Policy Research Working Paper Series
From The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Roula I. Yazigi (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 9342: Income Distribution, International Integration and Sustained Poverty Reduction

- Pinelopi Goldberg and Tristan Reed
- 9341: Structural Change and Productivity Growth in Guinea

- Abdoul Ganiou Mijiyawa and Lancine Conde
- 9340: Gender Empowerment, Supply-Chain Linkages and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence on Bangladesh

- Ana Fernandes and Hiau Looi Kee
- 9339: Crop Yield Convergence across Districts in India's Poorest State

- Rishabh Sinha
- 9338: Mobile Money and Investment by Women Businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Asif Islam and Silvia Muzi
- 9337: Capital Market Financing and Firm Growth

- Tatiana Didier Brandao, Ross Levine, Ruth Llovet Montanes and Sergio Schmukler
- 9336: The Labor Market Effects of Venezuelan Migration in Ecuador

- Sergio Olivieri, Francesc Ortega, Eliana Carranza and Ana Mercedes Rivadeneira Alava
- 9335: The State of Land Use in Northern Nigeria: A Landsat-Based Mapping Framework

- Fernando Sedano, Vasco Molini and M Abul Kalam Azad
- 9334: What Can the Service Delivery Indicator Surveys Tell Us about COVID-19 Preparedness ?

- Jigyasa Sharma, Kathryn Gilman Andrews, Ruben Orion Conner and Roberta V. Gatti
- 9333: The Effects of Digital-Technology Adoption on Productivity and Factor Demand: Firm-level Evidence from Developing Countries

- Ana Paula Cusolito, Daniel Lederman and Jorge O. Pena
- 9332: Shoring Up Economic Refugees: Venezuelan Migrants in the Ecuadoran Labor Market

- Sergio Olivieri, Francesc Ortega, Ana Mercedes Rivadeneira Alava and Eliana Carranza
- 9331: Using Remittance Transaction Data for Timely Estimation of the Foreign Worker Population in Malaysia

- Zainab Binti Ali Ahmad, Kenneth Simler and Soonhwa Yi
- 9330: Active Conflict and Access to Education: Evidence from a Series of Conflict-Related Shocks in the Republic of Yemen

- Safa Ali Qassim Almoayad, Eliana Favari, Samira Halabi, Siddharth Krishnaswamy, Almedina Music and Sharad Tandon
- 9329: Big Data for Sampling Design: The Venezuelan Migration Crisis in Ecuador

- Juan Eduardo Munoz, Jose Victor Gallegos Munoz and Sergio Olivieri
- 9328: Transforming Teacher Education in the West Bank and Gaza: Policy Implications for Developing Countries

- Andrew Burke, Ernesto Pancracio Cuadra, Tony Mahon, Juan Manuel Moreno Olmedilla and Simon Thacker
- 9327: The Lives and Livelihoods of Syrian Refugees in the Middle East: Evidence from the 2015-16 Surveys of Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Jordan, Lebanon, and Kurdistan, Iraq

- Nandini Krishnan, Flavio Luiz Russo Riva, Dhiraj Sharma and Tara Vishwanath
- 9326: Coping with the Influx: Service Delivery to Syrian Refugees and Hosts in Jordan, Lebanon, and Kurdistan, Iraq

- Nandini Krishnan, Flavio Luiz Russo Riva, Dhiraj Sharma and Tara Vishwanath
- 9325: Short-Run Welfare Impacts of Factory Jobs: Experimental Evidence from Ethiopia

- Girum Abebe, Niklas Buehren and Markus Goldstein
- 9324: COVID-19 and EMDE Corporate Balance Sheet Vulnerabilities: A Simple Stress-Test Approach

- Erik H.B. Feyen, Fernando Dancausa, Bryan O'Reilly Gurhy and Owen Nie
- 9323: Relationship between Macroeconomic Indicators and Capital Markets Performance in Selected Southeastern European Countries

- Ante Dodig
- 9322: Gender Pension Gaps in a Private Retirement Accounts System: A Dynamic Model of Household Labor Supply and Savings

- Clement Jean Edouard Joubert
- 9321: Contagious Protests

- Rabah Arezki, Alou Adessé Dama, Simeon Djankov and Ha Nguyen
- 9320: Adding Fuel to the Fire: Cheap Oil during the COVID-19 Pandemic

- Collette Mari Wheeler, John Baffes, Alain Kabundi, Gene Kindberg-Hanlon, Peter Nagle and Franziska Ohnsorge
- 9319: Reform Chatter and Democracy

- Rabah Arezki, Simeon Djankov, Ha Nguyen and Ivan Yotzov
- 9318: Recent Trends in Bank Privatization

- Ata Bertay, Pietro Calice, Federico Alfonso Diaz Kalan and Oliver Masetti
- 9317: Estimating Capital Formation and Capital Stock by Economic Sector in China: The Implications for Productivity Growth

- Richard Herd
- 9316: Occupational Dualism and Intergenerational Educational Mobility in the Rural Economy: Evidence from China and India

- M. Shahe Emran, Francisco Ferreira, Yajing Jiang and Yan Sun
- 9315: Diversification and Cooperation Strategies in a Decarbonizing World

- Grzegorz Peszko, Dominique van der Mensbrugghe and Alexander Golub
- 9314: The Evolution of Built-up Areas in Ghana since 1975

- Marcel Fafchamps and Forhad J. Shilpi
- 9313: COVID-19 Age-Mortality Curves Are Flatter in Developing Countries

- Gabriel Demombynes
- 9312: Should Consumption Sub-Aggregates Be Used to Measure Poverty ?

- Luc Christiaensen, Ethan Ligon and Thomas Pave Sohnesen
- 9311: How Valuable is the Reliability of Residential Electricity Supply in Low-Income Countries ? Evidence from Nepal

- Anna Alberini, Jevgenijs Steinbuks and Govinda Timilsina
- 9310: Trust or Property Rights ? Can Trusted Relationships Substitute for Costly Land Registration in West African Cities ?

- Lucie Letrouit and Harris Selod
- 9309: Caloric intake and energy expenditures in India

- Shari Eli and Nicholas Li
- 9308: Big Data in Transportation: An Economics Perspective

- Harris Selod and Souleymane Soumahoro
- 9307: Implementing Precaution in Benefit-Cost Analysis: The Case of Deep Seabed Mining

- Kerry Mace Krutilla, David Henning Good, Michael Toman and Tijen Arin
- 9306: Using Machine Learning to Assess Yield Impacts of Crop Rotation: Combining Satellite and Statistical Data for Ukraine

- Klaus Deininger, Daniel Ayalew Ali, Nataliia Kussul, Mykola Lavreniuk and Oleg Nivievskyi
- 9305: Impact of Financial Incentives and the Role of Information and Communication in Last-Mile Delivery of Textbooks in Zambia

- Seo Yeon Hong, Xiaonan Cao and Mupuwaliywa Mupuwaliywa
- 9304: International Benchmarking for Country Economic Diagnostics: A Stochastic Frontier Approach

- Subal Kumbhakar, Norman Loayza and Vivian Norambuena
- 9303: Demystifying the Costs of Electricity Generation Technologies

- Govinda Timilsina
- 9302: Tax Competition: Is It a Source of the Corporate Savings Glut?

- Atsushi Kawamoto and Kei Muraki
- 9301: Transforming Finance in the Middle East and North Africa

- Rabah Arezki and Lemma W. Senbet
- 9300: What Are the Poverty and Inequality Impacts of Fiscal Policy in Turkey ?

- Pablo Facundo Cuevas, Leonardo Ramiro Lucchetti and Metin Nebiler
- 9299: Attracting Private Solutions and Participation in the Power Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa -- Findings from a Survey of Investors and Financiers

- Benedict Sebastian Probst, Richard Holcroft, Joern Thorsten Huenteler, Ani Balabanyan, Andrew Tipping and Peter Robinson
- 9298: China's Productivity Slowdown and Future Growth Potential

- Loren Brandt, John Litwack, Elitza Mileva, Luhang Wang, Yifan Zhang and Luan Zhao
- 9297: Power System Implications of Subsidy Removal, Regional Electricity Trade, and Carbon Constraints in MENA Economies

- Govinda Timilsina and Ilka Fabiana Deluque Curiel
- 9296: Growth and Risk: A View from International Trade

- Pravin Krishna, Andrei Levchenko and William Maloney
- 9295: Women in the Pipeline: A Dynamic Decomposition of Firm Pay Gaps

- Jishnu Das and Clement Jean Edouard Joubert
- 9294: Why Are So Many Children Stunted in the Philippines ?

- Mario V. Capanzana, Gabriel Demombynes and Paul Michael Gubbins
- 9293: Rent-Seeking Activities, Misallocation, and Innovation in Argentina

- Gabriel Zaourak
- 9292: Changes in Female Employment in Mexico: Demographics, Economics, and Policies

- Gladys C. Lopez-Acevedo, Samuel Freije-Rodriguez, Mexico Alberto Vergara Bahena and Diego Cardozo Medeiros
- 9291: Examining the Economic Impact of COVID-19 in India through Daily Electricity Consumption and Nighttime Light Intensity

- Robert Beyer, Sebastian Franco Bedoya and Virgilio Galdo
- 9290: A Decade after the 2009 Global Recession: Macroeconomic Developments

- Wee Chian Koh and Shu Yu
- 9289: A Decade after the 2009 Global Recession: Macroeconomic and Financial Sector Policies

- Wee Chian Koh and Shu Yu
- 9288: Technology in the Classroom and Learning in Secondary Schools

- Moussa Blimpo, Ousman Gajigo, Solomon Owusu, Ryoko Tomita and Yanbin Xu
- 9287: Reversal of Fortune for Political Incumbents after Oil Shocks

- Rabah Arezki, Simeon Djankov, Ha Nguyen and Ivan Yotzov
- 9286: Does Corruption Hurt Employment Growth of Financially Constrained Firms More ?

- Mohammad Amin and Yew Chong Soh
- 9285: Productivity Growth and Efficiency Dynamics of Korean Structural Transformation

- Hyeok Jeong
- 9284: Simulating the Potential Impacts of COVID-19 School Closures on Schooling and Learning Outcomes: A Set of Global Estimates

- João Pedro Azevedo, Amer Hasan, Diana Goldemberg, Syedah Aroob Iqbal and Koen Martijn Geven
- 9283: The Evolution of Deep Trade Agreements

- Aaditya Mattoo, Nadia Rocha and Michele Ruta
- 9282: Inclusion in Indonesia's Education Sector: A Subnational Review of Gender Gaps and Children with Disabilities

- Rythia Afkar, Noah Bunce Yarrow, Soedarti Surbakti and Rachel Danielle Cooper
- 9281: Exports and Productivity: The Role of Imported Inputs and Investment in R&D

- Ruchita Manghnani
- 9280: Community Engagement in Schools: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Pakistan

- Salman Asim and Amina Riaz
- 9279: Long-Term Shifts in Korean Manufacturing and Plant-Level Productivity Dynamics

- Yoonsoo Lee
- 9278: Malaysia's Economic Growth and Transition to High Income: An Application of the World Bank Long Term Growth Model (LTGM)

- Sharmila Devadas, Jorge P. Guzman, Young Eun Kim, Norman Loayza and Steven Michael Pennings
- 9277: Lives and Livelihoods: Estimates of the Global Mortality and Poverty Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic

- Benoît Decerf, Francisco Ferreira, Daniel Gerszon Mahler and Olivier Sterck
- 9276: Debt Intolerance: Threshold Level and Composition

- Hideaki Matsuoka
- 9275: Female Business Leaders, Business and Cultural Environment, and Productivity around the World

- Sheng Fang, Chorching Goh, Mark Roberts, Lixin Xu and Albert G. Zeufack
- 9274: Method Matters: Underreporting of Intimate Partner Violence in Nigeria and Rwanda

- Claire Cullen
- 9273: Covariate Shocks and Child Undernutrition: A Review of Evidence from Low- and Middle-Income Countries

- Zelalem Debebe and Dhushyanth Raju
- 9272: Improved Biomass Cookstove Use in the Longer Run: Results from a Field Experiment in Rural Ethiopia

- Alemu Mekonnen, Abebe D. Beyene, Randall Bluffstone, Sahan Dissanayake, Zenebe Gebreegziabher, Daniel LaFave, Peter Martinsson and Michael Toman
- 9271: Power to the Fiscal ? An Exploration of the Use of Credit Ratings to Estimate the Expected Cost of a Guarantee of a Power-Purchase Agreement

- Cigdem Aslan and Tim Irwin
- 9270: The Important Role of Equivalence Scales: Household Size, Composition, and Poverty Dynamics in the Russian Federation

- Kseniya Abanokova, Hai-Anh Dang and Michael Lokshin
- 9269: Demand for Safe Spaces: Avoiding Harassment and Stigma

- Florence Kondylis, Arianna Legovini, Kate Vyborny, Astrid Maria Theresia Zwager and Luiza Cardoso De Andrade
- 9268: Winners and Losers from COVID-19: Global Evidence from Google Search

- Kibrom Abay, Kibrom Tafere and Andinet Woldemichael
- 9267: Informality, Consumption Taxes and Redistribution

- Pierre Jean Bachas, Lucie Gadenne and Anders Jensen
- 9266: Job Creation and Demand for Skills in Kosovo: What Can We Learn from Job Portal Data?

- Calogero Brancatelli, Alicia Charlene Marguerie and Stefanie Koettl-Brodmann
- 9265: The Evolution of Services Trade Policy Since the Great Recession

- Ingo Borchert, Joscelyn Magdeleine, Juan A. Marchetti and Aaditya Mattoo
- 9264: Applied Services Trade Policy: A Guide to the Services Trade Policy Database and the Services Trade Restrictions Index

- Ingo Borchert, Batshur Gootiiz, Joscelyn Magdeleine, Juan A. Marchetti, Aaditya Mattoo, Ester Rubio and Evgeniia Shannon
- 9263: Measuring Employment: Experimental Evidence from Urban Ghana

- Rachel Heath, Ghazala Mansuri, Bob Rijkers, William Hutchins Seitz and Dhiraj Sharma
- 9262: Analyzing Flooding Impacts on Rural Access to Hospitals and Other Critical Services in Rural Cambodia Using Geo-Spatial Information and Network Analysis

- Xavier Espinet Alegre, Zuzana Stanton-Geddes and Sadig Aliyev
- 9261: The Transformative Effects of Privatization in China: A Natural Experiment Based on Politician Career Concern

- Zhangkai Huang, Jinyu Liu, Guangrong Ma and Lixin Xu
- 9260: COVID-19 Mortality in Rich and Poor Countries: A Tale of Two Pandemics ?

- Philip Schellekens and Diego M. Sourrouille
- 9259: Measuring Monetary Poverty in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region: Data Gaps and Different Options to Address Them

- Aziz Atamanov, Sharad Tandon, Gladys C. Lopez-Acevedo and Mexico Alberto Vergara Bahena
- 9258: Infrastructure, Economic Growth, and Poverty: A Review

- Govinda Timilsina, Gal Hochman and Ze Song
- 9257: The Sooner, the Better: The Early Economic Impact of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions during the COVID-19 Pandemic

- Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Michael Lokshin and Iván Torre
- 9256: Pull Your Small Area Estimates up by the Bootstraps

- Paul Corral Rodas, Isabel Molina and Minh Nguyen
- 9255: The Insights and Illusions of Consumption Measurements

- Erich Battistin, Michele De Nadai and Nandini Krishnan
- 9254: Does Better Information Curb Customs Fraud?

- Cyril Romain Chalendard, Alice Duhaut, Ana Fernandes, Aaditya Mattoo, Gaël Raballand and Bob Rijkers
- 9253: Covid-19 and Food Protectionism: The Impact of the Pandemic and Export Restrictions on World Food Markets

- Alvaro Espitia, Nadia Rocha and Michele Ruta
- 9252: Remote-learning, Time-Use, and Mental Health of Ecuadorian High-School Studentsduring the COVID-19 Quarantine

- Igor Asanov, Francisco Flores, David McKenzie, Mona Mensmann and Mathis Schulte
- 9251: Transformational Climate Finance: Donors' Willingness to Support Deep and Transformational Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions in Lower-Income Countries

- Jon Strand
- 9250: Gender Bias and Intergenerational Educational Mobility: Theory and Evidence from China and India

- M. Shahe Emran, Hanchen Jiang and Forhad J. Shilpi
- 9249: A Multiple-Arm, Cluster-Randomized Impact Evaluation of the Clean India (Swachh Bharat) Mission Program in Rural Punjab, India

- Luis Andres, Saubhik Deb, George Joseph, Marna Isabel Larenas and Jonathan Grabinsky Zabludovsky
- 9248: Locking Crops to Unlock Investment: Experimental Evidence on Warrantage in Burkina Faso

- Clara Delavallade and Susan Godlonton
- 9247: Nowcasting Economic Activity in Times of COVID-19: An Approximation from the Google Community Mobility Report

- James Sampi and Charl Jooste
- 9246: Lost Wages: The COVID-19 Cost of School Closures

- George Psacharopoulos, Victoria Collis, Harry Patrinos and Emiliana Vegas
- 9245: Study of the Distributional Performance of Piped Water Consumption Subsidies in 10 Developing Countries

- Laura Abramovsky, Luis Andres, George Joseph, Juan Pablo Rud, German Eduardo Sember and Michael David Thibert
- 9244: Cross-Region Transfers in a Monetary Union: Evidence from the US and Some Implications

- Steven Michael Pennings
- 9243: Early-Life Access to a Basic Health Care Program and Adult Outcomes in Indonesia

- Md Nazmul Ahsan, Rakesh Banerjee and Riddhi Maharaj
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