Policy Research Working Paper Series
From The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Roula I. Yazigi (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 3407: State ownership - a residual role?

- Enrico Perotti
- 3406: Special issues relating to corporate governance and family control

- Randall Morck and Bernard Yeung
- 3405: A survey of securities laws and enforcement

- Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes
- 3404: The Corporate Governance of Banks - a concise discussion of concepts and evidence

- Ross Levine
- 3403: What happens when a country does not adjust to terms of trade shocks? the case of oil-rich Gabon

- Ali Zafar
- 3402: Phasing out polluting motorcycles in Bangkok: policy design by using contingent valuation surveys

- Jian Xie, Jitendra J. Shah, Elisabetta Capannelli and Hua Wang
- 3401: Trends in infrastructure in Latin America, 1980-2001

- Cesar Calderon and Luis Serven
- 3400: The effects of infrastructure development on growth and income distribution

- Cesar Calderon and Luis Serven
- 3399: Analyzing urban poverty: a summary of methods and approached

- Judy Baker and Nina Schuler
- 3398: The scaling-up of microfinance in Bangladesh: determinants, impact, and lessons

- Hassan Zaman
- 3397: A unified framework for pro-poor growth analysis

- B. Essama-Nssah
- 3396: Agricultural trade reform and poverty reduction in developing countries

- Kym Anderson
- 3395: Trade, standards, and the political economy of genetically modified food

- Kym Anderson, Richard Damania and Lee Ann Jackson
- 3394: Teachers'salaries and professional profile in Mexico

- Lopez-Acevedo and Gladys
- 3393: Indoor air quality for poor families: new evidence from Bangladesh

- Susmita Dasgupta, Mainul Huq, M. Khaliquzzaman, Kiran Pandey and David Wheeler
- 3392: Risk modeling concepts relating to the design and rating of agricultural insurance contracts

- Barry Goodwin and Olivier Mahul
- 3391: The impact of liberalizing barriers to foreign direct investment in services - the case of Russian accession to the World Trade Organization

- Jesper Jensen, Thomas Rutherford and David Tarr
- 3390: Investment climate reform - going the last mile: the bulldozer initiative in Bosnia and Herzegovina

- Benjamin Herzberg
- 3389: Why do emerging economies borrow short term?

- Fernando Broner, Guido Lorenzoni and Sergio Schmukler
- 3388: Tools for legislative oversight: an empirical investigation

- Riccardo Pelizzo and Rick Stapenhurst
- 3387: Basel II and developing countries: Sailing through the sea of standards

- Andrew Powell
- 3386: An evaluation of the performance of regression discontinuity design on PROGRESA

- Hielke Buddelmeyer and Emmanuel Skoufias
- 3385: Loss aversion and trade policy

- Caroline Freund and Caglar Ozden
- 3384: Local conflict in Indonesia: Measuring incidence and identifying patterns

- Patrick Barron, Kai Kaiser and Menno Pradhan
- 3383: Air pollution during growth: accounting for governance and vulnerability

- Kirk Hamilton, Susmita Dasgupta, Kiran Pandey and David R. Wheeler
- 3382: Skilled migration: the perspective of developing countries

- Frédéric Docquier and Hillel Rapoport
- 3381: Measuring the international mobility of skilled workers (1990-2000): release 1.0

- Frédéric Docquier and Abdeslam Marfouk
- 3380: Genetically modified rice adoption: implications for welfare and poverty alleviation

- Kym Anderson, Lee Ann Jackson and Chantal Pohl Nielsen
- 3379: A taxonomy of financial crisis resolution mechanisms: cross-country experience

- Charles Calomiris, Daniela Klingebiel and Luc Laeven
- 3378: Pro-growth, pro-poor: is there a tradeoff?

- Humberto Lopez
- 3377: Resolving systemic financial crisis: policies and institutions

- Stijn Claessens, Daniela Klingebiel and Luc Laeven
- 3376: What triggers inflation in emerging market economics?

- Ilker Domac and Mustafa Yücel
- 3375: Estimating individual vulnerability to poverty with pseudo-panel data

- François Bourguignon, Chor-Ching Goh and Dae Il Kim
- 3374: Is debt replacing equity in regulated privatized infrastructure in developing countries?

- Luis Correia da Silva, Antonio Estache and Sakari Jarvela
- 3373: Are returns to private infrastructure in developing countries consistent with risks since the Asian crisis?

- Antonio Estache and Maria Elena Pinglo
- 3372: Two case studies on electronic distribution of government securities: the U.S. Treasury Direct System and the Philippine Expanded Small Investors Program

- Thomas G. Glaesnner and Zeynep Kantur
- 3371: On the measurement of market-oriented reforms

- Norman Loayza and Raimundo Soto
- 3370: Mortgage securities in emerging markets

- Loic Chiquier, Olivier Hassler and Michael Lea
- 3369: Using rapid city surveys to inform municipal social policy: an application in Cali, Colombia

- Jesko Hentschel
- 3368: Gainers and losers from trade reform in Morocco

- Martin Ravallion and Michael Lokshin
- 3367: Estimating willingness-to-pay with random valuation models: an application to Lake Sevan, Armenia

- Hua Wang, Benoit Laplante, Xun Wu and Craig Meisner
- 3366: Knowledge and development: a cross-section approach

- Derek H. C. Chen and Carl J. Dahlman
- 3365: Private provision of rural infrastructure services: competing for subsidies

- Bjorn Wellenius, Vivien Foster and Christina Malmberg-Calvo
- 3364: Can the unsophisticated market provide discipline?

- Gerard Caprio and Patrick Honohan
- 3363: Structural issues in the Kenyan financial system: improving competition and access

- Thorsten Beck and Michael Fuchs
- 3362: Education, information, and smoking decisions: evidence from smoking histories, 1940-2000

- Damien de Walque
- 3361: Trade, environmental regulations and the World Trade Organization: new empirical evidence

- Matthias Busse
- 3360: On the inefficiency of inequality

- Maurice Schiff
- 3359: A flexible modeling framework to estimate interregional trade patterns and input-output accounts

- Patrick Canning and Zhi Wang
- 3358: The impact of coffee market reforms on producer prices and price transmission

- Ekaterina Krivonos
- 3357: Poverty in the Brazilian Amazon: an assessment of poverty focused on the State of Para

- Dorte Verner
- 3356: Where do we stand on transport infrastructure deregulation and public-private partnership?

- Antonio Estache and Tomas Serebrisky
- 3355: Infrastructure, competition regimes, and air transport costs: cross-country evidence

- Alejandro Micco and Tomas Serebrisky
- 3354: Informal export barriers and poverty

- Guido Porto
- 3353: Implementing decentralized local governance: a treacherous road with potholes, detours, and road closures

- Anwar Shah and Theresa Thompson
- 3352: The transition from communism: a diagrammatic exposition of obstacles to the demand for the rule of law

- Karla Hoff and Joseph Stiglitz
- 3351: Belief systems and durable inequalities: an experimental investigation of Indian caste

- Karla Hoff and Priyanka Pandey
- 3350: Cross-sectional analyses of climate change impacts

- Robert Mendelsohn, Ariel Dinar, Alan Basist, Pradeep Kurukulasuriya, Mohamed Ihsan Ajwad, Felix Kogan and Claude Williams
- 3349: Kenyan exports of Nile perch: the impact of food safety standards on an export-oriented supply chain

- Spencer Henson and Mitullah Winnie
- 3348: Standards and agro-food exports from developing countries: rebalancing the debate

- Steven Jaffee and Spencer Henson
- 3347: Trade and financial development

- Quy-Toan Do and Andrei Levchenko
- 3346: Achieving accountability through decentralization: lessons for integrated river basin management

- Jyothsna Mody
- 3345: The role of infrastructure investment location in China's western development

- Xubei Luo
- 3344: Disclosure of environmental violations and the stock market in the Republic of Korea

- Susmita Dasgupta, Jong Ho Hong, Benoit Laplante and Nlandu Mamingi
- 3343: Linking representative household models with household surveys for poverty analysis: a comparison of alternative methodologies

- Pierre-Richard Agénor, Derek H.C. Chen and Michael Grimm
- 3342: Financing small and medium-size enterprises with factoring: global growth and its potential in eastern Europe

- Marie-Renee Bakker, Leora Klapper and Gregory Udell
- 3341: How Have the World's Poorest Fared Since the Early 1980s?

- Shaohua Chen and Martin Ravallion
- 3340: If you build it, will they come? School availability and school enrollment in 21 poor countries

- Deon Filmer
- 3339: A policy note on telecommunications reform in Algeria

- Paul Noumba Um
- 3338: Finance, inequality, and poverty: cross-country evidence

- Thorsten Beck, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Ross Levine
- 3337: Do households gain from community-based natural resource management? An evaluation of community conservancies in Namibia

- Sushenjit Bandyopadhyay, Michael N. Humavindu, Priya Shyamsundar and Limin Wang
- 3336: Dynamics of income inequality and welfare in Latvia in the late 1990s

- Hippolyte Fofack and Celestin Monga
- 3335: Productivity and the investment climate: what matters most?

- Fabiano Bastos and John Nasir
- 3334: Compensatory education for disadvantaged Mexican students: an impact evaluation using propensity score matching

- Joseph Shapiro and Jorge Moreno
- 3333: Globalization, poverty, and inequality since 1980

- David Dollar
- 3332: Transfer of technology to developing countries: unilateral and multilateral policy options

- Bernard Hoekman, Keith Maskus and Kamal Saggi
- 3331: Fuelwood consumption and participation in community forestry in India

- Sushenjit Bandyopadhyay and Priya Shyamsundar
- 3330: The dynamics of school and work in rural Bangladesh

- Jose Canals-Cerda and Cristobal Ridao-Cano
- 3329: Sometimes more equal than others: how health inequalities depend on the choice of welfare indicator

- Magnus Lindelow
- 3328: Labor market reforms, growth, and unemployment in labor-exporting countries in the Middle East and North Africa

- Pierre-Richard Agénor, Mustapha K. Nabli, Tarik Yousef and Henning Jensen
- 3327: A duration analysis of CONALEP (Mexico's National Technical Professional School)

- Gladys Lopez-Acevedo
- 3326: Toward an understanding of household vulnerability in rural Kenya

- Luc Christiaensen and Kalanidhi Subbarao
- 3325: The quality of foreign aid: country selectivity or donors incentives?

- Waly Wane
- 3324: Health care decisions as a family matter - intra-household education externalities and the utilization of health services

- Magnus Lindelow
- 3323: Investment climate and international integration

- David Dollar, Mary Hallward-Driemeier and Taye Mengistae
- 3322: Tango with the Gringo: the hard peg and real misalignment in Argentina

- Enrique Alberola, Humberto Lopez and Luis Serven
- 3321: Education and its poverty-reducing effects: The case of Paraiba, Brazil

- Dorte Verner
- 3320: Country Portfolios

- Aart Kraay, Norman Loayza, Luis Serven and Jaume Ventura
- 3319: Financial development and growth in the short and long run

- Raymond Fisman and Inessa Love
- 3318: Location and welfare in cities: impacts of policy interventions on the urban poor

- Mudit Kapoor, Somik Lall, Mattias Lundberg and Zmarak Shalizi
- 3317: Business Environment and the Incorporation Decision

- Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Inessa Love and Vojislav Maksimovic
- 3316: Homeownership, community interactions, and segregation

- Karla Hoff and Arijit Sen
- 3315: A review of the political economy of governance: from property rights to voice

- Philip Keefer
- 3314: The case for tradable remedies in WTO dispute settlement

- Kyle Bagwell, Petros C. Mavroidis and Robert W. Staiger
- 3313: On the unequal inequality of poor communities

- Chris Elbers, Peter Lanjouw, Johan Mistiaen, Berk Özler and Ken Simler
- 3312: Trade policy analysis in the presence of duty drawbacks

- Elena Ianchovichina
- 3311: Property rights institutions and investment

- Jahangir Saleh
- 3310: Bundling services and household welfare in developing countries - the case of Peru

- Alberto Chong, Jesko Hentschel and Jaime Saavedra
- 3309: Fiscal responsibility laws for subnational discipline: the Latin American experience

- Steven B. Webb
- 3308: The regulatory and supervisory framework for fixed income markets in Europe

- Hubert Grignon Dumoulin and Mogens Kruse
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