert, Christoph Schmidt and Harald Tauchmann
7338: What drives local food prices ? evidence from the Tanzanian maize market Downloads
John Baffes, Varun Kshirsagar and Donald Mitchell
7337: The consumption, income, and wealth of the poorest: cross-sectional facts of rural and urban Sub-Saharan Africa for macroeconomists Downloads
Leandro de Magalhaes and Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis
7336: Political connections and tariff evasion: evidence from Tunisia Downloads
Bob Rijkers, Leila Baghdadi, Gael J. R. F. Raballand, Bob Rijkers, Leila Baghdadi and Gael J. R. F. Raballand
7335: When elites meet: decentralization, power-sharing, and public goods provision in post-conflict Sierra Leone Downloads
Amanda Clayton, Jennifer Lynn Noveck and Margaret Levi
7334: Quality and accountability in healthcare delivery: audit evidence from primary care providers in India Downloads
Jishnu Das, Alaka Holla, Aakash Mohpal and Karthik Muralidharan
7333: Demography, urbanization and development: rural push, urban pull and... urban push ? Downloads
Remi Jedwab, Luc Christiaensen and Marina Gindelsky
7332: Latent trade diversification and its relevance for macroeconomic stability Downloads
Daniel Lederman, Samuel Pienknagura and Diego Rojas
7331: Women left behind ? poverty and headship in Africa Downloads
Annamaria Milazzo and Dominique van de Walle
7330: A quarter century effort yet to come of age: a survey of power sector reforms in developing countries Downloads
Tooraj Jamasb, Rabindra Nepal and Govinda Timilsina
7329: Estimating local poverty measures using satellite images: a pilot application to Central America Downloads
Ben Klemens, Andrea Coppola and Max Shron
7328: Cross-border electricity cooperation in South Asia Downloads
Anoop Singh, Tooraj Jamasb, Rabindra Nepal and Michael Toman
7327: Does collective action sequester carbon ? the case of the Nepal community forestry program Downloads
Randall Bluffstone, Eswaran Somanathan, Prakash Jha, Harisharan Luintel, Rajesh Bista, Naya Paudel and Bhim Adhikari
7326: Community managed forest groups and preferences for REDD contract attributes: a choice experiment survey of communities in Nepal Downloads
Sahan Dissanayake, Prakash Jha, Bhim Adhikari, Rajesh Bista, Randall Bluffstone, Harisharan Uintel, Peter Martinsson, Naya Sharma Paudel, E. Somanathan and Michael Toman
7325: The effect of nonbinding agreements on cooperation among forest user groups in Nepal and Ethiopia Downloads
Astrid Dannenberg and Peter Martinsson
7324: Do improved biomass cookstoves reduce fuelwood consumption and carbon emissions ? evidence from rural Ethiopia using a randomized treatment trial with electronic monitoring Downloads
Abebe Beyene, Randall Bluffstone, Zenebe Gebreegzhiaber, Peter Martinsson, Alemu Mekonnen and Ferdinand Vieider
7323: Cooperative behavior and common pool resources: experimental evidence from community forest user groups in Nepal Downloads
Randall Bluffstone, Astrid Dannenberg, Peter Martinsson, Prakash Jha and Rjesh Bista
7322: Inclusive economic growth in America?s cities: what?s the playbook and the score ? Downloads
Xavier de Souza Briggs, Rolf Joseph Pendall and Victor Rubin
7321: Hayek, local information, and the decentralization of state-owned enterprises in China Downloads
Zhangkai Huang, Lixing Li, Guangrong Ma and Lixin Xu
7320: Placing Bank supervision in the Central Bank: implications for financial stability based on evidence from the global crisis Downloads
Martin Melecký and Anca Pruteanu-Podpiera
7319: How costly are labor gender gaps ? estimates for the Balkans and Turkey Downloads
David Cuberes and Marc Teignier
7318: Small firms? formalization: the stick treatment Downloads
Giacomo De Giorgi, Matthew Ploenzke and Aminur Rahman
7317: Effects of income inequality on aggregate output Downloads
Markus Brueckner and Daniel Lederman
7316: Magical transition ? intergenerational educational and occupational mobility in rural China: 1988?2002 Downloads
Shahe Emran and Yan - EAPCE Sun
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