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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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1205: Wage and employment decisions in the Russian economy: an analysis of developments in 1992 Downloads
Simon Commander, Leonid Liberman and Ruslan Yemtsov
1204: Structural adjustment, economic performance, and aid dependency in Tanzania Downloads
Nisha Agrawal, Zafar Ahmed, Michael Mered, Roger Nord and Dec
1203: Determinants of value - added tax revenue: a cross section analysis Downloads
Zeljko Bogetic and Fareed Hassan
1202: Privatization and foreign investment in the developing world, 1988-92 Downloads
Frank Sader
1201: Five criteria for choosing among poverty programs Downloads
Margaret E. Grosh
1200: The life cycle distributional consequence of pay-as-you-go and funded pension systems Downloads
Jane Falkingham and Paul Johnson
1199: Publicpension governance and performance: lessons for developing countries Downloads
Olivia Mitchell
1198: Enterprise reform in China: the evolving legal framework Downloads
Natalie G. Lichtenstein and Dec
1197: Determinants of inflation among franc zone countries in Africa Downloads
Bruno Boccara and Shantayanan Devarajan
1196: Corporate tax structure and production Downloads
Jeffrey Bernstein and Anwar Shah
1195: The enterprise sector and emergence of the Polish fiscal crisis, 1990-91 Downloads
Mark Schaffer
1194: How fast has Chinese industry grown? Downloads
Thomas Rawski
1193: The Armenian labor market in transition: issues and options Downloads
Milan Vodopivec and Wayne Vroman
1192: Effects of tax reform on Argentina's revenues Downloads
Jacques Morisset and Alejandro Izquierdo
1191: Rent-sharing in the multi-fibre arrangement: the case of Mexico Downloads
Geoffrey J. Bannister
1190: The government's role in Japanese and Korean credit markets: a new institutional economics perspective Downloads
Yoon Je Cho and Thomas Hellmann
1189: Can Communist economies transform incrementally? China's experience Downloads
Alan Gelb, Gary Jefferson and Inderjit Singh
1188: Developmentalism, socialism, and free market reform: three decades of income distribution in Chile Downloads
Mario Marcel and Andres Solimano
1187: How should sovereign debtors restructure their debts? Fixed interest rates, flexible interest rates, or inflation - indexed Downloads
Andrew Warner
1186: Recent estimates of capital flight Downloads
Stijn Claessens and David Naude
1185: Reforming Hungarian agricultural trade policy: a quantitative evaluation Downloads
Morris Morkre and David Tarr
1184: Providing social benefits in Russia: redefining the roles of firms and government Downloads
Simon Commander and Richard Jackman
1183: Who would vote for inflation in Brazil?: an integrated framework approach to inflation and income distribution Downloads
Cheikh Kane and Jacques Morisett
1182: Corporate governance in Central and Eastern Europe: lessons from advanced market economies Downloads
Cheryl W. Gray and Rebecca J. Hanson
1181: Reforming health care: a case for stay well health insurance Downloads
Zeljko Bogetic and Dennis Heffley
1180: The financing and taxation of U.S. direct investment abroad Downloads
Harry Huizinga
1179: How the market transition affected export performance in the Central European economies Downloads
Bartlomiej Kaminski and Dec
1178: Productivity of public spending, sectoral allocation choices, and economic growth Downloads
John Baffes and Anwar Shah
1177: Environmental taxes and policies for developing countries Downloads
Neil Bruce and Gregory M. Ellis
1176: Cash social transfers, direct taxes, and income distribution in late socialism Downloads
Branko Milanovic
1175: OECD trade barriers faced by the successor states of the Soviet Union Downloads
Bartlomiej Kaminski and Alexander Yeats
1174: Asian trade barriers against primary and processed commodities Downloads
Raed Safadi and Alexander Yeats
1173: Morocco's free trade agreement with the European community: a quantitative assessment Downloads
Thomas Rutherford, Elisabet Rutstrom and David Tarr
1172: Liberalizing Indian agriculture: an agenda for reform Downloads
Garry Pursell and Ashok Gulati
1171: Finance and its reform: beyond laissez-faire Downloads
Gerard Caprio and Lawrence H. Summers
1170: Job search by employed workers: the effects of restrictions Downloads
Avner Bar-ilan and Anat Levy
1169: Costs and benefits of debt and debt service reduction Downloads
Eduardo Fernandez-Arias
1168: How macroeconomic projections in policy framework papers for the African region compare with outcomes Downloads
Rashid Faruqee
1167: Unemployment and labor market dynamics in Russia Downloads
Simon Commander, Leonid Liberman and Ruslan Yemtsov
1166: The behavior of Russian firms in 1992: evidence from a survey Downloads
Simon Commander, Leonid Liberman and Cecilia Ugaz
1165: Social costs of the transition to capitalism: Poland, 1990-91 Downloads
Branko Milanovic
1164: Power, distortions, revolt, and reform in agricultural land relations Downloads
Hans Binswanger-Mkhize, Klaus Deininger and Gershon Feder
1163: Domestic distortions and international trade Downloads
James Anderson and J. Peter Neary
1162: The Slovenian labor market in transition: issues and lessons learned Downloads
Milan Vodopivec and Samo Hribar-Milic
1161: Increasing women's participation in the primary school teaching force and teacher training in Nepal Downloads
Molly Maguire Teas
1160: Equity and bond flows to Asia and Latin America: the role of global and country factors Downloads
Punam Chuhan, Stijn Claessens and Nlandu Mamingi
1159: Stock market development and financial intermediary growth: a research agenda Downloads
Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Ross Levine
1158: Population growth, externalities, and poverty Downloads
Nancy Birdsall and Charles Griffin
1157: Intertemporal and interspatial comparisons of income: the meaning of relative prices Downloads
Sultan Ahmad
1156: Tropical timber trade policies: what impact will eco-labeling have? Downloads
Panayotis N. Varangis, Carlos A. Primo Braga and Kenji Takeuchi
1155: The regulation and structure of nonlife insurance in the United States Downloads
Martin Grace and Michael M. Barth
1154: Options for pension reform in Tunisia Downloads
Dimitri Vittas
1153: North American free trade agreement: issues on trade in financial services for Mexico Downloads
Dimitri Vittas, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Alberto Musalem
1152: Population, health, and nutrition: annual operational review for fiscal 1992 Downloads
Denise Vaillancourt and Stacye Brown
1151: Is growth bad for the environment? Pollution, abatement, and endogenous growth Downloads
Charles Marrewijk, Frederick (Rick) van der Ploeg and Jos Verbeek
1150: Wealthier is healthier Downloads
Lant Pritchett and Lawrence H. Summers
1149: How labor markets and imperfect competition affect tariff policy Downloads
Martin Rama
1148: Economic instability and aggregate investment Downloads
Robert Pindyck and Andres Solimano
1147: Interest rates, growth, and external debt: the macroeconomic impact of Mexico's Brady deal Downloads
Stijn Claessens, Daniel Oks and Sweder van Wijnbergen
1146: Is poverty increasing in the developing world? Downloads
Shaohua Chen, Gaurav Datt and Martin Ravallion
1145: The simple(r) algebra of pension plans Downloads
Dimitri Vittas
1144: The foreign trade dimension of the market transition in Poland: the surprising export performance and its sustainability Downloads
Bartlomiej Kaminski
1143: Tariff rates, tariff revenue, and tariff reform: some new facts Downloads
Lant Pritchett and Geeta Sethi
1142: Rent - seeking trade policy: a time series approach Downloads
Martin Rama
1141: Foreign direct investment in a macroeconomic framework: finance, efficiency, incentives, and distortions Downloads
Maxwell J. Fry
1140: How retail food markets responded to price liberalization in Russia after January 1992 Downloads
Bruce Gardner and Karen M. Brooks
1139: Should sub-Saharan Africa expand cotton exports? Downloads
Jonathan R. Coleman and M. Elton Thigpen
1138: The economic impact of military expenditures Downloads
Daniel Landau
1137: Railway reform in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) economies Downloads
Philip W. Blackshaw, Louis S. Thompson, Dec and Esd
1136: The dynamic behavior of quota license prices: theory and evidence from the Hong Kong apparel quotas Downloads
Kala Krishna and Ling Hui Tan
1135: Inflation in Czechoslovakia, 1985-91 Downloads
Zdenek Drabek, Kamil Janáček and Zdenek Tuma
1134: Bahrain - Managing a nonrenewable resource: savings and exchange-rate policies Downloads
Ibrahim A. Elbadawi, Majd Nader and Dec
1133: Macroeconomic framework for an oil-based economy: the case of Bahrain Downloads
Ibrahim A. Elbadawi and Nader Majd
1132: An analysis of repressed inflation in three transitional economies Downloads
Andrew Feltenstein and Jiming Ha
1131: Prices and protocols in public health care Downloads
Jeffrey S. Hammer
1130: Poverty and policy Downloads
Michael Lipton and Martin Ravallion
1129: How policy changes affected cocoa sectors in sub-Saharan African countries Downloads
Jonathan R. Coleman, Takamasa Akiyama and Panos N. Varangis
1128: The international ocean transport industry in crisis: assessing the reasons and outlook Downloads
Hans Jurgen Peters
1127: How international economic links affect East Asia Downloads
Vikram Nehru
1126: The costs and benefits of Slovenian independence Downloads
Milan Cvikl, Evan Kraft and Milan Vodopivec
1125: Industrial development and the environment in Mexico Downloads
Adriaan Ten Kate
1124: A new database on human capital stock: sources, methodology and results Downloads
Vikram Nehru, Eric Swanson and Ashutosh Dubey
1123: Social development is economic development Downloads
Nancy Birdsall
1122: Fiscal decentralization and intergovernmental relations in transition economics: toward a systematic framework of analysis Downloads
Richard Bird and Christine Wallich
1121: Measuring capital flight: a case study of Mexico Downloads
Harald Eggerstedt, Rebecca Brideau Hall and Sweder van Wijnbergen
1120: Policies for coping with price uncertainty for Mexican maize: policies for maize price variability in Mexico Downloads
Donald Larson
1119: The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): its effect on South Asia Downloads
Raed Safadi and Alexander Yeats
1118: Trends in retirement systems and lessons for reform Downloads
Olivia Mitchell
1117: Portfolio investment flows to emerging markets Downloads
Sudarshan Gooptu
1116: Implications of agricultural trade liberalization for the developing countries Downloads
Antonio Salazar P. Brandao and Will Martin
1115: Looking at the facts: what we know about policy and growth from cross-country analysis Downloads
Ross Levine and Sara Zervos
1114: Does price uncertainty really reduce private investment? A small model applied to Chile Downloads
Anita George, Jacques Morisset and Dec
1113: The lucky few amidst economic decline: distributional change in Cote d'Ivoire as seen through panel data sets, 1985-88 Downloads
Christiaan Grootaert and Ravi Kanbur
1112: Privatization, concentration, and pressure for protection: a steel sector study Downloads
Ying Qian and Ronald C. Duncan
1111: Foreign investment law in Central and Eastern Europe Downloads
Cheryl W. Gray and William Jarosz
1110: What would happen if all developing countries expanded their manufactured exports? Downloads
Will Martin
1109: Risk management and stable financial structures Downloads
Andrew Sheng and Yoon Je Cho
1108: Public output and private decisions: conceptual issues in the evaluation of Government activities and their implications for fiscal policy Downloads
Thanos Catsambas
1107: Financial reform lessons and strategies Downloads
Gerard Caprio, Izak Atiyas and James Hanson
1106: Improving women's access to higher education: a review of World Bank project experience Downloads
Halil Dundar and Jennifer Haworth
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