Policy Research Working Paper Series
From The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Roula I. Yazigi (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 3007: The impact of urban spatial structure on travel demand in the United States

- Antonio Bento, Maureen Cropper, Ahmed Mobarak and Katja Vinha
- 3006: Social rights and economics: claims to health care and education in developing countries

- Varun Gauri
- 3005: Vouchers for basic education in developing countries: a principal-agent perspective

- Varun Gauri and Ayesha Vawda
- 3004: Institutions, trade, and growth: revisiting the evidence

- David Dollar and Aart Kraay
- 3003: The investment climate and the firm: firm-level evidence from China

- Mary Hallward-Driemeier, Scott Wallsten and Lixin Xu
- 3002: Information-based instruments for improved urban management

- Uwe Deichman, Somik Lall, Ajay Suri and Pragya Rajoria
- 3001: An introduction to financial and economic modeling for utility regulators

- Antonio Estache, Martin Rodriguez Pardina, José Rodriguez and German Sember
- 3000: International climate regime beyond 2012 - are quota allocation rules robust to uncertainty?

- Franck Lecocq and Renaud Crassous
- 2999: Explaining liberalization commitments in financial services trade

- Philipp Harms, Aaditya Mattoo and Ludge Schuknecht
- 2998: Does micro-credit empower women: evidence from Bangladesh

- Mark Pitt, Shahidur Khandker and Jennifer Cartwright
- 2997: Financial and legal institutions and firm size

- Thorsten Beck, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Vojislav Maksimovic
- 2996: Bank competition, financing obstacles, and access to credit

- Thorsten Beck, Asl' Demirguc-Kant and Vojislav Maksimovic
- 2995: Commodity market reform in Africa: some recent experience

- Takamasa Akiyama, John Baffes, Donald Larson and Panos Varangis
- 2994: Options for financing lifelong learning

- Miguel Palacios
- 2993: Dealing with the coffee crisis in Central America - impacts and strategies

- Panos Varangis, Paul Siegel, Daniele Giovannucci and Bryan Lewin
- 2992: Market and non-market transfers of land in Ethiopia - implications for efficiency, equity, and non-farm development

- Klaus Deininger, Songqing Jin, Berhanu Adenew, Samuel Gebre-Selassie and Mulat Demeke
- 2991: Tenure security and land-related investment - evidence from Ethiopia

- Klaus Deininger, Songqing Jin, Berhanu Adenew, Samuel Gebre-Selassie and Berhanu Nega
- 2990: Ways out of poverty: diffusing best practices and creating capabilities - perspectives on policies for poverty reduction

- Michael Klein
- 2989: Decentralization and public services: the case of immunization

- Peyvand Khaleghian
- 2988: Trade facilitation and economic development: measuring the impact

- John Wilson, Catherine Mann and Tsunehiro Otsuki
- 2987: East Asia's dynamic development model and the Republic of Korea's experiences

- Ho-Chul Lee and Mary P. McNulty
- 2986: Government bonds in domestic and foreign currency: the role of macroeconomic and institutional factors

- Stijn Claessens, Daniela M. H. Klingebiel and Sergio Schmukler
- 2985: The impact of minimum wages on employment in a low income country: an evaluation using the difference-differences approach

- Vivi Alatas and Lisa Cameron
- 2984: Finance and income inequality: test of alternative theories

- George Clarke, Lixin Xu and Heng-Fu Zou
- 2983: Telecommunication reform in Ghana

- Luke Haggarty, Mary M. Shirley and Scott Wallsten
- 2982: Trade liberalization and labor market adjustment in Brazil

- Nina Pavcnik, Andreas Blom, Pinelopi Goldberg and Norbert Schady
- 2981: Voice lessons: local government organizations, social organizations, and the quality of local governance

- Vivi Alatas, Lant Pritchett and Anna Wetterberg
- 2980: Living and dying with hard pegs: the rise and fall of Argentina's currency board

- Augusto de la Torre, Eduardo Levy Yeyati and Sergio Schmukler
- 2979: Regulation and internet use in developing countries

- Scott Wallsten
- 2978: The epidemiological impact of an HIV vaccine on the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Southern India

- Nico J.D. Nagelkerke and Sake J. De Vlas
- 2977: The strategic use and potential demand for an HIV vaccine in Southern Africa

- Christopher Desmond and Robert Greener
- 2976: Rural extension services

- Jock Anderson and Gershon Feder
- 2975: Policy options for meeting the Millennium Development Goals in Brazil: can micro-simulations help?

- Francisco Ferreira and Phillippe G. Leite
- 2974: From knowledge to wealth: transforming Russian science and technology for a modern knowledge economy

- Alfred Watkins
- 2973: Intellectual property rights, licensing, and innovation

- Guifang Yang and Keith Maskus
- 2972: Economic growth, inequality, and poverty: findings from a new data set

- Richard Adams
- 2971: Short but not sweet - new evidence on short duration morbidities from India

- Jishnu Das and Carolina Sanchez-Paramo
- 2970: The social impact of social funds in Jamaica - a mixed-methods analysis of participation, targeting, and collective action in community-driven development

- Vijayendra Rao and Ana Ibáñez
- 2969: Fostering community-driven development - What role for the State?

- Monica Das Gupta, Helene Grandvoinnet and Mattia Romani
- 2968: Refining policy with the poor: local consultations on the draft comprehensive poverty reduction and growth strategy in Vietnam

- Edwin Shanks and Carrie Turk
- 2967: Malnutrition and poverty in Guatemala

- Alessandra Marini and Michele Gragnolati
- 2966: Health and poverty in Guatemala

- Michele Gragnolati and Alessandra Marini
- 2965: Informality revisited

- William Maloney
- 2964: Wages and productivity in Mexican manufacturing

- Gladys Lopez-Acevedo
- 2963: Catastrophe insurance market in the Caribbean Region: market failures and recommendations for public sector interventions

- Philippe Auffret
- 2962: High consumption volatility: the impact of natural disasters?

- Philippe Auffret
- 2961: Strategic planning for poverty reduction in Vietnam: progress and challenges for meeting the localized Millennium Development Goals

- Rob Swinkels and Carrie Turk
- 2960: The poverty/environment nexus in Cambodia and Lao People's Democratic Republic

- Susmita Dasgupta, Uwe Deichmann, Craig Meisner and David Wheeler
- 2959: Wage differentials and state-private sector employment choice in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

- Michael Lokshin and Branko Jovanovic
- 2958: Globalization and workers in developing countries

- Martin Rama
- 2957: Mexico: in-firm training for the knowledge economy

- Hong Tan and Gladys Lopez-Acevedo
- 2956: Survey compliance and the distribution of income

- Johan Mistiaen and Martin Ravallion
- 2955: The perversity of preferences: GSP and developing country trade policies, 1976 - 2000

- Caglar Ozden and Eric Reinhardt
- 2954: Never too late to get together again: turning the Czech and Slovak Customs Union into a stepping stone to EU integration

- Bartlomiej Kaminski and Beata Smarzynska
- 2953: Health facility surveys: an introduction

- Magnus Lindelow and Adam Wagstaff
- 2952: The effects of a fee-waiver program on health care utilization among the poor: evidence from Armenia

- Nazmul Chaudhury, Jeffrey Hammer and Edmundo Murrugarra
- 2951: Land allocation in Vietnam's agrarian transition

- Martin Ravallion and Dominique Van der Walle
- 2950: Is the emerging nonfarm market economy the route out of poverty in Vietnam?

- Dominique Van der Walle and Dorothyjean Cratty
- 2949: Intersectoral migration in Southeast Asia - evidence from Indonesia, Thailan, and the Philippines

- Rita Butzer, Yair Mundlak and Donald Larson
- 2948: The impact of contractual savings institutions on securities markets

- Gregorio Impavido, Alberto R. Musalem and Thierry Tressel
- 2947: Tax systems in transition

- Pradeep Mitra and Nicholas Stern
- 2946: Rapid labor reallocation with a stagnant unemployment pool: the puzzle of the labor market in Lithuania

- Jan Rutkowski
- 2945: Microfinance and poverty - evidence using panel data from Bangladesh

- Shahidur Khandker
- 2944: Regulation, productivity, and growth: OECD evidence

- Giuseppe Nicoletti and Stefano Scarpetta
- 2943: Capital flows, country risk, and contagion

- Norbert Fiess
- 2942: Why is son preference so persistent in East and South Asia? a cross-country study of China, India, and the Republic of Korea

- Monica Das Gupta, Jiang Zhenghua, Li Bohua, Xie Zhenming, Woojin Chung and Bae Hwa-Ok
- 2941: Income convergence during the disintegration of the world economy, 1919-39

- Branko Milanovic
- 2940: The potential demand for an HIV/AIDS vaccine in Brazil

- Hillegonda Maria Dutilh Novaes, Expedito J.A. Luna, Moises Goldbaum, Samuel Kilsztajn, Anaclaudia Rossbach and Jose de la Roca Carvalheiro
- 2939: School attendance and child labor in Ecuador

- Gladys Lopez-Acevedo
- 2938: Recurrent expenditure requirements of capital projects - estimation for budget purposes

- Ron Hood, David Husband and Fei Yu
- 2937: The determinants of Government environmental performance - an empirical analysis of Chinese townships

- Hua Wang and Wenhua Di
- 2936: Industrial ownership and environmental performance: evidence from China

- Hua Wang and Yanhong Jin
- 2935: Missed opportunities - innovation and resource-based growth in Latin America

- William Maloney
- 2934: After the Big Bang? Obstacles to the emergence of the rule of law in post-communist societies

- Karla Hoff and Joseph Stiglitz
- 2933: Small and medium size enterprise financing in Eastern Europe

- Leora Klapper, Virginia Sarria-Allende and Victor Sulla
- 2932: China's accession to the World Trade Organization - The services dimension

- Aaditya Mattoo
- 2931: The impact of property rights on households'investment, risk coping, and policy preferences: evidence from China

- Klaus Deininger and Songqing Jin
- 2930: Land rental markets as an alternative to government reallocation? equity and efficiency considerations in the Chinese land tenure system

- Klaus Deininger and Songqing Jin
- 2929: Assessing the impact of communication costs on international trade

- Carsten Fink, Aaditya Mattoo and Ileana Neagu Constantinescu
- 2928: Growth without governance

- Daniel Kaufmann and Aart Kraay
- 2927: Military expenditure - threats, aid, and arms races

- Paul Collier and Anke Hoeffler
- 2926: Distinguishing between observationally equivalent theories of crises

- Rashmi Shankar
- 2925: Crime and local inequality in South Africa

- Gabriel Demombynes and Berk Özler
- 2924: Financial development, property rights, and growth

- Stijn Claessens and Luc Laeven
- 2923: Does foreign direct investment increase the productivity of domestic firms: in search of spillovers through backward linkages

- Beata K. Smarzynska
- 2921: Initial conditions and incentives for Arab economic integration: can the European Community's success be emulated?

- Bernard Hoekman and Patrick Messerlin
- 2920: Social polarization, social institutions, and country creditworthiness

- Philip Keefer and Stephen Knack
- 2919: Financial regulatory harmonization and the globalization of finance

- Cally Jordan and Giovanni Majnoni
- 2918: Reducing agrcultural tariffs versus domestic support: what's more important for developing countries?

- Bernard Hoekman, Francis Ng and Marcelo Olarreaga
- 2917: Economic development, competition policy, and the World Trade Organization

- Bernard Hoekman and Petros C. Mavroidis
- 2916: Ex-ante evaluation of conditional cash transfer programs: the case of bolsa escola

- François Bourguignon, Francisco Ferreira and Phillippe G. Leite
- 2915: Federal politics and budget deficits: evidence from the states of India

- Stuti Khemani
- 2914: The impact of cash budgets on poverty reduction in Zambia: a case study of the conflict between well-intentioned macroeconomic policy and service delivery to the poor

- Hinh Dinh, Abebe Adugna and Myers.Bernard
- 2913: Financial development and dynamic investment behavior: evidence from panel vector autoregression

- Inessa Love and Lea Zicchino
- 2912: Short-run pain, long-run gain: the effects of financial liberalization

- Graciela Kaminsky and Sergio Schmukler
- 2911: Micro-level estimation of welfare

- Chris Elbers, Jean Lanjouw and Peter Lanjouw
- 2910: Boondoogles and expropriation: rent-sseking and policy distortion when property rights are insecure

- Philip Keefer and Stephen Knack
- 2909: An assessment of telecommunications reform in developing countries

- Carsten Fink, Aaditya Mattoo and Randeep Rathindran
- 2908: The Africa Growth and Opportunity Act and its rules of origin: generosity undermined?

- Aaditya Mattoo, Devesh Roy and Arvind Subramanian
- 2907: The case for international coordination of electricity regulation: evidence from the measurement of efficiency in South America

- Antonio Estache, Martín Rossi and Christian Ruzzier
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