Policy Research Working Paper Series
From The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Roula I. Yazigi (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 3207: The limits to competition in urban bus services in developing countries

- Antonio Estache and Andres Gomez-Lobo
- 3206: On the geography of trade: distance is alive and well

- Celine Carrere and Maurice Schiff
- 3205: Poor people's knowledge: helping poor people to earn from their knowledge

- Joseph Finger
- 3204: The determinants of financing obstacles

- Thorsten Beck, Luc Laeven and Vojislav Maksimovic
- 3203: Financial development, growth, and poverty: how close are the links?

- Patrick Honohan
- 3202: Governance and bank valuation

- Gerard Caprio, Luc Laeven and Ross Levine
- 3201: A literature review on the use of expert opinion in probabilistic risk analysis

- Fumika Ouchi
- 3200: When is external debt sustainable?

- Aart Kraay and Vikram Nehru
- 3199: On the measurement of solvency of insurance companies: recent developments that will alter methodsadopted in emerging markets

- Craig Thorburn
- 3198: Market access for sale: Latin America's lobbying for U.S. tariff preferences

- Hiau Looi Kee, Marcelo Olarreaga and Peri Silva
- 3197: Building and running general equilibrium models in EViews

- Essama-Nssah
- 3196: Technological asymmetry among foreign investors and mode of entry

- Beata Javorcik and Kamal Saggi
- 3195: Government procurement: Market access, transparency, and multilateral trade rules

- Simon Evenett and Bernard Hoekman
- 3194: Law and firms'access to finance

- Thorsten Beck, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Ross Levine
- 3193: Quantifying the impact of services liberalization in a developing country

- Denise Konan and Keith Maskus
- 3192: Greenfield foreign direct investment and mergers and acquisitions - feedback and macroeconomic effects

- Cesar Calderon, Norman Loayza and Luis Serven
- 3191: Robustness of subjective welfare analysis in a poor developing country - Madagascar 2001

- Michael Lokshin, Nithin Umapathi and Stefano Paternostro
- 3190: On the quantity and quality of knowledge - the impact of openness and foreign research and development on North-North and North-South technology spillovers

- Maurice Schiff and Yanling Wang
- 3189: Do market pressures induce economic efficiency ? The case of Slovenian manufacturing, 1994-2001

- Peter Orazem and Milan Vodopivec
- 3188: Trading market access for competition policy enforcement

- Bernard Hoekman and Kamal Saggi
- 3187: To serve the community or oneself - the public servant's dilemma

- Abigail Barr, Magnus Lindelow and Pieter Serneels
- 3186: Donor fragmentation and bureaucratic quality in aid recipients

- Stephen Knack and Aminur Rahman
- 3185: Does infrastructure reform work for the poor? A case study from Guatemala

- Vivien Foster and M. Caridad Araujo
- 3184: Volatility and growth

- Viktoria Hnatkovska and Norman Loayza
- 3183: Conflicts of interest in self-regulation: can demutualized exchanges successfully manage them?

- John W. Carson
- 3182: The International Finance Corporation's MBA survey: how developing country firms rate local business school training

- Azam Chaudhry
- 3181: Temporary sequestration credits: an instrument for carbon bears

- Kenneth M. Chomitz and Franck Lecocq
- 3180: Equitable provision of long-term public goods: the role of negotiation mandates

- Franck Lecocq and Jean-Charles Hourcade
- 3179: International migration, remittances, and poverty in developing countries

- Richard Adams and John Page
- 3178: Small and medium enterprises, growth, and poverty: cross-country evidence

- Thorsten Beck and Ross Levine
- 3177: Does infrastructure reform work for the poor? A case study on the cities of La Paz and El Alto in Bolivia

- Vivien Foster and Osvaldo Irusta
- 3176: Location decisions and nongovernmental organization motivation: evidence from rural Bangladesh

- Anna Fruttero and Varun Gauri
- 3175: The use of"asset swaps"by institutional investors in South Africa

- Dimitri Vittas
- 3174: Inequality of outcomes and inequality of opportunities in Brazil

- François Bourguignon, Francisco Ferreira and Marta Menéndez
- 3173: Distributional effects of crises: the role of financial transfers

- Marina Halac and Sergio Schmukler
- 3172: Supply-side school improvement and the learning achievement of the poorest children in indigenous and rural schools - the case of PARE

- Vicente Paqueo and Gladys Lopez-Acevedo
- 3171: On the use of transparent formulae to allocate federal education transfers

- Vicente Paqueo, Gladys Lopez-Acevedo and Suhas Parandekar
- 3170: Direct support to private firms - evidence on effectiveness

- Geeta Batra and Syed Mahmood
- 3169: Is inequality in Africa really different ?

- Branko Milanovic
- 3168: Banking in developing countries in the 1990s

- James A. Hanson
- 3167: Combining insurance, contingent debt, and self-retention in an optimal corporate risk financing strategy

- Eugene Gurenko and Olivier Mahul
- 3166: In measuring aggregate"social efficiency"

- Martin Ravallion
- 3165: Social protection in a crisis - Argentina's Plan Jefes y Jefas

- Emanuela Galasso and Martin Ravallion
- 3164: Democracy, public expenditures, and the poor

- Philip Keefer and Stuti Khemani
- 3163: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals: The role of infrastructure

- Marianne Fay, Danny Leipziger, Quentin Wodon and Tito Yepes
- 3162: The political economy of public spending on education, inequality, and growth

- Mark Gradstein
- 3161: Liquidity needs and vulnerability to financial udnerdevelopment

- Claudio Raddatz
- 3160: Monetary policy and sectoral shocks: did the Federal Reserve react properly to the high-tech crisis?

- Claudio Raddatz and Roberto Rigobon
- 3159: Does judicial efficiency lower the cost of credit

- Luc Laeven and Giovanni Majnoni
- 3158: Restoring economic growth in Argentina

- William Cline
- 3157: On the utility consistency of poverty lines

- Martin Ravallion and Michael Lokshin
- 3156: Tariff evasion and customs corruption: does pre-shipment inspection help?

- Olivier Cadot, José Ansón and Marcelo Olarreaga
- 3155: Evaluating the impact of infrastructure rehabilitation projects on household welfare in rural Georgia

- Michael Lokshin and Ruslan Yemtsov
- 3154: The twin effects of globalization

- Francesco Daveri, Paolo Manasse and Danilo Serra
- 3153: Gender and poverty: a life cycle approach to the analysis of the differences in gender outcomes

- Michael Lokshin and Thomas Mroz
- 3152: The long-run economic costs of AIDS: theory and an application to South Africa

- Clive Bell, Shantayanan Devarajan and Hans Gersbach
- 3151: A multi-output cost function for port terminals: some guidelines for regulation

- Lourdes Trujillo, Sergio Jara-Diaz and Beatriz Tovar
- 3150: Income-related biases in international trade: what do trademark registration data tell us?

- Carsten Fink, Beata Javorcik and Mariana Spatareanu
- 3149: Rules of thumb for evaluating preferential trading arrangements: evidence from computable general equilibrium assessments

- Glenn Harrison, Thomas Rutherford and David Tarr
- 3148: Gender wage differentials in Brazil: trends over a turbulent era

- Reza (Gholamreza) Arabsheibani, Francisco Carneiro and Andrew Henley
- 3147: Human capital and earnings inequality in Brazil, 1988-98: quantile regression evidence

- Reza (Gholamreza) Arabsheibani, Francisco Carneiro and Andrew Henley
- 3146: The price of inconvertible deposits - the stock market boom during the Argentine crisis

- Eduardo Levy Yeyati, Sergio Schmukler and Neeltje Van Horen
- 3145: Alternative paths to structural adjustment in Uzbekistan in a three-gap framework

- Thilakaratna Ranaweera
- 3144: Market disequilibria and inflation in Uzbekistan, 1994-2000

- Thilak Ranaweera
- 3143: Who benefits from labor market regulations? Chile 1960-1998

- Claudio Montenegro and Carmen Pages
- 3142: Credit reporting and financing constraints

- Inessa Love and Nataliya Mylenko
- 3141: Poverty in India during the1990s - a regional perspective

- Yoko Kijima and Peter Lanjouw
- 3140: Raising the quality of secondary education in East Asia

- Kaoru Nabeshima
- 3139: Contracting models of the Phillips curve - empirical estimates for Middle-income countries

- Pierre-Richard Agénor and Nihal Bayraktar
- 3138: Fiscal federalism and regional growth: evidence from the Russian Federation in the 1990s

- Raj Desai, Lev Freinkman and Itzhak Goldberg
- 3137: Using survey data to assess the distributional effects of trade policy

- Guido Porto
- 3136: Legal institutions and financial development

- Thorsten Beck and Ross Levine
- 3135: Trade reforms, market access, and poverty in Argentina

- Guido Porto
- 3134: Institutional reform and the judiciary: which way forward?

- Roumeen Islam
- 3133: Emerging trends in WTO dispute settlement: back to the GATT?

- Peter Holmes, Jim Rollo and Alasdair R. Young
- 3132: Regional integration and technology diffusion: the case of the North America free trade agreement

- Maurice Schiff and Yanling Wang
- 3131: Social sector expenditures and rainy-day funds

- Christian Y. Gonzalez and Vicente Paqueo
- 3130: The role of advocacy in competition policy: the case of the Argentine gasoline market

- Tomas Serebrisky
- 3129: Price caps, efficiency payoffs, and infrastructure contract renegotiation in Latin America

- Antonio Estache, Jose-Luis Guasch and Lourdes Trujillo
- 3128: Child growth, shocks, and food aid in rural Ethiopia

- Takashi Yamano, Harold Alderman and Luc Christiaensen
- 3127: Small and medium enterprises across the globe: a new database

- Meghana Ayyagari, Thorsten Beck and Asli Demirguc-Kunt
- 3126: Public disclosure of environmental violations in the Republic of Korea

- Jong Ho Long, Benoit Laplante and Craig Meisner
- 3125: Economic analysis of health care utilization and perceived illness; ethnicity and other factors

- Vicente Paqueo and Christian Y. Gonzalez
- 3124: The impact of structural reforms on poverty: a simple methodology with extensions

- Neil McCulloch
- 3123: Production and cost functions and their application to the port sector: a literature survey

- Beatrice Tovar, Sergio Jara-Diaz and Lourdes Trujillo
- 3122: Individual attitudes toward corruption: do social effects matter?

- Roberta Gatti, Stefano Paternostro and Iamele Rigolini
- 3121: Do bilateral investment treaties attract foreign direct investment? Only a bit - and they could bite

- Mary Hallward-Driemeier
- 3120: Land rights and economic development: evidence from Vietnam

- Quy-Toan Do and Lakshmi Iyer
- 3119: Evaluating the impact of conditional cash transfer programs: lessons from Latin America

- Laura B. Rawlings and Gloria M. Rubio
- 3118: To share or not to share: does local participation matter for spillovers from foreign direct investment?

- Beata Javorcik and Mariana Spatareanu
- 3117: Policy research on migration and development

- David P. Ellerman
- 3116: Dollarization of the banking system: good or bad?

- Gianni De Nicolo, Patrick Honohan and Alain Ize
- 3115: Integrating housing wealth into the social safety net: the elderly in Moscow

- Robert Buckley, Kim Cartwright, Raymond Struyk and Edward Szymanoski
- 3114: The dynamics of foreign bank ownership - evidence from Hungary

- Giovanni Majnoni, Rashmi Shankar and Eva Varhegyi
- 3113: What drives bank competition? some international evidence

- Stijn Claessens and Luc Laeven
- 3112: On the timing of marriage, cattle, and weather shocks in rural Zimbabwe

- Johannes Hoogeveen, Bas van der Klaauw and Gijsbert Van Lomwel
- 3111: International trade and wage discrimination: evidence from East Asia

- Günseli Berik, Yana Rodgers and Joseph Zveglich
- 3110: Governance of public pension funds: lessons from corporate governance and international evidence

- David Hess and Gregorio Impavido
- 3109: The impact of China's WTO accession on East Asia

- Elena Ianchovichina and Terrie Walmsley
- 3108: Stabilization and association process in the Banlkans: integration options and their assessment

- Bartlomiej Kaminski and Manuel de la Rocha
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